HISTORICAL killed and his forces routed, Rebel loss, 200 killed and wounded, and a large number of prisoners. Union loss, 13 killed and 40 wounded. -Jno. B. Clark, from third district of Mo., expelled from the U. S. House of Representatives. -Gallant fight at Barboursville, Va. Three companies of Colonel Woodruff's regiment (Second Ken -Major-General McClellan called to the command of the Army of the Potomac. Great excitement and indignation throughout the loyal States at McDowell's defeat. -The Missouri State Convention reconvened.-Colonel Sweeny disperses a band of rebels at Forsyth, Mo., killing five of them. tucky) drove out six hundred of the enemy, strongly Rock river, Va. Nine vessels burned and one seJuly 24.-Lieutenant Crosby's successful dash up posted, at the bayonet's point. July 15.-Skirmish at Bunker Hill, Va. The rebel cavalry (600) routed by Patterson's advance. July 16.-Advance of the Army of the Potomac toward Centreville and Manansas. July 17.-Skirmish at Fulton, Mo. Rebels driven back with loss. -Fairfax Court House occupied by McDowell's advance.--Conflict at Scarytown. The Federals repulsed with a loss of thirty killed and wounded. July 18.-First engagement of the advance at Blackburn Ford, on Bull Run. General Tyler encounters Beauregard's right advance in a strong position. After a sharp engagement, and acting under orders not to bring on an engagement, Tyler fell back to Centerville to await the coming up of the main body. Union loss, 19 killed, 38 wouuded, 26 missing. Rebel loss, (Beauregard's report,) 15 killed, 53 wounded. -General Patterson moves his entire army from Bunker Hill to Charleston, Va., thus leaving the main road to Winchester. Patterson is under orders to engage Johnston's forces at Winchester, to prevent him from reenforcing Beauregard. Patterson's movement to Charleston lets Johnston escape to reenforce the main body at Bull Run. July 19.-General Banks ordered to supersede ters. General Dix assumes Banks' command. -The Confederate Congress assembles at Richmond. Intense anxiety prevails regarding the fate of the rebel army at Bull Run and Manansas. Johnston ordered to reenforce Beauregard. July 21.-Battle of Bull Run. McDowell engages Beauregard with 27,000 troops, three miles from Manassas Junction. A desperate conflict of five hours duration follows. The Unionists had nearly won the field, and Beauregard had decided to fall back on Manansas, when he was reenforced by Johnston's command from Winchester. This decided the day against the Federal army, which had not counted upon the possibility even of Patterson's allow ing Johnston to escape from Winchester. The "army panic" seized the Unionists. They fled from the bloody field in disorder. Union loss, 479 killed, 1,011 wounded, 1,500 prisoners-most of the latter being too exhausted to leave the field, while some preferred capture to a disgraceful flight. Rebel loss, (Beauregard's report,) 269 killed, 1,483 Wounded. The Unionists also lost 17 pieces of artillery, 150 boxes of small arms cartridges, 87 boxes of rifled cannon ammunition, 30 boxes of old fire 13 wagons loaded with provisions, 2,500 muskets, 8,000 knapsacks, blankets, &c. The Unionists fell back upon the line of entrenchments on the Potomac, unpursued by the enemy. arms, cured as a prize. July 25.-McClellan arrives in Washington to find great demoralization existing in the army, consequent of the defeat at Bull Run, and the expiration of the terms of service of the first enlisted (three months) troops, who gradually return home. -General Rosecrans assigned to the command of the Army of Occupation of Western Virginia." McClellan's Department of the Ohio ceases to exist. -General Cox occupies Charleston, Va. Wise retreats up the river. -General Fremont arrives in St. Louis and takes command. General Banks arrives at Harper's Ferry and assumes command -Toombs, Confederate Secretary of State, resigns, and R. M. T. Hunter named to his place. July 26.-Fight at Lane's Prairie, Mo. Rebels repulsed. July 28.-General thanksgiving in the Confederacy for the victory at Manassas. July 29.-Engagement by four Federal gunboats with a battery planted at Acquia Creek, on the Potomac. No particular effect produced. -Wise destroys the Gauley River bridge, Va., and flies up the Kanawha to escape Cox's pursuit. July 30.