Purposes of the Campaign. THE campaign in Western Virginia had two objects in view; 1st, to assist in the development of the Union movement, by keeping out the emissaries and bayonets of the Confederates; 2d, to force the rebels backward from the Potomac and thus relieve the Baltimore and Ohio railway, which was fast becoming a necessary highway for the transport of troops and to supply Washington with army subsistence. The Governors of the several Western States convened at Cleveland, Ohio, early in May, to arrange for concert of action in the peril which at that time seemed particularly to threaten the West and its great avenues of commerce-the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. As a result of their deliberations they requested Government to organize the Department of the Ohio. This wish was acceded to immediately, and General McClellan placed in command by orders of May 10th. [See page 143.] McClellan's First Proclamation. tion. It read: The campaign opened May 26th, when McClellan issued his first proclama OHIO, CINCINNATI, May 26th, 1861. "To the Union Men of Western Virginia: "VIRGINIANS: The General Government has long enough endured the machinations of a few factious rebels in your midst. Armed traitors have in vain endeavored to deter you from expressing your loyalty at the polls. Having failed in this infamous attempt to deprive you of the exercise of your dearest rights, they now seek to inaugurate a reign of terror, and thus force you to yield to their schemes, and submit to the yoke of the traitorous conspiracy, dignified by the name of the Southern Confederacy. They are destroying the property of citizens of your State, and ruining your magnificent railways. The General Government has heretofore carefully ab McClellan's First Proclamation. stained from sending troops across the Ohio, or even from posting them along its banks, although frequently urged by many of your prom. inent citizens to do so. "It determined to await the result of the State election, desirous that no one might be able to say, that the slightest effort had been made from this side to influence the free expression of your opinions, although the many agencies brought to bear upon you by the rebels were well known. You have now shown, under the most adverse circumstances, that the great mass of the people of Western Virginia are true and loyal to that beneficent Government under which we and our fathers have lived so long. As soon as the result of the election was known, the traitors commenced their work of destruction. The General Government can not close its ears to the demand you have made for assistance. I have troops to cross the river. They come as your friends and brothers; as enemies only homes, your families, and your property are safe to armed rebels who are preying upon you. Your under our protection. All your rights shall be religiously respected. "Notwithstanding all that has been said by the traitors to induce you to believe our advent among you will be signalized by an interference with your slaves, understand one thing clearly: Not only will we abstain from all such interference, but we attempt at insurrection on their part. will, on the contrary, with an iron hand, crush any "Now that we are in your midst, I call upon you to fly to arms and support the General Government; sever the connection that binds you to traitors; pro claim to the world that the faith and loyalty so long boasted by the Old Dominion are still preserved in Western Virginia, and that you remain true to the Stars and Stripes. G. B. McCLELLAN, "Major-General Commanding." This was followed by an Address to the army, calculated still further to reassure the loyal Virginians that their persons, property Address to his Troops. and rights would be respected. It was worded: "SOLDIERS:-You are ordered to cross the frontier, and to enter on the soil of Virgina. Your mission is to restore peace and confidence; to protect the majesty of the law, and to secure our brethren from the grasp of armed traitors. I place under the safeguard of your honor the persons and property of the Virginians. I know you will respect their feelings and all their rights, and will preserve the strictest discipline. "Remember, that each one of you holds in his keeping the honor of Ohio and the Union. If you are called to overcome armed opposition, I know your courage is equal to the task. Remember that your only foes are armed traitors. Show mercy even to them, when in your power, for many of them are misguided. "When, under your protection, the loyal men of Western Virginia have been enabled to organize and form until they can protect themselves, you can return to your homes, with the proud satisfaction of having preserved a gallant people from destruction." Prior to the issue of these documents, everything had been arranged for the advance. Colonel Kelley, in command at Camp Carlisle, in Ohio, opposite Wheeling, gave the word of command for the onward move Occupation of Grafton. ment, Sunday evening, (May 26th,) by reading the Proclamation and Address. The announcement was received with wild huzzas by the troops. Monday morning the advance, composed of the First Virginia volunteers, passed into Virginia eleven hundred strong, and, at seven o'clock, were en route for Grafton, a place of some strategic