Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union and ordered to be priated; and a motion to print 10,000 extra copies referred to the Committee on Printing. Ordered, That 10,000 copies extra be printed. To the House of Representatives of the United States: I transmit to the House of Representatives, in answer to a resolution of On coming into office, I found the military commandant of the depart- ment of California exercising the functions of civil governor in that Terri tory; and left, as I was, to act under the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, without the aid of any legislative provision establishing a government in that Territory, I thought it best not to disturb that arrangement, made under my predecessor, until Congress should take some action on that sub- ject. I therefore did not interfere with the powers of the military com- mandant, who continued to exercise the functions of civil governor as be- fore; but I made no such appointment, conferred no such authority, and have allowed no increased compensation to the commandant for his ser- With a view to the faithful execution of the treaty, so far as lay in the power of the Executive, and to enable Congress to act, at the present ses- |