Christian ideals and hopes: an argument from moral beauty, Tema 323

Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1883 - 162 páginas

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Página 96 - As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.
Página 156 - DD , Dean of Norwich. 18mo. Paper cover 0 2 The Bible : Its Evidences, Characteristics, and EFFECTS. A Lecture by the Right Rev. Bishop Perry, DD 18mo Paper cover 0 4 The Origin of the World according to REVELATION AND SCIENCE. A Lecture by Harvey Goodwin, MA, Bishop of Carlisle.
Página 155 - Post 8vo. Cloth boards 1 6 Man's Accountableness for his Religious Belief. A Lecture delivered at the Hall of Science, on Tuesday, April 2nd, 1872. By the Rev.
Página 109 - ... farthings. In proportion as the years both lessen and shorten, I set more count upon their periods, and would fain lay my ineffectual finger upon the spoke of the great wheel. I am not content to pass away " like a weaver's shuttle." Those metaphors solace me not, nor sweeten the unpalatable draught of mortality. I care not to be carried with the tide that smoothly bears human life to eternity, and reluct at the inevitable course of destiny. I am in love with this green earth, the face of town...
Página 109 - I do not want to be weaned by age, or drop, like mellow fruit, as they say, into the grave. — Any alteration, on this earth of mine, in diet or in lodging, puzzles and discomposes me. My household gods plant a terrible fixed foot, and are not rooted up without blood.
Página 12 - ... going on to two, and from two to all fair forms, and from fair forms to fair practices, and from fair practices to fair notions, until from fair notions he arrives at the notion of absolute beauty, and at last knows what the essence of beauty is. This, my dear Socrates...
Página 154 - Cloth boards 2 6 Prayer and recent Difficulties about it. The Boyle Lectures for 1873, being the THIRD SERIES of "Moral Difficulties connected with the Bible.
Página 156 - Paper cover 0 3 Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, TO THE CONSTITUTION AND COURSE OF NATURE : to which are added, Two Brief Dissertations.
Página 155 - Paper cover 0 3 THE THEORY OF PRAYER : WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MODERN THOUGHT. By the Rev. WH Karslake, MA, Assistant Preacher at Lincoln's Inn, Vicar of Westcott, Dorking, late Fellow and Tutor at Merton College, Oxford. Post 8vo. Limp cloth 1 0 WHEN WAS THE PENTATEUCH WRITTEN ? By George Warington, BA, author of "Can we Believe in Miracles !
Página 153 - Post 8vo. Cloth boards 1 6 Some Witnesses for the Faith. Six Sermons preached, by the request of the Christian Evidence Society, at St. Stephen's Church, South Kensington, on...

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