Imágenes de páginas

he replied, and then repeated very emphatically the expression he used when the design was first sketched upon the canvas: "It is as good as it

can be made."

I then referred at some length, to the enthusiasm in which the picture was conceived and had been executed, concluding with an expression of my profound appreciation of the very unusual opportunities afforded me in the prosecution of the work, and his unvarying kindness and consideration through the many weeks of our intercourse.

He listened pensively, — almost passively, to me, - his eyes fastened upon the picture. As I finished he turned, and in his simple-hearted, earnest way, said: "C—, I believe I am about as glad over the success of this work as you are." And with these words in my ear, and a cordial "goodbye" grasp of the hand, President and painter separated the one to gather into and around himself more and more the affections of a mighty people, till in the culmination and attainment of all his heart's desires he should be called from glory to glory;" the other, in his humble sphere, to garner as a precious legacy to him and his these fragments of leaves from the daily life of one whose name and fame· inseparably bound up with devotion to freedom and reverence for law, fragrant with the tender memories and sweet humanities of life are to grow brighter and stronger with God's eternal years, as men learn to appreciate and emulate a true Christian manhood.




Adams, J. Q., 211.
Alley, Hon. J. B., 119.
All-noise Story, 212.
Amnesty Proclamation, 98.
Andersonville, 177.
Apparition, 164.

Arnold, Hon. I. N., 150, 237, 302.
Ashley, Hon. Mr., 151.

Ashmun, Hon. George, 284-286.
Assassination, 63.


Baker, G. E., 127.

Baldwin, Judge, (Cal.,) 245.
Baltimore Convention, 162.
Barrett, Hon. J. H., 86, 254.
Bateman, Newton, 192.
Bates, Attorney-General, 55.
Battle, Fair Oaks, 139.
Beecher, Henry Ward, 135, 230.
Bellows, Rev. Dr., 81, 274.
Bible Presentation, 199.
Bingham, Hon. John A., 234.
Blair, Hon. M., 21, 46, 88
Booth, Edwin, 49.

Bowen, H. C., 221.

Brady, M. B., 46.

Braine, Lieutenant, 94.

Brooks, Noah, 63, 165, 188, 235.

"Bulletin," (San Francisco,) 223.
Burnside, 81.


Cabinet Meeting, 55.

Cameron, Secretary, 136-138, 253.
Cannon, Colonel L. B., 115.
Cass, General, 271.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Hanks, Dennis, 299.
Harris, Hon. Ira, 175.
Hay, John, 45, 149.
Henderson, Rev. Mr., 320.
Henry, Dr., (Oregon,) 302.
Herndon, Hon. Wm. H.; analysis
of Mr. Lincoln's character, 323.
Higby, Hon. William, 148
Holland, Dr., 79, 191.
Holmes, O. W., 58.
Holt, Judge, 32, 33.
Hooker, General, 233.
Hospitals, 107.

Hubbard, Hon. Mr., (Ct.,) 253.


"Independent," New York, 88,
230, 287.

66 Ingenious Nonsense," 158.
Inman, (Artist,) 69.

Interview, first, with Mr. Lincoln,


Jackson, "Stonewal," 234, 238.

Johnson, Hon. Andrew, 102.
Johnson, Oliver, 77.

Jones, (Sculptor,) 34.


Kelly, Hon. Wm., 92, 165, 294.
King, Starr, 228.
Knox, William, (Poet,) 60.


Lincoln, Hon. G. B., of Brooklyn,
110, 113, 234.

