Imágenes de páginas

BEAUJEAU, Madame de, sister of Charles
VIII. of France, ii. 98.
BEAULIEU, favorite of Charles VII. of
France, ii. 20.

BEAUMARCHAIS, M. de, (1732-1799), his in-
terest in American affairs, iv. 243.
BEAUREGARD, confederate general, defeats
McDowell at Bull Run, v. 324.
BEAUVAIS, Bishop of, imprisoned at Rouen,
i. 201.

BECKER, General, accompanies Napoleon in
his flight, iv. 402.
BECKET, GILBERT, father of Thomas à Beck-
et, i. 155, 156.

THOMAS A. See Canterbury, Arch-
bishops of.
BEDDINGFIELD, Sir HENRY, governor of the
Tower, ii. 252.

[ocr errors]

BEDFORD, opens its gates to barons, i. 214.
Duke of, (John), brother of Henry
V., appointed regent in his absence, i. 385;
relieves Harfleur, 393, 394; repulses incur-
sion of Scots, 395; in Paris, with King
Henry, 404; assumes command of English
army, 406; intrusted by Henry with gov-
ernment of France, 407; seizes power in
France, ii. 13; chief mourner at funeral
of Charles VI., 14; unopposed in France,
14; causes large towns in France to swear
allegiance to Henry VI.; marries Anne of
Burgundy; despatches aid to Crevant, 15;
sends James I. back to Scotland, 16; de-
feats the French at Verneuil, 17; chosen
as arbitrator between Gloucester and Bra-
bant, 18; compelled to visit England, 19;
returns to France, 20; receives reinforce-
ments from England, 21; negotiates for
surrender of Orleans, 22; his anger at
Talbot's defeat, 27; receives fresh rein-
forcements, 28; gives up command of al-
lied forces, and retires to Normandy, 29;
crowns Henry VI. King of France; mar-
ries Jaquette of Luxembourg, 35; his
death, 37.

Duke of, John Russell, (1710-1771),
in Grenville's cabinet, iv. 227.


Earl of, imprisoned for heresy, ii.

Earl of, sent by Elizabeth to Scot-
land, ii. 287; her instructions to, 288.

Earl of, (William Russell) made
Duke (1694), iii. 404.
BEDLOE, accomplice of Titus Oates, iii. 280.
BELISME, ROBERT of, Earl of Shrewsbury,
i. 129.

BELGIANS, or Cymri, early invaders of Brit-
ain, i. 13-18.

BELGIUM, campaign of Marlborough in, iv.
55, 56; invaded by army of French Repub
lic, 322, again in possession of the allies,
325; under control of Bonaparte, 360; in-
vaded by him, 401; kingdom of, its for-
mation, 448; accession of Prince Leopold
of Saxe-Coburg, 449; Louis Philippe re-
fuses to accept throne of, for his son, v. 111;
its neutrality menaced, 390; separated from
Holland in 1831, 394; its neutrality estab-
lished, 395.

LEOPOLD 1., king of (1790-1865),
husband of Princess Charlotte, daughter

of George IV., iv. 405; his accession,
1831; marries Louise, daughter of Louis
Philippe, 449.

BELHAVEN, Lord, imprisoned by Duke of
York, iii. 289.

BELLAYSE, JOHN, Lord, made Privy Coun-
cillor by James II., iii. 330.
BELLEFONDS, Marshal de, at battle of La
Hogue, iii. 399.

BELLE-ISLE, captured by English (1761), iv.

BELLE-ISLE, Marshal, his influence with
Cardinal Fleury, iv. 148.

BELLIARD, General, in command of French
in Cairo, capitulates, iv. 354.
BELLIEVRE, ambassador extraordinary from
Henry III. of France to Elizabeth, ii.

M. de, French ambassador to Charles
I., iii. 76; recalled, 149.
BELOOCHEES, the, attack Hyderabad, v. 151,
BElleville, Joan of. Sce Joan of Belle-


BEMBOW, Captain, adherent of Charles II.
executed, iii. 147.

