infused together, into the minds of those who have the happiness of being instructed by it." ABHBA. CLITHEROE IN 1775. - I send the following And parsons that practise much more than they know. Pendleton. MONUMENTAL ADVERTISEMENTS. - Some time since, happening to be detained at Godalming, I strayed, as is my custom, into the church, and there, against the south wall of the south transept, found a mural monument bearing the following inscription, which I commend to the consideration of your readers. Of course I knew nothing of Nathaniel Godbold, Esq., or MAYOS, VICARS OF AVEBURY, WILTS. - The following occurred in the Guardian newspaper of June 3, and may be worth preserving in the pages of "N. & Q.": "An instance of the long-continued connection of a family with the same living, in this case in the gift of the Crown, is that of John Mayo, Vicar of Avebury, Wilts, 1712; who was succeeded by his son James Mayo, 1746; by his grandson James Mayo, 1789; and by his great-grandson James Mayo, 1823, who held the living till his death in 1851." The Union, Oxford. С. Н. М. KINCARDINE O'NEIL. - An Aberdeenshire name "Kincardine sur the place described in French as his vegetable balsam, but am quite willing to suppose the one to have been good, and the other efficacious; but I submit that the inscription is so clearly a posthumous advertisement, that if the Chancellor of the Exchequer were to charge an annual duty in respect of it, no one could blame him. having apparently the Irish O, Kincardine O'Neil, on the Dee, has long puzzled me. Such prefixes are unknown in Scotland, and least of all to be expected in its eastern parts. Lately I have seen Neil," and the Statistical Account of Scotland says that the O'Neil is derived from a small stream called the Neal on which Kincardine is built. Some Aberdeen man may tell us whether there is such a burn. But, supposing this to be the case, places six or eight miles off have had this affix, or rather prefix, as O'Neil Corse; and old charters talk of the Barony of O'Neil in the same district. As this barony is early found in the hands of Forbeses, one is led to observe that there is a peculiar Irish name in that family, Ochonear. Has it been long in the family? There is a tradition connecting them with Ireland, one of the family having had to fly to that country. While the feeling engendered by the battle of Harlaw is scarcely yet extinguished, it may be treason to hint that a Lowland family may possibly have been originally Irish, and it may be only a false analogy to point out the resemblance of the word For-bes, as pronounced in Aberdeenshire, and still more in the Highlands, to the old Irish name of Firbes or Mac Firbes. The received opinion is that the name is taken from the lands of Forbes mentioned in a charter of the year 1236. M. D. BRADSHAWE, THE REGICIDE. - Looking over some old volumes of "N. & Q.," the inquiries after Bradshawe's last residence have reminded me of an old tradition generally believed in the Moorlands of Staffordshire. In my childhood, when visiting some relatives, I was taken to see an old manor-house generally believed to be the last residence of Bradshawe. The house is situated on a bleak and lonely common called Baddeley Edge, and the country people told me Bradshawe and his family came there in the dead of night; that he had with him six sumpter or pack-horses laden with specie. They described him as a moody unhappy man, never visiting his neighbours or suffering a stranger to cross his threshold. His ill-gotten wealth soon dwindled away, and he died in poverty. His children were buried as paupers, and his grandchildren died in the workhouse; but whether that of Leek or Norton-in-the-Moors I cannot say, though I incline to think the latter, and I also think Bradshawe may have been buried at Norton. My friends have long since left that neighbourhood, or I would make further inquiries; but I think I have said enough to induce some one of your numerous readers to inquire into the subject. I scarcely know if you will consider my communication worth the trouble, and can only say "I know not how the truth may be, South Norwood. M. J. GOLDSMITH'S EPITAPH.-Dean Stanley, in his Memorials of Westminster Abbey, remarks: "I am reminded by Professor Conington that had the well-known sentence, Nihil tetigit quod non ornavit, which occurs in Goldsmith's epitaph by Dr. Johnson, been a quotation from a good classical writer, the second verb would have been in the imperfect subjunctive, i, e. ornaret." I have just come over a passage in one of Pliny's Epistles which seems fully to corroborate the Professor's view, viz. Nihil legit quod non excerperet. EDMUND TEW. MARGARET ROPER. - A writer in Chambers's Book of Days closes an interesting notice of Sir Thomas More with a narrative of the manner in which this favourite daughter obtained possession of her revered parent's head; to which is added: "There is a tradition preserved in the Roper family that Queen Elizabeth offered her a ducal coronet, which she refused, lest it should be considered as a compromise for what she regarded