-The Missouri State Convention declares the offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of State to be vacant. Aug. 1-The Secretary of War settles the " contraband" question, by ordering all slaves then within the Federal lines, or such as might come in, to be put to work on military works and paid as day laborers.-Governor Gamble of Missouri, inaugurated, -Expedition departed from St. Louis to occupy Bird's Point and Cairo. Aug. 2.-The bill providing for 500,000 men passes Congress.-Battle near Dug Spring, Mo. Lyon defeats Ben McCullough's advance division; Rebel loss, 40 killed, 44 wounded: Union loss, 8 killed, 30 wounded.-Fort Fillmore, in New Mexico, betrayed by its commander, Major Lynde, together with its garrison of 750 men.-Destruction of Rebel stores and vessels by the Unionists, in Pokomoke sound. Aug. 3.-Congress passes act confiscating all slaves used by rebels for military purposes. Aug. 5.--Galveston "awakened" by a few bombs from the blockading fleet.-Rebels defeated at A'heus, Mo.-Skirmish at Point of Rocks, Va. Aug. 6.-The Federal Congress adjourns. Aug. 7.-Hampton, Va., wantonly burned by the rebel General, Magruder.-Privateer York burned by the U. S. gunboat Union. Aug. 8.-Rebels routed at Lovettsville, Va. Aug. 9.-Rebels defeated at Potosi, Mo.; 30 killed and wounded. Aug. 10. Bloody battle at Wilson's Creek, Mo. General Lyon with 5200 men attacks the rebels July 22.-The Confederate Congress appoints a day of thanksgiving for the victory at Manansas. 17,000 strong, under command of Ben McCullough and Generals Price and Rains. Lyon killed heading a charge, when his forces fall back to Springfield and then retreat to Rolla, in good order. Union loss, 263 killed, 721 wounded. Rebel loss, 421 killed and over 1000 wounded. Aug. 12.-General Wool appointed to the command of Fortress Monroe. Aug. 13.-Grafton, Va., occupied by Union troops. Rebel loss, 21.-Skirmish at Mathias Point, Va. Union loss, 3 killed, 1 wounded. Aug. 14.-Fremont declares martial law in St. Louis.--Jefferson Davis notifies all who do not recognize his authority to leave the Confederate States within forty days. Aug. 30.-Fort Morgan (Ocrakoke Inlet, N. C.) abandoned by the enemy.-Fremont proclaims mar tial law throughout Missouri. He also declares the confiscation of all property of those in arms against the Government and the freedom of all their slaves. Sept. 1.-Rout of rebels at Boone C. H., Western Virginia. A gallant charge made by Captain Wheeler's command; 11 rebels killed and 40 secured as prisoners. The entire village burned.-Sharp skirmish at Bennett's Mills, Dent county, Mo. A small body of Home Guards repulse 250 rebels. Union loss, 2 killed, 7 wounded. Sept. 2.-Appeal to the people to subscribe to the National 7.30 loan, made by the Secretary of the Treasury. Charleston, Va. Home Guards surrounded near Harper's Ferry by a section of the Thirteenth Massachusetts. Rebel loss, 8 killed, 5 wound Aug. 16.-The President of the U. S. orders all commercial intercourse between the loyal and seceded States to cease.-Surprise by Colonel Heckered, 22 prisoners.-Fight near Fort Scott, Kansas. of a rebel camp at Fredericktown, Mo. Aug. 18.-Skirmish at Lady's Fork, Va. The rebels worsted. Aug. 19.-A number of newspapers mobbed in the Northern States for disloyal sentiments.-Commerce, Mo., retaken by the Federalists.-Pierce Butler of Philadelphia, arrested for giving information to the Confederates. The rebel General, Rains, repulses an attack made on him by Montgomery.-Attack, by Colonel Crossman, of General Kelley's staff, upon a secession camp at Worthington, Marion county Va. Sept. 3.-Bridge over the Little Platte river, of Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad, so weakened by a fire recently set, that a passenger train was precip itated into the river. Seventeen men, women and children killed and sixty wounded. Aug. 20.-Skirmish at Hawk's Nest, Kanawha valley, Va. The rebels, 4000 strong, assault the position of the Eleventh Ohio regiment, and are repulsed, with a loss reported at 50 killed; Union loss 2 killed.--Assault upon Charleston, Mo. The rebels driven out with a loss of 40 killed and 17 prisoners.pying Missouri, opposite Columbus. Union loss, 1 killed, 6 wounded.-The Wheeling Convention passes an ordinance (50 to 28) erecting Western Virginia into the State of Kanawha.-General McClellan formally announces his assumption of chief command of the "Army of the Potomac." Aug, 21.