BENARES, CHEY-TA-SING, Rajah of, driven
from his country by Warren Hastings,
iv. 290.


XII. See Popes.

XIII., anti-pope, annuls the second
marriage of Jacqueline of Hainault, ii.

BENGAL, becomes possession of England,
iv. 207; Clive appointed Governor-General
of, 209, 210; his reorganization of, 281-
283; desolated by famine, 283; British su-
premacy finally established in, 285; Pres-
idency of, its authority over possessions of
East India Company, 286.
BENTINCK, Lord GEORGE, his attack on Sir
Robert Peel, v. 82; forms alliance with
Whigs and Radicals, 86; his remarks on
results of repeal of the Corn-Laws, 99;
growth of his reputation, 126.

WILLIAM, his devotion to William
of Orange, iii. 344; made Earl of Port-
land. See Portland.

BERAR, annexed to British possessions in
India, v. 241.

BERBICE, Dutch colony in Guiana, iv. 266.
BERENGARIA of Navarre, i. 181: marries
Richard Cœur de Lion, 189.
BERESFORD, SIMON, accomplice of Morti-
mer, hanged at Tyburn, i. 293.
BERGEN, battle of, iv. 210.
BERGEN-OP-ZOOM, besieged by the French,

iv. 179.

BERKELEY Castle, Edward II. murdered at,
i. 286, 287.

Admiral, present at the attack on
Brest, iii. 405.

Sir JOHN, his negotiations in behalf
of Charles I., iii. 86, 87, 88; urges the king
to consider proposals of the army, 89;
removed from the king, 93; accompanies
his flight, 94; carries letter from him to
the army, 97.
BERLIN, Marlborough's negotiations at, iv.

58; capture of by Russians, 212; deci- | BISHOPRICS, British, i. 28; Saxon, 37; Eng-
mated by Seven Years' War, 220; entered
by Napoleon, 378.

BERLIN Decree, issued by Napoleon, 1806,
iv. 378.

BERNARD, accused of complicity in Orsini's
plot, v. 285; acquitted, 286.
BERNICIA, Anglian kingdom founded, i 32;
its union with Deira forms Northumbria,
32, 33.

BERNIERE, Madame de, Voltaire's letter to,
iv. 130.

-, President de, iv. 130.

BERNIS, Cardinal, Minister of Foreign Af-
fairs to Louis XV., his love for peace, iv.

BERRI, CHARLES, Duke of, grandson of Louis
XIV, the English demand his renuncia-
tion of right to the Spanish throne, iv.
70, 71.

-, Duke of, uncle of Charles VI., assumes
Armagnac badge, i. 375; effects reconcilia-
tion between Orleans and Burgundy, 376;
resists pretensions of Henry V., 383, 384;
supports the Dauphin, Louis, 384; attempts
negotiations with Henry, 385; his advice
at Agincourt, 388, 389.

BERRYER, M., advocate of Montalembert, v.

BERTHA, Christian queen of Kent, i. 35.
BERWICK, captured by Edward I. 253; Par-
liament convened at (1296), 254; falls into
the hands of the Scotch, 279; besieged by
Edward III., 294; by the Scotch, 320;
surrenders to Henry IV., 372; ceded to the
Scotch by Margaret of Anjou, ii. 53; peace
concluded at, between Charles II. and the
Scotch, 425.

-, James Fitzjames, Duke of, accom-
panies James II. in his flight from Roches-
ter, iii. 359; commissioned to rouse Eng-
lish Jacobites, iv. 17; interview with James
on return to France, 18; in service of
Philip V. of Spain, 55; gains victory of
Almanza (1707), 57; quoted, 58, 88; inter-
view with Bolingbroke, 96; criticism of
Earl Mar, 99; censures the Pretender's
folly in dismissing Bolingbroke, 107; takes
command in French army against Philip
V., 118.

BESSIÈRES, Marshal, defeats Spanish at Val-
ladolid, iv. 385.

BETHLEHEM, dispute for possession of sanc-
tuaries at, v. 171, 172.

