ELISHA COLES'S DICTIONARY (4th S. ii. 471.)If S. H. HARLOWE will refer to Gorton's Biog. Dictionary, I think his search for the solution of his query will be ended. In one article he disposes of uncle and nephew-both natives of Northamptonshire, and both for a time of Magdalen College, Oxford; and both, it would seem, leaving or dismissed on religious grounds. The elder was of the strictest class of Calvinists, and published a work on predestination, still held in high esteem by those of his opinions. The younger Elisha appears to have been a voluminous author of elementary books of education, besides the dictionaries mentioned by MR. HARLOWE. Among the former are, a Hieroglyphical Bible for Youth, the Complete English Schoolmaster, and one, as Mr. Gorton remarks, "bearing the whimsical title Nolens Volens; or, You shall make Latin, whether you will or no.' ." He had been usher in Merchant Taylors' School, which he lost by misconduct; and little else is known of him but that he died in Ireland in 1680, eight years before his uncle. Is it not likely that the third Elisha, called Jun. by Lowndes, is the same as the one here com memorated? Carisbrooke. J. A. G. DOGWOOD (4th S. ii. 465.) - The name "dogwood" may be, in some localities, applied to other trees or plants than Cornus sanguinea; but I can find no authority for it. Hooker, Lindley, Platt, and Johns give it as only indicating this one shrub. Cornus sanguinea enjoys many titles. The old herbalists and Chaucer call it dogberry, hound's-tree, and guter-tree. Pliny names it Virga sanguinea, or bloody-twig. The Germans term it Kornelbaum and Hornstruch-the latter repeating the botanic name, from cornus, a horn; the hardness of its wood being thus indicated. It was formerly used for making spikes and javelins, and now for skewers, hence its name "prickwood." I am not aware that, either in the north of England, the midland counties, or here in the south, this name "dogwood" is or has been used to indicate either Viburnum opulus, wild guelder rose; Euonymus europæus, spindle-tree; Prunus padus, bird-cherry; or Ramnus frangula, berrybearing alder. I have conversed much with country people during botanic rambles, and invariably the name "dogwood" indicated the Cornus sanguinea alone. ROMAN INTERMENT AT TINWELL (4th S. ii. 481.) In his account of the interesting discovery near to Tinwell, MR. J. E. PRICE refers to my description of a similar discovery near to Stilton, and asks me as to the direction that Ermine Street took after leaving Chesterton. It seems to me that the course laid down for it in the Ordnance Map is the correct one. This takes it in a perfectly straight line from Durobrivæ to a point three-quarters of a mile east of Barnack, a distance of six-and-a-quarter miles, passing between Castor and Sutton and west of Upton (thus corroborating Gall); and, at the point denoted near to Barnack, bending north-easterly across Burleigh Park, at the edge of which the Ordnance Map leaves it. But, if the line were carried right on, it would take the road through Tinwell, or slightly to the east of it, towards Stamford. This confirms Peck's statement, and is also in favour of MR. PRICE'S supposition that the Roman interment recently discovered was near to the track of Ermine Street. As the subject has been referred to, I may be permitted to add that, in the Gentleman's Magazine for September last, I gave a drawing of the old coffin found near Stilton, together with a description of the other articles since found near to it-Samian and Durobrivian pottery, &c.: all which has assisted to confirm my original statement, that this spot was probably a Roman cemetery. In the same sketch is seen the columbarium at Folkesworth mentioned by me at p. 478 of this volume. CUTHBERT BEDE. BUZWINGS (4th S. ii. 35, 92.) - Another curious advertisement of the Buzwings appeared in the second column of The Times of Nov. 7, 1868 : "Lost, between the Buzwing Hall and Buckingham Palace a large red ticket order of the Buzwings to admit two postulants to the titillation 10th Nov. 1868. Whoever will take the same to the Matron, the Buzwing Hall, W.C., shall receive 5l. reward." A. B. Z. (p. 35) considers them a secret entomological society, from the buzzing of wings. A. II. (p. 92), a convivial society possessing fine "bees'-wing." But really I should like to know how to become a member. A society which has such a secret as a novel and curious mode of tickling - as to be worth ōl. to keep from a stranger must be a society well worth belonging to in these melancholy days of darkness and so-called comic (1) Christmas stories. It would have been rather fun to have found the