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agreed between the parties which initially negotiated the concession, operate so as to afford protection on the average in excess of the amount of protection provided for in that Schedule. The provisions of this paragraph shall not limit the use by contracting parties of any form of assistance to domestic producers permitted by other provisions of this Agreement.

5. If any contracting party considers that a product is not receiving from another contracting party the treatment which the first contracting party believes to have been contemplated by a concession provided for in the appropriate Schedule annexed to this Agreement, it shall bring the matter directly to the attention of the other contracting party.

If the latter agrees that the treatment contemplated was that claimed by the first contracting party, but declares that such treatment cannot be accorded because a court or other proper authority has ruled to the effect that the product involved cannot be classified under the tariff laws of such contracting party so as to permit the treatment contemplated in this Agreement, the two contracting parties, together with any other contracting parties substantially interested, shall enter promptly into further negotiations with a view to a compensatory adjustment of the matter.

6. (a) The specific duties and charges included in the Schedules relating to contracting parties members of the International Monetary Fund, and margins of preference in specific duties and charges maintained by such contracting parties, are expressed in the appropriate currency at the par value accepted or provisionally recognized by the Fund

at the date of this Agreement.

Accordingly, in case this

par value is reduced consistently with the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund by more than twenty per centum, such specific duties and charges and margins of preference may be adjusted to take account of such reduction;

Provided that the CONTRACTING PARTIES (1.e. the contracting parties acting jointly as provided for in Article XXV) concur that such adjustments will not impair the value of the concessions provided for in the appropriate Schedule or elsewhere in this Agreement, due account being taken of all factors which may influence the need for, or urgency of, such adjustments.

(b) Similar provisions shall apply to any contracting party not a member of the Fund, as from the date on which such contracting party becomes a member of the Fund or enters into a special exchange agreement in pursuance of Article XV. 7. The Schedules annexed to this Agreement are hereby made an integral part of Part I of this Agreement.

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Article III

National Treatment on Internal Taxation and Regulation

1. The products of the territory of any contracting party imported into the territory of any other contracting party shall be exempt from internal taxes and other internal charges of any kind in excess of those applied directly or indirectly to like products of national origin. Moreover, in cases in which there 1s no substantial domestic production of like products of

na tional origin, no contracting party shall apply new or increased internal taxes on the products of the territories of other contracting parties for the purpose of affording protection to the production of directly competitive or substitutable products which are not similarly taxed; and existing internal taxes of this kind shall be subject to negotiation for their reduction or elimination.

2. The products of the territory of any contracting party imported into the territory of any other contracting party shall be accorded treatment no less favourable than that accorded to like products of national origin in respect of all laws, regulations and requirements affecting their internal sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation, distribution, or use. The provisions of this paragraph shall not prevent the application of differential transportation charges which are based exclusively on the economic operation of the means of transport and not on the nationality of the product.

3. In applying the principles of paragraph 2 of this Article to internal quantitative regulations relating to the mixture, processing or use of products in specified amounts or proportions, the contracting parties shall observe the following provisions:

(a) no regulations shall be made which, formally or in effect, require that any specified amount or proportion of the product in respect of which such regulations are applied must be supplied from domestic sources;

(b) no contracting party shall, formally or in effect, restrict the mixing, processing or use of a product of which there is no substantial domestic production with a view to affording protection to the domestic production of a directly competitive or substitutable product. The provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article shall not apply to:


(a) any measure of internal quantitative control in force in the territory of any contracting party on July 1, 1939 or April 10, 1947, at the option of that contracting party; Provided that any such measure which would be in conflict with the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article shall not be modified to the detriment of imports and shall be subject to negotiation for its limitation, liberalization or elimination;

(b) any internal quantitative regulation relating to exposed cinematograph films and meeting the requirements of

Article IV.

5. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to the procurement by governmental agencies of products purchased for governmental purposes and not for resale or use in the production of goods for sale, nor shall they prevent the payment to domestic producers only of subsidies provided for under Article XVI, including payments to domestic producers derived from the proceeds of internal taxes or charges and subsidies effected through

governmental purchases of domestic products.

Article IV

Special Provisions relating to Cinematograph Films

If any contracting party establishes or maintains internal quantitative regulations relating to exposed cinematograph films, such regulations shall take the form of screen quotas which shall conform to the following requirements:

(a) screen quotas may require the exhibition of cinemato

graph films of national origin during a specified
minimum proportion of the total screen time actually
utilized, over a specified period of not less than one
year, in the commercial exhibition of all films of
whatever origin, and shall be computed on the basis of
screen time per theatre per year or the equivalent

(b) with the exception of screen time reserved for films
of national origin under a screen quota, screen time
including that released by administrative action from
screen time reserved for films of national origin, shall
not be allocated formally or in effect among sources
of supply;

(c) notwithstanding the provisions of sub-paragraph (b)
of this Article, any contracting party may maintain
screen quotas conforming to the requirements of sub-
paragraph (a) of this Article which reserve a minimum
proportion of screen time for films of a specified
origin other than that of the contracting party
imposing such screen quotas; Provided that no such
minimum proportion of screen time shall be increased
above the level in effect on April 10, 1947;

(a) screen quotas shall be subject to negotiation for their
limitation, liberalization or elimination.

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