"Kreuz und quer verlaufende Linien der Geschichte": ein kritischer Blick auf Daniel Boyarins Thesen zur Entstehung von Judentum und Christentum

LIT Verlag Münster, 2006 - 95 páginas

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Términos y frases comunes

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Página 31 - Es gibt nicht mehr Juden und Griechen, nicht Sklaven und Freie, nicht Mann und Frau; denn ihr alle seid »einer
Página 28 - Kirchenfuhrer zu unterscheiden." 77. " daß Gadamer Verstehen prinzipiell in jedem Fall für möglich hält. Für Derrida bleibt der Andere in einem radikaleren Sinn der Andere. Das Ziel ist nicht Verstehen im Sinne einer Verschmelzung der Horizonte, sondern das Herausarbeiten der Unterschiede, die nicht erneut in eine F.inheit zusammengenommen werden.
Página 18 - Here we should like to lay down an important principle in the investigation of the Aggadah. The utterances of the Rabbis are not as a rule pointless. Their homilies and parables in which they utilized the current events of their time always contain something which must have appealed to the mind or heart of their contemporaries.
Página 23 - Rechtgläubigkeit und Ketzerei im ältesten Christentum. 2., durchges. Aufl. mit einem Nachtrag hrsg.
Página 45 - As a tentative hypothesis, I would offer the following: Identification with the female virgin was a mode for both Rabbis and Fathers of disidentification with a "Rome" whose power was stereotyped as a highly sexualized male. Both groups were engaged in complex, tangled, and ambivalent negotiations of self-fashionings in response to their attraction and repulsion from that Rome. Each, however, occupied a different space within the economies of power and ethnic emplacement in the...
Página 41 - By naming the traditional Logos or Memra doctrine of God a heresy. indeed, the heresy. Two Powers in Heaven, the rabbinic theology expels it from the midst of Judaism, hailing that heresy at least implicitly as Christianity. at the same time, in a virtual conspiracy, the emerging Christian orthodoxy embraces the Logos theology and names its repudation Judaism. We have seen this historical, sociocultural process being enacted within Justin's Dialogue.
Página 9 - Christians (millennial enemies) are suddenly strange bedfellows, collectively engaged in a war or wars against Muslims. Ariel Sharon's war of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians is applauded by fundamentalist Christians, and American president George W. Bush's crusade against Iraq is cheered by most Jews in the name of a battle against Muslim terrorists.
Página 57 - Justin was producing his notion of apostolic succession, a similar development was taking place within the institutional formation of the Rabbis. The two processes were, I would conjecture, somehow connected, and seemingly intimately so. But it is not at all obvious how, and certainly one cannot, on my hypothesis, simply ascribe the development within "Christianity" to influence from a putatively early "Jewish
Página 28 - Jüdisch-christliche Gemeinsamkeiten im Kontext der Antike. Zur Hermeneutik der patristischen Theologie, (in: Methodische Erneuerung der Theologie. Konsequenzen der wiederentdeckten jüdisch-christlichen Gemeinsamkeiten.
Página 15 - Elicezer no longer is a historical character in the first century, but a "fictional" character in the third century. I return to the methods of questioning the text employed by the traditional learning to ask questions about coherence, internal and external, and draw historical conclusions, not about events but about ideologies, social movements, cultural constructions, and particularly repressions — about the work of the text.

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