ticket and to have gone to "TALKING A HORSE'S LEG OFF (4th S. ii. 488.) The expression is not limited to Lancashire. I have often heard it in Norfolk and in the midland counties - "Talk, talk, talk; enough to talk a horse's hind leg off." JOSEPH RIX, M.D. I have not had the opportunity of hearing this remark in Lancashire, as applied to a person who is a great or incessant talker, but in the remote county of Devon the saying takes a different form. Instead of "talk" they would use the word "tell"; and I once heard a farmer say, "Dthick veller would tell a horse to death." P. HUTCHINSON. After some remarks upon the consumption of copper-plates-five daily, or 1500 in the year and the expense and labour of producing them, the following remarks occur: "The possibility of substituting steel for copper has been suggested as a means of obviating these difficulties. "A specimen of engraving on soft steel was produced to the committee by Mr. Warren, and from the concurrent testimony of several witnesses it appears that a block or plate of steel may be softened so as to admit of its being engraved upon and etched, and that the time required by the artist to produce a given effect is not twice that required when copper is made use of. Under such circumstances, the plate, when finished would be capable of being again hardened, and in that state will afford twenty, or perhaps thirty times the number of impressions that copper will. "It was represented to the committee by Mr. Clymer, who stated himself as speaking from his own personal knowledge, gained while he was one of a company in the United States for the manufacture of bank notes, that the engraving of the ornamental borders of the American bank notes is made on thick plates of soft steel, by means of the turning-engine and the punches and other methods employed by the engravers. These plates being subsequently hardened, are used to impress cylinders of and cylinders, when hardened, are used to impress copper-plates, in which the writing, vignettes, &c. are subsequently inserted in the usual way." - Pages 5-7. From Mr. Pye's book we learn that, for the VAN DUNK (4th S. ii. 333.) - Dunk is a very plate of "The Broken Jar," Warren received the prevalent surname at Hastings. CHAS. WARNE. FIRST PLATE EXECUTED ON STEEL (4th S. ii. 394, 448.) I do not think it at all improbable that "The Broken Jar," after Wilkie, was the first instance of engraving on steel as a bookillustration. We know that copper was exclusively used for such purposes till within a few years previous, though occasional trial had been made of steel for less elaborate and important work. Few would be better able to speak on this subject than the eminent engraver John Pye, in whose very interesting work, The Patronage of British Art (8vo, 1845), the following note occurs: "The introduction of engraving on steel-plates superseded, for book-embellishments, engraving on copper. The immense quantity of this class of decoration produced from steel rendered them a drug in the market, and hence the fashion of book-embellishments was again changed. It would be a nice matter to trace the progressive introduction of steel; but it may be well to remark that Mr. Raimbach engraved a steel-plate for the Bank of England in 1811."-Р. 372. It may, however, be inferred from a passage in the Report of the Committee of the Society of Arts, &c. relative to the Mode of preventing the Forgery of Bank Notes (London, 8vo, 1819), that the new plan had not come, at that time, into general use. [* Clear'y the latter.-En.] sum of fifty guineas; and that at the sale of the engraver, in 1823, a proof on India paper sold for 41. 118. A beautiful artist's proof of this engraving, from the collection of Heath the engraver, is now before me. It is certainly a gem; but so carefully were the plates in the volume printed, that even the ordinary impressions, in the small-paper copies of the Social Day, do not contrast so unfavourably with it as might have been expected. I am also the fortunate possessor of the beautiful little picture by H. Singleton, from which the engraving by Anker Smith, A.R.A., to illustrate the lines on Chess (p. 104), was made. Except in colour, it is much in the manner of Stothard; the composition peculiarly happy and graceful; and it is in every way superior to the engraving. WILLIAM BATES. Birmingham. BELL-RINGING: BELL-LITERATURE (3rd S. xii. 453; 4th S. ii. 327.) - Interesting notes on the above subjects will be found in the Reliquice Hearniane, under the following dates:- May 24 and September 16, 1733; January 2, May 2, July 9, and September 28, 1734; April 11 and May 31, 1735. In the original MS. of the Reliquice there are further notes on bell-ringing that were sur pressed in the printed version. "Hearne," says Dr. Bliss, his editor, " was passionately fond of bell-ringing (although I do not find that he practised it himself), and records many of the exploits in that science at Oxford. The custom of gownsmen exercising themselves in this amusement was not uncommon in the last century. I had an uncle, then a fellow, afterwards an incumbent of New College, who frequently indulged in a peal on the college belis, and Dr. Gauntlett, the late warden, had been no mean performer in his younger days." T. WESTWOOD. SOC-LAMB (4th S. ii. 467.)