CHAPTER XI. THE FIRST COMBINED NAVAL AND LAND EXPEDITION. BOMBARDMENT AND CAPTURE OF T.HE FORTS AT HATTERAS INLET. OPERATIONS IN NORTH CAROLINA. STATE OF THE BLOCKADE. THE PRIVATEER SUMTER-PRIZES. THE ATTACK ON WILSON'S ZOUAVES Ο Ν SANTA ROSA ISLAND. HOLLINS' ASSAULT ON BLOCKADING VESSELS. THE CONFLICT AT CHICACOMICO. THE The Hatteras Expe dition. Nature of the North GENERAL Wool relieved | All of this fleet except the General Butler Aug. 16th, Susquehanna and Cumber1861, of the command at land arrived off Hatteras Fortress Munroe. Butler was detailed Inlet during Tuesday, August 27th. Not unto active duty. The War and Navy til the vessels were at sea were any but the Departments having arranged the first of a directors of the enterprize aware of the point series of expeditions against the Southern of attack. Forts Hatteras and Clark comcoast, the command of the land forces was manded the entrance to the Sounds of Pamconferred upon Butler-Commodore S. H. lico and Albermarle, whose waters were a Stringham directing the naval arm. Materi- great rendezvous for traders running the als for the adventure were rapidly gathered blockade. Newbern, Washington, Plymouth, at Fortress Munroe from the date of August all drove a brisk business in the contraband 16th to the 26th, on which day the fleet took trade, affording vast supplies to the Confedits departure. It consisted of the following erate armies, as well as to the people of the vessels: frigate Minnesota, flag-ship, carrying South. The dangerous character of the fifty guns; frigate Wabash, fifty guns; frigate coast, with its long lines of sand bars, and Cumberland, fifty guns; Susquehanna, eleven beaches reaching out into the sea, rendered guns; Pawnee, eight guns, besides a pivot that locality one particularly favorable to gun; Harriet Lane, five guns, new rifled can- vessels running the blockade; while North non; propeller Monticello, six guns; steamers Carolina tar, turpentine and cotton offered Adelaide and George Peabody, transports, car-rich returns to the adventurous speculator. rying eight hundred troops, of whom eighty It was mainly to break up this commerce were regulars (artillery) under command of Captain Learned. The volunteer force was composed of one hundred and forty men from the Naval brigade, under command of Captain Nixon; three companies from the Ninth New York volunteers, under command of Colonel Hawkins; and a detachment from Colonel Max Weber's regiment, under command of Colonel W. Two or three old hulks and one or two schooners were taken in tow, with the design of sinking them at the mouths of inlets, for the purpose of obstructing navigation at the points where rebel craft were known to congregate. The tug-boats Fanny and Tempest also accompanied the expedition. The that the expedition was organized; though Fort Hatterass. |