BEVERNING, VAN, Dutch statesman, his let-
ter to John De Witt, iii. 166.
BEYROOT, bombarded by the English, v.


BEVERLEY, Saxon church at, attacked by
Normans, i. 111.

BIBLE, forbidden to be read in public, ii. 201;
Wickliffe's translation of; Parker's, Cov-
erdale's, 357.

BIDASSOA, the, crossed by Wellington, iv.

BIGOD, ROGER, Earl of Norfolk, his replies
to Henry III., i. 230-233; opposes com-
mands of Edward I., 255; retires to his
estates, 256; resists the exactions of Ed-
ward, 257-263.

lish, their rich revenues, 154; offered for
sale by Richard I., 186; Anglican founded
by Henry VIII., ii. 192.

BISHOPS, Anglican, bill for their exclusion
from Parliament, ii. 445; their declara-
tion to Parliament; impeachment resolved
upon, 447; restored to House of Lords, iii.
256; endeavor to obtain from Monmouth
profession of doctrine of non-resistance,
316; refuse to support James II. against
Prince of Orange, 351; divided in regard
to repeal of Test Act, iv. 120; on question
of disestablishment of Irish Church, v.
385; in Scotland, efforts to introduce Eng-
lish liturgy, ii. 423; in Ireland, their ad-
dress to William IV., iv. 446; lose their
seats in English Parliament, v. 485.

British, their dissensions with Roman
missionaries, i. 34; take refuge in Wales,
i. 36, 37.

English, convoked to decide upon
marriage of Henry I., 127; side with Henry
I. against his brother, 128; condition im-
posed by them upon Stephen, 138, 139;
ratify accession of Maude, 143; in council
of Clarendon, 157; propose arbitration of
Louis IX. between Henry III. and his
barons, 234; join with barons in drawing
up Dictum of Kenilworth, 239; unsuccess-
ful resistance to Edward I., 255; protest
against sentence of the Despencers, 281;
Catherine of Aragon summoned before
court of, ii. 171; commission of, composes
Iturgy of English charch, 233; married,
deprived of their sees by Mary, 245.

Roman Catholic, in England, deposed
by Cranmer, ii 235; deposed by Elizabeth,
237; in Ireland, oppose Irish University
Bill, v. 408.

[ocr errors]

the Seven, protest against Declara-
tion of Indulgence, iii. 338, 339; sent to
the Tower, 340; allowed to return to their
palaces, 340, 341; their trial, 341, 342;
their acquittal, 343; their trial opens the
eyes of the Tories, 346.

BIRCH, Colonel, arrested by Colonel Pride,
iii. 105; his speech on necessity of reliev
ing Londonderry, 372.

BIRMINGHAM, obtains third representative
in 1866, v. 368.

BIRON, Duke de, at battle of Fontenoy, iv.

[blocks in formation]

BLOCKNESS CASTLE, Cardinal Beaton im-
prisoned at, ii. 207.


See Edward, the Black

BLACK SEA, Occupied by English and French
fleets, v. 179, 180; its interdiction to ships
of war, 234.

BLACKWATER, battle of, ii. 348.
BLAKE, Admiral (1599-1657), his successes
against Prince Rupert, iii. 152; captures
French ships, 154; encounter with Dutch
fleet, 156; victory over De Witt, 157; de-
feated by Van Tromp, 157, 158; expedi-
tion to Mediterranean, 173, 174; victory
at Teneriffe, his death, 186; tomb dese-
crated, 254.

BLAKENEY, General, surrenders Fort St.
Philip in Minorca to the French, iv. 192.
BLANCHE of Castile, wife of Louis VIII. of
France, niece of King John, i. 219; her
defence of Brittany, 224.
BLANCHE-TACHE, ford of the Somme, i. 306,


BLECHINDON, captured by Cromwell, iii. 60.
BLENHEIM, battle of, iv. 53.

palace of Duke of Marlborough, iv.

BLOIS, CHARLES of, nephew of Philip of
Valois, ì. 299, 300; made prisoner, 313.
PETER of, description of Henry II.,

i. 180.
BLOUNT, Sir THOMAS, renounces allegiance
to Edward II., i. 286.