-According to Halliwell, this term is also used in Sussex. The A.-S. soc means the act of suction, and the existence of the Germ. Saugelamm, Dutch zuig-lam, both meaning a sucking-lamb, leaves us in no doubt as to the true etymology. Compare sokerel, an unweaned child; souking-fere, a foster-brother; sokeling, a suckling plant or a young animal. Jamieson also tells us that one of the designations among the vulgar for a simpleton is a sookin' turkey. WALTER W. SKEAT. 1, Cintra Terrace, Cambridge. MATRICIDE (4th S. ii. 415.) - In the Criminal Chronology of York Castle (York, 1867, p. 29,) we read that on Saturday, April 30, 1649, fourteen men and seven women were executed for various offences. Amongst the seven is "Isabella Billington, aged thirty-two, for crucifying her mother at Pocklington, on the 5th day of January, 1649, and offering a calf and a cock for a burnt sacrifice; and her husband was hanged for being a participator in the crime." Probably the author of this curious and interesting little volume could give your correspondent further details. The case is a very curious one, and merits resuscitating. WILLIAM E. A. AXON. Joynson Street, Strangeways. WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL (4th S. ii. 381, 495.) -In reply to the query, "Why a church like Winchester Cathedral should receive four dedications, or indeed more than one," I answer that the matter is explained by the fact of its having been several times rebuilt, and re-dedicated. It was first founded by King Lucius, between the years 176 and 180, and dedicated in honour of the Holy Saviour. When it had continued about one hundred and twenty years, it was destroyed in the pagan persecution raised by Dioclesian. It was rebuilt and finished in 313 by Constans, the bishop, who dedicated the new church to St. Amphibalus, who was martyred with St. Alban. This cathedral, after being turned by Cerdic into a pagan temple, was entirely taken down by the Christian convert, King Kinegils, who designed to rebuild it on a scale of great magnificence, but was prevented by death. His son Kenewalch, however, completed it, and it was consecrated by St. Birinus in 548, and dedicated this time to the Holy Trinity and SS. Peter and Paul. The cathedral was again rebuilt from the ground-this being the fourth erection-by St. Ethelwold, who consecrated it in 980, and dedicated it under the same title of SS. Peter and Paul, with the addition of St. Swithin; and the cathedral of Winchester was thenceforth called St. Swithin's down to the time of Henry VIII. For all particulars of these erections, and of the fifth and last by Bishop Walkelin, finished in 1093, the reader may be referred to Bishop Milner's History of Winchester. It will be seen, however, from the above epitome, that the several dedications had no reference to any additions, but to the entire cathedral on each occasion of its being rebuilt. Each time it was considered a new erection, and received accordingly a new consecration and dedication. F. C. H. "LEGENDS OF DEVON" (4th S. ii. 345, 478.) In 1853, I bought a copy of this little book at the shop of Mr. Westcott, in the Strand, Dawlish. I was amused with it at the time, and since it has been mentioned in "N. & Q." I have been skimming over my copy again. Besides the introduetion and terminal address to Luscombe (in verse), it contains the legends of - The Parson and Clerk Rocks; Bradley's Height; Blue Bird of Horna Wood ; The Man who Maltreated a Ghost, or the Legend of Littleham; Linton Castle; Kent's Cavern; Berry Pomeroy; and Babbicombe Bay. In a book like this, perhaps, we must not look for historical accuracy on every occasion, nor etymological accuracy, where etymologies are probably only jokingly thrown out. But knowing something of Devonshire, and being interested in what concerns the county, I have a curiosity to know whether these les legends were merely invented by the writers, or whether the writers had first collected them as current among the country people in the different districts to which they refer, and then committed them to paper. If the latter, their value would be greatly enhanced. And finally, why should the names of the writers be withheld if they are known? P. HUTCHINSON. THE BISHOPS' VERSION OF THE BIBLE (1st S. i 234.)