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FEBRUARY 6, 1850.

Ordered, That 10,000 copies extra be printed.

With a view to the faithful execution of the treaty, so far as lay in the

power of the Executive, and to enable Congress to act, at the present ses-
sion, with as full knowledge and as little difficulty as possible, on all matters
of interest in these Territories, I sent the honorable Thomas Butler King
as bearer of despatches to California, and certain officers to California and
New Mexico, whose duties are particularly defined in the accompanying
letters of instruction addressed to them severally by the proper departments.
I did not hesitate to express to the people of those Territories my desire
that each Territory should, if prepared to comply with the requisitions of the
constitution of the United States, form a plan of a State constitution and sub-
mit the same to Congress, with a prayer for admission into the Union as a

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