Lincoln, Mrs., 165, 293, 801.
Lincoln, President, account of
Emancipation Proclamation, 20
76, 83, 85, 90, 269, 307; his sad-
ness, 30; love of Shakspeare, 49;
memory, 52; appreciation of poe-
try, 59;" Oh, why should the
spirit of mortal be proud?" 60;
opinion concerning Assassina-
tion, 62; "Latin" quotation, 78;
exceptionable stories, 80; on
Wall Street gold speculators,
84; closing sentence, 89; "prom-
ised his God," &c., 90; his ma-
tured judgment upon the act of
Emancipation, 90; simplicity
and humility, 95; his first dol-
lar, 96; Amnesty Proclamation,
interview with Hon. Robert Dale
Owen, 98; account of capture
of Norfolk, 104, 240; exhausted
patience illustrated, 106, 108;
wounded Marylander, 109; as
surveyor, 111; "new clothes,"
113; axes, 113, 289; never read
a novel, 114; interview with
Rev. Dr. Vinton, 117; telegram
to friends at Chicago Conven-
tion, 120; reception of nomi-
nation, (1860,) 121; temperance
principles, 125; "sugar-coated,"
126; the signing of public doc-
uments, 128; speech to foreign
minister, 128; on office-seckers,
129, 145, 276; borrowing the
army, 130; Sunday-school cele-
bration, 130; regard for chil-
dren, 132; "the baby did it,"
133; pardon cases, 40, 43, 133,


171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 250,
296, 319; Five Points' Sun-
day School, 133; at Henry
Ward Beecher's church, 131;
relations with Cabinet, 135; Sec-
retary Cameron's Report, 136;
General Patterson, 137; Sec-
retary Cameron's retirement,
138; interview with P. M. Wet-
more, (N. Y.,) 140; sensitive-
ness. 144, 145; "thin skinned,"
145; willingness to receive ad-
vice, 146; "canvassed hams,"
148; indifference to personal
appearance, 148; Nicolay and
Hay, 149; "Nasby Letters,"
151; relief found in story-tell-
ing, 152; Greeley, 152, 153;
newspaper reading, 154; news-
paper gas," 155; newspa-
per "reliable," 156; Chicago
"Times," 156; "ingenious non-
sense," 158; "husked out," 158;
letter to Lovejoy Monument
Association, 160; Massett, 160;
Christian Commission, 162; re-
nomination, 162; apparition,
164; Mrs. Lincoln, 164, 293.
301; speech to committee from
Baltimore Convention, and Wil-
liam Lloyd Garrison, 167;
Mrs. Cropsey, 168; and soldiers,
169; reprieves, 171; a hand-
some President, 174; idiotic
boy, 176; Andersonville prison-
ers, 178; retaliation, 178; Fes-
senden, 182; McCulloch, 184;
religious experience, 185-188;
rebel ladies, 189; Col. Deming,
190; creeds, 190; Newton Bate-
man, 192; slavery, 194; prayer,
195; epitaph suggested, 196; Bi-
ble presentation, 197; Caroline
Johnson, once a slave, 199;
Sojourner Truth, 201-203; Fred-
erick Douglass, 204;. memorial
from children, 204; New Year's
Day, 1865, 205; walk de
earf like de Lord," 209;
Rebel Peace Commissioners, 212;
"slave map," 215; Kilpatrick,
216; personal description, 217,
323; opinion on the war,
219; text applied to Fremont,

[ocr errors]

220; reappointment of Fre-
mont, 222; California lady's ac-
count of a visit at "Soldiers'
Home," 223; on "trees," 224;
"school of events," 225; Mc-
Clellan, 130, 143, 227, 255;
Peace Convention, 229; Henry
Ward Beecher, 230; popularity
with the soldiers and people,
231; portraits, 46, 231; Lieu-
tenant Cushing, 232; last in-
augural, 234; his election to
the legislature in 1834, 234;
never invented a story,
235; first political speech, 236;
contest with Douglas, 237; af-
fection for his step-mother, 238;
reply to anti-slavery delegation
from New York, 239; reply to
a clergyman, 239; concerning
Gov. Gamble of Missouri, 212;
on Seward's "poetry," 242; be-
trothal of Prince of Wales,
243; honesty as a lawyer, 245;