-Till the appearance of King James's Bible in 1611, the Bishops' was considered as the authorised version, and was generally used in churches. The present proprietors, according to Anderson's Annals of the English Bible, are, British Museum; Bodleian; Bristol Museum; St. Paul's; Cambridge University Library; and Lea Wilson, Esq. The late Rev. J. Forshall informed me that the Chetham copy is the finest he had seen. The preliminary leaves of the first edition (Lond. 1568, folio,) are misplaced. The proper order is thus given by Wilson: "The title-page is as follows: within a narrow woodcut border is engraved in large Roman letters The holie Bible,' and immediately below in letter-press, 'conteyn ing the olde Testament and the newe.' [These are not in the Chetham copy.] These take up together one-fifth of the page. A well-executed copper engraving has a halflength portrait of Elizabeth in an oval in the centre; immediately above are arms of France and England quarterly, within the garter, and surmounted by the helmet and crest. Upon the mantling, on the dexter side, is a shield with the arms of Ireland, and on the sinister, in a similar escutcheon, party per pale and fess, four lions statant regardant, for the principality of Wales. On either side of these are the figures of Charity and Religion. Beneath on a tablet, supported by the lion and dragon, is this inscription: 'Non me pudet Euangelii Christi. Virtus enim Dei est ad salutem omni credenti. Rom. i.' The reverse of this title-page is blank. There are many well-executed cuts in the volume. A full page contains fifty-seven lines." "This is generally known by the name of the Bishops' Bible, being translated for the greatest part by the bishops, whose initial letters are added at the end of their particular portions. As at the end of the Pentateuch, W. C. Willielmus Excestrencis. The translators are recounted by Strype in his Life of Parker.* This edition is so rare that neither Dr. Burnet nor Mr. Strype appear to have seen it. The date is not either in the beginning or end, but is inserted in the Archbishop's arms, and mentioned in the preface. It is adorned with great numbers of beautiful cuts.... After the Pentateuch is the picture of the Earl of Leicester, and before the Psalms that of Lord Burleigh, as favourers of the work. In this edition, at the end of the Book of Wisdom, are the letters W. C., probably for the Bishop of Chichester. In the second edition, the whole Apocrypha is ascribed to J. N., the Bishop of Norwich, who perhaps revised it afterwards." - Catalogus Bibliothecæ Harleianæ, vol. i. pp. 11, 12 (quoted in Censura Literaria, vol. iv. pp. 23-4). The portrait of Lord Burleigh in this page reminds us of the warm contest between the Lord Treasurer and Lord Essex, when the former pointed to the latter the 55th Psalm, 23rd verseBloodthirsty men shall not live out half their days." (See the Life and Character of Thomas Egerton, Lord Chancellor of England, p. 7; ed. Paris, 1812, p. 38.) BIBLIOTHECAR. CHETHAM. ARGOTE DE MOLINA (4th S. ii. 345.) - Argote de Molina published a translation of the Life of Tamerlane, by Pero Mexia (?), and would therefore appear to be the same as Margat. Vide note, p. vii., Embassy of Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo to the Court of Tamerlane (Hakluyt Society's publications). K. S. 1 Angles is as complete and accurate as I have been able to make it: St. Alnoth, M. about 670, Feb. 27. St. Ediltrude, Etheldreda, or Audry, V. 680, June 23. Her translation, Oct. 17. St. Edmund, K. M. 870, May 20. St. Hugh, B. of Ely, about 1254, Aug. 9. St. Osyth, V. M. 870, Oct. 7. St. Sethryd, V. about 660, Jan. 10. St. Wereburge, V. about 675, Feb. 3. St. William of Norwich, M. 1137, March 25. F. C. H. GREENE OF HEREFORDSHIRE (3rd S. i. 371.)I came across the inquiry made in your pages after this family only a few days ago, and shall be glad to afford your correspondent NEDALS any information in my power. He says that he has reason to believe that the Greens of Norton Canon sprung from the family seated at Greens Norton, co. Northants. This, I think, more than doubtful. John Green by his will, dated Oct. 15, 1591, left a house at Gloucester as a benefaction to Norton Canon (in which parish I expect he was born), and Richard Green had property there in 1652. Before the eighteenth century, the family seems to have quitted Norton