importance, lying at the junction of the Baltimore and Ohio and the Northwestern Virginia railways. The First Virginia was followed immediately by the Sixteenth Ohio volunteers, Colonel Irvine. The Fourteenth Ohio, Colonel Steedman, at the same time crossed the river at Marietta, and occupied Parkersburg, the western terminus of the Northwestern railroad. The rebels, then in possession of Grafton, had arranged for a descent on Wheeling; but hastily evacuated on the night of Monday, having previously destroyed railway bridges and culverts, and placed obstructions on the track at several points to the west of Grafton. The Federals, detained by broken bridges and necessary repairs, did not reach the place until Thursday morning, when six companies under Colonel Kelley, occupied the enemy's late quarters. On Friday the rest of the two regiments came in. This advance was rapidly followed by the Fifteenth Ohio, Colonel Dickey; Sixth Indiana, Colonel Crittenden, and Seventh Indiana, Colonel Dumont, while the forces hurried up from Parkersburg to the junction. The Rebel Rout at Philippi. McClellan ordered the surprise of Philippi by a forced march. BrigadierGeneral Morris arranged the plan of the expedition. On the night of June 2d, two divisions of two regiments each, started for the point of attack-one by way of Webster, under command of Colonel Dumont, consisting of eight companies of the Seventh Indiana, four companies of the Fourteenth Ohio, Colonel Steedman, with his artillery under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Sturgis, assisted by Colonel Lander, who volunteered for the enterprise. The second division, under command of Colonel Kellogg, comprised the First Virginia, and companies from the Sixteenth Ohio and Seventh Indiana. This body moved east by way of Thornton, thence south to Philippi (twenty-two miles) by a rapid march. It was a most wretched night for such an enterprise. The darkness was intense; the mud was deep; the wind and rain drove against the ranks like invisible hands to restrain their march. Kelley's men, having the longer route to pursue, did not reach the rear of Philippi at the time named-four o'clock A. M. Dumont and Lander arrived in season and awaited Kelley's appearance on the southern side of the town to cut off the enemy's retreat when routed by the front attack. The enemy soon became aware of the Federal presence, when great commotion followed in his camps. A hasty retreat was, evidently, proposed. Lander, impatient at this threatened loss of his game, ordered the artillery to open, from its commanding posi tion, while Dumont with his fine infantry rushed up the road, across the bridge, and into the town to sweep the rebels before him. Lander, like a Saladin, could endure no distant view of the fight. Leaving the artillery to be served by Sturgis, he dashed down the ACTIVITY OF BOTH PARTIES. 203 The Rebel Rout at Subsequent Activity of Both Parties. almost precipice front of the | As a consequence, the Unionists were subhill, and, in a moment, was jected to many perils and persecutions. flying like a spirit of de- Great numbers of them fled to Grafton, Phistruction before all into the town, followed by lippi and Wheeling-forsaking their homes the shouting men. A brief struggle only fol- to escape conscription or arrest. lowed. The dismayed enemy, under Colonel The Federal forces rapPorterfield, for a moment staggered under idly augmented at Grafton the artillery fire, then fled with precipitancy and vicinity during June, to the south. Colonel Kelley's force came with a view to compass the enemy and up at the opportune moment, and fell upon press him from the strongholds he was the retreat with all the zeal which the almost disposed to retain. Colonel Steedman's spent strength of the wearied men would al- regiment moved forward on the 14th to low. Kelley himself led in the pursuit, and Buckhannon, to protect the Union men of was struck down by a pistol-shot from the that place, but again fell back, finding the Confederate Assistant-Quartermaster. Lan- danger of being cut off too imminent. The der, seeing the act, alone rushed in upon a rebels were exceedingly active. Great numsurrounding company of the enemy and drove bers of reenforcements came in from the Capthe assassin into a fence corner. His friends ital. Ex-Governor Wise was placed in chief rallied for a rescue, but Lander, with his two command in Western Virginia. Colonel Peunspent revolvers, confronted them so like a gram was detailed to fortify the position on Nemesis that none dared to come within his Rich Mountain. General Garnett was at range. A squad of Kelley's men soon came Laurel Hill. Rumors were frequent of adup, and would have bayoneted the rebel on vances and surprises. Scouts and spies lurkthe spot had not Lander declared that he ed everywhere, in all guises, and both friend would protect a prisoner of war with his and foe were fully informed of each other's life. He was as merciful and just in victory doings. The rebels designed a bold push as brave and terrible in battle. [Kelley, shot for the occupancy of Cumberland, thus to through the lungs, was pronounced, by the outflank McClellan's advance and to "carry surgeons, mortally wounded; but, after weeks the war into Yankee Doodledom"-as the of suffering, the brave man and excellent