........ De Bow's "Review," infamous character of.... J. D. Supt. of cotton and produce loan........ Disappointment in the South at Northern unity.. 66 on the invasion" of Virginia.. Fox, Surgeon U. S. A., mission to Fort Sumter recognition, Confederate faith in. 268 57 11 192 102 wars, cost of...... .244, 246 93 305 305 365 436 speech of, on the power of the Executive ..... escape from Rosecrans at Gauley river..... 459 Fremont, Maj. Gen. John C., history of his one hundred days' rule............322 -341 461 194 476 proclamation of freedom... 327 " number of his force........ 329 explanations regarding the loss of Lexington, Mo..... 332 mation of freedom....... 333 Thomas ..... "body guard of, dash into Springfield disposition for battle....... 242 Fry, Captain, efforts to burn bridges in East Tennessee.. 418 246 104 Garnett, General, flight from Beverly.... 333 336 ........ ...... 335 proceedings against secessionists. 458 explanation of order No. 3....... 522 Kane, George P., arrest of, by Butler... 146 ..353-356 353 release of, and his "address" 369 317 report of.............. 463 GENERAL REFERENCE INDEX. PAGE. 533 PAGE. 374 414-416 Kentucky, position of, in March, '61.................19, 24 Lincoln, Abraham, second call for volunteers.... 141 Legislative address to the people.. military situation in Sept., '61...... Anderson in command in... militia and State guards called military situation, Nov. 15, '61........... loyal quota in the field, Nov. 7 373 Logan's place, Federal camp at..... 373 battle of (Mill Springs). 374 Louisville, loyal meeting in, April 18, '61...........100, 167 Loyal States, ability of, to sustain a state of war....... 512 23 425 66 426 66 Lyon, Capt. Nathaniel, activity in Missouri.. 66 seizure of Camp Jackson........ 160 of Brigadier-General, (as General-Commanding) pursuit of Price...... 278 dispersion of rebels at Booneville, July 17, '61.. 280 164 .......... 165 279 57 first military proclamation 281 57 policy and plans..... 282 467 position at Springfield, July, '61.... 285 advance to meet the enemy.. 286 "plans for the battle of Bull Run........ 253 Mercier, M., instructions in the Mason and Slidell affair. 408 of the Judah..... Military movements in the North. 46 contributions expeditions, comparative tables of........... 356 238 447 Napoleon, Emperor, proclamation of neutrality, &c..... 476 356 350 167 163 295 368 368 513 disloyal, denial to the mails. Mr. Blair's -49 394 New York troops, morning April 19, '61..... Chamber of Commerce resolutions, April 19, '61 105 Union defense committee................... 95 97 .....98, 116 116 115 29-31 city, taxation in. 247 |