Imágenes de páginas
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CHAPTER XI.-Discontent at not finding gold-Torture of Guatemozin-Results

of the fall of the capital-Mission from Michoacan-Rebuilding of the capital-

Letters to the King-Intrigues against Cortéz-Fonseca-Narvaez-Tapia-

Charles V. protects Cortéz and confirms his acts,


CHAPTER XII.-Cortez commissioned by the Emperor-Velasquez-his death—

Mexico rebuilt-Immigration-Repartimientos of Indians-Honduras-Guatemo-

zin-Mariana-Cortéz accused-ordered to Spain for trial-his reception, honors

and titles he marries-his return to Mexico-resides at Tezcoco-Expeditions of

Cortéz-California-Quivara—returns to Spain-death-Where are his bones? 84

CHAPTER XIII.—Archbishop Zumarraga's destruction of Mexican monuments,

writings, documents-Mr. Gallatin's opinion of them-Traditions-two sources of

accurate knowledge-Speculations on antiquity-Aztecs-Toltecs-Nahuatlacs-

Acolhuans, &c.-Aztecs emigrate from Aztlan-settle in Anahuac-Tables of emi-

gration of the original tribes-Other tribes in the empire,
. . 92

CHAPTER XIV.-Difficulty of estimating the civilization of the Aztecs-Nations

in Yucatan-Value of contemporary history-The Aztec monarchy-elective-

Royal style in Tenochtitlan-Montezuma's way of life-Despotic power of the

Emperor over life and law-Theft-intemperance-marriage-slavery-war-Mili-

tary system and hospitals-Coin-Revenues-Aztec mythology-Image of Teo-

yaomiqui-Teocalli-Two kinds of sacrifice-Why the Aztecs sacrificed their

prisoners-Common Saerifice-Gladitorial Sacrifice-Sacrificial Stone-Aztec Ca-

lendar-week, month, year, cycle-Procession of the New Fire-Astronomical

Science-Aztec Calendar-Tables,

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CHAPTER V.-Luis de Velasco II. becomes Viceroy-Delight of the Mexicans-

Factories reopened-Chichimecas-Colonization-Alameda-Indians taxed for

European wars-Composition-Fowls-Acebedo Viceroy-Expedition to New

Mexico-Indian ameliorations-Death of Philip II.-New scheme of hiring In-

dians-California-Montesclaros Viceroy-Inundation—Albarrada,

CHAPTER VI.-Second administration of Don Luis Velasco-His great work for

the Drainage of the Valley-Lakes in the Valley-Danger of Inundation-History

of the Desague of Huehuetoca-Operations of the engineers Martinez and Boot-

The Franciscans-Completion of the Desague-La Obra del Consulado-Negro

revolt-Extension of Oriental trade-Guerra Viceroy-De Cordova Viceroy-

Indian revolt-Cordova founded,

CHAPTER VII.-Marques de Gelves Viceroy-his reforms-Narrative of Father

Gage-Gelves forestalls the market-The Archbishop excommunicates Mexia, his

agent-Quarrel between Gelves and the Archbishop-Viceroy excommunicated-

Archbishop at Guadalupe-he is arrested at the altar-sent to Spain-Mexia threa-

tened-Mob attacks the Palace-it is sacked-Viceroy escapes-Retribution, 187

CHAPTER VIII.-The Audiencia rules in the interregnum-Carillo Visitador-In-

quisitorial examination—Acapulco taken-Attacks by the Dutch-Removal of the

Capital proposed-Armendariz Viceroy-Escalona Viceroy-Palafox's conduct to

the Viceroy-Palafox Viceroy-His good and evil,

CHAPTER IX.-Sotomayor Viceroy-Escalona vindicated—Monastic property-

Bigotry of Palafox-Guzman Viceroy-Indian insurrection—Revolt of the Tara-

humares-Success of the Indians-Indian wars-Duke de Alburquerque Viceroy-

Attempt to assassinate him-Count de Baños Viceroy-Attempt to colonize-Es-

cobar y Llamas and De Toledo Viceroys-Depredations of British cruisers-Nuño

de Portugal Viceroy,

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CHAPTER VIII.-General Taylor ordered to the Rio Grande-History of Texan

boundaries-Origin of the war-Military preparations-Commencement of hostili-

ties-Battles of Palo Alto and Resaca-Matamoros-Taylor's advance-Fall of



CHAPTER IX.-General Wool inspects and musters the western troops-Army

of the Centre-New Mexico-Kearney-Macnamara-California-Frémont-So-

noma-Californian independence-Possession taken-Sloat-Stockton-A revolt-

Pico-Treaty of Couenga-Kearney at San Pascual—is relieved—Disputes-San

Gabrielle-Mesa-Los Angeles-Frémont's character, services, trial,


CHAPTER X.-Valley of the Rio Grande-Santa Anna at San Luis-Scott com-
mander-in-chief-Plan of attack on the east coast-General Scott's plan-Doni-
phan's expedition-Bracito-Sacramento-Revolt in New Mexico--Murder of
Richie Selection of battle ground-Description of it-Battle of Angostura or
Buena Vista-Mexican retreat-Tabasco-Tampico,

CHAPTER XI.-Santa Anna's return-changes his principles-Salas executive-

Constitution of 1824 restored-Paredes-Plans of Salas and Santa Anna-his letter

to Almonte-his views of the war-refuses the Dictatorship-commands the army

-State of parties in Mexico-Puros-Moderados-Santa Anna at San Luis-

Peace propositions-Internal troubles-Farias's controversy with the church-Pol-

ko revolution in the capital-Vice Presidency suppressed-Important decree, 358

CHAPTER XII.-General Scott at Lobos-Landing at and siege of Vera Cruz-

Capitulation and condition of Vera Cruz-Condition of Mexico-Alvarado, etc.,

captured-Scott's advance-Description of Cerra Gordo-Mexican defences and

military disposal there-Battle of Cerro Gordo-Peroté and Puebla yield-Santa

Anna returns-Constitution of 1824 readopted-Mexican politics of the day-

War spirit-Guerillas-Peace negotiations-Santa Anna's secret negotiations, 370

CHAPTER XIII.-Scott at Puebla-Tampico and Orizaba taken-Scott's advance

-Topography of the Valley of Mexico-Routes to the capital-El Peñon-Mex-

icalzingo-Tezcoco-Chalco-Outer and inner lines around the city-Scott's ad-

vance by Chalco-The American army at San Augustin,

CHAPTER XIV.-Difficulties of the advance-The Pedregal-San Antonio-Ha-

cienda-Relative position of American and Mexican armies-Path over the Ped-

regal to Contreras-Valencia disconcerts Santa Anna's plan of battle-American

advance and victory at Contreras-San Antonio turned by Worth-Battle of Chu-

rubusco-Battle at the Convent and Tete de Pont-Their capture,

. 391

CHAPTER XV.-Why the city was not entered on the 20th-Condition of the

city-Deliberation of the Mexican cabinet and proposals-Reasons why General

Scott proposed and granted the armistice-Deliberations of commissioners-Par-

ties against Santa Anna-Failure of the negotiation-Mexican desire to destroy

Santa Anna,


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