As I my poor felf did exchange for you, [Putting a bracelet on her arm. Upon this faireft pris'ner. When shall we fee again? SCENE III. Enter Cymbeline, and Lords. Poft. Alack, the King! Cym. Thou bafelt thing avoid! hence! from my fight! If, after this Command, thou fraught the Court Poft. The Gods protect you, And blefs the good remainders of the Court! I'm gone. Imo. There cannot be a pinch in death More fharp than this is. Cym. O difloyal thing, That fhouldft repair my youth, thou heap'ft (7) A year's age on me. Imo. I befeech you, Sir, Harm not yourself with your Vexation; (7) A year's age on me.] Dr. Warburton reads, A yare age on me. [Exit. It seems to me, even from Skinner, whom he cites, that yare is ufed only as a perfonal quality. Nor is the authority of Skin ner fufficient, without fome example, to juftify the alteration. Hanmer's reading is better, but rather too far from the original copy, I read, Thou beapeft many -Thou heap'ft Years, ages on me. I'm L 3 I'm fenfelefs of your wrath; (8) a touch more rare Subdues all pangs, all fears. Cym. Paft grace? obedience? Imo. Paft hope, and in despair; that way, paft grace. Imo. O, bleft, that I might not! I chose an eagle, And did avoid (9) a puttock. Cym. Thou took'ft a beggar; wouldft have made my Throne A feat for Bafeness. Imo. No, I rather added A luftre to it. Cym. O thou vile one! Imo. Sir, It is your fault, that I have lov'd Pofthumus: Cym. What!-art thou mad? Imo. Almoft, Sir; heav'n reftore me! Would I were A neat-herd's daughter, and my Leonatus Our neighbour-fhepherd's fon! Enter Queen. Cym. Thou foolish Thing. They were again together, you have done (8) a touch more rare Subdues all pangs, all fears. [To the Queen. Rare is used often for eminently good; but I do not remember any paffage in which it ftands for eminently bad. May we read, a touch more near. Cura Deam propior luctufque domefticus angit. Shall we try again, a touch more rear Crudum vulnus. But of this I know not any example. OVID. There is yet another interpretation, which perhaps will re move the difficulty. A touch more rare, may mean, a nobler passion. (9) - a a puttock.] A kite. Not Not after our Command. Away with her, Queen. Befeech your patience. Peace, Dear lady daughter, peace. Sweet Sovereign, Leave us t'ourfelves, and make yourself some comfort Out of your best advice. Cym. Nay, let her languish A drop of blood a-day; and, being aged, Die of this folly. Enter Pifanio. Queen. Fy, you must give way. [Exit. Here is your fervant. How now, Sir? What news? No harm, I truft, is done? Pif. There might have been, But that my mafter rather play'd, than fought, Queen. I'm very glad on't. Imo. Your fon's my father's friend, he takes his part. -To draw upon an exile! O brave Sir! I would they were in Africk both together, Myfelf by with a needle, that I might prick Queen. This hath been Your faithful fervant; I dare lay mine honour, Pif. I humbly thank your Highness. Queen. Pray, walk a while. Imo. About fome half hour hence, pray you, fpeak with me; You fhall, at leaft, go fee my Lord abroad. For this time leave me. L 4 [Exeunt. SCENE SCENE IV. Enter Cloten, and two Lords. 1 Lord. Sir, I would advise you to fhift a fhirt; the violence of action hath made you reek as a facrifice. Where air comes out, air comes in, there's none abroad fo wholefome as that you vent. Clot. If my fhirt were bloody, then to shift itHave I hurt him? 2 Lord. No, faith: Not fo much as his patience. [Afide. 1 Lord. Hurt him? his body's a paffable carcass, if he be not hurt. It is a thorough-fare for fteel, if it be not hurt. 2 Lord. His fteel was in debt, it went o' th' backfide the town. Clot. The villain would not ftand me. [Afide. 2 Lord. No, but he fled forward ftill, toward your face. [Afide. 1 Lord. Stand you? you have land enough of your own; but he added to your Having, gave you fome ground. 2 Lord. As many inches, as you have oceans, pup pies! [Afide. Clot. I would, they had not come between us. 2 Lord. So would I, 'till you had meafur'd how long a fool you were upon the ground. [Afide. Clot. And that the fhould love this fellow, and refufe me! 2 Lord. If it be a fin to make a true election, she's damn'd. [Afide. 1 Lord. Sir, as I told you always, (1) her beauty and her brain go not together. (2) She's a good Sign, but (1) her beauty and her brain, &c.] I believe the Lord means to speak a fentence. Sir, as I told you always, beauty and brain go not together. (2) She's a good Sign,] If fign be the true reading, the poet means by it conftellation, and by reflection is meant influence. But I rather but I have seen small reflection of her wit. 2 Lord. She fhines not upon fools, left the reflection fhould hurt her. [Afide. Clot. Come, I'll to my chamber. 'Would there had been fome hurt done! 2 Lord. I wish not fo, unless it had been the fall of an afs, which is no great hurt. Clot. You'll go with us? 1 Lord. I'll attend your Lordship. Clot. Nay, come, let's go together. 2 Lord. Well, my Lord. Imo. I SCENE V. Imogen's Apartments. Enter Imogen, and Pifanio. [Afide. [Exeunt. Would, thou grew'ft unto the fhores o' th And queftion'dft every fail: if he should write, is. That he fpake with thee? Pif. "Twas, "His Queen, his Queen!" Imo. Then wav'd his handkerchief? Pif. And kifs'd it, Madam. Imo. Senfelefs linen, happier therein than I! And that was all? I rather think, from the anfwer, that he wrote bine. So in his Venus and Adonis, As if, from thence, they borrowed all their fhine. WARBURTON. There is acutenefs enough in this note, yet I believe the poet meant nothing by fign, but fair outward fhew.. "twere a paper loft (3) As offer'd mercy is.] i. e. Should one his letters mifcarry, the lofs would be as great as that of offer'd mercy. But the Oxford Editor amends it thus, twere a paper loft, With offer'd mercy in it. WARBURTON. Pif |