Imágenes de páginas

the hands of the Russells of Cheshunt, descendants by the second marriage, and being from the last male of the name of Cromwell, may be said to be the Protector's representatives.

It may not be uninteresting to state the descent of the relics or curiosities:

Richard, the Protector, left them to his daughter Elizabeth; she bequeathed them to her cousins Richard and Thomas, who was the son of Henry the Major, and he left his to his son Oliver of Cheshunt Park; Richard left his portion, the mask, &c. &c. to his daughters Anne, Elizabeth, and Lætitia; they bequeathed them to their cousin Oliver Cromwell of Cheshunt Park, who married Mary Morse, and who also received those of his father Thomas.

Thus they became centered with his daughter Oliveria, his only surviving child, who married Thomas Artimadorus Russell; and thus they became heir-looms (through the eldest son's child) to the wife of the Rev. Paul Bush.

With regard to J. G. CROMWELL's letter (April 23), I will not question the point as to his being a descendant of the Protector, but I cannot see in the pedigree I possess how he can be allied to Thomas Cromwell (son of Major Henry), of whom the previous letter speaks; for by his first wife-as before stated-two sons and one daughter died infants; one son, Thomas, said to have been unmarried, and the daughter who married John Field: then, by the second wife, Oliver appears to be the only one who married.

Can J. G. CROMWELL prove that Thomas, Oliver's brother (the last-named), who was an officer in the Indian service, was married and had a family, and died in 1771? If so, perhaps he is a son of that Thomas.

I may now remark on J. P.'s communication (April 23). He is correct in the main. He is incorrect as to the revolving or swivel three-sided seal. He states it to be of silver; it is of steel, and evidence is very strong that it was engraved as well as Henry's large official steel seal (when Lord-Lieut. of Ireland)-by the inimitable Simon. J. P. is also wrong in stating that the Cromwell arms are thereon quartered with those of England. The quarterings are those of the several families with whom he had been connected, and have no reference whatever to England's bearings, or even those of the Commonwealth.

In reference to the said three-sided revolving seal, I may mention a curious instance of a double proof of authenticity. A friend, quite unconnected with the family, gave me a most perfect document, dated Oct. 25, 1648, bearing the autograph signature of Oliver Cromwell, directed to "Col Thomas Barwis," ordering him to repair to Carlisle to take charge of a regiment of horse that would arrive from Westmoreland. The document bears an impression of one of the sides of this his

private seal. I have never met with a public order so identified, and which at the same time so strongly confirms the genuineness of the seal.

Having ventured these remarks, may I go a little further? Having frequently heard the family position much disparaged, permit me to add that those curious in tracing the descendants of the great Protector will find that they have held highly creditable positions in the church, the bar, law, physic, and important official appointments under the Crown.

Mention having been specially made in the above letter of the mask of the Protector_taken just after his death, I may state that Henry Weigall, Esq. sen., had the loan of that mask in the hope and expectation that the time had arrived that, if he modelled a bust therefrom, it would find a place in the House of Commons; and, having completed his work, it was submitted to Prince Albert and the Commissioners. The authenticity of the mask was requested, given, and approved, but the Prince's reply to its being executed in marble was that the want of funds at that time would prevent it.

The bust is modelled in a bold, masterly style, highly creditable to the artist, and was presented by him, previously to his departure for Australia, to Henry W. Field, of the Royal Mint, who also possesses a few autographs and curiosities of Cromwell and of that eventful period.

It may also be mentioned that during the modelling of Mr. Bell's magnificent colossal statue of Oliver Cromwell, the same mask was put into his hands to aid him if he thought it desirable.



Prof. Henry Morley has had the rare good fortune to find in the British Museum, in a copy of the edition of Milton's English and Latin Poems printed in 1645, an unpublished poem, an addition in MS., which he believes to be in the poet's autograph. This has been doubted. MR. BOND and MR. RYE are of opinion that the hand is not Milton's, and that the initials at the end are not J. M. but P. M., while others who have made Milton's writings the subject of their study believe this poem to be from his pen. We incline to the latter opinion.

The following will, be believe, be found a correct version of this interesting discovery. It is that furnished to The Athenæum by Professor Morley, with two corrections subsequently communicated by him to The Times:


"HE whom Heaven did call away Out of this Hermitage of clay, Has left some reliques in this Urne As a pledge of his returne.

deficiency by an accurate copy of the original oath, which is preserved in the Record Office. It runs as follows:

Meanewhile ye Muses doe deplore
The losse of this their paramour
Wth whom he sported ere ye day
Budded forth its tender ray.
And now Apollo leaves his laies
And puts on cypres for his bayes;
The sacred sisters tune their quills *
Onely to ye blubbering rills,

And whilst his doome they thinke upon
Make their owne teares their Helicon,
Leaving ye two-topt Mount divine
To turne votaries to his shrine.
Think not (reader) one less blest
Sleeping in this narrow cist
Than if my ashes did lie hid
Under some stately pyramid.
If a rich tombe makes happy yn
That Bee was happier far yn men
Who busie in ye thymie wood
Was fettered by ye golden flood
Weh frō ye Amber-weeping Tree
Distilleth downe so plenteously;
Ffor so this little wanton Elfe
Most gloriously enshrind itselfe
A tombe whose beauty might compare
With Cleopatra's sepulcher.

