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When writing to Advertisers kindly mention "THE WORLD TO-DAY."

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E will make it easy for you to own a Strohber Piano, if you will write us. They are manufactured of the best materials by the most modern methods in one of the best equipped piano factories in the world. They possess every feature of value known to the most advanced stage of piano manufacture, and represent the highest attainments in modern piano production.

While the Stroh ber Piano is considered second to none in every quality, it is manufactured to meet the demand for a really good piano, at a price within the reach of every one. It is sold by reliable dealers in over two hundred cities.

Our booklet will tell you what you wish to know for the purpose of purchasing a piano.

Liberal allowance made for old pianos in exchange.

Strohber Piano Co.

209 State Street.


When writing to Advertisers kindly mention "THE WORLD TO-DAY."


Suits $12.50 OLD GIBRALTAR

Made to Your Order $6 Trousers Free Perfect Fit Guaranteed



$100 FORFEIT will be paid to anyone who
can prove that we do not cut, trim and make
every suit and extra trousers strictly to order
We will send you free of charge hand-
some assortment high-grade all-wool
cloth samples of the very
latest fabrics, together
with new Spring Fashion
Plates, and will make for
you strictly to your order,
a suit for $12.50, $15, $18,
or $20, and give you an
extra pair of $6 all-wool
Trousers absolutely free.
Money Refunded if
not Satisfactory


If you want the satis-
faction of having your
new suit cut, trimmed
and tailored to your order,
and to fit you perfectly;
if you wish to save $10 to
$15 in cash; and if you
will accept a pair of $6 Trousers
made to your measure, as a present,
write today for our Samples, Fashion
Plates, Tape measure, Order Blanks,
asking for special Free Trouser Sam-
ples, which will be sent you by
return mail, postpaid.

Owen T. Moses & Co. 248 Moses Bldg. Chicago

References: Our 1,000,000 satisfed customers or the Milwaukee
Avenue State Bank, Chicago. Capital Stock, $250,000.

[blocks in formation]

Follow Your Dentist

The Dentist cleans and treats your teeth with antiseptics and preservatives of known value in dental surgery.





contains just what good dentists use-Thyme, Eucalyptus, Gaultheria, Mentho Arvenis, Formaldehyde, and Borophenic and Benzoic acids. Not only cleans and whitens the teeth, but searches out and destroys foreign matter in the crevices, and hardens and preserves the gums. Thoroughly antiseptic. Very helpful to the throat. Reduces the danger of contagion. Completely deodorizes the breath, but does not perfume it. Destroys odors even of such strength as that of tobacco.

25 Cents the package

Of your druggist or by mail

Sample of Powder for name of your druggist
Address Dept. E

Old Gibraltar Drug House
Established 1840



Old Gibraltar Witch Hazel Jelly

Finest preparation on earth for sun-
burn. tan or freckles. Relieves the dry,
parched condition of face and hands.
making the skin soft and smooth. 25
cents at druggists.

When writing to Advertisers kindly mention "THE WORLD TO-DAY."

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