BLUCHER, Prussian general, at battles of
Ligny and Waterloo, iv. 401.
BOADICEA, British queen, i. 21, 22.
BOHEMIA, claimed by Spain at death of the
Emperor Charles VI., iv. 148.

ANNE of. See Anne of Bohemia.
Sovereigns of –

JOHN of Hainault, ally of Philip I. of
France, i. 305; after battle of Crécy,


FREDERICK V., Elector Palatine (1596-
1632), son-in-law of James I., called to
throne of Bohemia by Protestant party,
his elevation opposed by the Catholics,
ii. 403; driven from Bohemia, takes
refuge at the Hague, 405; scheme of
James I. for his re-establishment, 406.
CHARLES ALBERT, Elector of Bavaria
(1697-1745), crowned, iv. 150.
BOHUN, Sir HENRY, killed by Bruce at Ban-
nockburn, i. 276, 277.

HUMPHREY. See Hereford Earl of.
Lady MARY de, wife of Henry IV.,

i. 378.
BOILEAU, Racine's letter to, iii. 403,
BOISDALE, MACDONALD of. See Macdonald.
BOLEYN, ANNE, maid of honor to Catharine
of Aragon, ii. 153; King Henry's devotion
to her, 154, 155; her enmity to Wolsey,
155; her illness, 157; her influence ex-
crted against Wolsey, 160; her marriage
with Henry VIII., 170; crowned, 172; ex-
communicated, 172; her children declared
legitimate successors to the throne, 173;
exultation at death of Catharine, 181; ar-
rest, 182; letter to the king, 183, 184; nul-

lity of her marriage declared, 184; her
death, 185; buried in chapel of the Tower,

BOLINGBROKE, Henry St. John, Viscount
(1678-1751), secretary of state in Harley's
cabinet of 1710, his secret negotiations with
the French, iv. 67; his reply to the Dutch
delegate, 68; quoted in regard to peace of
Utrecht, 69; transmits the queen's orders
to Ormond, 72; his successful manœuvres
to secure peace with France, 73; finally
arranges peace of Utrecht, 75; his political
intrigues, 76; in council of Queen Anne,
81; beginning of his rivalry with Walpole,
82; his remark on trial of Sacheverell, 83;
made secretary of state (1710), 84; his clo-
quence, rivalry with Oxford, 85; engages
in Jacobite plots, 85; presents Schism Bill
in Parliament, 86; placed at head of com-
mission for drawing up bills of attainder
against Jacobites, 87; the queen transfers
her confidence to him, 88; his intrigues in
favor of the Pretender, 88, 89; letter to
Strafford, 89; forced to propose Shrews-
bury as treasurer, 90; overthrow of his
schemes, 90, 91; his disgrace, 94; flight,
94, 95; impeachment in Parliament, 95;
in Paris, joins the Pretender, 96; made
secretary of state by the Pretender, his ac-
count of Jacobites in France, 97; the Pre-
tender writes to him from Scotland, 103;
dismissed by the Pretender in favor of Or-
mond, 106; abandons the Jacobites, 107;
pardoned by George I, 128; permitted to
return to England (1723), again retires to
France and returns in 1725, 129; visited
by Voltaire at Uxbridge, 130; his attempts
to ruin Walpole, 134; interview with the
king, 135; enmity to Walpole, 140; Wal-
pole's attack on him, 141; inspires Wynd-
ham's attack on Walpole, 142; leaves Eng-
land (1734), his return, death, 146.
BOLOGNA, University of, declares in favor
of the divorce of Henry VIII. from Cath-
arine of Aragon, ii. 167.

BOLTON, agitation against Corn Laws in, v.
69, 70.

BOLTON CASTLE, Mary Stuart imprisoned
at, ii. 295.

BOMARSUND, captured by Baltic fleet, v. 188.
BONAPARTE, JEROME, becomes King of
Westphalia (1807), iv. 381, 382.