In this little bed my dust
Incurtaind round I here entrust
Whilst my more pure and nobler part
Lyes entomb'd in every heart.

Then pass on gently ye yt mourne,
Touch not this mine hollowed Urne
These Ashes wch doe here remaine
A vitall tincture still retaine;
A seminall forme within ye deeps
Of this little chaos sleeps;
The thread of life untwisted is
Into its first existencies;
Infant Nature cradled here
In its principles appeare:
This plant now caverned into dust
In its Ashes rest it must
Untill sweet Psyche shall Inspire
A softning and prolific fire.
And in her fost'ring armes enfold
This Heavy and this earthly mould :
Then, as I am Ile be no more
But bloome and blossome b...
When this cold numnes shall retreate
By a more yn Chymich heat.

"J. M. Ober 1647."

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Archbishop: Madam, Is Your Majesty willing to take the Oath?

The Queen: I am willing.

Archbishop: Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the People of this United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging, according to the Statutes in Parliament agreed on, and the respective Laws and Customs of the same?

Queen: I solemnly promise so to do. Archbishop: Will You to Your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all Your Judgments? Queen: I will.

Archbishop: Will You to the utmost of Your Power maintain the Laws of God, the true Profession of the Gospel, and the Protestant Reformed Religion established by Law? And will You maintain and preserve inviolably the Settlement of the United Church of England and Ireland, and the Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, and Government thereof, as by Law established within England and Ireland and the Territories thereunto belonging? And will You preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England and Ireland, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such Rights and Privileges as by Law do or shall appertain to Them, or any of Them?

Queen: All this I promise to do.

The things which I have here before promised I will perform and keep.

So help me God.

Victoria R.

The oath, of which the foregoing is a copy, is written on vellum, and attached to that part of the Coronation Roll which describes the mode in which the oath was administered.

As I am not aware that there exists any account of the nature and origin of these Coronation Rolls, the few particulars upon the subject may be of interest to the readers of "N. & Q."

On the accession of a sovereign to the throne of these realms, a Commission is issued under the Great Seal constituting certain Members of the Privy Council a court for adjudicating on the

claims of persons who desire to render certain services, or to receive certain fees and perquisites at

the coronation. The Clerk of the Crown for the time being is always the clerk to such Court of Claims, and as such it afterwards becomes his duty to prepare the Coronation Roll, on which is recorded the whole particulars of the ceremony with the names of those who did homage.

This roll is afterwards deposited with great ceremony among the Records of the Court of Chan

cery-a fact which is duly recorded on the roll itself. The following account of the deposit of the Roll of the Coronation of Her present Majesty is recorded at the foot of the roll:


Be it remembered that on Monday the twentyfirst day of January in the second year of the Reign of Her Most Sacred Majesty Queen Victoria, the above-named Henry Marquis of Lansdowne, President of Her Majesty's Council, The Right Honorable Thomas Baron Denman, Lord Chief Justice of England, brought this Roll of the Proceedings at Her Majesty's Coronation into the open Court of Chancery in the Great Hall of Westminster; and the said Marquis with his own hands, in the presence of the said Lord Chief Justice, delivered the same into the hands of the Right Honorable Charles Christopher Baron Cottenham, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, sitting the Court, which said Lord High Chancellor then and there in like manner delivered the same into the hands of The Right Honorable Henry Baron Langdale, Master or Keeper of the Rolls of the said Court of Chancery, to remain of Record among the Records and Rolls of the Court of Chancery aforesaid, as well in the presence of the aforesaid Marquis and Lord Chief Justice as of the whole Court aforsaid.

I have stated that the original oath taken by the sovereign is always attached to the Coronation Roll: an exception must be made in the case of the Coronation Roll of George IV.

At the coronation of that sovereign, when the time came for him to subscribe the oath, it was found that by some oversight the vellum copy of the oath, which the sovereign was to subscribe, was not upon the altar. In this dilemma the king, with great presence of mind, suggested that he should subscribe the oath printed in the Book of the Form and Order of the Service: and the fact that he did so, is duly recorded in the following certificate from the Archbishop of Canterbury

which is attached to the Roll:

To the Right Right Honourable the Lords and others Commissioners for hearing and determining Claims touching Services to be done and performed at His Majesty's Coronation.

