Votes and Proceedings, Volumen1Some vols. previous to 1830 have appendices consisting of reports of various state offices. |
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Página 5
... Smith Whitley Cotillo Harris McGarry Straus Wiswall Davenport Hewitt Martin Taylor Mr. Thayer offered a resolution in the words following : Resolved , That Ernest A. Fay be , and he hereby is , elected Clerk of the Senate for the years ...
... Smith Whitley Cotillo Harris McGarry Straus Wiswall Davenport Hewitt Martin Taylor Mr. Thayer offered a resolution in the words following : Resolved , That Ernest A. Fay be , and he hereby is , elected Clerk of the Senate for the years ...
Página 66
... Smith Whitley Campbell Harris Martin Straus Wiswall Carson Hewitt Meyer Taylor 39 Downing FOR THE NEGATIVE 1 Ordered , That the Clerk deliver said resolution to the Assembly and request their concurrence therein . Mr. Hewitt , from the ...
... Smith Whitley Campbell Harris Martin Straus Wiswall Carson Hewitt Meyer Taylor 39 Downing FOR THE NEGATIVE 1 Ordered , That the Clerk deliver said resolution to the Assembly and request their concurrence therein . Mr. Hewitt , from the ...
Página 221
... Smith Whitley Cotillo Hewitt Martin Straus Wiswall Davenport Karle Meyer Swift 49 The President then put the question whether the Senate would agree to said resolution , as amended , and it was decided in the affirmative , as follows ...
... Smith Whitley Cotillo Hewitt Martin Straus Wiswall Davenport Karle Meyer Swift 49 The President then put the question whether the Senate would agree to said resolution , as amended , and it was decided in the affirmative , as follows ...
Página 239
... Smith Whitley Carson Hewitt Meyer Straus Wiswall Davenport Karle Mullan Swift 44 FOR THE NEGATIVE Downing 1 Ordered , That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly , with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the ...
... Smith Whitley Carson Hewitt Meyer Straus Wiswall Davenport Karle Mullan Swift 44 FOR THE NEGATIVE Downing 1 Ordered , That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly , with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the ...
Página 240
... Smith Whitley Meyer Straus Wiswall 45 Davenport Hewitt Ordered , That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly and request their concurrence therein . The Senate bill ( No. 146 , Int . No. 144 ) entitled " An act to amend the ...
... Smith Whitley Meyer Straus Wiswall 45 Davenport Hewitt Ordered , That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly and request their concurrence therein . The Senate bill ( No. 146 , Int . No. 144 ) entitled " An act to amend the ...
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Términos y frases comunes
act to amend affairs of cities affairs of towns amend chapter amend the Greater Assembly and request Assembly bill Baumes Draper bill committed bill Int Bloomfield Duell Burlingame calendar legislative days Clerk deliver committee on affairs committee on codes committee on finance committee on internal concurrence therein counties and public decided deliver said bill desks Duggan Kavanaugh entitled An act favor thereof final form final passage form for three introduced a bill judiciary Karle Martin Kavanaugh Pitcher Laws of nineteen Lowman Seidel Lusk Smith Meyer Mullan nineteen hundred Penal Law President put public highways put the question read the second read the third referred the Senate relation report was agreed reported in favor request their concurrence Robinson Towner Schackno Senate bill introduced Senate would agree Senators elected voting Smith Whitley Straus Wiswall Thayer Thompson third reading three calendar legislative three-fifths being present Twomey unani unanimous consent voting in favor York charter
Pasajes populares
Página 589 - AN ACT to amend chapter four hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled, "An act to consolidate into one act and to declare the special and local laws affecting public interests in the city of New York," relating to the selection of grand jurors.
Página 11 - Senate, or unless he has a direct personal or pecuniary interest in the event of such question. If any Senator refuses to vote, unless he be excused by the Senate, or unless he be interested, such refusal shall be deemed a contempt.
Página 813 - An act to supplement the general laws relating to the government of the city of Yonkers, and to revise and consolidate the local laws relating thereto...
Página 565 - Whenever there shall be an election of officers by the joint action of the two houses, the result shall be certified by the president of the Senate and speaker of the Assembly, and shall be reported by the presiding officer of each house to their respective houses, and be entered on the journals of each, and shall be communicated to such official as the law may require by the clerks of the two houses.
Página 13 - No bill shall be passed or become a law unless it shall have been printed and upon the desks of the members, in its final form, at least three calendar legislative days prior to its final passage, unless the Governor, or the acting Governor, shall have certified to the necessity of its immediate passage, under his hand and the seal of the State...
Página 586 - An act making provision for issuing bonds to the amount of not to exceed one hundred and one million dollars for the improvement of the Erie canal, the Oswego canal and the Champlain canal, and providing for a submission of the same to the people to be voted upon at the general election to be held in the year nineteen hundred...
Página 357 - Chapter sixty-two of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled " An act in relation to taxation, constituting chapter sixty of the consolidated laws," is hereby amended by adding a new article to be article sixteen, to read as follows : ARTICLE 16.
Página 17 - BILLS. [Every bill shall receive three readings previous to its being passed; and the President shall give notice at each whether it be first, second, or third; which readings shall be on three different days, unless the Senate unanimously direct otherwise.
Página 855 - An act making an appropriation for the payment by the state in the first instance of the federal government's share of the cost of construction and improvement of rural post roads within the state as provided...
Página 775 - An act to provide for rapid transit railways in cities of over one million inhabitants...