JOSEPH, becomes King of Naples,
iv. 377; declared King of Spain, 385; quits
Madrid in alarm, 386; letter to Napoleon,
386, 387; obliged to remain on throne of
Spain, 387; established at Madrid, 387;
defeated at Vittoria, 392.

LOUIS, becomes King of Holland,
iv. 381; abdicates, 395.

[blocks in formation]

heretics, 254; his zeal not equal to that of
Queen Mary, 255; rebuffed by Elizabeth,
267; imprisoned by her, 273.
BONNIVET, Admiral, commands French
army in Italy, ii. 147, 149.
BONREPAUX, envoy of Louis XIV. to Eng-
land, iii. 327; his criticism of James II.,
337; conveys offers of Louis XIV. to
James, 347.

BOOTH, Sir GEORGE, revolts in favor of
Charles II., iii. 212; imprisoned in Tower,


BOOK OF SPORTS, the, ii. 398, 399.

BORA, CATHERINE, wife of Martin Luther,
ii. 152.

BORDEAUX, Earl of Derby besieged in (1346),
i. 311; court of Black Prince at, 331; sur-
renders to English, ii. 43; is recaptured by
French (1453), 44; proclaims Bourbons
(1814), iv. 400.

Archbishop of, bears message from
Henry II. to his son Henry, i. 178.

M. de, envoy of Mazarin to England,
iii. 154, 155, 169; negotiates with Monk,

BORGO, Count Pozzo di, opinions in regard
to fortifying Sebastopol, v. 186.
BORN, BERTRAND de, poet of Aquitaine, in-
trigues with the sons of Henry II. against
him, i. 178; is taken prisoner and set free
by Henry, 179; spoken of by Dante, 179.
BOSCAWEN, Admiral EDWARD (1711-1761),
captures French vessels, iv. 189; his at-
tack on Pondicherry, 203.

BOSQUET, General, at battle of the Alma,
v. 191; his exclamation at Balaklava, 206;
in command of French division at Inker.
man, 211, 212; anecdote of, 214; com.
mands storming party at the capture of the
Mamelon, 224.

BOSSUET, his eulogies of Queen Henrietta
Maria and the Duchess of Orleans, iii

BOSTON, Opposition to the Stamp Act in, iv.
224; to importation of tea, 233; port rights
withdrawn, 234; British garrison besieged
in, 236; evacuated by British, 238.
BOSWORTH, battle of, ii. 83, 84.

BOUILLON, Duke of, nephew of Turenne, iii.

BOULOGNE, Hastings encamped at, i. 51; cap-
tured by Henry VIII., ii. 208; restored to
France, 230; Bonaparte's camp at, iv. 363.
EUSTACE of. See Eustace of Bou-


BOURBAKI, French general of division at
Inkerman, v. 212.

BOURBON, CHARLES, Constable de (1490-
1527), intrusted with government of Milan,
ii. 131; his plot against Francis I., 147;
at head of the emperor's army, defeats
Francis I. at Pavia, 149; his death at
siege of Rome, 153.

Duke of, Jean, (1381-1434), i. 364;
taken prisoner at Agincourt, 392.

Duke of, at storming of Gibraltar
(1782), iv. 273.

Duke of, Louis Henri (1692-1749),
becomes regent upon death of Duke of
Orleans, iv. 130, 131; breaks off marriage
of Louis XV. with Infanta of Spain, 131;
supplanted by Cardinal de Fleury, 133.

JOHN of, defeated by free bands, i.

House of, its growing power, iii. 152;
Louis XV. sole representative of elder
branch, iv. 69; in Spain and France, di-
vided against itself, 132; in alliance with
House of Austria, 192; recognizes Ameri-
can independence, 248; princes of, at head
of emigrant army invading France, 322;
dynasty in Spain overthrown by the Bona-
partes, 383, 384; re-established in 1823,
416; its maintenance in Spain necessary
to France, v. 111, 112; England's attitude
toward, 113; in Naples, declares war
against England, 331.

BOURCHIER, Cardinal-Archbishop, crowns
Henry VII, ii. 85.

Sir JOHN, partisan of Henry VII.,
ii. 89.
BOURGES, Archbishop of, ambassador to
England, i. 385.

