Imágenes de páginas

Vol. No.



Georgia, memorial and remonstrance of the Legislature of,
upon the extinguishment of Indian title to lands, &c.
Georgia, correspondence and other papers respecting the
extinguishment of Indian title to lands for the benefit of 6 127
Georgia, memorial of the Cherokee Indians, upon the sub-
ject of claims to their lands by the state of


Hardware, Importers and venders of, in New York
Hospital fund, state of the navy

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- 11


Hamilton, Alexander, documents furnished by him in rela-
tion to land claims in Florida


Indians, an account of the affair between Gen. Ashley and
the Ricaree

Indians, abstract of licences granted to trade with the
Indians, expenditures for civilizing the

Indian agents, where stationed, pay, &c. of, and recom-

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mendation to appoint additional



Imports and exports in 1823, statements of the
Indians, memorial of the Board of Foreign Missions, upon
the subject of the civilization of the

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Indians, memorial of a delegation of Cherokee, against the
Georgia claims to their lands

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Indiana and Illinois, state and disposition of the two and
three per cent. fund, set apart from the sale of public
lands in the states of -

Indians, proposals made for a cession of lands, by certain
chiefs of the Cherokee tribe of
Index to Executive papers and reports of committees pre-
sented to Congress since 1789

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Kentucky, remonstrance of the Legislature of, against the
decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, on
the occupying claimant laws of, &c.

Kennon, Lieut. Beverly, proceedings of the court-martial
for the trial of

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Liverpool, American seamen relieved in the hospital in 1 11
Lands in Louisiana and Missouri, regulations and instruc-
tions respecting the granting of titles to

2 33

Lands, amount due from purchasers of public
Land offices, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, re-
lating to allowances for clerk hire in the

Land office at Vandalia, information respecting a robbery
of the

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5 89



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Light house, contracts made in 1822, for the support or on
account of

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Land offices, compensations of the officers of, for executing
act for relief of purchasers of public lands
Land office of the eastern district of Louisiana, report of the
Register of the

Lead mines, copper mines, and salt springs, detailed inform-
ation respecting

Lands, state and disposition of the two and three per cent.
funds, set apart for public purposes, arising from the
sale of public lands in the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illi-
nois, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana - 10 129
Land included in John Cleves Symmes' patent, information

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Military Stores and Contracts made since 1st January,
Munitions of War


1820, for

Mint, assays of foreign coins at the

Military establishment, contingent expenses of the, in 1824
Miscellaneous claims discharged at the Treasury in 1823
Massachusetts, message relating to the militia claims of
Missions, memorial of the Board of Foreign, upon the sub-
ject of civilizing Indians

Military Academy at West Point, various information from
the War Department, in relation to the

Mississippi and

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State and disposition of the two and three
per cent funds, set apart from the sale
of public lands in the states of

Marine corps, strength of, and where stationed

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Mexico, trade between the western states and the provinces of 11


Navy, good conduct of the, and a full report of the distri-

bution and services of the

New York, memorial of rope makers, in the city of
New York, memorial of citizens of, on behalf of the Greeks 1

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New York, memorial of Chamber of Commerce, (system of

bankruptcy) -

New York, memorial from, duties on sales at auction
Navy, expenditure of the contingent fund of the
Navy pension fund, statements in relation to the
Navy, clerks employed in the Department of the

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New York, memorial of merchants, &c. on behalf of dyeing
establishment on Staten Island

New York, memorial from delegates in state of, in favor of
new tariff

Navy, officers of the, with their service at sea

Naval peace establishment, plan of a

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New York, memorial of importers and venders of hardware
in the city of -

New York, memorial of Chamber of Commerce in, against
new tariff

Navigation and commerce of the United States in 1823,

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Navy, expenditure of the moneys granted in 1823, for the
New York, memorial of aliens in the city of
Navy, expenditures under the act for the gradual increase

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Vol. No.



