REFERENCE BOOKS. Tribune Almanac, Back Numbers.-Copies can be supplied for 1874 to 1879, for 1880, and for 1882 to 1897. 25 cents each. Gold and Silver.-The Question of Coinage.-A pamphlet of 96 large pages, containing the entertaining and hard-hitting joint debate between Roswell G. Horr and U. S. Senator William M. Stewart on Free Coinage, in which Mr. Horr completely routed his adversary. The whole question, on both sides. 25 cents per copy. Dingley Tariff Bill.-Substantially in full. Rates compared with the Wilson law. 10 cents per copy. Wilson Tariff Law.-Rates of the abominable measure which has brought unhappiness to the whole country and left tens of thousands of homes of workmen vacant, compared with those of the McKinley law. 10 cents a copy. Tribune Index.-A complete index of dates in 1897, amounting almost to a diary of the year. Back numbers can be supplied from 1876 inclusive, excepting for 1878, '79, '81, '89 and '95. 50 cents a copy. ART AND THE HOME. Bird's Eye View of Greater New-York.-A colored picture, prepared expressly for The Tribune by Graham, who painted the "White City" for the World's Fair, with key to noted objects in the landscape. It shows New-York, Brooklyn, Staten Island, New-Jersey, the Narrows, Forts, Coney Island, etc., in one clear and comprehensive view. Suitable for framing. 10 cents a copy. Prize War Stories.-Over 40 Tales of the Civil War, written by Union Soldiers who were actors in the scenes represented. Thrilling, pathetic and entertaining. 88 pages. 25 cents. True War Stories.-A later collection by other authors, all of them participants in the stirring deeds which they narrate. All written especially for The NewYork Tribune. 88 pages. 25 cents a copy. Our Chauncey.-A brilliant, entertaining poem, by Isaac H. Bromley, the humorous editorial_writer of The Tribune, handsomely and ingeniously illustrated by Dan Beard and C. D. Gibson, two great magazine artists. The forty-odd pages devote as much space to illustration as to poem. Fine paper covers, illustrated. "Our Chauncey" is Chauncey M. Depew, long one of the most celebrated of after-dinner orators, whom, as a baby in his cradle, Mercury, the messenger to Jupiter, finds at Peekskill, N. Y., and whom Jupiter brings up to put to flight the old fogies who talk stupid commonplace at, public banquets. The story of "Our Chauncey" is delightfully told. The poem was read originally at a gathering of graduates of Yale College. They laughed just once during the reading, but the laugh began with the third line, and never stopped until the close. Price, 50 cents. Washington's Farewell to His_Officers.-A picture, in colors, 14 by 18 inches, of a famous scene of the American Revolution, painted expressly for The Tribune by the artist Ogden, a great authority. Portraits of Washington, Knox, Putnam, Steuben, Clinton and others. This picture is historically correct; the uniforms are exact to a button. Obtainable only from The Tribune or its Club Agents. Price, 10 cents. Village Improvement. Two charming articles, by B. G. Northrop, showing why villages differ in prosperity. Mr. Northrop ie the greatest authority on the subject in America. 5 cents each. Trusts.-An argument between S. C. T. Dodd and Terence V. Powderly, who take different sides of the question. 5 cents. After-dinner Oratory.-The best public speeches of one winter's public dinners in New-York City. 10 cents. Knitting and Crochet.-Patterns for garments, tidies, mats, chair covers, etc. Six different pamphlets; each 64 pages or more. Each 10 cents; the six for 50 cents. Art and Architecture at the World's Fair.-A critical review by The ibune's art critic. 58 large pages. 10 cents. 100 pages. Just as good Summer Leisure.-A good collection of love stories. winter reading. 10 cents. SPECIAL EDITIONS OF THE TRIBUNE. Inauguration Edition of The Daily Tribune, March 4, 1897, with colored cover and a special supplement, entitled "Eleven Administrations, which supplies an exhaustive review of the whole life of the Republican party, and a comparison of the constructive and patriotic policies of the party with the destructive and reactionary spirit of the Democratic party. 5.cents a copy. The Tribune never gave so much for 5 cents as in this Edition. Memorial Day Number of The Daily Tribune, May 29, 1897. Splendidly Illustrated. 5 cents a copy. THE TRIBUNE. as a Newspaper. A Significant Showing of the Value and Importance of the Matter It Prints. TO THE EDITOR OF The Tribune. SIR: Several of the New-York City papers had special large editions on Sunday, December 12. It seems to me that it might be interesting for you to know that, in spite of these extra editions, The New-York Tribune contained again still more live and important news items than any other paper. I inclose a list of the number of clippings found for over five thousand subscribers, prominent in all walks of life: Subscription Rates: Daily, $10 a year; $1 a month. Sunday Tribune, separately, $2 a year. Weekly Tribune, $1 a year. Semi-Weekly Tribune, $2 a year. The Communipau YARD: COMMUNIPAU, JERSEY CITY. YARD: 617 to 621 Eleventh Ave., bet. 45th and 46th Sts., New-York. [111 Broadway, Room 40. [621 Eleventh Avenue. NEW-YORK OFFICES: POSTOFFICE BOX 2,209. TELEPHONE CALLS: Uptown, 656 38th St.; Downtown, 175 Cortlandt. UR YARDS are kept supplied with carefully selected Coal shipped direct from the mines of the Lehigh and WilkesBarre Coal Company via Central Railroad New-Jersey. The New Jersey and Brooklyn Editions of THE TRIBUNE are both the regular New York city edition with the special news of those localities added. Readers in every part of the United States have the best New Jersey and Brooklyn news. THE TRIBUNE. |