as the judicial murder of her father." As Margaret Roper died at the age of thirty-six, three years before the close of the royal murderer's reign, the tradition cannot be assigned to Elizabeth, nor, for the same reason, to Mary, who had been a more likely person to make the offer; her sense of justice being as remarkable as the un happy bigotry that has sullied her reign and cha racter. The circumstances of the case seem to show that no such tradition could have existed. J. A. G. Carisbrooke. Queries. NUMISMATIC: DID THE EARLY BRITONS PAY TRIBUTE TO CÆSAR? Among well known specimens of the earliest varieties of English money, we meet with many having some portions of the word Tas, Tascia, Tascio, or with varied terminals. It is found in connection with a variety of devices, and with two names of persons who are well known - viz., Sego, who is readily identified with Segonax, one of the four Kentish chieftains who opposed Cæsar's invasion (Com. book v. c. 22); and Cun, or Cuno, who is beyond doubt the Cymbeline of Shakspere. Mr. Hawkins, in his book on Silver Coins, states that this word Tascio has never been satisfactorily explained. It appears to me to have direct meaning equivalent to the word union. In a Welsh dictionary I find the word tasio explained as "to combine," apparently equivalent to the German word Bund. This, I think, must be the word, and its primary meaning would represent that union of tribes which acknowledged Segonax or Cunobelinus as their leader. I have not been able to find a better root for the word than the Latin tango, from which it is confessed that we have our modern words task and tax. This, however, leads to a secondary meaning, for in Welsh and in Gaelic we have tasy and tasyu for task; so we may fairly conclude that this union was a tributary union, and this money was tribute money, or money raised as a tax. It might appear at first sight that the Welsh tasio, in the sense of "a bundle," was really from the Latin fascis, and there had been a little confusion between T and F; but the Welsh have that root also, as ffas, ffasgau, and this doubling of the f, which is usual with them, makes the point clear. This word tasio, as an impost, tax, or tribute, closely resembles the Italian tassa, tassare, with the same meanings, and no doubt from the same root. We find in Cæsar (de Bello Gallico, book v. c. 22), that Cæsar "decides what amount of tribute Britain should pay each year to the Roman people." It has been supposed this injunction was disobeyed, but these coins may possibly come to be regarded as evidence to the contrary. A. H. FAMILY OF ALEXANDER. - Since 1853 I have been engaged in researches connected with the history of the Alexander family in Scotland and Ireland. I have made very considerable progress in my investigations, and the result will probably be given to the world in a separate work. I have been especially interested to discover that the first Earl of Stirling had a son Robert, who was matriculated a student of Glasgow University in 1634. This person is not noticed in any printed pedigree of the family, and his existence is unknown to the genealogists. On the death of the first Earl of Stirling in 1640, his family were completely impoverished, and on this account Robert may have been content to drop his "Honourable," and slip into private life as a merchant. About the period when he lived, a Robert Alexander was a merchant-burgess of Paisley. Can any of your genealogical readers help me in this inquiry? If I am enabled to carry out my design, the genealogy of this family will be fully elucidated. Had this been done earlier, an expenditure of about 100,000l. might have been avoided. in the possession of the Fairs family-then residing at Hagborne near Didcot-an alleged portrait (half-length) of the Marchioness of Hertford by Sir Joshua Reynolds. As far as my memory serves me it represented a belle of the Georgian period, apparently eighteen to twenty-five years of age, attired in a black velvet hat with blue ribbon or feather, and low black silk dress; the hands folded in front, and the hair powdered. A crimson curtain and slight indications of landscape formed the background of the picture. The size of the canvas would be about fourteen inches by ten inches. The late Mr. Fairs was an intimate acquaintance of, and professionally assisted, Sir Geoffrey Wyattville in the alterations at Windsor Castle for George IV. I shall be glad of any information tending to authenticate this portrait. L. X. CHARLES ROGERS, LL.D. THE ATHANASIAN CREED. - Robert Grossteste, in his constitutions addressed to his clergy, speaks of the Athanasian Creed as though it were not in his time regarded as a creed so much as a treatise or dissertation on the faith, which was sung in church daily: "Habeat quoque quisque eorum (scilicet laicorum) saltem simplicem fidei intellectum, sicut continetur in symbolo tam majore quam minore, et in tractatu qui dicitur Quicunque vult, qui cotidie ad primam in ecclesia psallitur." - Ep. LII. Edited by H. K. Luard, Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain, &c., p. 155. What other examples can be given of such a distinction between this and the other creeds ? ROBERT J. ALLEN. 