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ernment, I want to say that it is unnecessary to ask if we will do it. I have already offered my services to the Government for any service that they want to call upon me for and if this institution can be of any use in caring for sick or wounded soldiers we stand ready to take care of just as many as they wish to send here.

Very sincerely yours,

(Signed) C. S. LITTLE, M. D., Superintendent

In view of the fact that large numbers of ill and wounded troops will be returned to this country in steadily increasing numbers it is important that every assistance should be given to the Federal Government in meeting this important problem.

The Board of Managers believes that the construction of the Village should be completed at the earliest possible moment in order to make it possible not only to care for the defectives but in order to help meet the need for additional accommodations for the returning soldiers needing institutional care.

At Letchworth Village the State owns a tract of over two thousand acres of land. The Village when completed will have a capacity of three thousand beds. Using the present organization and equipment as a nucleus it will be possible by the erection of temporary hospital buildings to increase the total bed capacity of the institution to ten thousand, fifteen thousand or even twenty thousand beds. The Board of Managers believes that without hampering the regular work of the Village and through the utilization of its facilities, a large base hospital can be successfully and efficiently operated under the direction of its officers at a very low per capita cost.


The following structures have been completed and occupied:
Cottages A, B, C and D — Improvable Boys' Group
Attendants' Home Improvable Boys' Group
Service Building - Improvable Boys' Group
First Unit of Power House

The following buildings are under construction :


Storehouse, Bakery and Refrigeration Plant

Cottages E, F, G and H-Improvable Boys' Group

Contracts have been let for the following buildings but building operations have not yet been started:

Eight Cottages -Adult Female Group

Assembly Hall - Improvable Boys Group.
Industrial Building — Improvable Boys Group.
Second Unit of Power House

The contractors are finding it more and more difficult to obtain labor and as a result the construction of the buildings now under contract is progressing more slowly than during peace times.


The Board of Managers cannot too heartily endorse Senator Sage's recommendation for the prompt completion of Letchworth Village.


The Board desires to call particular attention to the effective cooperation it has received from the State Architect and his associates in the department of Architecture. It is through their cooperation and effective help that it has been possible to put under contract the greater part of the construction work authorized by the last Legislature. To all the other State Departments which have rendered helpful service in carrying on the work of the Village the Board extends grateful thanks.

Owing to the labor shortage and war, activities the difficulty of securing an adequate number of efficient officers and employees has been a difficult problem. The high standard of service which has been maintained during the year is due to Dr. Little's efficient and patriotic work.

The Board is under a particular obligation to Dr. Little and his associates for having withstood the temptation to volunteer for service overseas where the glamour of an active participation in the war naturally appeals to every loyal American citizen. It is however, just as important to maintain the standard of service

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