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after a mob gathered in front of the English Embassy and smashed the windows. About midnight appeared an extra announcing that England had declared war against Germany.

For several days thereafter it was dangerous to speak English on the streets. Most of the Americans appeared with American fags in their buttonholes in order to avoid being taken for English. The Spionenjagd, or hunt for spies, which had been carried on eagerly and enthusiastically against the Russans and French, was now turned against the English as well. Russian and French names and signs had been disappearing for some days, and now the English also began to go. Numerous storekeepers were to be seen scraping Russian, French, and English signs from their windows. The Café Boncourt became the Kurfürstendam Kaffeehaus. The Piccadilly Café became the Vaterland Kaffeehaus. In the window of a clothing store which I passed every day there appeared a sign from the proprietor stating that, even though he had sold English clothing for twenty-four years, he was a patriotic German and had two sons in the army and would sell no more English clothing. In the window of a store in which American typewriters were sold appeared a sign that only machines of American make were sold, and only Germans were in the employ of the firm. Even the menu began to change its appearance, and purely German expressions took the place of the foreign.

On Wednesday, August 5, not only the English Ambassador but the Belgian diplomatic representative as well left Berlin, and on Thursday it was announced that Belgium had declared war against Germany. This was, of course, due to the German invasion of Belgium which had now taken place. It seemed to be fully expected and therefore was apparently little noticed by the public.

On the evening of Friday came the report, officially confirmed, that the city and forts of Liège were taken. This report caused great jubilation and gave rise to the feeling that there was little in the way of the march to Paris. It was not until after I left Germany that I learned the truth about Liège. It is very doubtful if the General Staff made any statements with regard to the fighting at Liège which were not strictly accurate. But the reports which reached the public were of such a nature as to rouse a degree of confidence which must have led to much disappointment later on when the march to


Paris did not progress as rapidly as was expected. One German gentleman of very highstrung temperament told me that he could not sleep from the time the war began until after the so-called victory of Liège, when he slept peacefully in the assurance that the German soldiers would win.

One indication of the Germans' hostility to foreigners growing out of their feeling that Germany was attacked unjustly by other countries was seen in the Spionenjagd, which would have been ridiculous if it had not been so serious. The military authorities and the press asked the people to be on the lookout for spies. This request had its effect far beyond all expectations. For some days every German in Berlin seemed on the hunt for spies. Numerous Russians, French, and English who were so unfortunate as to be in Berlin and unable to leave were seized by mobs, and would in many cases have been seriously injured if it had not been for the quick action of the police. Also many other foreigners as well, among them a number of Americans, had similar experiences. And even quite a number of Germans, among them officers and soldiers, were suspected. One day on the Jägerstrasse I saw an enormous crowd containing thousands of persons gather around some soldiers whom somebody had suspected. It was not until the police could make their way through the crowd and rescue the soldiers that the excitement subsided. On another occasion I was passing by a railway station late in the evening when some one raised the cry that spies were to be found in a certain house. A large crowd gathered immediately, and it was not until a visit was made to a neighboring police station, where apparently the police officers succeeded in persuading the crowd to desist from the hunt, that the crowd dispersed. I heard one German in this crowd, more selfcontrolled than the rest, urging those around him to quiet themselves, and saying that it was not like the Germans to act in this way. And it was indeed true that on many occasions during these days the traditional phlegmatic Teutonic temperament seemed to disappear and to be replaced temporarily by the more excitable Latin temperament.

However, the police seemed to do their duty well, and prevented serious injury on most if not all occasions. The military authorities, and the press also, probably realizing that their request to the people had had too great an effect, issued warnings that the hunt for spies

be not carried on so ardently and that order in general be kept more carefully. Furthermore, the orderliness which is drilled into the Germans doubtless asserted itself and assisted greatly in quelling the excitement.

Within a day or two after the mobilization began many soldiers were marching through the streets on their way to the war. There were regiments of infantry, troops of cavalry, batteries of artillery, and long lines of forage, ammunition, and hospital wagons. At first these soldiers were greeted with loud cheers, and both soldiers and spectators joined in singing" Die Wacht am Rhein," "Deutschland über Alles," and Unser Kaiser," and in crying out " Auf wiedersehen!" Nach Paris" and "Nach Petersburg!" But as the days passed the troops were watched more and more in silence. This was doubtless due in part to the fact that the sight had become a wonted one. But it was probably also due in part to the fact that the war was becoming a very grave and living reality which


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was touching the life of the people very seriously.