These are to certify, that on Thursday the nineteenth Day of July, in the second year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Fourth, I Charles, by divine Providence, Archbishop of Canterbury, administered to His said Majesty King George, in the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, in the City of Westminster, at the time of His Majesty's Coronation, in the presence of the persons then and there present at the Solemnizing thereof, the Oaths by Law required in manner and form following (that is to say)

Archbishop: Will You solemnly promise and swear to govern the People of this United King

dom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Dominionsthereto belonging, according to the Statutes in Parliament agreed on, and the respective Laws

and Customs of the same?

King: I solemnly promise so to do.

Archbishop: Will you to Your power cause Law and Justice in Mercy to be executed in all your Judgments? King: I will.

Archbishop: Will you to the utmost of Your power maintain the Laws of God, the true Profession of the Gospel, and the Protestant Reformed Religion established by Law? And will You maintain and preserve inviolably the Settlement of the United Church of England and Ireland, and the Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, and Government thereof as by Law established within England and Ireland, and the Territories thereunto belonging? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England and Ireland, and to the United Church committed to their charge, all such Rights and Privileges as by Law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?

King: All this I promise to do.

Then His Majesty, laying his right hand upon the Holy Gospel, said: "The things which I have here before promised I will perform and keep. So help me God." And His Majesty kissed the Book and subscribed the said Oaths.

May ye 30th, 1823.


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The following record of the mode in which this Coronation Roll was delivered in, may also be worth preserving:

Be it remembered that on Friday the twentythird day of January, in the fourth year of the Reign of the said most Serene Lord King George the Fourth, the before named Right Honorable Sir Charles Abbott, Knight, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, brought this Process into the open Court of Chancery in Lincoln's Inn Hall. And the said Sir Charles Abbott with his own proper hand delivered the same Process into the hands of The Right Honorable John Earl of Eldon, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, sitting the Court there, which same Lord Chancellor then and there likewise delivered the same into the hands of The Right Honorable Sir Thomas Plumer, Knight, Master or Keeper of the Rolls of the said Court of Chancery, to remain of Record amongst the Records and Rolls of the Court of Chancery aforesaid, as well in the presence of the said Sir Charles Abbott as of the whole Court aforesaid.

There is one important constitutional question connected with this subject, which I am at present unable to solve. The Acts of Union with Scotland and Ireland necessarily led to the changes which I have pointed out in the words of the Coronation Oath. But by whom were these changes made?

My first impression was, that they were made by the Court of Claims. I have been enabled by the kindness and courtesy of Mr. Naylor, of the Crown Office, to ascertain that the Court of Claims is not the authority for any such alteration.

It may be that they were made under special orders in Council, or under the orders in Council by which the several Archbishops of Canterbury were authorised to prepare the forms of prayer for the ceremonial.


INSCRIPTIONS AT TENBY. - In the east end of the north aisle of St. Mary's, Tenby, is a very old tomb recording the benevolence of William Risan, tradesman. He is represented kneeling in the attire of an alderman. The following is the inscription:

"Two hundred pounds and fifty more
He gave this town to help the poor,
The use of one on cloth and coles bestow
For twelve decrepid, mean and low.
Let fifty pounds to five be yearly lent,
The other's use on burgess' sons be spent,
Namely, yearly to set out two prentises."

On a carved stone in a niche is the following:"Mors mihi lucrum.

JOHN MOOR, of Moorhayes, in county of Devon, Esq., aged 58 years, was buried here April 6th, 1639, having by Mary his wife, the daughter of Richard Coffyn, of Portledge, in county of Devon, Esq., six sonnes and ten daughters.

"He that from home, for love
Was hither brought,
Is now brought home; this God
For him hath wrought."

C. S. K.

THE GLOBE SHAKESPEARE. - There is an over

sight in the glossary to this very handy volume, which amounts to a grave misconception; it will be found under the word "Hiren," which occurs twice in King Henry IV., Second Part, Act II. Sc. 4. Messrs. Clark and Wright suggest an intended play upon the word iron, whereas it is otherwise explained as a probable substitute for Irene, the Greek Εἰρήνη, & counterpart to the Roman "Pax," and the heroine of an old play.

She was one of the Horse; the "rosy-bosom'd Hours" of Milton, and I suppose, also, the houris of a Mahomedan paradise. So much for the original Irēnē; but in Pistol's allusion to "the Turkish Mahomet and Hiren the fair Greek," the so-called goddess of Peace seems transformed into a bellicose Amazon.