-Skirmish at Cross Lanes, Va. Aug. 22. The newspapers in New York city presented by the Grand Jury as disloyal, are denied the use of the mails, by order of the P, M. General. Sept. 4.-Kentucky invaded by the rebels under General Polk. Positions taken at Hickman, Chalk Bluffs and Columbus. Polk's proclamation gave as his reason for this that the Federalists were occu Aug. 24.-Governor Gamble, of Mo., issues a call for 42,000 troops for the State service to assist in driving the rebels from the State.-The Mayor of Washington City, D. C., arrested for refusing to take the oath of allegiance. Aug. 26.-Surprise of the Fourth Ohio regiment at breakfast by 3000 infantry, 400 cavalry and 10 guns, under Floyd. The Ohioans, with the utmost cooluess, formed in line of battle, fought until the enemy began to outflank them, then charged and cut their way through the rebel ranks. No pursuit was offered. The baggage train of the Ohioans retired safely to Gauley bridge. -The Hatteras expedition sails from Fortress Monroe, under command of Major-General Butler and Commodore Stringham. Aug. 28, 29.-Bombardment of Forts Hatteras and Clark, by the fleet under command of Commodore Stringham. The Forts capitulated (29th) after suffering from a terrific fire from the fleet. Rebel loss, 8 killed, 25 wounded, 710 prisoners (including Commodore Barron and 44 officers) twenty-five 32pounders, 1000 stands of arms, great quantity of munitions, stores, &c. Union loss, none. Three prize Vessels seized inside of the Inlet.-Attack on Sept. 4.-Eleven hundred men commanded by Colonel H. G. Williams at Shelbina, Mo., attacked by the rebel Martin Greene's command. The Fede rals had to retreat to escape capture, with a loss of all the camp equipage, &c. Sept. 6.-General Pope marched against Martin Greene, rebel, then in force at Hunneville, Mo. The rebel fled, leaving all his baggage, stores, &c. Sept. 7.--The Federal flag ordered to be displayed over the Kentucky State House, by the House of Representatives, by a vote of 77 to 20. Sept. 8.-General Grant occupies Paducah, Ky., in consequence of the invasion of the State by the Confederates. Sept. 9.-One hundred and fifty Federal prisoners (including Colonels Corcoran and Wilcox) ordered to Castle Pinckney, Charleston, to be there incar cerated as hostages for the safety of the privateers on trial in New York.-Second attempt of rebels in Missouri to destroy lives by weakening the railroad bridge at Sturgeon. Sept. 10.-Rosecrans, in Western Virginia, comes upon Floyd's entrenched camp at Carnifax ferry, and assails it. Darkness coming on the Federals lie on their arms all night. In the morning a com bined assault is made when it is found that Floyd has fled, leaving all his baggage, stores, &c. behind him. He "retires" over Gauley river, catting off all communication. Federal loss, 16 killed, 97 wounded. Floyd's loss not ascertained. Sept. 11.-The President" modifies" the procla mation of Fremont regarding the confiscation of rebels' slaves. The President makes it read-" all slaves who have been employed on rebel military works." Fremont had it all slaves of those found in arms against the Government.-The Ken company of rebels (23) captured at Greytown, Mo. tucky House of Representatives ordered, by resolu the Union entrenchments, by 2000 rebels, at Lex ington, Mo. Rebels repulsed with a loss of 60 killed. The Union forces, all told, numbered 230.-A tion, the Confederate troops to leave the State. Vote 71 to 26. The Senate adopts the same resolve Sept. 12th.-Engagement at Lewinsville, Va. A reconnoitering party, under Colonel Stevens, encounters four rebel regiments. A sharp skirmish ensues. The object of the expedition having been accomplished, Stevens retires. Loss, 7 killed and 9 wounded. Sept. 12. The rebels under General Robert E. Lee appears before the Federal positions at Cheat Mountain, and Elkwater, Western Virginia. They surround the position on the hill, but the Federal regiments pierce their lines on the 13th, and secure the hill with its valuable stores. Manoeuvering then follows upon Elkwater, which General Reynolds successfully holds, against all of Lee's endeavors. On the 14th the enemy is so disconcerted by the splendid management of the Federals that he withdraws with a loss of about 100 killed, including Colonel John A. Washington.