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justify the decided part which the clergy of America have uniformly taken in supporting the constituted authorities and political interests of their country ")

Their political party was then in power.

On the 9th of May, 1798, the Rev. JEDEDIAH MORSE preached a sermon, in which he urged everybody to yield strict obedience to the powers that be, which were of his political faith. He said:

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proportion of my fellow-citizens in favor of a race of demons, and against a nation of more religion, virtue, good faith, generosity, and beneficence, than any that now is, or ever has been, upon the face of the earth, wring my soul with anguish and fill my soul with apprehension and terror of the judgments of heaven upon this sinful people."--Discourse of April 8th, 1810, p. 40.

"If at the command of weak or wicked rulers, they undertake an unjust war, each man who volunteers his services in such a cause, or loans his money for its support, or by his con

influence, encourages its prosecution, that man is an accomplice in wickedness, loads his conscience with the blackest crimes, brings the guilt of blood upon his soul, and in the sight of God and His law, is a murderer."--Discourse of June 27th, 1812, p. 9.

"To the unfriendly disposition and conduct of a foreign power, we may ascribe the unhap-versation, his writings, or any other mode of py dissensions that have existed among us, which have so permanently disturbed our peace, and threatened the overthrow of our government. Their maxim to which they have strictly and steadily adhered has been "divide and govern." Their too great influence among us has been exerted vigorously and in conformity to a deep laid plan in cherishing party spirit, in villifying the man we have by our free suffrages elected to administer our Constitution, and have thus endeavored to destroy the confidence of the people in the constituted authorities, and divide them from the Government." Of the same tenor was Gov. GILLMORE'S message to the Legislature of New Hampshire in 1798, the legislative response to the samethe Massachusetts Legislature and the Address of the Federalists of Elizabethtown, in 1798. EXTRACTS FROM A SERMON DELIVERED BY THE REV. F. S. F. GARDINER, RECTOR OF TRINTY CHURCH, BOSTON, April 9, 1812.

"The British, after all, save for us by their convoys infinitely more property than they deprive us of, where they take one ship they protect twenty; where they commit one outrage they do many acts of kindness."—p. 15.

England is willing to sacrifice everything to conciliate us except her honour and independence."-p. 10.

"It is a war unexampled in the history of the world; wantonly proclaimed on the most frivolous and groundless pretences against a nation from whose friendship we might derive the most signal advantages."-Discourse delivered July 23d, 1813, p. 3.

"Let no consideration, my brethren, deter your at all times, and in all places, from execrating the present war. It is a war unjust, foolish and ruinous."-p. 15.

"As Mr. MADISON has declared war, let Mr. MADISON carry it on."-p. 17.

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"One hope only remains, that this last stroke of perfidy (the war) may open the eyes of a besotted people, that they may awake, like a giant from his slumbers, and wreak their vengeance on their betrayers by DRIVING them from their stations, and placing at the helm more skillful and faithful hands. -p. 12. NEW ENGLAND CLAMORS FOR



It gives us no pleasure to reproduce the following extracts, as the touch-stone of the prevailing public sentiment of the Puritans fortynine years ago. These extracts furnish a sad commentary on the clamoring cry of "treason" by the same party and the same men against all whom, while willing to aid our Government in every essential way to reduce this rebellion, and preserve the Constitution, claim and exercise the right to criticise in a manly spirit what they believe to be measures destructive of constitutional rights and civil liberty.The world has been taught that there is a vast difference between such articles as the following and a manly protest against the blow that strikes down civil rights arbitrarily, without any of those means of redress or modes of trial known to civil jurisprudence.

JAMES MADISON was often severely censured by many of his most ardent political friends for not imprisoning the utterers of the following sentiments of treason, and although the danger from these influences was imminent, and at the time threatened to finally destroy the Government, Mr. MADISON trusted to the good sense of the people to maintain this Government, nor did he arbitrarily arrest a man, nor proclaim the suspension of the writ of "The strong prepossessions of so great a hebeas corpus against all the people. The se

"The Union has long since been virtually dissolved, and it is full time that this part of the United States should take care of itself."-p. 19.


quel proved the wisdom of MADISON's course, for while the authors of that seditious treason that threatened to take New England out of the Union, soon found themselves buried in disgrace, he was spared the charge of even the attempt at oppression. All will agree that he would have been justified in arresting the authors of the following:



stand, and recurring to first principles, view men and things as they are. The sophisticated Government which these States have witnessed for thirteen years past, has almost completed their ruin, and every day still adds to their distracted condition."-[Ipswich Memorial, Sept. 18, 1813.