40, Park Street, Grosvenor Square, AUTHOR WANTED. - Who wrote An Inquiry into the Causes of Popular Discontents in Ireland, by an Irish Country Gentleman, published in 1804 by J. Debrett, London? UNEDA. BUZWINGS. - Permit me to inquire in reference to an advertisement in the Times of April 24, 1868, whether any secret society exists known by the name of "Buzwings"? The advertisement commenced as follows: "TO STRAY BUZWINGS. - A Museum of this antient and honourable Order will be held at the residence of the senior P. G. M. on Thursday the 30th instant, at 6-30 p.m. Masters must produce their reliques," &c. &c. I will not occupy your space by quoting the entire advertisement, but hope that this note may meet the eye of one of the "Buzwings," and that he will gratify my curiosity by giving a short account of the history and principles of the Order, which no doubt is in some way connected with entomological pursuits.* A. B. Z. [* Another advertisement relating to the "Buzwings" appeared in the Times of the 9th inst.-ED.] "Part VIII. 728. Donne (J.) on Homicide, with a Letter from his Son the Editor, presenting the work to J. Marckham," which sold for 11. 68. I should feel very much obliged to any of your readers who would enable me to trace these copies. CPL. ENGLISH REFUGEES IN FLANDERS: SIXTEENTH CENTURY. - John Fox, professed monk of the London Charterhouse, entered the house Vallis Gratiæ at Bruges, where he died on July 25, 1556. John Berdon, professed Carthusian monk of the house of Saint Anne in England, joined the abovenamed Charterhouse at Bruges, where he died on March 14, 1558. Thomas Fyg, English Benedictine monk, took refuge in Flanders in or about 1572, and entered the Abbey of Saint Andrew the Apostle, at Straten, near Bruges. He brought with him a bone of the foot of Saint Philip the Apostle, which, in 1592, was given by the abbot Peter Aimeric de Campo to Philip, King of Spain. Is anything known of these three monks? and if so, where can I find any account of them? W. H. JAMES WEALE. Bruges. FENIAN ALPHABET. - The following extract from the Pall Mall Gazette shows that there is a so-called "Fenian alphabet." I therefore think it would be worth while registering in "N. & Q." the whole of the alphabet, if some reader could supply the remaining part: "The Solicitor-General produced what he styled the Fenian alphabet, printed on green paper, and read: A is an army, 'tis ours to repel; G is the gibbet well superintended; One of the persons in company with the plaintiff admitted that the alphabet was found upon her. She got it a few days before for her scrap-book. Other two of its lines were: "L'IMPARTIAL." - Who was the author of the following? "L'Impartial; ou Évènements de la fin du 18o Siècle. Ouvrage périodique." London, 1786, 8vo. WILLIAM E. Α. ΑΧΟΝ. JENIFER, A WOMAN'S NAME? In the obituary of The Times to-day (June 20), I see Jenifer as a woman's name. Is it a genuine Christian name? And if so, is it a corrupted form of Guenever? Also, I would ask whether there is such a female name as Jensifer? My father, born in 1783, was nursed as a child by a woman whom all the family called "Jinsy," -so, at least, the word was sounded; but I have been told her full baptismal name was "Jensifer." J. KING JAMES I. - Though a king be not a subject, may I ask who the three persons are, kneeling before James I., in an engraving where the king on his throne, with crown on head, is sur rounded by the clergy, praying for him; the peers of the realm, with outstretched swords for defence; and the people offering him their moneybags, and hearts inflamed with love? "The wisest fool in Europe," as Sully called James I., could, like some one else, quote Scripture for his purpose. There are many on this engraving, such MARC ANTONY AS BACCHUS. - I have a head of the Greco-Roman period, from Ephesus, of a personage crowned with ivy, for some time unidentified. It has been suggested, with good grounds, that it is Marc Antony; for Plutarch, in his life, says the women of Ephesus danced before him as Bacchantes, and the men and children as fauns and satyrs, while Antony personified and called himself Bacchus. The forehead is wide, conforming to that of Antony; but the face, in its mutilated state, appears longer than that of the triumvir as given in Visconti. This authority only speaks of Antony as Hercules, and I shall feel obliged for references to him as Bacchus. HYDE CLARKE. 