REPORT OF THE Commission to Investigate the Methods of Purchasing Materials, Supplies, Etc. TRANSMITTED TO THE LEGISLATURE FEBRUARY 4, 1918 ALBANY J. B. LYON COMPANY, PRINTERS New York State Library STATE OF STATE OF NEW YORK No. 16 IN SENATE FEBRUARY 4, 1918 Report of the Commission to Investigate the STATE OF NEW YORK COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE To the Legislature: ALBANY, January 31, 1918 Pursuant to chapter 142 of the Laws of 1917, the Commission to investigate the methods of purchasing materials and supplies thereunder, respectfully submits its report as required by section 5 of said chapter. EUGENE M. TRAVIS, Comptroller, JAMES M. CARTER, Superintendent State Prisons, W. W. WOTHERSPOON, Superintendent Public Works, CHAS. W. PILGRIM, Chairman State Hospital Commission, F. R. UTTER, Fiscal Supervisor, JOHN H. FINLEY, Commissioner of Education, WM. A. ORR, Secretary of Trustees of Public |