BOURGUENEY, M. de, French chargé-d'af-
faires, v. 42.

BOURN, Canon of St. Paul's, ii. 243.

BOTANY BAY, transportation of criminals to, BOWER, Sir GEORGE, besieged in Barnard
v. 288.

BOTHWELL BRIDGE, battle of, iii. 284.
BOTHWELL, Earl of, levies forces for Mary
Stuart, ii. 287; accused of Darnley's mur-
der, 289; acquitted, carries off the queen,
290; marries her, nobles attempt to take
possession of, 291; his escape from Car-
bery, leaves the kingdom, 292; his corres-
pondence with Mary, 293; Mary's accusa-
tion of, 296; declares his divorce, 301.
BOUCHAIN, captured by Villars, iv. 74.
BOUCICAULT, Marshal, taken prisoner at
Agincourt, i. 392.

BOUFFLERS, Marquis de, at capture of
Namur, iii. 401; his defence of Namur,
iv. 15; forced to capitulate, 16; plenipo-
tentiary of France at Ryswick, 23; evacu-
ates Lille, 59; at battle of Malplaquet, 64.
BOUILLE, Marquis of, captures Dominique,
iv. 253; recaptures St. Eustace, 266; cap-
tures St. Christopher, 270.

Castle, ii, 304.

BOWLBY, "Times" correspondent, v. 311.
BOWLES, Dr., chaplain of Fairfax, iii. 222.
BOWRING, Dr., supports cause of free trade,
v. 69, 70.

Sir JOHN, orders bombardment of
Canton, v. 237.
BOYNE, battle of the, iii. 384.
BRABANT, inherited by Philip of Burgundy,

ii. 30.

CLIQUET de, killed at battle of Agin-
court, i. 390.

Duke of, ally of Edward I., i. 258.
Duke of, ally of Edward III., i. 296.
Duke of, Anthony, killed at Agin-
court, i. 391.

Duke of, John, marries Jacqueline
of Hainault (1418), ii. 18; assisted by
Duke of Burgundy, 19; his death (1427),


BRABANTINES, mercenaries in England, i.

150; in service of Henry II., 152, 176; in
service of John, 217; of Isabel, wife of
Edward II., 283; at Agincourt, 390.
BRACKENBURY, Sir ROBERT, guardian of
the Tower, ii. 78.

BRADDOCK, General, English commander in
French war in America (1755), iv. 188,
189; defeat of his expedition against Fort
Duquesne, his death, 190.

BRADFORD, reformed preacher, ii. 243.
BRADSHAW, JOHN (1586–1659), President of
High Court of Justice for trial of Charles
I., 107; conducts the trial, 109-113; made
President of Council of State, 121; Crom-
well's letter to, 140; protests against disso-
lution of the council, 163; made President
of High Court of Justice under Cromwell,
167; not elected to Parliament in 1656,
174; condemns action of the army, 216;
his death, 217; disinterred and decapitated,

BRANDON, Sir CHARLES. Sce Suffolk, Duke

BRANDYWINE, battle of, iv. 246.

BRANHAM HEATH. battle of, i. 374.

BRAOSE, WILLIAM of, Lord of Bramber, i.
207, 208.

BRAZIL, Emperor of, Pedro II., appoints
commissioner to the tribunal of arbitration
at Geneva, v. 334.

BREADALBANE, John Campbell, Earl of, nc-
gotiates for Master of Stair with Highland
chiefs, iii. 395.

i. 149.

BREDA, conferences at, iii. 133; treaties of
(1667), 261.

BREMEN, Duchy of, gained by George I.,
iv. 120.

recovered from the French by Fer-
dinand of Brunswick, iv. 196.
BRENTFORD, battle of, iii. 28.

Earl, of, commander-in-chief of royal
army, iii. 52.

BRESSON, M., employed in negotiations in
regard to Spanish marriage, v. 122.
BRETEUIL, WILLIAM of, his quarrel with
Henry Beauclere, i. 125.