Canon. C. J. ROBINSON. DEDICATIONS OF ENGLISH CHURCHES (4th S. ii. 490.) - The best evidence of the dedication of churches, when there is any confusion, is to be found in mediæval wills. The testator very frequently, about the fifteenth century and early in the sixteenth, mentions the place where he desires to be buried, describing it by the dedication of its church. Your remark about chantries is most just, as all who have had occasion to study this subject know. The church of Marholm, in this neighbourhood, has been always supposed to be dedicated to St. Guthlac. Bridges, perhaps, originated the supposition, for he says it is probably so dedicated; but he was misled by the dedication of a chantry. The church itself, as old wills abundantly testify, is dedicated to S. Mary the Virgin. Peterborough. W. D. SWEETING. "EUPHUES AND HIS EPHEBUS" (4th S. ii. 437.)-MR. ARBER'S note indicating the source of the Euphues and his Ephœbus suggests the more general subject of unadmitted translation from classical authors. We have one notable instance in Ben Jonson's Catiline; he translates largely in that tragedy from Sallust, Bell. Cat., and gives * Called by Ven. Bede Sedrido. See his Hist, lib. iii. c. viii. [On this subject consult the following work: "Momus Triumphans: or, the Plagiaries of the English Stage Expos'd in a Catalogue of all the Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, Masques, Tragedies, Operas, Pastorals, Interludes, &c., both ancient and modern, that were ever yet printed in English. The names of their known and supposed authors: their several volumes and editions, with an account of the various originals, as well English, French, and Italian, as Greek and Latine, from whence most of them have stole their plots. By Gerard Langbaine, Esq. Lond. 1688, 4to."-ED.] WHIPPING WIVES (4th S. i. 493.)-Permit me to make an important addition to this list: "Heale, William.-An Apologie for Women; or, An Opposition to Mr. D. G(ager), his Assertion, Who held in the Act at Oxforde, Anno 1608, That it was lawfull for Husbands to beate their Wives. Oxford, 1609, 4to." -Lowndes' Bib. Man. (ed. Bohn), p. 1021. Mr. Joseph Lilly, of Covent Garden, had a copy for sale in 1866. W. C. B. CAPTAIN THOMAS ASHE (4th S. ii. 340, 449.) — The Hermit in York; a Series of Essays on a Variety of Subjects. Hull (1823), sq. 12mo, pp. 123. From a prefatory "Advertisement," dated "May 1823," we learn that these essays were published in the Yorkshire Gazette. They are eight in number, and bear date May 29-July 18, 1820. No. 8 is entitled "The Man with the White Hat." (See "N. & Q." 3rd S. v. vi. viii. x.) There are also allusions to The Black Dwarf (see "N. & Q." 3rd S. viii.), &c. &c. Mr. Hotten mentions a copy of The Hermit in his Bibliographical Account of 1500 Books relating to Yorkshire, 1863, p. 19, and adds "only a few copies printed, rare. Hull, printed, 1820." Some of his works are specified in the Biog. Dict. of Living Authors, 1816. Who is the author of The Hermit in London, or Sketches of Manners, 1819, published in Ashe's usual form, 3 vols. 12mo? * W. C. B. NORFOLK HOWARD (4th S. ii. 437.) - I believe the story is no myth. I have always understood that "Joshua Bugg," after his change of name, opened an inn at Wakefield. The name of Bugg is certainly not very elegant, but it may have nothing to do with the nocturnal disturber. It may be of Sclavonic origin, and derived from the river Bugg. I have known several instances of the name an ex-beadle of Clerkenwell was Mr. Bugg-but I have always found the surname [ By Mr. McDonan.] spelled with the double g, which, I believe, is according to the foreign orthography. The additional g may, however, be an aristocratical difference, heraldically speaking. In Switzerland "Punaise," i.e. "bug," is found at St. Maurice, Canton du Valais, where one "Mademoiselle Pauline Punaise" is at the present time a laundress and dressmaker. The following impromptu I cut some time ago from the Durham Advertiser. seems worthy of being registered amongst the records of the Howard (Norfolk) family. It "Gamins! no more your shoulders shrug, PANTALOON (4th S. ii. 561.) -This is a real proper name, of Greek origin : Πανταλέων, " altogether a lion," was the name of a Christian physician and martyr under Diocletian; he figures in the Romish Calendar under date July 28, and in Butler's Saints under July 27. The name appears to have dropped into contempt from its appearance on the stage, the learned physician being represented as grey-headed old sage withered by study. taloon, his representative in burlesque, is dwindled into pants, as representing his own continuations. A. HALL. a Pan |