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HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT and PILLS need only a single trial to make known their capabilities. No outside sore or inward inflammation can long withstand the cooling, purifying, and healing influences exerted by these twin medicaments. Be the mischief recent or chronic, great or slight, painful, or simply annoying, it will succumb before the curative virtues of these noble remedies, which can be rightly applied by any person who will attentively read their accompanying directions, which are propounded in the plainest language, void of technical terms, and printed in the most legible characters. To the man of business, confined to his countinghouse, and harassed by engagements, these Pills are invaluable; for the man of pleasure, addicted to free living, they are peerless. JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, SCIENCE, THE FINE ARTS, MUSIC, AND THE DRAMA. CONTENTS for the FOUR WEEKS in MARCH, 1893, price ONE SHILLING. MARCH 4. PEARSON on NATIONAL LIFE and CHARACTER. SYMONS'S SILHOUETTES. 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Ashby-Sterry, J. Austin, Alfred. Bailey, P. J. Buchanan, Robert. Béranger, Pierre Jean de. Bennoch, Francis. Burnand, F. C. Calverley, C. R. Carleton, Will. Clough, Arthur Hugh. Collins, Mortimer. Crossland, Mr. and Mrs. Newton. Dobson, Austin. Doyle, Sir Francis Hastings. Dunphie, C. J. Ferguson. Sir Samuel. Graves, Alfred Percival. Harte, Bret. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Ingelow, Miss Jean. Kingsley, Rev. Charles. Landor. Walter Savage. Latey, John Lash. Leigh, Henry S. Lennard, Horace. Locker-Lampson, Frederick. Locker, Arthur. Lowell, Hon. James Russell. Lushington, Franklin. Lytton, Earl of. Macaulay, Lord. Mackay, Dr. Charles. Martin, Sir Theodore. Marston, Dr. J. Westland. Morris, Lewis. Norton, Hon. Mrs. Ogilvy, Mrs. David. Pfeiffer, Mrs. Emily. Prowse, W. Jeffery. Rossetti, Miss Christina. Sawyer, William. Sims, George R. Stedman, Edmund Clarence. Stoddard, Richard Henry. Taylor, Sir Henry. Taylor, Bayard. Vere, Aubrey de. Waugh, Edwin. Whittier, J. G. Yates, Edmund. HART & CO. 22, Paternoster-row, B.C. BRAND & CO.'S A1 SAUCE, SOUPS, PRESERVED PROVISIONS, and Caution.-Beware of Imitations. Sole Address 11, LITTLE STANHOPE STREET, MAYFAIR W, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS.-For the cure of debility, bile, liver and stomach complaints this inappreciable medicine is 80 well known in every part of the world, and the cures performed by its use are so wonderful, that it now stands pre-eminent above all other remedies, more particularly for the cure of bilious and liver complaints, disorders of the stomach, dropsy and debilitated constitution. In these diseases the beneficial effects of the Pills are so permanent that the whole system is renewed, the organs of digestion strengthened, and a free respiration promoted. They expel from the secretive organs and the circulation the morbid matter which produces inflammation, pain, fever, debility, and physical decay-thus annihilating, by their purifying properties, the virulence of the most painful and devastating diseases. REMOVAL OF THE OFFICES OF 'NOTES AND QUERIES.' The Crown having acquired Nos. 4 and 22, Took's Court, the Printing and Publishing Departments are now REMOVED to the New Offices at Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane. WANTED to PURCHASE, Early and Illumi nated Manuscripts-Fine Specimens of Bookbinding-Books Printed on Vellum-Miniatures-Enamels-Ivories-Fine Old Sèvres, Dresden, or English China-Old Wedgwood Plaques and VasesMajolica, Arms, Armour, and fine old Steelwork-Bronzes-Early Prints, Etchings, Engravings, and Drawings-Old Stone Cameos.Rev. J. C. JACKSON, 12, Angel-court, Throgmorton-street, E.O. IMPORTANT to those interested in FAMILY HISTORY.