The mobilization of the German army was indeed a remarkable sight. The General Staff, for obvious reasons, gave out no figures with regard to the number of men in the field. But it was said that by the end of the six days of mobilizing there were over three million men along the French and Belgian borders and a lesser number along the Russian border. And yet these millions of men were equipped and moved to the front with an orderliness and precision which indicated long and careful preparation.

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E have seen nowhere a better statement of Great Britain's attitude in the European crisis than that made in the following editorial from the London "Spectator" of August 8. It may well be that what our fellow-citizens of German ancestry call America's lack of sympathy with Germany is due to a subconscious fear of the world danger which would result from the supremacy of Germany's view of war as defined by the "Spectator:"


The great war has come. Why has it come?" is the bewildered question of all English men and women. How does it happen that within a week Germany and Austria-Hungary are at war with France, with Russia, with Britain, with Servia, with Belgium, and that it is exceedingly likely that to the list will have to be added Holland, Switzerland, and Denmark, and, later, Italy, Rumania, and Greece? People have begun to realize pretty generally that Germany brought on the war, or, at any rate, when Austria-Hungary had brought it on by what appeared to be her rash act, did not stop it, as undoubtedly she could have stopped it had she chosen. Why, instead of calming down the Austrians, and claiming our aid, which we

were only too eager to give, in calming down Russia and France, did Germany never once show any real anxiety to get Europe out of so bad a business? Putting the most favorable construction that we possibly can upon the behavior of the German Government, that Government showed from the beginning a complete cynicism as to the result. The very most that can be said in Germany's favor is that she exhibited at first a certain diplomatic respectability in regard to the stages by which the world slid into war. "But," it will be said, "your suggestion that Germany made the war is incomprehensible, and must remain so unless you can also sug gest some explanation for her action. What was her object? Why did she play the part she has played ?"

Our answer is one which we feel bound to give because we believe it, even though it may seem to a section of our readers unjust to Germany. We believe Germany made the war, and made it because she feared that unless war came now she might have to give up her strongest national aspiration-the aspiration to be a great world Power, dominant in Europe, with vast dependencies abroad, and able to command the sea, or a any rate to be possessed of naval strength



greater than that of every other Power but Britain, with the certain prospect of equaling Britain in the future, and of developing eventually into the predominant naval State. That is Germany's aspiration, that is what she thinks it worth while to have set the world in flames to get. For, remember, she does not think, as most people here do, that she is running too terrible a risk to make such conduct sound. Rightly or wrongly, Germany believes she has the strength, if she acts at the proper moment, and if her people are ready and willing, as doubtless they are, to make the necessary sacrifices to fulfill her dream of world-power.

But why did she think the present so favorable a moment? We believe that some feeling-we will not call it panic, because that suggests cowardice, and the Germans are a very gallant race-seized her as to the magnificence of the opportunity offered by the existing state of Europe. She thought the situation was going to develop unfavorably in the future, and that she, in fact, was now on the crest of the wave. What made her think this? In the first place, and we believe that this has all along played an enormously important part, there was the opening of the Kiel Canal. A month ago that canal was finished. There has always been an undercurrent of feeling in Germany that the moment the canal was made deep enough and wide enough to take Germany's war fleet she would have gained an incalculable advantage both as regards Russia and as regards Britain. People here may be inclined to think this is an exaggeration, but, at any rate, we are sure that the Germans believe they have an enormous advantage in the canal. The next consideration was the belief that England was on the verge of civil war, and therefore that her neutrality was almost certainly assured. Again, there was the belief, encouraged by the disclosures in the French Senate, that France was at that moment very badly prepared for war. Lastly, there was the very potent impression that Russia was every day getting stronger, and that if Germany waited for another three years the advantages just named might be obliterated by vast increases in the Russian armaments, and especially in the development of her strategic railways. To put the thing in another way, we believe that the real cause of the war was that Germany was seized by one of those impulses which are prompted by the thought of "Now or

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never!"—impulses which are the most frequent cause of war. War is so terrible a thing, the risks are so awful, and so pessimistic are most statesmen as to the possibilities of maintaining peace, that those of them who have been trained in the school of Realpolitik would hold it a crime not to strike whenever they were convinced that their nation had a preponderance of power. To lose the golden opportunity seems in their eyes as wrong as suicide seems to the individual.

