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MEMBER shall speak to another or otherwise interrupt the business of the Senate. or read any newspaper while the journals are being read, or when any member is speaking in debate. No......



MEMBER rising to speak shall address the Chair, stand at his place, and sit down when finished. Every.


MEMBER shall speak more than twice in any one debate, on the same day, without leave of the Senate. No

MEMBERS rise to speak the President shall name the one to speak first; but in all cases the member rising and addressing the Chair first shall speak first. When two.... MEMBER may call another to order who shall transgress the rules. Any. MEMBER called to order for transgressing the rules shall sit down and not proceed without leave. Any.




MEMBER called to order by a Senator shall be taken down in writing, to enable the President to judge. The exceptionable words of a...


MEMBER shall absent himself from the service of the Senate without leave of the Senate first obtained, &c. No......


MEMBERS present may send for absent members. Less than a quorum, but a majority

of the..


MEMBERS. The Sergeant-at-arms, or authorized person, may be sent for absent
MEMBER. A motion seconded shall be reduced to writing, if desired by a..
MEMBER may have a question containing several points divided. A............




MEMBER, it shall be determined by a vote of the Senate without debate. When the reading of a paper is called for, and objected to by a..


MEMBERS present may call for the yeas and nays


MEMBERS to be taken alphabetically. In taking yeas and nays, or on a call of the House, the names of the


MEMBER shall answer without debate unless, for special reason, he be excused. When the yeas and nays are called, each............


MEMBER permitted to vote after decision is announced from the Chair. When a question is taken by yeas and nays no


MEMBER, require secrecy, the doors shall, on his motion, when seconded, be shut. On the discussion of business which may, in the opinion of a........ MEMBER of the majority may move a reconsideration. A..

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MEMBERS shall signify their assent or dissent by answering aye or no. The President of the Senate shall put every question, either in presence or absence of the Presi dent of the United States, and the...


MEMBER to the Chair, not to extend beyond an adjournment. The appointment by the President of a.


MEMBER, before presenting a petition, &c., to make a brief verbal statement of its contents. A


MEMBER shall object at the time to the reference of a petition as matter of course, then the question on reference to be taken. When a


MEMBER to fill the chair while the Senate is in Committee of the Whole. The VicePresident or President pro tempore may call a...


MEMBERS present. On the third reading of any bill, &c., no amendment shall be received unless by the unanimous consent of the MEMBERS shall attend at the place appointed. When the Senate shall be convened by the President of the United States to any other place, the President of the Senate and



MEMBER shall be free to move an amendment to a treaty on its second reading, &c. Every

MEMBERS present shall be requisite to decide a question affirmatively. In proceedings upon treaties two-thirds of the....





MEMBER shall again be free to move amendments, &c. When the proceedings on a treaty shall be reduced to the form of a ratification, every. MEMBERS thereof, be kept secret until the Senate shall, by their resolution, take off the injunction of secrecy. All confidential communications and treaties laid before the Senate by the President shall, by the MEMBERS present shall not be requisite to decide any question for amendments, or extending to the merits, being short of the final question. When an amendment to be proposed to the Constitution is under consideration, the concurrence of twothirds of the

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MEMBER who votes on that side which prevailed may move for a reconsideration, which shall be decided by a majority of votes. When two-thirds are requisite, any.... 20 MEMBERS of the Senate shall be allowed on the floor of the Senate during a session, except those specified in this rule. No persons but

MEMBER of the Senate convicted of disclosing for publication any written or printed matter directed by the Senate to be held in confidence, shall be liable, if an officer, to dismissal from the service of the Senate, and in the case of a member, to suffer expulsion from the body. Any officer or.

MEMORIAL, or address, or hear any such read. No motion shall be in order to admit

any person within the doors of the Senate chamber to read a petition MEMORIAL or petition shall be presented, and before being received and read at the table, a brief statement of its contents shall be verbally made. At the time when a





MEMORIAL, or paper, shall be inserted on the journal. A brief statement of the contents of each petition.


MEMORIAL, stating how the committee have erred, or that new evidence has been discovered, &c. Not in order to take papers of a rejected claim from the files for reference, unless the claimant shall present a...


MEMORIALS, &c. (See Petitions.)

MESSAGES shall be sent to the House of Representatives by the Secretary, who shall previously indorse the final determination of the Senate thereon.. MESSENGERS are introduced at any stage of business, except while a question is being pat, while the yeas and nays are being called, or while the ballots are being counted...