--Rebel camp at Petersburg, Hardy county, Va., broken up by Cap tain Reid's cavalry aud a company of infantry. --Major Gavitt's cavalry attacks and routs the notorious guerrilla Talbot, at Black river, Mo., near Ironton. The dry dock at the Pensacola Navy Yard burned by an expedition from Fort Pickens, under Lieutenant Shipley. Sept. 13.-Arrest of secession members of the Maryland Legislature, a Member of Congress (H. May) the Mayor of Baltimore and other leading secessionists, who had formed a conspiracy to pass an ordinance of secession on the opening of the Legislature. This arrest left the Legislature without a quorum, and the plot to carry the State out of the Union," miscarried.-Attack of the rebel Colonel Brown upon Boonville, which is successfully defeated by 150 Home Guards under Captain Eppstein. Brown is killed, with 11 of his command and 30 wounded. -Sharp cannonade on the Potomac opposite Shepardstown, Va. Rebel battery silenced.-Rebel iron clad Yorktown, dashes down into Hampton Roads and fires on the fleet and the Newport News camp. Sept. 14.-Privateer Judah burned by an expedition from the steam frigate Colorado, in the harbor of Pensacola. [For particulars of this gallant affair see Report in Appendix.] Sept. 15.-Rebel attack on Colonel Geary's pick. ets, above Darnestown, Md. Rebels finally repulsed with considerable loss. Geary's loss, 1 killed. Sept. 16.-The rebels under Price, 6000 strong, assail the entrenched camp of Colonel Mulligan, at Lexington, Mo. Rebels repulsed with heavy loss, when a siege of the place commences.--Ship Island evacuated by the rebels.-Fight at Blue Mills Landing, Mo. The Iowa Third en roule to reenforce Col. Mulligan at Lexington, assailed by a heavy body of Price's troops. The Iowans retire until reenforced by Colonel Smith's command (Sixteenth illinois) when the two regiments assail and drive back the rebels, who retreat over the Missouri river under cover of the night.-Expedition to Ocracoke Inlet. N. C., under command of Lieutenants Eastman and Maxwell, of the gunboat Pawnee. Fort Beacon destroyed and its guns (28 fine pieces) entirely rendered useless. Sept. 17.-Fight at Mariatown, Mo. Rebels repulsed by Colonels Montgomery and Johnston's forces (600). Colonel Johnston killed. Rebel loss, 7 killed and all their camp equipage, stores, &c. Sept. 17-18.-Skirmishes at Barboursville, Ky., between Zollicoffer's scouts and the Home Guards. The Guards drive off the rebels. Sept. 18.-Further arrests of Maryland Legislators, including the Speaker of the House. Sept. 19.-Arrests in Louisville of prominent secessionists on charge of treason and complicity with the rebels. The Courier newspaper office seized for treason and sedition. Lexington, Mo., after sustaining an unremitted asSept. 20.-Surrender of Mulligan and his forces at sault and bombardment for fifty-nine hours. Sept. 21.-General Lane's command surprise a superior force of rebels at Papiusville, Mo. A severe fight ensued in which the enemy is repulsed, with a loss of 40 killed, 100 prisoners, all their tents, wagons and supplies.-General Robert Anderson assumes command in Kentucky of the Union forces. Sept. 23.-Colonels Cantwell and Parke, with one gun and Ringold's cavalry advance from New Creek, Va., and drive the rebels, 700 strong, from the Mechanicsburg Gap. The Federals push on into Romney and storm the town, driving 1400 rebel infantry and cavalry to the mountains, with a loss of 28 killed,-The two French Princes, Count de Paris and Duc d'Orleans, commissioned as Captains and placed on the staff of General McClellan. Sept. 24.-Colonel Geary of the Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania, has another sharp fight with the rebels, near Point of Rocks. The rebels attack the Federals across the river, when Geary opens on them and drives them off, burning three houses. Sept. 25.-A second reconnoissance in force to Lewinsville, under command of General W. F Smith. Four regiments of rebels, with cavalry and artillery, attack the Unionists but are quickly repulsed by Griffin and Youatt's batteries.-Piatt's Zouaves (Thirty-fourth Ohio) storm a rebel camp near Chapinsville, Va. Rebel loss, 30 killed and 50 wounded. Union loss, 4 killed, 8 wounded. Sept. 26.-Day of Fasting and Prayer throughout the loyal States. Sept. 27.-Fremont starts from St. Louis after Price, with 12,000 men. Sept. 28.-Rebels evacuate Munson's Hill. Sept. 29.-Price evacuating Lexington. Oct. 1.