-Mr. GERALD MARSHALL takes Extracts from the Wills at Somerset House on his new and cheap system. Calendars free if Will is found. Correspondence care of Mr. Pirazzoli, 124, High-road, Kilburn, N.W. LONDON, SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1893. CONTENT 8.-N° 66. NOTES:-Grenville's 'Nuga Metricæ,' 241-Elizabeth and Mary, Queen of Scots, 242-Judge Jeffreys's House, 243Peg Woffington's Recantation, 244-Primrose, Cowslip, and Oxlip in French-Folk-lore-"Thirty days hath September," 245-James, Earl of Derby-Dignities Hereditary Created, not Made-Warlock and Witch-Mummy Seeds-James II.'s Coachman-Rapid Writing, 246. QUERIES:-Lady of the Bed-chamber-Joseph DickenEnglish Deaths in Constantinople-Gray's Alcaic Ode "The Republic of Letters"-Heraldry-Commines-Sir Ralph Ashton-Gestrum-Adams of Gore Hall-Celtic, 247-Bridge and Culvert-Anne Kirkeet - Post-office Grammar-"Cynegan's Feast"-Bangor, Preston Candover-Coffee, 248-St. Thomas of Watering, 249. REPLIES:-Chaucer's "Stilbon," 249-Sir Jerome BowesHarvey Family-W. Eland-John Newton, 250-Mistake: Mistaken Marrow-bones and Cleavers-"Brouette "Parish Eke-names, 251-Antagonism'-John Liston"Commenced M.A.," 252-" Its"-The Dover Slave Trade -Ey Abbey, 253-Altar-Titus Oates-" Ex Africa semper aliquid novi"-Cue, 254-The Holy Thorn-Chas. Steward -False Quotation - Trumbull, 255-The Good Devil of Woodstock-" Coliar-holders": "Woodich-silver-holders" -Mennes-"Crocodile"-Music at Norwich-Bibliography of Magazines-"Burn the bellows"-Strachey Family, 256 -Dictionary-A Funeral by Women- Draughts-Old Mulberry Tree-Abbey Churches, 257- High Sheriffs' Dress - Arthur Onslow-Ghost Miners, 258-Authors Wanted, 259. NOTES ON BOOKS:-Bright's Gospel of Saint Luke in Anglo-Saxon-Worsley's Dawn of the English Reformation'-Leland's Works of Heine-Phillimore's 'London and Middlesex Note-Book.' Notices to Correspondents. Notes. LORD GRENVILLE'S 'NUGE METRICÆ,' 1824. I have in my possession a copy of this work inscribed "The Reverend Archdeacon Wrangham from the Author," in Lord Grenville's handwriting. In it are inserted two autograph letters to the archdeacon, a translation into Latin of the third and fourth stanzas of Collins's 'Dirge,' which, as will be seen, Lord Grenville had omitted, having translated the poem from memory.* There is besides a translation of Waller's "Go, lovely rose,' another of an Italian dialogue between Love and Spring, together with Lord Nugent's answer, to which Lord Grenville alludes. These trifles, which have not been printed, seem of sufficient interest, coming as they do from the pen of this distinguished statesman and accomplished scholar, to find a place in 'N. & Q.' Archdeacon Wrangham, to whom they were addressed, was a well-known scholar and the author of 'British Plutarch,' containing the "Lives of the Most Eminent Persons of Great Britain and Ireland from the Accession of Henry VIII. to the Present Time. 6 vols. 8vo. 1816." He was for many years Vicar of Hunmanby, Yorkshire, where his valuable library was collected. This will account for the omission of the two stanzas in the printed edition which hitherto has been unexplained. Charles Street, May 1, 1825. SIR,-In putting aside some papers to-day your letter and the beautiful poetry which it incloses, came again under my eye. When I first received it, the admirable Greek version of Collins's dirge reminded me that in translating that little poem from memory, I had left ou two stanzas, and I then attempted to supply the defi ciency. The knowledge that you are one of the few who derive pleasure from these amusements now so unfashion. able (for there is a fashion in litterature as in everything else), tempts me to send you these additional lines, for insertion if you think it worth while, in your copy of the 'Nuga Metricæ.' And I add to them, as a sort of pendant to the dirge, an attempt to versify Waller's 'Rose,' by far the best to my taste of all his compositions.-I am Sir your most faithful and obed. humble sert. GRENVILLE. The Revd, Archd" Wrangham. Collins's Dirge, stanzas iii, and iv.,— |