MILITARY Affairs and the Militia, to consist of seven members. A standing Committee



MINES and Mining, to consist of seven members. A standing Committee on..
MINUTES of the Senate. When the Senate shall be convened by the President in any
other place, the Secretary of the Senate shall also attend to take the.
MISTAKE may be corrected. Journal to be read, to the end that any.




MONEY out of the contingent or any other fund shall be treated as bills. All resolutions. &c., which may grant


MORNING business. Business at the commencement of the session, or..
MORNING business after the journal is read. Order of the.



MOTION shall be debated until seconded. No..


MOTION made and seconded shall be written, if desired, delivered in at the tabic, and read before debated. A.


MOTION may be withdrawn before decision, amendment, or ordering of yeas and nays, except a motion to reconsider, which shall not be withdrawn without leave. A.. 10 MOTION shall be received but to-1, adjourn; 2, to lie on the table; 3, to postpone indefinitely; 4, to postpone to a day certain; 5, to commit; or, 6, to amend, in the order here stated. When a question is under debate no..



MOTION for adjournment shall always be in order, and shall be decided without debate.



MOTION to strike out and insert shall not be divided. A. MOTION to strike out and insert one proposition shall not prevent a motion to strike out and insert a different proposition, nor a motion simply to strike out; nor shall the rejection of a motion to strike out prevent a motion to strike out and insert. Ꭺ MOTION in filling blanks is for largest sum and longest time. The privileged.. MOTION made and seconded to shut the doors, &c., the President shall direct the gallery to be cleared. On a.....

MOTION not in order to admit any person in Senate to present any petition, memorial, or address, or to hear any such read. A....






MOTION for reconsideration may be made by one of a majority before subject has gone out of possession of Senate, if made same day or within two next days of actual session thereafter. A.. 20 MOTION for reconsideration not in order after subject has gone out of possession of the Senate, except a resolution confirming or rejecting a nomination, nor after two days of actual session from time of vote. Α 20 MOTION to reconsider a nomination, where the resolution confirming or rejecting it has been sent to the President, shall always be accompanied by a motion requesting the President to return the same to the Senate. A.. 20 MOTION for leave to bring in a bill. One day's notice at least shall be given of a.... 25 MOTION to suspend, or to concur in a resolution of the House of Representatives to suspend, the 16th and 17th joint rules, or either of them, shall always be in order, be immediately considered, and be decided without debate. MOTION requiring three readings previous to being passed shall be "Whether it shall be engrossed and read a third time?" The final question on any. MOTIONS to print certain documents, referred to the Committee on Printing... MOTIONS to print other documents and bills, not referred to the Committee on Printing..


MOTIONS to print additional documents, referred to the Committee on Printing.... MOTIONS to print by order of standing committees, not referred to the Committee on Printing..

MOTION, be referred to such committee. When any subject or matter shall have been referred to a committee, any other subject or matter of a similar nature may, on.. MOTIONS are made for reference of the same subject to a select committee, and to a standing committee, the question on reference to the standing committee shall first be put. When.....

MOTION to reject, ratify, or modify a treaty on the first reading shall be received. Νο

MOTION for reconsideration, and it shall be decided by a majority of votes.

When a

question is decided by two-thirds, any member on the side that prevailed may make a


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NAYS. (See Yeas and Nays.)

A standing Committee ou..

NAVAL Affairs, to consist of seven members. NEWSPAPER, &c., while the journal is being read, or a member is speaking. No member shall read any..



NOMINATIONS Confirmed or rejected may be reconsidered after the resolution announcing the decision of the Senate has been sent to the President; but all motions to reconsider such nominations must be accompanied by a motion requesting the President to return the same to the Senate.


NOMINATIONS shall be made in writing by the President of the United States to the Senate, a future day shall be assigned, unless the Senate unanimously direct otherwise, for taking them into consideration. When.... NOMINATIONS neither approved nor rejected during the session at which they are made, shall not be acted upon at any succeeding session without being again made by the President..




NOMINATED by the President to office shall be kept secret. All information or remarks touching or concerning the character or qualifications of any person.. 37 NOMINATIONS approved or definitely acted on by the Senate shall be returned to the President by the Secretary on the next day after such proceedings may occur, unless otherwise ordered..........

NOTICE, at least, shall be given of an intended motion for leave to bring in a bill, &c. One day's...