While on the subject, there is also in the same play, same act and scene, the word "Trigon" used as a proper name, which does not appear at all in the glossary; it needs explanation, however, for, being an astrological term, it has no place in current dictionaries: trigon, etymologically three-cornered, means primarily "a triangle," but in the passage referred to, Saturn and Venus, represented by Shakespeare in the persons of Falstaff and Doll Tearsheet, being in conjunction, Bardolph is mentioned as the third sign, completing the trigon or triplicated aspect of the heavenly bodies. The "fiery" Bardolph, whose " zeal burns in his nose," is no doubt meant for the planet Mars. A. H.

PLAYING CARDS. - I am not aware that you have ever recorded the custom that prevailed about a hundred years ago of using the backs of playingcards for complimentary purposes. I have a king of spades, on the back of which is written the following "return thanks": -" Mrs. Frere presents her Compliments to Mr. Selwyn, and returns him thanks for his kind Inquiries after her.-New

Bond Street."

D. S.

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SIR JOHN KENNEDY, knighted in 1603.

MARGARET SMITH, married-1. Sir Thomas Carey (he died 1648); 2. Sir Edward Herbert.

ELIZABETH, second daughter of William Freeman of Layston, wife of Sir Samuel Luke, Governor of Newport Pagnel, 1645.

ELIZABETH WEST, daughter of Henry, fourth Lord Delaware (he died 1628); married Francis Bindloss, third son of Sir Francis Bindloss. She was living in 1656.

ELIZABETH GERARD, daughter of Thomas Baron Gerard, second wife of Sir William Russell of Chippenham. He was created a baronet in 1628.

ELIZABETH LEIGH, eldest daughter of Francis Lord Dunsmore (created Earl of Chichester 1644), second wife of Thomas Wriothesley, fourth Earl of Southampton.

Wanted Date of Death of

SIR EDWARD GORGES, born 1560; created Baron Dundalk 1620.


CATHERINE RUSSELL, eldest daughter of Francis, fourth Earl of Bedford, born 1614; married (1628) Arthur Greville, second Lord Brooke.

ALBERT CUYP, born 1606.

THEODORE RUSSELL, portrait painter, born 1614.

Wanted Dates of Birth and Death of ANNE CLINTON, fourth daughter of Edward Clinton first Earl of Lincoln; married (1563) William Ascough.

KATHERINE HOWARD, fourth daughter of Thomas, first Earl of Suffolk; married (1608) William Cecil, afterwards second Earl of Salisbury.

ADRIAN PULIDO PAREJA, Commander of the Spanish fleet at Vera Cruz, 1660.

LE CHEVALIER PHILIPPE LE ROY. Living in 1654. SIR WILLIAM RUSSELL of Chippenham, created a baronet 1628.

RACHAEL DE RUVIGNY, married (1634) Thomas, fourth Earl of Southampton.

SIR SAMUEL LUKE, Governor of Newport Pagnel


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JOHN, second Lord Harington of Exton; died 1614. EDWARD RUSSELL, fourth son of Francis, fourth Earl of Bedford; died 1665.

DANIEL MYTENS, the elder; died 1657?

THOMAS WRIOTHESLEY, fourth Earl of Southampton; died 1667.

JOHN HOWLAND of Streatham; died 1686.

DIANA SPENCER, third daughter of Charles, third Earl of Sunderland; married (1731) Lord John Russell, afterwards fourth Duke of Bedford; died 1735.

ROBERT WALKER, the portrait painter; died 1658. JOHN HAYLS, portrait painter; died 1679. ELIZABETH, second daughter of Sir Richard Wrottesley; married (1769) Augustus, third Duke of Grafton; died 1822.

RICHARD RIGBY of Mistley Hall; died 1788.

LADY MARY FITZPATRICK, daughter of the Earl of Upper Ossory; married (1776) Stephen Fox, afterwards second Lord Holland; died 1778.

JANE, daughter of Sir John Fleming, Bart., of Brompton Park; married (1779) Charles, third Earl of Harrington; died 1824.

[In inserting this list, which we have great pleasure in doing, we must accompany it with the request that correspondents who can furnish MR. MARTIN with any of the information of which he is in search, will be good enough to address their replies direct to that gentleman. -ED. "N. & Q."]

BARON DE BERLAIMONT. - A picture was given me the other day of a man in a black coat ornamented with orange cord, slight beard and moustache, dark eyes, soft black hat with white plume, checquered ruffles and stock, a heartsease in his right hand, a pair of gloves in his left, against which rests part of the hilt of a sword or dagger. On the side of the picture, close to the face, is painted



Who was he? I think he was connected with the Gueux, but am not sure as to the exact person. The picture is on oak panel. J. R. HAIG.

DR. GEORGE CROLY.-Can any one direct me to a piece of Dr. Croly's which does not appear in any collection of his writings? It was, "Lines on Ezekiel's Vision of Dry Bones." It appeared twelve or fifteen years ago in some periodicalThe Atheneum, I think-but I cannot lay hands on it. I remember that it ended thus, after describing "the exceeding great army,'


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