If that is the true view, Germany could easily find an excuse for war, much as she found it in 1866 and in 1870, by making use of Austria-Hungary's perennial quarrel with Servia. What seems to encourage the view that the attack upon Servia was intended to produce a world-wide rather than a local effect is, we think, the curious fact that Austria-Hungary has made so little progress in the Servian war. Considering her great military strength at the locus in quo, and the fact that the best part of her army is always ready for instant action in Bosnia and Herzegovina and on the Danubian frontier, it is almost incredible that Austria-Hungary should not yet have got into Servian territory. If, however, her object as the ally of Germany was to bring on a European war rather than to punish Servia, she would very naturally not wish to commit her troops to any big adventure in Servia. Having lighted the torch there, they would be wanted for far more serious work elsewhere. All, then, that would be required in Servia would be just the frontier guards necessary to prevent serious Servian raiding in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

We fully admit that, put out in cold blood, the view we have given of the origin of the war sounds incredible. Our defense of it is that at least it does supply the only explanation that has yet been suggested, except that of pure panic, which will meet the facts. Indeed, the panic suggestion is really the same as our suggestion, only expressed in somewhat different terms, and not carried so far. The German Government is not a Government which acts from panic in the It acts from calculation, though, of course, in that calculation the dread of consequences plays its part. And here let us say that in writing as we have done about Germany we do not wish to make any sanctimonious accusations of diabolical wickedness

true sense.

or special criminality. In such matters,

though it is, we confess, very difficult to judge justly, we must judge people by their own standard and not by ours; and we are bound to admit that Germany can stand that test. We do not believe that the great bulk of the German people--we are not now speaking of Germans affected by English thought, or anxious to assume a position which will find sympathizers in Englandwould really regard our view as unfair.

Germany thinks that she has got a great mission. She does not think war a crime, though of course she thinks it a misfortune, and, still further, she thinks of it as an instrument of policy, and not merely as the last resort in a conflict of wills. Therefore it does not seem to her unnatural, or mad, or wicked to make war on the lines we have described. We are not going to be judges in our own cause by talking about special acts of wickedness. We do, however, say that a Power which holds the views of war which we have ascribed, and as we believe quite properly ascribed, to Germany, is a terrible danger to the world. It may be that

Providence intends the German idea of war to prevail and German aspirations to be fulfilled. We do not think it is so, but if it is then so it will be. Meanwhile it is our duty to use every effort and every weapon at our disposal to confute the German view and save the freedom of Europe and of the world. We are not going to become a vassal State of Germany, even if that position might still secure for a generation or so our wealth and nominal independence, without a hard struggle. We may warn the Germans that we shall fight as we have never fought before in our history, and that if they think, as there seem some indications that they do, that when we are tired of the war we may be induced to abandon our allies and make peace for ourselves, they are utterly mistaken. Whatever happens, we shall not act thus. Having begun the war, we shall fight it through till we are either victors or else have been destroyed as a nation. If we perish, it will be with the feeling that we have fallen with our honor and our good faith intact.


The Outlook has received a great many letters from its readers containing expressions of opinion on the causes and probable outcome of the war in Europe, some incidentally approving and others finding fault with The Outlook's editorial interpretation of the situation. Obviously it would be impossible to publish all of these, but below are extracts from some of the more interesting letters.-THE EDITORS.

... The sympathy expressed for the German people and the criticism against their Government is entirely inconsistent with the thought of the German nation: the people and their Government are one in this great fight against Slavism and barbarism. There is absolutely no question in my mind but that Germany is waging the fight single-handed for the entire civilized world against the aggression of the Russian horde. HENRY C. SCHEER.

Glen Ridge, New Jersey.

You entirely miss the point. It is a question of Teutonic supremacy, synonymous with enlightenment, or Muscovite rule, equivalent to oppression; and it is the Muscovite rule England and France are endeavoring to fasten on Europe by their assistance. . . Cleveland, Ohio. A. J. GAEHR.