com- Richmond papers facetiously said was their mander was again in the field at the head of true policy. Notwithstanding Colonel Lew. a brigade.] The Union loss was two killed Wallace's bold dash into Romney, June 11th, and Colonel Kelley wounded. The rebel loss the rebel forces infested the region round was sixteen killed and ten prisoners. about in strong force; and the evacuation The enemy's camp contained much store (by them) of Harper's Ferry (June 14th) was of provisions, clothing and munitions, and followed by rapid dashes to the west, as if seven hundred and forty-nine stand of arms- putting out feelers" in anticipation of their all of which were secured. Porterfield re-arranged movement in force to the North. treated to Beverly, thence to Huttonsville, whither the Confederate leaders soon centered a large force, while they also proceeded to fortify several strong strategic and permanent positions at those points which commanded the avenues of access to Southern Virginia, through the Alleghany Mountains. Thus disposed the rebels felt not only secure, but conceived the idea of eventually forcing McClellan back from Grafton. To secure the requisite force, the Governor of Virginia commanded the militia of Western Virginia to repair to the Huttonsville camp, and forced levies were made to a considerable extent. Piedmont, near the Maryland line, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, was visited by the enemy in considerable force, on the 19th, when they proceeded to a general destruction of bridges, telegraph wires, &c. They then pushed for Cumberland, where they hoped to capture Colonel Wallace and his bold Zouaves, who held a number of rebel officers prisoners, taken at Romney. But, the rapid reenforcement of Wallace by the mountaineers, compelled the bold Confederates to give up their hopes of entering Cumberland, or of destroying its superb bridge. McClellan arrived at Grafton June 23d. McClellan's Arrival. His Proclamation. He then issued his second proclamation, repeating his former pledges, and saying: "To my great regret, I find that the enemies of the United States continue to carry on a system of hostilities prohibited by the laws of war among belligerent nations, and of course far more wicked and intolerable when directed against loyal citizens engaged in the defense of the common Government of all. "Marauding parties are pursuing a guerrilla warfare, firing upon sentinels and pickets, burning bridges, insulting, injuring and even killing citizens because of their Union sentiments, and committing many kindred acts. "I do now, therefore, make proclamation and warn all persons that individuals or parties engaged in this species of warfare, irregular in every view which can be taken of it, those attacking sentries, pickets, or other soldiers, destroying public or private property, or committing injuries against any of the inhabitants because of Union sentiments or conduct, will be dealt with in their persons and property according to the severest rules of military law. "All persons giving information or aid to the public enemies, will be arrested and kept in close custody, and all persons found bearing arms, unless of known loyalty, will be arrested and held for examination." This was called for by the venomous character betrayed by the Secessionsts, who became guerillas, bridge-burners, scouts and thieves, as occasion offered. The Proclamation was designed to reduce the conflict to the rules of civilized warfare. The disposition of the troops at the date of his arrival was as follows: Sixth Indiana and Fourteenth Ohio at Philippi; Sixteenth Ohio at Cheat River; Eighth and Tenth Indiana at Clarksburg; Ninth Ohio at Webster bridge; Third and Fourth Ohio at Grafton. The Confederates were encamped in strong force thirteen miles from Philippi. Porterfield, with three thousand men, occupied Huttonsville, Pegram was at Rich Mountain. McClellan made a rapid inspection of the surrounding country, visiting all the camps, conferring with all the officers, and soon arranged his plans of action. His policy was one of active advance and rapid strokes. On the 25th, he issued a second address to his soldiers. It was couched in "You are here to support the Government of your country, and to protect the lives and liberties of your brethren threatened by a rebellious and traitorous foe. No higher or nobler duty could devolve on man, and I expect you to bring to its performance the highest and noblest qualities of soldiers' discipline-courage and mercy. I call upon the officers of every grade to enforce the highest discipline; and I know that those of all grades, privates and officers, will display in battle cool, heroic courage, and will know how to show mercy to a disarmed enemy. Bear in mind that you are in the country of friends, not of enemies; that you are to protect, not to destroy. Take nothing, destroy nothing, unless you are ordered to do so by your General Officers. Remember that I have pledged my word to the people of Western Virginia that their rights in person and property shall be respected. I ask every one of you to make good this promise in its broadest sense. We have come here to save, not to upturn. I do not appeal to the. fear of punishment, but to your appreciation of the sacredness of the cause in which we are engaged. Carry