by means of visits to the home communities, immediate families, and other relatives of the patients. The field work groups itself as follows: investigation of current cases yielding relatively short and not altogether comprehensive histories, which are nevertheless important in throwing light on the condition of the patient; investigation for the question of discharge; extensive studies of large family groups. All cases which come before the Board of Managers for discharge are first investigated to determine the behavior of the patient previous to his admission to the institution and the home conditions into which he would go if sent away from the institution. Since it is impossible to admit even all the most urgent cases of feeble-mindedness now at large in the State, it is permissable, and perhaps desirable, to discharge from the institution such individuals as are certain to receive proper supervision outside those who run the least risk of being a menace to the community. Of the 25 cases investigated during the past year particularly in regard to the matter of their release, 9 were retained by vote of the Board of Managers some of which cases without investigation would probably have been considered proper cases for discharge, 3 were released by order of the court, and 13 by vote of the Board. In the matter of extensive studies of large family groups, it has been found that co-operation with the County Agents of the State Charities Aid Association (particularly in a territory as small as Rockland county) reveals the fact that a very large percentage of the cases with which they are dealing, and have been dealing for several years, belong to family networks formed by years of intermarriage, which furnish by far the greatest proportion of the Agent's problems. Indexes. In addition to the index of individuals appearing in the histories recorded, the following are indexed: Defective Delinquents (those who have actually come into contact with correctional authorities previous to admission to the institution). Related cases at the institution. Cases who are children of consanguineous matings. Cases who are illegitimate children. Cases who have had illegitimate children. Territory covered: New York counties -Albany, Broome, Chemung, Chenango, Columbia, Dutchess, Kings, Nassau, New York, Orange, Richmond, Rockland, Schenectady, Schoharie, Steuben, Sullivan, Tioga, Ulster, Westchester, Yates. A small amount of work has been done in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The most important piece of work done during the year has been the beginning of a real school in the building that has been used for over two years for a kitchen and dining room. By tearing down certain partitions and putting up others we have a building of seven rooms, five of them real class rooms, one a play room, and one a sewing room. Our band of twenty pieces practices in the dining room and the girls' orchestra in their dormitory. The diversions for the children consist of a weekly dance in the big dining room, which is large enough so that all of the boys, girls and employees can meet comfortably. Holidays are celebrated in the usual manner; picnics are held on Saturdays during the summer; coasting and skating enjoyed during the winter, and baseball all the time when the weather permits. The health of the children has been good. There have been no epidemics and most of the sickness and deaths have been confined to low grade cases. The most important problem before us at the present is the securing and retaining of competent employees. Owing to the war which has taken, either by draft or enlistment, several of our old assistants, and owing to the unrest that is about because of the war, and the very high wages that are being paid at outside employment, we have lost a considerable portion of our staff. A remedy for some of these conditions could be found by making the wages correspond with the wages paid outside; this can only be brought about by the Salary Classification Commission. Shorter hours should be arranged for those who have immediate care of the children; this could be done only by the Budget Committee of the Legislature providing for additional employees. An automobile truck should be provided to carry people to and from the town and railroad station. There should be at the earliest possible date a club house erected which would be an attractive center so that all might find there the interest they most care for. These are problems that must be solved if the institution is to rise above the second class. Another big problem that is pressing for solution is the establishment of a scientific department for the study of our cases. We should have a department with a trained medical man at the head and with such other assistants as a psychologist, a chemist and field workers. The organization and development of the school and scientific department are our two largest problems now that the plans of our institution are finally settled upon. The appropriation for new construction from the next Legislature depends entirely upon that body. We are in a position to complete the institution at one contract if the money is made available. If, however, we are not to complete the institution at one contract we should complete the present groups, build one new group, build the administration building, the hospital, and finish the boiler house. It takes several years to organize and instill the right spirit into an institution, so the sooner our institution is completed the sooner will this be accomplished. Very respectfully submitted, C. S. LITTLE, Superintendent. |