Do you suppose for one moment that a Government like that of Germany, having built up a strong and prosperous nation, would not know better than attempt to make Belgium and Holland Germanic provinces and reduce Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and England to subordinate positions? How long could such an experiment last? Please also note that the German Emperor and his Government have a united Germany following them into this war, including the four million Socialists, which is a sure sign of the general belief that the war from the German point of view is a just HERMAN P. ROEPER.

war. ...

Reading, Pennsylvania.

. . . If I am correctly informed, this war is the greatest crime of the ages; its lesson


to the twentieth century is to show humanity the stupendous stupidity of one hundred millions of intelligent beings putting their lives and that of their families in the hands and at the disposal of two men of questionable sanity to be used with as little consideration as a Kansas farmer gives to his grasshoppers. . . . What became of the sons of German patriots that ran from Europe in 1848 to escape such conditions as now exist? Glens Falls, New York. L. P. JUVET.

... What will be the effect? It will probably be that England and Germany, madly believing that each is the other's worst enemy, will very soon jump at each other's throats with a degree of bitterness unparalleled, leaving perhaps other foes at rest in order to grapple with each other in this horrifying struggle. Each combatant is strong and may inflict on the other wounds that will take a long time to heal. Even the victor may be a loser. The Slav and Oriental will rejoice in the fall of the mighty. It is all a tremendous blunder, a biunder in the statesmanship of both countries. The only possible alliance which can guarantee the peace of Europe is one between England and Germany, hitherto the greatest powers on sea and land respectively. Will they be able to see this after.the fight? It is much to be hoped they will, and that they may have strength enough left to command the other nations to be at peace.

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I have just read your statement “ The War Against Popular Rights," and take the liberty to say that I am pained and grieved at the misstatement of the matters and affairs in Europe. The author of the statement cannot have knowledge of history, or he deliberately distorts to create sympathy.

"Austria wanted Servia," he says, when he should have known that Servian independence was obtained mainly by the good will of Austria; that the continued agitation and inciting to revolts and insurrection, emanating from the secure retreat in Servia, led to the assassination in Bosnia by a Servian, with Servian arms from the State armory, and that the denial of the demand of Austria to have a representative at the trial of the conspirators against peace and order in Austria-Hungary caused the declaration of war. H. A. BUTzow.

Wateka, Illinois


I wish to express warmest appreciation of your editorial on "The War Against Popular Rights." It sets forth the real gist of the war in a most able and illuminating manner. The issue is between militarism and civilianism. Should Germany win a triumphant victory, the whole world in due time will be turned into a military camp. Her writers have revealed only too plainly in what contempt she holds the Monroe Doctrine. Let her get the mastery of the seas, and America will be driven to double her navy. It has been the English navy more than ours that has compelled outward respect for that Doctrine. any scouts the idea, let him observe how Germany trampled every principle of justice under foot and robbed China of one of her finest harbors Tsingtau-with much territory besides—one of the most high-handed political crimes that history records. St. Paul, Minnesota.



Why should England have the supremacy of the sea? Should it not be a highway where our ships or German ships or any other ships can go unmolested? In fact, I fear the time will come when we, too, like Germany, will find that to protect our commerce we will have to fight, because England's present attitude is doubtless due to her feeling that Germany is crowding her in the markets of the world. When she finds that we are crowding her, she will be ready to combine with Jap or Turk against us. . . HENRY VOSHOLL. Warrenton, Missouri.

I have just read the August 15 number of The Outlook, and was greatly interested in your article on "The War Against Popular Rights." Your views on the European war are the views of ninety-five per cent of the people of East Tennessee who appreciate the brave struggle of little Servia against her infinitely selfish and egotistical antagonist, Austria, and heartily sympathize with the small but liberty-loving nations south of the Danube. . . . The almost inevitable result of this war will be the downfall of the Hohenzollern dynasty amidst the lamentations and execrations of the mothers left childless, the wives left husbandless, the children left fatherless, and a people humiliated, crushed, and defeated. L. C. FORD.

Harrogate, Tennessee.

I wish to commend very highly the spirit of your war editorials in your issue of August

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