Imágenes de páginas

Enter Antony and Enobarbus.

Ant. Set we our fquadrons on yond fide o' th' hill, In eye of Cafar's battle; from which place

We may the number of the fhips behold,
And fo proceed accordingly.



Canidius, marching with his land-army one way over the Stage; and Taurus, the lieutenant of Cæfar, the other way. After their going in, is heard the noife of a fea-fight. Alarm. Enter Enobarbus.

Eno. Naught, naught, all naught. I can behold no longer;

(5) Th' Antonias, the Egyptian admiral,

With all their fixty, fly, and turn the rudder;
To fee't, mine eyes are blasted.

Enter Scarus.

Scar. Gods and Goddeffes,

All the whole Synod of them!
Eno. What's thy paffion?

Scar. (6) The greater cantle of the world is loft
With very ignorance; we have kiss'd away
Kingdoms and provinces.

Eno. How appears the fight?

Scar. On our fide like the (7) token'd peftilence, Where death is fure. Yon (8) ribauld nag of Egypt,


(5) Th' Antonias, &c.] Which Plutarch fays, was the name

of Cleopatra's fhip.



(6) The greater cantle] A piece or lump. Cantle is rather a corner. Cæfar in this play mentions the three-neck'd world. Of this triangular world every Triumvir

had a corner.




A luxurious fquanderer.



(9) Whom leprofy o'ertake! i' th' midft o' th' fight, When vantage like a pair of twins appear'd Both as the fame, or rather ours the elder; (1) The brieze upon her, like a cow in June, Hoifts fails, and flies.

Eno. That I beheld:

Mine eyes did ficken at the fight, and could not
Endure a further view.

Scar. She once being looft,

The noble ruin of her magick, Antony,
Claps on his fea-wing, like a doating mallard,
Leaving the fight in height, flies after her:
I never faw an action of fuch shame;
Experience, manhood, honour, ne'er before
Did violate fo itself.

Eno. Alack, alack.

Enter Canidius.

Can. Our fortune on the fea is out of breath,
And finks moft lamentably. Had our General
Been what he knew himfelf, it had gone well:
Oh, he has given example for our flight,
Moft grofly by his own.

Eno. Ay, are you thereabouts? why then, good night, indeed.

Can. Towards Peloponnefus are they fled.
Scar. 'Tis eafy to't.

And there I will attend what further comes.
Can. To Cæfar will I render

My legions and my horfe; fix Kings already

The word is in the old edition ribaudred, which I do not understand, but mention it, in hopes others may raise fome happy conjecture.

(9) Whom leprofy o'ertake! Leprofy, an epidemical diftemper of the Egyptians; to which Horace probably alludes in the controverted line,


Contaminato cum grege turpium

Morbo virorum.

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(1) The brieze upon her,] The brieze is the gad-fly, which ia fummer ftings the cows, and drives them violently about.

H 2

Shew me the way of yielding.

Eno. I'll yet follow

(2) The wounded chance of Antony, though my reafon Sits in the wind against me.

[Exeunt, feverally.

Enter Antony, with Eros and other Attendants.

Ant. Hark, the land bids me tread no more upon't, It is afham'd to bear me. Friends, come hither, Iam (3) fo lated in the world, that I

Have loft my way for ever.

I've a fhip

Laden with gold, take that, divide it; fly,
And make your peace with Cæfar.

Omnes. Fly! not we.

Ant. I've fled myself, and have inftructed cowards To run, and fhew their fhoulders. Friends, be gone. I have myself refolv'd upon a course,

Which has no need of you. Be gone,

My treasure's in the harbour. Take it. Oh,
I follow'd That I blush to look upon;
My very hairs do mutiny; for the white
Reprove the brown for rashness, and they them
For fear and doating. Friends, be gone; you shall
Have letters from me to fome friends, that will
Sweep your way for you. Pray you, look not fad,
Nor make replies of lothness; take the hint,
Which my defpair proclaims. Let them be left,
Which leave themfelves. To the fea-fide.