BRETHNOLTE, Earl, Dane settled in England,
i. 68.

BRETIGNY, treaty of (1360), i. 329.

BRETONS, banished from England by Wil-

liam the Conqueror, i. 113; in favor of
Prince Arthur, 203; march into Poitou,
205; proclaim Alice of Thouars, 206; sum-
mon French to their aid, ii. 94; unite
against France, 95.

BRETWALDA, Chief of the Heptarchy, i. 35,
37, 39.

BREWSTER, Sir DAVID (1781-1868), his name
beginning to be known in 1837, v. 161.
BREZE, RENE de, partisan of Margaret of
Anjou, ii. 54.
BRIDGEWATER, Duke of, his subscription to
Pitt's loan, iv. 333.

, Lady, daughter of old Duchess of
Norfolk, imprisoned, ii. 199; condemned
to imprisonment for life, 220.
BRIDGNORTH, Henry I. takes, i. 129.
BRIDPORT, Alexander Hood (1724-1816),

Lord, English Admiral, in command
against the French at Quiberon Bay, iv.
328; mutiny in his squadron, 335; prom-
ises redress and pardon, 336.
BRIGANTES, British tribe, i. 19.
BRIGHT, JOHN, speech on Peel's course with
regard to Corn-Laws, v. 77, 78; supports
peace policy in affair of the " Arrow," 239;
work in behalf of electoral reformi, 298;
his sympathy with United States, 331; his
name for followers of Mr. Lowe, 362, 363;
Disraeli's Reform Bill more than he had
asked, 367; remarks on Ireland, 368;
speech in behalf of Fenian prisoner, 372;
in Gladstone's cabinet, 384; his speech in
Birmingham, 384, 385; opinion on mon-
archy in England, 406.

BRISACH, ceded by Louis XIV. at treaty of
Ryswick, iv. 23.

BRISTOL, surrenders to Charles I., iii. 35;
held by Prince Rupert, 66; taken by Fair-
fax, 67; Cromwell lands at, 137; held
against Monmouth, 316; outbreak on re-
jection of Reform Bill (1831), iv. 438.

-, Bishop of, Sir John Trelawney, signs
petition against Declaration of Indulgence,
iii. 338.

DIGBY, Earl of, ambassador of James
I. at Madrid, letter to the king, ii. 407;
recalled, 410.

BRITAIN, early inhabitants of, i. 13; carly in-
vaders of, 13; early commercial relations
of, 13; invaded by Romans, 14-22; under
Roman rule, 22-26; condition of, after de-
parture of Romans, 27, 29; division of by
Saxons, 33; becomes England, 33.
BRITO, RICHARD, murderer of Becket, i. 168.
BRITONS, their wars with Romans, i. 14-22;

mode of warfare, 16; wars with Cale-
donians, 24, 25; converted to Christianity,
27, 28; conquered by Saxons, 30; in
Wales, 63.

BRITTANY, invaded by Henry II., i. 152;
Becket's negotiations concerning, 154;
taken possession of by Henry II., 163;
English princes do homage for, 164; de-
signed by Henry II. for his son, Geoffrey,
174; Coeur-de-Lion does homage for, to
Philip Augustus, 181; revolts, 182; nobil-
ity of, in favor of Prince Arthur, 203;
ravaged by both parties, 204; insurrection
in, organized by Philip Augustus, 205;
regained by French, under Philip Au-
gustus, 207; unsuccessful invasion of by
Henry III., 224; conflicting claims to suc-
cession, 299; war in, 299-301, 313, 318;
annexed to France, 341; population of
Normandy take refuge in, 395; partisans
of Henry Tudor assemble in, 80; invaded
by French, 94, 95; finally assured to
crown of France, 98; Alberoni attempts
to incite revolt in, iv. 119; war of Chou-
ans in, 328.

ANNE of, See Anne of Brittany.
Duke of (John III.) dies without
issue, i. 299.

Duke of, assumes badge of Armagn-
acs, i. 375; expected at Agincourt with
reinforcements, 390, 391; his private alli-
ance with Burgundy, ii. 15; declares in

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