such purposes. Under the present system of making appropriations, as no special fund is available for minor improvements or small additions to equipment, there are many items under these headings left unattended to which should be accomplished, e. g., Outside lighting of entire Villa Flora Group, West Group, portions of Central and Village Green Group; additional plumbing for Schuyler Infirmary and various other structures at the Colony; installation of sanitary drinking fountains; placing of additional fire hydrants near barns and seed house. More furniture is needed in various patients' cottages, especially chiffoniers, wardrobes, pictures, clocks, rugs, chairs of various kinds, bed side tables, tables, settees, mirrors, stands, dressers. To make more homelike, within reasonable limits, these are required in the various cottages. Many of the brighter patients who can appreciate such things are without a proper place in which to keep their personal belongings. As the cost of articles of food, fuel, etc., fluctuates so much it is impossible to foretell the exact amount required for general maintenance expenditures sufficient to meet the requirements of the Colony for a comparatively remote period in the future. It · was found necessary to obtain from the Legislature of 1917 a deficiency appropriation under several of the maintenance subdivisions. From the experience of past years I am of the opinion that the State should have an emergency or contingent fund available that some supervisory officer or board or the institutions individually might have, from which to purchase food, fuel, etc., should the amount in the maintenance fund of an institution at any particular time be insufficient to meet urgent need for action. The obtaining of deficiency appropriations entails weeks or months of waiting when immediate relief may be demanded. I would suggest that your Board consider the following items to be requested of the coming Legislature: 1. For the maintenance of the Colony for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1918, I would Colony to $178,856 00 $115,000 47,500 200 43,475 32,000 The amounts given for expenditures so far in the future are as approximately correct as can at this time be arrived at considering the uncertainty of what various supplies will cost another year. If the two dormitories at the West Group are occupied early in the next fiscal year and as a result the census of the Colony materially increased there will be required a proportionate increase in the amount included under certain subdivisions, e. g., food, fuel, materials, etc. 2. Repairs. This amount should be made available so as While one must appreciate that owing to the war situation demands upon the State 3. Diningroom and Kitchen Building, West Without this building no facilities are avail- This kitchen building should be designed so EMPLOYEES' COTTAGE. ALL ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE LINES THROUGHOUT THE INSTITUTION THAT WERE NOT IN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS HAVE HAD REINFORCED CONCRETE POLES SUBSTITUTED FOR WOODEN POLES. |