NOTICE at each reading of a bill or joint resolution, &c. The President shall give.. 26

OATH or affirmation prescribed by act of July 2, 1862, to be taken and subscribed by every Senator, and by the Secretary, in open Senate, before entering upon their duties

OBJECTED to by a member at the time, the question on reference to be taken. When the reference of a petition, &c., as a matter of course, is. OBJECTION is made to reading a paper, it shall be determined by a vote of the Senate, and without debate. When

OFFICER or member of the Senate convicted of disclosing for publication any written or printed matter directed by the Senate to be held in confidence, shall be liable, if an officer, to dismissal from the service of the Senate, and in the case of a member, to suffer expulsion from the body. Any..

ORDER shall not be interrupted by talking or reading newspapers, &c..






ORDER shall be decided by the President, without debate, subject to an appeal to the Senate. Every question of.


ORDER. The Chair may call for the sense of the Senate on any question of... ORDER for transgressing the rules. The Chair shall, or a member may, call another to



ORDER shall sit down and not proceed without leave of the Senate. A member called to


ORDER by a Senator shall be taken down in writing to enable the President to judge. The exceptionable words of a member called to.......


ORDER, and decided without debate. A motion for adjournment shall always be in.. ORDER to move for a division of the question. On motion to strike out and insert, it shall not be in.


12 19

ORDER to admit any person in Senate to present a petition, &c. No motion in...... ORDER for a member of the majority to move a reconsideration, &c., within two days of actual session, if the matter is still in possession of the Senate. It is in...... 20 ORDER to move the reconsideration of a subject which has gone out of possession of the Senate, or when two next days of actual session shall have elapsed. It is not in.. 20 ORDER to move the commitment of a bill, &c., before its final passage. It shall always bo in

ORDER to move, as a substitute for it, a resolution of the Senate referring the case to the Court of Claims. Whenever a private bill is under consideration, it shall be in ORDER, &c. A motion to suspend the 16th and 17th joint rules always in....

ORDER to move to take the papers of rejected claims from the files for the purpose of reference, without error in report or new evidence being produced. Not in.....




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ORDERS of the day. The unfinished business at preceding adjournment shall have preference in the special..

ORDER of special orders assigned, regulated, and fixed, and given precedence over general orders. The.

ORDER, special, not to be made without the concurrence of two-thirds present...... ORDER of the Senate for that purpose. No paper, except original treaties, &c., shall be returned or delivered from the office of the Secretary without an.... ORDER. An authenticated transcript of the executive records of the Senate shall be furnished, from time to time, to the President of the United States, but no further extract of the executive journal shall be furnished except by special..... ORDERED. All bills on second reading shall be considered in Committee of the Whole before being considered in the Senate, unless otherwise..


PACIFIC Railroad, to consist of nine members. A standing Committee on...
PAPERS are being read no interruption to be made. While public.....










PAPER is called for and objected to, it will be decided by a vote of the Senate, and without debate. When the reading of a.....


PAPER or document shall be printed for the use of the Senate without special order, &c. Νο


PAPER, except original treaties, &c., shall be returned or delivered from the office of the Secretary without an order of the Senate for that purpose. No...... PAPERS of a rejected claim from the files for the purpose of referring them at a subsequent session, unless error in report or new evidence be produced. Not in order to move to take.....



PASSAGE of a bill, &c., to move its commitment, &c. It shall always be in order before the final..


PASSAGES as are or may be set apart for the use of the Senate and its officers. The Presiding Officer of the Senate shall have the regulation of such parts of the Capitol and of its......


PASSED, &c. Every bill and joint resolution shall receive three readings previous to being


PATENTS and the Patent Office, to consist of five members. A standing Committee



PENALTY of an officer or member for violating the confidence of the Senate.. PENSIONS, to consist of seven members. A standing Committee on... PERSON or persons within doors of Senate to present any petition, memorial, or address, or to hear any such read. No motion in order to admit any.. PERSON nominated to office by the President shall be kept secret. All information or remarks touching or concerning the character or qualification of any......... PERSONS, except as stated in the rule. When acting on confidential or executive business, the Senate shall be cleared of all..






PERSONS (and none others) who shall be admitted on the floor of the Senate. Description of


PETITION, memorial, or address, or hear any such read. No motion in order to admit any person in the Senate chamber to present a.......


PETITIONS, memorials, or papers, first called for in morning business, a brief statement of their contents to be made before reception, &c., and referred, of course, unless objected to, and then question taken.... PETITION, memorial, or paper presented to the Senate shall be inserted on the journal. A brief statement of the contents of each.. PLURALITY of votes sufficient for the appointment of all other committees than the chairman of standing committees for whose appointment a majority is necessary.. 3



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