The Real Estate Title Insurance and Trust Company of Philadelphia 523 CHESTNUT STREET, Across from Independence Hall THE OLDEST TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY IN THE WORLD Capital (fully paid) $1,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits (earned) $1,500,000 Incorporated in 1876, this Company has issued 177,000 policies of execute work with unequaled accuracy and promptness. Vol. XXII. FINANCIAL Interests of the United States Entered at the New York Post Office as Second Class Mail Matter February, 1916 TABLE OF CONTENTS Number Two Federal Reserve Board Ignores Illinois Decision Professional Bank Organizers Again Active The Protective Value of "Acceptances" Special Correspondence from Leading Cities, Including Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, The Real Estate Title Insurance and Trust Company of Philadelphia 523 CHESTNUT STREET, Across from Independence Hall THE OLDEST TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY IN THE WORLD Capital (fully paid) $1,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits (earned) $1,500,000 Incorporated in 1876, this Company has issued 177,000 policies of execute work with unequaled accuracy and promptness. Frontispiece-Group Illustration of Presidents of the Trust Company Section, A. B. A. DIVERSE VIEWS AS TO THE WAR'S AFTERMATH Baseless Fears of "Dumping" and Foreign Competition Faith in Stability of American Business Why" Cumulative Voting" Should Be Defeated Trust Companies Hold Vast Volume of Trust Funds Why Country National Banks Seek State Charters Criticism of Intra-District Clearing System Rates of Interest Paid on Deposits RETIRING "GREENBACKS" AND DEFECTS IN FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Sol. Wexler of J. S. Bache & Company, New York, and Member of the Currency Commission, American EFFECT OF COMPETITION FOR DEPOSITS ON INTEREST RATES Henry C. Swords, President Fulton Trust Company of New York City. MODEL SYSTEM OF SAFEGUARDING LOANS ON COTTON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS THE SOLUTION OF RURAL CREDIT PROBLEMS AND PRESENT MORTGAGE SITUATION Frank J. Parsons, Vice-President United States Mortgage & Trust Company, New York. ATTRACTIONS OF KANSAS CITY WHERE THE NEXT A. B. A. CONVENTION. WILL BE HELD F. M. Staker, Manager Publicity Department, Commerce Trust Company of Kansas City, Mo. Pros and Cons of Trust Company Membership in the Federal Reserve System-Report of Special Committee of Massachusetts Trust Company Association SIXTH ANNUAL BANQUET OF THE TRUST COMPANIES OF THE UNITED STATES ADDRESS ON "PROBLEMS IN CONNECTION WITH FEDERAL VALUATION OF RAILWAYS". Howard Elliott, President New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad. ADDRESS ON "AMERICAN DUTY AND OPPORTUNITY" Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, President Columbia University. Record Attendance at Sixth Annual Trust Company Banquet Litigation Growing Out of the Faulty Preparation of Wills ADVANTAGES OF A. B. A. TRAVELERS' CHEQUES ILLUSTRATED IN THE "MOVIES" Edwin B. Wilson, Manager Advertising Department, Bankers' Trust Company, New York. Special Correspondence from Leading Cities, Including Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Cleveland, Los Angeles and New Orleans Annual Subscription, $3.00 Single Copies, 35 Cents The Real Estate Title Insurance and Trust Company of Philadelphia 523 CHESTNUT STREET, Across from Independence Hall THE OLDEST TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY IN THE WORLD Capital (fully paid) $1,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits (earned) $1,500,000 Incorporated in 1876, this Company has issued 177,000 policies of execute work with unequaled accuracy and promptness. Lends money on installment and term mortgages. Becomes security for persons acting in fiduciary capacities. Receives money on deposit and allows interest. Executes trusts of every description. Rents safes in its burglar proof vaults. THOMAS W. JOPSON, Vice-President and Trust Officer DANIEL HOUSEMAN, Treasurer Buys and sells real estate and assumes the management thereof. EMIL ROSENBERGER, President HENRY R. ROBINS, Vice-President JEREMIAH N. ALEXANDER, Assistant Secretary 8. KINGSTON MCCAY WILLIAM H. SHELMERDINE HOWARD A. STEVENSON ALFRED MOORE CHARLES W. WELSH Secretary and Assistant Treasurer A. KING DICKSON, Assistant Trust Officer DIRECTORS WILLIAM WOOD Member of the Philadelphia Clearing House Association FRANK H. MOSS |