I will poffefs you of that ship and treasure.
Leave me, I pray, a little; pray you now-
Nay, do fo; for, indeed, (4) I've loft command.

(2) The wounded chance of Antony,

-] I know not whether

the authour, who loves to draw his images from the sports of the field, might not have written,

The wounded chafe of Antony,

The allufion is to a deer wounded and chafed, whom all other deer avoid. I will, fays Enobarbus, follow Antony, though chafed and wounded.

The common reading however may very well ftand.

(3)fo lated in the world, Alluding to a benighted traveller.

(4)-- I've loft command.] I am not mafter of my own



Therefore, I pray you- -I'll fee you by and by.

[Sits down.

Enter Cleopatra, led by Charmian and Iras, to Antony.

Eros. Nay, gentle Madam, to him. Comfort him. Iras. Do, moft dear Queen.

Char. Do why, what else?

Cleo. Let me fit down; oh Juno!

Ant. No, no, no, no, no.

Eros. See you here, Sir!

Ant. Oh fy, fy, fy.

Char. Madam

Iras. Madam, oh good Emprefs!
Eros. Sir, Sir.

Ant. Yes, my Lord, yes.-(5) He at Philippi kept
His fword e'en like a dancer, while I ftrook
The lean and wrinkled Caffius, (6) and 'twas I,
That the mad Brutus ended; (7) he alone
Dealt on lieutenantry, and no practice had
In the brave fquares of war; yet now-no matter-
Cleo. Ah, ftand by.

Eros. The Queen, my Lord, the Queen Iras. Go to him, Madam, fpeak to him, He is unqualitied with very fhame.

Cleo. Well then, sustain me; oh!

Eros. Moft noble Sir, arife, the Queen approaches;

(5) He at Philippi kept

His fword e'en like a dancer,] In the Morifco, and perhaps anciently in the Pyrrhick dance, the dancers held fwords in their bands with the points upward.


and 'twas I,

That the MAD Brutus ended;] Nothing can be more in character, than for an infamous debauched tyrant to call the heroic love of one's country and public liberty, madness.

be alone


(7) Dealt on lieutenantry, I know not whether the meaning is, that Cæfar only acted as lieutenant at Philippi, or that he made his attempts only on lieutenants, and left the Generals to Antony.

H 3


Her head's declin'd, and (8) death will feize her, but Your comfort makes the rescue.

Ant. I have offended reputation;

A moft unnoble fwerving

Eros. Sir, the Queen.


Ant. O whither hast thou led me, Egypt! fee, (9) How I convey my fhame out of thine By looking back on what I've left behind, 'Stroy'd in difhonour.

Cleo. Oh, my Lord, my Lord;

Forgive my fearful fails; I little thought,
You would have follow'd.

Ant. Egypt, thou knew'ft too well,

My heart was to thy rudder (1) ty'd by th' ftring,
And thou should'ft towe me after. O'er my spirit
Thy full fupremacy thou knew'ft; and that
Thy beck might from the bidding of the Gods
Command me.

Cleo. Oh, my pardon.

Ant. Now I must

To the young man fend humble treaties, dodge
And palter in the fhifts of lowness; who,

With half the bulk o' th' world, play'd as I pleas'd,
Making and marring fortunes. You did know,
How much you were my conqueror; and that
My fword, made weak by my affection, would
Obey it on all caufe.

Cleo. O, pardon, pardon.

Ant. Fall not a tear, I fay; one of them rates All that is won and loft: give me a kiss,

Even this repays me.

We fent our fchoolmafter; is he come back?
Love, I am full of lead; fome wine,

Within there, and our viands. Fortune knows,

We fcorn her moft, when moft fhe offers blows.


(8)-death will feize her, but

Your comfort, &c.] But has here, as once before in this play, the force of except, or unless.

(9) How I convey my fhame] How, by looking another way, I withdraw my ignominy from your fight..

(1) ty'd by th' firing, That is, by the heart ftring.


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