-Propeller Fanny, loaded with stores, &c., captured by the enemy in Pamlico sound. Oct. 2-3 General Reynolds, marching from his Cheat Mountain camp, encounters Lee's force in camp at Greenbrier, when a very sharp contest ensues Reynolds' object is to reconnoiter and "feel of" the enemy. Having fully informed himself of Lee's strength and position, he returns to his camp with 13 prisoners. Union loss, 8 killed, 32 wounded. Oct. 3.-Sharp engagement at Union Hill, Ky. The Federals, outnumbered greatly, retire after a stubborn and bloody resistance. Oct. 4.--Federal advance to Pohick church, on the Fairfax road.--Descent of rebels on Colonel Brown's command, at Chicacomico, N. C. Brown retreats to Hatteras Light house, under cover of the gunboats, with a loss of 40 prisoners. Oct. 5.- Gunboat Monticello shells the rebels at Chicacomico with great slaughter. Oct. 8.- General Anderson retires from the com mand in Kentucky, and is succeeded by General W. T. Sherman.-Gallant affair near Hillsboro, Ky., in which 50 Home Guards defeat a large party of rebels after a twenty minutes' fight. Rebel loss, 11 killed, 29 wounded, 22 prisoners. Union loss, 3 killed, 2 wounded. Oct. 9-10.-Wilson's Zouave camp, on Santa Rosa island, attacked by a strong force of rebels. After an obstinate fight the enemy is repulsed with much slaughter. Two companies of regulars from Fort Pickens participates in the fight. Union loss, 14 killed, 29 wounded, 24 missing. Oct. 9.-Federal advance to Lewinsville. Oct. 11.-Three boats from the gunboat Union run up Quantico creek, Va., and burn a rebel vessel. Oct. 12.-Commodore Hollins, with his " ram" and fire-ships, attacks the Federal ships blockading in the Mississippi river. The "ram" is driven off, and the fire-fleet burn harmlessly. The Federal ships, however, pass down the river, to obtain a wider berth.-Steamer Theodora runs the blockade at Charleston, S. C., having on board Messrs. Mason and Slidell, rebel commissioners to Europe. The steamer Nashville passed out the previous night. Oct. 13.-Major Wright's cavalry (U. S. regulars) surprise and overcome 300 mounted rebels near Lebanon, Mo.-Sharp skirmish at Beckwith's, below Bird's Point, Mo. The Union squad disperse the rebels, but are in turn forced to retreat, after an obstinate resistance against great odds. Oct. 14.-Major Wright, with one company of cavalry, surround Lime Creek, Mo., and takes 45 prisoners. Secretary of State, Seward, issues a circular to the State Governors, advising them to fortify their coasts for defense. Oct. 16.-Colonel Geary passing over into Virginia, at Harper's Ferry, proceeds to a mill beyond, and captures 21,000 bushels of wheat. He is fiercely assailed by Confederate forces and batteries on Bolivar and Loudon heights. Colonel G. holds his ground in fine style. The enemy finally withdraw, whipped in a most unqualified manner. Geary returns safely, with his little command, to the Maryland shore. Union loss, 4 killed, 8 wounded. --Major White, with his Prairie Scouts," (mount ed) dashes into Lexington, Mo., secures its rebel garrison of 306, together with a large amount of rebel stores, arms, &c.-The blockade of the Potomac, by rebel shore batteries. is pronounced perfect. Oct. 17.-Gallant fight near Frederickton, Mo. A large rebel force routed by Major Gavitt's cavalry, 5 companies of the Twenty-first Illinois and Captain Hawkins' Home Guards.-The Confederates retire from Vienna to Fairfax C. H., Va. McClellan immediately advances to Vienna.-Fight near Line creek. Mo. Rebels routed by Lieutenant Kirby and 5 of them killed.-Fight at Big Hurricane creek, Mo., Colonel Morgan (Eighteenth Missouri) routs the rebels, killing 14 and taking 8 prisoners. Union loss, 14 wounded-2 mortally. Oct. 20.-Reconnoissance to Fairfax C. H. by General McClellan in person. Federals defeated Union loss not cor Oct. 21.-Battle of Ball's Bluff. by greatly superior rebel force. rectly ascertained. See pages 346-349.-Battle of Fredericktown, Mo. Rebels repulsed in a well contested fight of two hours. Rebels routed and pursued 22 miles, leaving 200 of their dead and wounded on the field, including Colonel Lowe, second in command. Union loss, 6 killed, 40 wounded. See pages 335-36. Battle of Wild Cat, Ky. Zollicoffer defeated by the Unionists under General Schoepff and Colonel Garrard. Union loss, 4 killed and 21 wounded. Rebel loss unknown. See pages 379-80. Oct. 22.