into battle the conviction that you are right, and that God is on our side. Your enemies have violated every moral law; neither God nor man can sustain them. They have, without cause, rebelled against a mild and paternal Government; they have seized upon public and private property: they have outraged the persons of Northern men, merely because they came from the North, and of Southern Union men, merely because they loved the Union they have placed themselves beneath contempt, unless they can retrieve some honor on the field of battle. You will pursue a different course. You will be honest, brave, and merciful. You will respect the right of private opinion. You will punish no man for opinion's sake. Show to the world that you differ from our enemies in these points of honor, honesty and respect for private opinion, and that we inaugurate no reign of terror where we go. Soldiers, I have heard that there was danger here. I have come to place myself at your head and share it with you. I fear now but GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, 1 The Leniency Shown Disloyal Persons. THE FORWARD The leniency shown disloyal persons, in Western Virginia, during the period of McClellan's command, gave no little of fense to those who preferred to treat with rigor every person found in arms against the Union. But, though much harm came of allowing vicious enemies their liberty on subscribing to an oath which they hastened to scorn, good came from the leniency practiced. The masses of people, though really Unionists, had been taught and made to feel that the army was sent for their subjugation and dispoliation—that slaves were to be freed and armed, and "the Yankees" made possessors of the soil. To disabuse the people of such impressions was McClellan's purpose, in order that they might rally around the Wheeling Government and thus reorganize the State. To have carried the sword into Virginia without these assurances, would have been to find an implacable enemy in every resident. As results showed, the course pursued made them friends and coadjutors; Western Virginia soon furnished several fine and effective regiments for Federal service. The same policy prevailed, at a later day, in other States, but with less successful results. In most instances leniency was construed as evidence of pusillanimity; and cases were only too frequent where commanding officers forgot both self-respect and humanity in their endeavors to "show mercy to a conquered enemy." Such instances served all the more rapidly to hasten the development of that stern sentiment which found its expression in the Congressional Confiscation and Emancipation Act of July, 1862. Enumeration of McClellan's Forces. At the date of July 4th, McClellan's forces numbered about thirty-two thousand effective men, distributed as follows: in the vicinity of Buckhannon, under his own personal command and that of BrigadierGeneral Rosecrans, were the Third Ohio, Colonel Isaac H. Marrow; Fourth Ohio, Colonel Lorin Andrews; Seventh Ohio, Colonel E. B. Tyler; Ninth Ohio, Colonel Robert S. McCook; Tenth Ohio, Colonel Wm. H. Lytle; Fourteenth Ohio, Colonel Jas. B. Steedman; Seventeenth Ohio, Colonel Jno. McConnell; Eighteenth Ohio, Colonel Timo thy R. Stanley; Nineteenth Ohio, Colonel Saml. Beatty; Eighth Indiana, Colonel Wm. P. Benton; Ninth Indiana, Colonel Gideon C. Moody, (afterwards Colonel Milroy ;) Tenth Indiana, Colonel M. D. Manson; Fifteenth Indiana, Colonel G. D. Wagner; the Chicago Dragoons, Captain W. Baker; Sturgis' Rifles, (McClellan's Body Guard,) Captain Sturgis ; Chicago Cavalry, Captain Barker; the Coldwater (Michigan) Artillery, Captain Culp. At Philippi was the Sixth Indiana, Colonel Thos. T. Crittenden; at Ripley the Twentyfirst Ohio, Colonel Jesse S. Norton; at Grafton (head-quarters of Brigadier-General Hill) the Seventh Indiana, Colonel Dumont; Thirteenth Ohio, Colonel Wm. S. Smith; the Kansas Artillery and Company I of the Fourth (regular) artillery, Lieutenant Ward. Colonel Cox (ranking Brigadier-General) on the Kanawha, watching the movements of Ex-Governor Wise, held the line of the river with the Eighth Ohio, Colonel S. S. Carroll; Twelfth Ohio, Colonel J. W. Lowe; First Kentucky, Colonel W. Woodruff; Second Kentucky, Colonel W. G. Terrell; Eleventh Ohio, Colonel De Villiers. At Cheat River were the Fifteenth Ohio, Colonel Moses R. Dickey, (Colonel G. W. Andrews acting;) Sixteenth Ohio, Colonel J. Irvine, and the First Virginia. There were, also, en route for the field the Thirteenth Indiana, Colonel J. C. Sullivan ; Fourteenth Indiana, Colonel N. Kimball; Seventeenth Indiana, Colonel M. S. Hascall. The Forward Movement. At Clarksburg were the fast forming Second and Third Virginia volunteers, afterward commanded respectively by Colonel Jno. W. Moss and Colonel David T. Heroes; also the Sixth Ohio, Colonel W. K. Bosley. These somewhat scattered forces McClellan began to centralize rapidly. By July 8th his lines were so far compressed that the advance was ordered. The enemy's main force was then intrenched at Laurel Hill. McClellan's plan was to approach it from the south and west, by way of Buckhannon, while Brigadier-General Morris with four thousand men pushed out toward Laurel Hill, direct, to keep the enemy's attention in that direction. After a sharp skirmish at Buckhannon, |