"The sentiment is hourly extending, and in these Northern States will soon be universal, that we are in no better condition with respect to the South than that of a conquered people." -Boston Centinel, Jan. 13, 1813.

"The land is literally taken from its old possessions and given to strangers." "Ibid. [This is just what New England is now clamoring for in the South.]

"Those who startle at the danger of separa- "We have no more interest in waging this tion tell us that the soil of New England is sort of war at present, at the command of Virhard and sterile-that deprived of the pro-ginia, than Holland in accelerating her ruin, ductions of the South, we should soon become by uniting her destiny with France."-Ibid. a wretched race of cowherds and fishermen; that our narrow territory and diminished population would make us an easy prey to foreign powers. Do these men forget what national energy can do for a people? Have they not read of Holland? Do they not remember that it grew in wealth and power amidst combat and alarm! That it threw off the yoke of Spain | (our Virginia) and its chapels became churches and its poor man's cottages prince's palaces ?" -Boston Centinel, Dec. 10, 1814.

"It is said, that to make a treaty of commerce with the enemy is to violate the constitution, and to sever the Union. Are they not both already virtually destroyed? Or in what stage of existance would they be should we declare a neutrality, or even_withhold taxes and men."-Boston Centinel, Dec. 14, 1814.

"Either the Southern States must drag us further into the war, or we must drag them out of it, or the chain will break.-Ibid.

"We must be no longer deafened by senseless clamors about a separation of the States." Ibid.

"Should the present Administration, with the adherence in the Southern States still persist in the prosecution of this ruinous and wicked war, in unconstitutionally creating new States in the mud of Louisiana [just what we are fighting to keep in] (the inhabitants of "By a commercial treaty with England which which country are as ignorant of Republicanshall provide for the admission of such States ism as the alligators of their swamps) and in as may wish to come into it, and which shall opposition to the commercial rights and priviprohibit England from making a treaty with leges of New England, much as we deprecate the South and West-which does not give us a separation of the Union, we deem it an evil at least equal privileges with herself-our com- much less to be dreaded than a co-operation merce will be secured to us; our standing in with them in their nefarious projects."-Deerthe nation raised to its proper level, and Newfield (Mass.) Petition, Jan. 10, 1814.. England feelings will no longer be sported with, or her interest violated.-Boston Centinel, 1814.

"If we submit quietly our destruction is certain. If we oppose them with a highminded and steady conduct, who will say that we shall not beat them all? No one can suppose that a conflict with a tyranny at home, would be as easy as with an enemy from abroad, but firmness will anticipate and prevent it. Cowardice | dreads it, and will surely bring it on at last. Why this delay? Why leave that to chance which our firmness should command? Will our wavering frighten Government into compli


"We must do it deliberately, and not from irritation at our wrongs and sufferings, and when we have once entered on the high course of honor, and independence, let no difficulties stay our course, nor dangers drive us back." Ibid.

"We are convinced that the time is arrived when Massachusetts must make a resolute

"We must put away all childish fears of resistance."-Crisis No. 3.

"What shall we do to be saved? One thing only: The people must rise in their majesty protect themselves, and compel their unworthy servants to obey their will."-Boston Centinel, Sept. 10, 1814.

"The Union is already dissolved, practically."—Ibid..

