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1—(2–3) re Laundry Building and Equipment.

The building is practically completed, within three weeks it will be ready for installation of equipment. There are nine carpenters and one metal worker now on the job.

A defect of plaster work is the only unsatisfactory condition; this is confined to a small section of the first floor and is caused by plastering over a surface of water proofing. The building in other respects is admirably constructed and arranged.

A—(11) re extending Sewerage system, Group No. 1.

Work practically completed. A few minor adjustments and valves need to be placed.


A. For hen houses, etc.

Twenty more chicken houses built; also brooder houses.

The brick barn on the "Coe" farm has been overhauled and a place found for incubator room, killing room and storage. The hennery now has a census of 650 chickens and about 1700 young chicks.


A. For replacing two temporary wooden bridges on the spur track with permanent structure.

Work completed.

B. For addition to cow barn and for milk room.

Cow barn completed; milk house will be finished in a week.

C. (E) For service building.

This building is completed. Occupancy was given August 25, 1917. It provides for two dining rooms, male and female in separate rooms and has five separate rooms for dry and cold storage of foods.

The inmates of the new cottages eat here now, some 312, i. e., 70 girls and 242 boys.

D. (F) For an attendants' home.

This building is completed; occupancy was given April 5, 1917. It has a single room capacity of 41. The present census is 20.

Hot water and heat is connected up. It is excellently planned and comfortably equipped.

A library and rest room are provided. The furniture and furnishings are of excellent grade and in good taste.


B. For sewer lines to the west side of creek, connecting laundry. This work is now 90 per cent. completed. A large portion of the line is in use.

C. re Alterations and extension of dam.

Work completed.

D. For construction of store house; bakery; refrigerating plant and cold storage building.

This work is progressing. The first story is erected, with division walls completed.

A good quota of workmen are on the job.

The location is in close proximity to the boiler house and heating plant.

E. For construction of cottages E, F, G and H.

Foundations are in for all; stone laid on three. Labor is short about 25 per cent. and difficult to get owing to war conditions and the generally unsettled state of the labor market.

F. For tunnel; conduit work; steam and return piping and hot water distributing and circulating piping for buildings of boys improvable group.

This work is progressing. It is being done by inmate and home labor.

G. For equipment and fixtures re Attendants' home and for service building.

All purchased and most all placed.


Twelve items, continuing the erection of additional units of housing and related construction.

Plans and specifications are ready and construction contracts advertised for. These are to be opened September 28, 1917.


The census steadily grows and in response to emergent demands even the enforced bed capacity is exceeded at this time.

The normal bed capacity of the four new cottages plus "Disbrow" house, is 290. The enforced bed capacity is 330. The present census is:

[blocks in formation]

To relieve the situation six girls house at the infirmary cottage. The Superintendent reports a lesser number of delinquents. There are probably six males of this type in the present census. From the Greater City of New York there has been received and retained 228 cases.

There are fourteen epileptics here and sixteen cases of trachoma originally received from Randall's Island. These have been under constant treatment for several years and are reported now in the non-contagious stage. Care is exercised still to segregate their lavatory equipment.


With the completion of four other cottage units further subdivisions will be possible in the matter of classification. present arrangement is as well planned as the limited number of buildings will permit.

No special equipment is as yet provided for the scientific care of epileptics and until this is accomplished this class of patient will not be encouraged to seek admittance.

The quota of patients coming from other than Metropolitan counties is 122 and represent some twenty-seven counties, mostly in the eastern section of the State.


Board meetings of the managers continue to be held at the Village, monthly.

The administrative staff continues the same as last year. The general office force has had changes in three positions. The cottage heads are the same except in "C" where a new matron is in charge. These cottage headships are becoming more settled and as convenient and comfortable quarters are now provided the tendency must be to secure better help and hold them.

In the minor positions more or less frequent changes are noticeable.

The war conditions have affected the labor market so it is a hard problem to secure acceptable help at all times.

The personnel at this time is ninety-six persons, twelve of these are without maintenance. All positions are filled.

The attendants home, a building recently occupied, is a comfortable house. Each employe has a single room, tastefully furnished.

Local inspections of the plant and cottage affairs are made daily by the resident physician and the supervising matron.

The medical superintendent it is stated conducts periodical full inspections of the entire plant in company with these staff officers.

My inspection shows a well adjusted daily routine of service and general administration efficient.


The sewing room removal to the more central position in a wing of the "Secor" group gives a larger work room. Ten girls are here employed, and at this season they are also engaged in the canning factory. The laundry also gives employment to a group of girls; also general domestic work. The boys are for the greater part employed in grading operations about the new buildings and on the farm and garden. Later, when other buildings are erected a fuller schedule of occupational activity will be introduced.

A careful study is now being made of the various types and their best adaptability to certain industries.


The general health for the past year has been good. Minor ilnesses have occurred; also the usual number of minor accidents. No contagion has been epidemic.

I have seen the inmates at work during the day and again visited their quarters in the evening.

The infirmary cottage is in charge of a graduate nurse. There were two patients under her care at the time of inspection, i. e. a girl physically below normal and in a nervous condition and a small male child, troubled with malaria.

The sick rooms are all located in what was formerly an attic. The rooms are much too small for real hospital work. The cubic air space per bed is far below normal requirement.

It is hoped that a new hospital building may soon be provided. At the several dormitories there were found two female inmates in bed — periodical illness, and two male inmates in bedepileptics.

The infirmary has a provision of twelve beds, i. e. eight for girls, two for children and two for males.

There are no scabies cases reported at this time.

During the year there were nine deaths.

Dentistry is in charge of a visiting specialist. During the summer just closed all inmates were carefully looked over and treated. Drooling is reduced, as a result, to a minimum.

The chronic trachoma cases from Randall's Island are improving, under the care of a visiting ophthalmologist.

Sanitary conditions about the buildings are good. Water sections are in excellent repair. Ventilation is excellent. Bathing is regularly done- weekly in winter and in summer almost daily. Lavatory supplies, except combs and brushes are



A State Health Department analysis was made of the drinking water and supply March 27, 28, 1917, with the following report: "These analyses show that the water from the main supply is of a fairly safe sanitary quality but organisms of the intestinal origin are occasionally found in the water."

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