-Fight at West Liberty, Ky. Rebels routed by Nelson's command, losing 21 killed and 34 prisoners, 52 horses, &c.-Another division of the command took Hazelgreen, with 38 prisoners. Oct. 23.-Lieutenant Grayson repulses the rebels near Hodgeville, Ky., killing 3 and wounding 5. Oct. 25.-Dash of Zagonyi, with the Fremont Body Guard" and Major Frank White's **Prairie Scouts," into Springfield, Mo. The rebels, full 1400 strong, driven out with a loss of 80 killed, 60 wounded and 27 prisoners. Zagonyi lost, of the force engaged (150 of the Guard) 15 killed, 27 wounded and 10 missing. Oct. 26.-Battle at Romney. General B. F. Kelley's force from New creek, by a night march, comes upon the rebels, drives in their pickets and passes up to Romney, where the enemy make a determined stand. After an obstinate defense the rebels are vanquished. Federal loss is but 1 killed and 5 wounded !-) Heavy skirmish at Saratoga, Ky. Three companies of the Kansas Ninth attack and defeat the enemy, killing 13, capturing 21 prisoners and 52 horses. Major Phillips commands the Federals -Fremont enters Springfield, Mo., with Siegel's division. Ot. 27--Fight at Plattsburg, Mo., A rebel camp broken up; the rebels losing 8 killed, 12 prisoners. Oct. 28.-Expedition from the gunboat Louisiana, up Chincoteague inlet, Va., under command of Lieu tenant Alfred Hopkins. Three rebel vessels burned. Union loss, none. A gallant affair. Oct. 29.--Fight beyond Morgantown, Ky. Colonel Burbridge defeats the rebels in a well contested field, driving them from Woodbury and capturing their camp, stores, equipage, &c. -The Port Royal Expedition sails from Fortress Monroe. Oct. 31.-Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott trans mits to the Secretary of War his request to be retired from active service. DIVISION V. CHAPTER L EXTRAORDINARY SESSION OF THE FEDERAL CONGRESS. OF THE PRESIDENT. REPORTS CONGRESS. MESSAGE OF THE OF THE SECRETARIES BY Meeting of the CONGRESS met in extra- | pied the Senate's attention up to the hour of ordinary session at Wash- adjournment. The lower House spent the ington, July 4th, according day in effecting an organization by the electo the Proclamation of April 15th. Both tion of a Speaker and Clerk. The balloting Houses organized at noon. The attendance resulted in the choice of Galusha A. Grow, of was quite full from twenty-four States, in- Pennsylvania, Republican, as Speaker. Emcluding, in the Senate, full delegations from erson Etheridge, Unionist, of Tennessee, was Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, Delaware, and elected Clerk. one from Tennessee. In the House of Representatives, one hundred and fifty-seven names answered the first roll-call. Matters for legislation were so well matured as to give promise of a brief session-all the most important bills having been perfected by a number of leading members who had been in Washing-4 ton for several weeks prior to the 4th. In the Senate, after organization, Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, gave notice of the following bills: The President's Message. The President's Message and accompanying Department Documents were sent in on the 5th. The Message read as follows: "Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and House of Representatives : "Having been convened on an extraordinary occasion, as authorized by the Constitution, your attention is not called to any ordinary subject of legislation. "At the beginning of the present Presidential term, four months ago, the functions of the Federal Government were found to be generally suspended within the several States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida, excepting only those of the Post-office Department. "Within these States all the forts, arsenals, dockyards, custom-houses, and the like, including the movable and stationary property in and about them, had been seized, and were held in open hostility to this Government, excepting only Forts Pickens, Tay lor and Jefferson, on and near the Florida coast, and Fort Sumter, in Charleston harbor, South Caro lina. The forts thus seized had been put in improved condition; new ones had been built, and armed forces had been organized, and were organizing, all avowedly with the same hostile purpose. "The forts remaining in the possession of the Federal Government in and near these States were |