attorney of the people," 245;
"little influence with this ad-
ministration," 246; reply to
Stanton's detractor, 246; the
German lieutenant, 246; Gen-
eral Grant's "whiskey," 247;
no personal vices, 247; ser-
enade speeches, 248; his own
war minister, 249; illustration
from "Euclid," 249; "pigeon-
hearted," 250; "minneboohoo,"
251; Hannibal's wars, 253 ;
reports of committees, 253
Brigadier-Generals, 254, 260
twelve hundred thousand reb-
els in the field, 255; Assessor
Gilbert, 255; on canes, 256;
hogshead illustration, 256; on
Missouri Compromise, 257;
"Statute of Limitations," 257;
Blondin crossing Niagara,
257; reply to attacks, 258;
Chicago "Democratic Plat-
form," 259; death of John Mor-
gan, 259; case of Franklin W.
Smith, 259; "royal" blood,
261; reading the Bible, 262;
thinking of a man down South
263; presentiment of death, 263;
the wards of the nation, 264;

Lincoln and Stanton, 265; as
a flat-boatman, 267; Louisiana
negro, 268; Stonewall Jackson,
268 reply to Kentuckians,
269; letter to General Wads-
worth, 270; extract from speech
in Congress, 271; "browsing
around," 272; the negro porter,
272; Rev. Dr. Bellows and Sur-
geon-General Hammond, 274;
the election of President the
people's business, 275; appoint-
ment of chaplains, 277; appreci-
ation of humor, 278; "public
opinion baths," 281; "on the
Lord's side," 282; going down
with colors flying, 282; opinion
of General Grant, 283; interview
with Messrs. Colfax and Ash-
mun, evening of assassination,
284; at City-Point hospital, 287;
Lincoln and the rebel soldier,
288; last interview with Secre-
tary Seward, 290; his dream,
last afternoon, 2:3; Lincoln
and Willie Bladen, 294;
don't wear hoops," &c., 297;
Grist illustration, 298; his duel,
302; interview with Judge Mills
and ex-Gov. Randall, (Wis.,)
305; Lincoln and Rev. J. P. Gul-
liver, 309; shedding of blood,
the remission of sins, 319; Lin-
coln and the drummer-boy, 319;
consideration of the humble


illustrated, 321; " may you live
a thousand years, and always
be the head of this great na-
tion," 322; Herndon's analysis
of character, 323; indifference
to ceremony, 326; final criti-
cism of the painting, 353; fare-
well words, 354.
Lincoln, Robert, 45, 300.


Daniel Webster, 37, 131; Thad.
Stevens, 38; "a little more
light and a little less noise,"
49; tax on "state" banks, 53;
Andy Johnson and Colonel
Moody, 102; "chin fly," 129;
Secretary Cameron's retirement,
138; Wade and Davis' "mani-
festo," 145; "second advent,"
'nothing but a noise,"
155; "swabbing windows,"
159; "mistakes," 233; "picket
story, 233; "plaster of psalm
tunes," 239; "Fox River," 240;
"nudum pactum," 241; har-
monizing the "Democracy,"
244; Mrs. Sallie Ward
her children, 247; a Western
judge, 250; "lost my apple over-
board," 252; rigid government
and close construction, 254;
"breakers" ahead, 256; coun-
terfeit bill, 262; blasting rocks,
262; General Phelps's emanci-
pation proclamation, 273; mak-
ing "ministers," 277; John Ty-
ler, 278; the Irish soldier and
Jacob Thompson, 283; Jeff.
Davis and the coon, 284; last
story, "how Patagonians eat
oysters," told to Marshal La-
mon on evening of assassina-
tion, 285.



Marine Band, 168.
"Massa Sam's dead," 207
McClellan, 130, 143, 227, 255.
McCulloch, Hon. Hugh, 179, 185.
McKaye, Colonel, 208.
McVeagh, 242.
Memory, 52.

Miller, Hon. S. F., 5, 174.

Lincoln, "Tad," 44, 91, 92, 293, Mills, Judge J. T., (Wis.,) 305.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Lovejoy, Hon. Owen, 14, 17, 18, Morgan, John, 259.

20, 47, 57, 157.


Mix, Captain, 261.

Moody, Colonel, 102.

Morgan, Senator, 74.

Murtagh, Mr., (Washington, 321


General Scott and Jones the

sculptor, 34; "great" men, 37; "Nasby Papers," 151.

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