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of the



New Haven, Chamber of Commerce, memorial against new
tariff -

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New York, memorial from the tallow chandlers, &c. in, vs.
New Bedford and Nantucket oil merchants
New Bedford oil merchants, their memorial for increase of
duty on tallow

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Nantucket oil merchants, their memorial for increase of duty
on tallow

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North Carolina, memorial from Fayetteville, against new

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Norfolk, Virginia, memorial from, against the new tariff -
Navy hospital fund, situation of the

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National currency, memorial of a meeting of inhabitants of
the city of Washington, upon the subject of a



National armories. (See Armory.)

Navy in the Pacific Ocean, information respecting stores,
provisions, &c. furnished the

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Naval court martial for the trial of Lieut. Kennon, proceed-
ings of the


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Ohio, memorial of the Legislature of, upon the subject of
school lands

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Ohio, state and disposition of the two and three per cent.
funds set apart from the sale of public lands in the
state of

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. 6 113

10 129

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President's message at commencement of the session
Privateering, negotiation for the suppression of the prac
tice of

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Post oflice Department, an account of the progress and state
of the

Pensioners, number of Revolutionary

Public buildings, report of the commissioner of the

Post office, the number of distributing, with duties of post-

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Patents granted in 1823. list of

Philadelphia, memorial of merchants of, in favor of bankrupt

Philadelphia, memorial of Chamber of Commerce, piers in
the Delaware

Pension fund, naval. (See Navy.)


Post office Department, causes of deficiency in the funds of

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Postmasters, report on equalizing the compensation of deputy 2
Portland, memorial from, against the new
Post routes which are unproductive, list of

Portsmouth, N. H. memorial from, against the new tariff
Petersburg, Va. memorial from, against the new tariff
Pea Patch, in relation to a suit for the right of soil for the
ground called the

Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, memorial from,
against new tariff

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Postage received at each office in 1822, amount of
Pennsylvania, memorial of farmers, in favor of new tariff
Pennsylvania Society for Encouraging Domestic Manufac-
tures, memorial from


Pennsylvania, memorial of farmers in, favor of new tariff 6
Philadelphia, memorial from, favor of new tariff
Post office, list of clerks in the General
President's square, disbursement of the sum appropriated for
improving the

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Pennsylvania, approves of the President's views respecting
the conduct of foreign powers towards the governments
of South America

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Postmasters who have been defaulters in the course of the
last 16 years, names, &c. of
Pacific Ocean, information respecting supplies, provisions,
&c. furnished the navy in the

Post roads, extent of

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Postage collected in 1820-1-2, and compensation of post-

masters, &c.

Prize agents, moneys refunded by

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Post office Department, contracts made by the

Passengers who arrived in the United States in the year


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1823, abstract of
Pensioners placed on the rolls in the year 1823, statement
of the number of

Vol. No.

11 161

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Piracy, letters of Commodore Porter, &c. in relation to the
suppression of

1 2


Reports to be made by Executive departments, list of
Russia, negotiations upon the subject of boundaries, &c. with 1
Richmond memorial from, against the new
Registers and receivers, their compensations under act for
relief of purchasers of public lands
Receivers of land offices, balances due from

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- 1



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Slaves carried off by the British, organization of a Board
of Commissioners to adjust compensation for
Spain, refusal of a French officer to permit the entry of the
Minister sent to

Seamen, report of the number who have been relieved in the

hospital in Liverpool


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South Carolina, Legislature, resolution on behalf of the

South America and relating to foreign interference in the
controversy between
Seminole Indians, memorial of Tennessee officers engaged

in the war against the

Spain, correspondence with, relating to the cession of Florida
Spoliations (French) subsequent to 1800, correspondence
relating to an indemnity for
Spoliations (French) from 1793 to 1800, answer to a call for
information respecting

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Sinking fund, annual report of the Commissioners of the
Supreme Court, memorial from Kentucky Legislature
against a decision of the, on the occupying claimant law
Seamen, expenditures by Collectors in 1822, for the relief
of sick and disabled
South Carolina, memorial from Beaufort, against new tariff 5
Scott's rules and regulations for the army, respecting their

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State, list of Clerks employed in the Department of
South Carolina, memorial from Darlington, against new

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