32, St. George's Square, S.W. MENDELSSOHN'S ORGAN FUGUES. Can any reader of "N. & Q" inform me when Mendelssohn's Three Preludes and Fugues for the Organ, op. 37 (dedicated to Attwood), were first published? I suppose them to have first appeared in a German edition; the variations in the English edition (old) of Novello have something to do with copyright perhaps. W. J. WESTBROOK. Sydenham. GOLD NAPOLEON. -I possess a gold Napoleon which belonged to Napoleon I. when in St. Helena. An attached friend of my father, then holding an official position in the island, often played at whist with fallen Emperor, and evening won from him several Napoleons, which he placed in a pocket apart, and marked with a B as soon as he left the imperial presence. Two of these he kindly gave my father. There are collectors of curiosities who would value this coin highly, and give a liberal price for it. If such be amongst your readers, I, not being a collector, am willing to dispose of it for a churchrestoration in my county. I enclose to you my card and the names of the parties concerned. CESTRIAN. NAKED LEGS AT COURT. - In the Leeds Fine Arts Exhibition is a picture by Yeames, representing the reception by Queen Elizabeth of the French ambassadors after the Huguenot massacre, and it seems to me, after close examination two or three times repeated, that the legs of one of the ambassadors are naked from the knees to the ankles, save that a loose white scarf or ribbon is tied round each leg just below the knee. Did men go to court in the time of Queen Elizabeth with naked legs? Н. А. ST. J. M. PORTRAIT OF WILLIAM PENN.-I am editing, on behalf of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, The Penn and Logan Correspondence a series of letters which passed between William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, and James Logan, his secretary. I am desirous of illustrating the volume with a portrait of Penn, if an authentic likeness can be procured. Our Historical Society is in possession of an original portrait of Penn, taken when twenty-two years old, the gift of Mr. Granville Penn, the grandson of the proprietor. The only other likeness of Penn extant is an engraving from "Sylvanus Bevan's bust," and which prefaces his (Penn's) works. Bevan had a talent for carving, and from memory cut in ivory a small head for a cane; I never regarded this as a good likeness. I have also lately seen a photograph, said to be from a painting in oil, of Penn, but it has no characteristic of Penn's face; the expression is weak, inclining to imbecility. There is a companion picture, representing his wife, as to the correctness of which I have doubts. I thought this explanation was due in view of my request, which is, that you will do me the kindness to insert the following query: Do any of your readers know of an original likeness of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, and if so, whether it can be seen? E. A. Philadelphia. PULSATION. - In Mr. Wood's late work on Giants and Dwarfs, several cases are mentioned in which the state of health of celebrated giants has been reported on by medical men; and in some of them it seems to be assumed that the beat of a giant's pulse se is faster than that of ordinary men. For instance, Dr. Bryan Robinson reports of Cajanus, a Swedish giant who died in 1749, that his pulse "beat fifty-two times in a minute," as if it were a remarkable fact. And again, Dr. Bianchi says of Cornelius Macgrath, a noted Irish giant who died in 1760: "his pulse beat very quick, nearly sixty times in a minute"! Now, on good medical authority, I believe I may state that at the present day the average rate of pulsation in a male adult of robust constitution is not less than seventy times in a minute! It becomes, therefore, a matter of curious inquiry why the rate of human pulsation should have increased in the course of a century. Perhaps some of the medical correspondents in "N. & Q." may be able to throw some light on the question. Many other questions suggest themselves on this subject. Has the rate of the pulse, after all, necessarily any connection with the healthiness of individual constitutions? I know a gentleman and lady, both considered in an ordinary state of health; the normal rate of pulse in one is fifty-six in a minute, and in the other one hundred and thirty! The object, however, of the present communication is to elicit some reply to the inquiry-Why the human pulse beats quicker on the average now than it did a century ago? M. H. R. QUOTATIONS WANTED. - Where does St. Augustine say that "Cleanliness is a half virtue"? I have heard this saying attributed respectively to Aristotle, Augustine, and to Daniel De Foe! I suspect it is the original of the phrase "Cleanliness is next to godliness." "Time is money." Whence ? Amsterdam. JOSEPHUS. H. TIEDEMAN. RAT PIES. Rat pies are frequently eaten here; and until lately, suppers called "rat suppers used to be given periodically at an inn near Nottingham. Are they eaten in any other part of England? E. L. A. SCARLATTI'S CHURCH CONCERTOSs. In Dr. Wm. Crotch's Substance of Several Courses of Lectures on Music, Lond. 1831, occurs the following passage: "Dr. Burney mentions six concertos by Scarlatti, for the church, printed in England early in the eighteenth century, and speaks in high terms of their fugues, harmony, and modulation." Dr. Crotch says in a note that he has been unable to meet with the work. Can any reader of "N. & Q." point me to a copy, or give publisher's name? W. J. WESTBROOK. Sydenham. A TOMBSTONE EMBLEM. - In the churchyard of Peebles, and in several other ancient places of |