"You ask my opinion on a subject which is much talked of, a dissolution of the Union. On this subject I differ from my fellow-citizens generally, and therefore I ought to speak and write with diffidence. I have for many years considered the Union of the Northern and Southern states as not essential to the safety, and very much opposed to the interest of both sections. The extent of the territory is too large to be harmoniously governed by the same representative body. A despotic prince, like the Emperor of Russia may govern a wide extent of territory, and numerous distinct nations, for

his will controls their jealousies and discordent interests; but when states, having different interests are permitted to decide on those interests themselves, no harmony can be expected. The commercial and non commercial states have views so different that I conceive it to be impossible that they ever can be satisfied with the same laws and the same system of measures. I firmly believe that each section would be better satisfied to govern itself, and each is large and populous enough for its own protection, especially as we have no powerful nations in our neighborhood. These observations are equally applicable to the Western States, a large body and a distinct portion of the country, which would govern themselves better than the Atlantic states can govern them. [This was in accordance with the old Federal notion that some states should be con

trolled and governed by others-and New Eng. land has ever acted on that doctrine.] That the Atlantic States do not want the aid of the strength, nor the counsels of the Western States is certain, and I believe the public welfare would be better consulted and more promoted in a separate than in a Federal Consti tution. The mountains form a natural line of division, and moral and commercial habits would unite the Western people. In like manner the moral and commercial habits of the Northern and Middle states would link them together, as would the like habits of the slave holding states- Indeed, the attempt to unite this vast territory under one head, has long appeared to me absurd! I believe a peaceable separation would be for the happiness of all sections, but as the citizens of this country have generally been of a different opinion, it is best not to urge for a separation, till they are convinced of their error."Com. in Boston Centinel, July 18, 1813.

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"We will ask the infatuated man of property, beguiled by the arts of ALBERT GALLA. TIN, by what fund, and by whom, they will be repaid the advances made on exchequer bills and the loans, in the event of a dissolution of the Union? We ask them further, whether from present appearances, and under existing circumstances, there is the least foundation to build a hope that the Union will last twelve months? We look to Russia to save us from the horrors of anarchy. If a reverse of fortune is in reserve for ALEXANDER, and the war continues, the Union is evidently gone". Federal Republican, 1814.


of the Constitution, is beyond endurance AND WE WILL RESİST IT.”—Boston Centinel Dec. 28th, 1814.


Long enough have we grasped at shadows and illusions, and been compelled to recoil upon ourselves, and feel the stings of real, substantial, hopeless woe, sharpened by disappointment. Long enough have we paid the taxes and fought the battles of the Southern Long enough have been scouted, abused and oppressed by men who claim a right to rule and to despise us! Long enough have we been submissive slaves of the senseless representatives of the equally senseless natives of Africa, and of the semi-barbarous huntsmen of the western wilderness. Realities alone can work our deliverance, and deliverance we deliberately, solemnly, and irrevocably decree to be our right, and WE WILL OBTAIN IT!"--Ibid, Dec. 24th, 1814.

"The sufferings which have multiplied so thick about us have at length aroused New England. She will now meet every danger, and go through every difficulty, until her rights are restored to the full, and settled too strongly to be shaken. She will put aside all half way measures. She will look with an eye of doubt on those who oppose them. She will tell such men, that if they hope to lead in the cause of New England INDEPENDENCE, they must do it in the spirit of New England men."-Ibid, Dec. 7, 1814.

"Throwing off all connection with this wasteful war-making peace with the enemy, and opening once more our commerce, would be a wise and manly course."-Ibid, Dec. 17,



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"My plan is to withhold our money and make a separaee peace with England."-Boston Daily Advertiser, 1814.

"That there will be a revolution if the war continues many months, no man can doubt, who is acquainted with human nature, and is accustomed to study cause and effect. The Eastern States are marching stealthily and straight forward up to the object. In times past there was much talk and loud menaces, but little action among the friends of reform in New England. Now, we shall hear little said, and much done. The new constitution [of the Hartford Convention] is to go into operation as soon as two or three states shall have adopted it."-Federal Republican, 1814.

On the 5th of January, 1815, a treasonable meeting was held by the Federals, at Reading, which passed a long string of incendiary resolutions, from which we select the following:

The once venerable Constitution HAS EXPIRED BY DISSOLUTION in the hands of those wicked men who were sworn to protect it. Its spirit, with the precious souls of Resolved, That we place the fullest confiits first founders, has fled forever. Its remains, dənce in the Governor and Legislature of Maswith theirs, rest in the silent tomb! At your hands, therefore, we demand deliverance. New England is unanimous, and we announce our irrevocable decree, that the tyrannical oppression of those who at present usurp the powers

sachusetts, and in the State authorities of New England, and that to them, under God, the Chief Governor of the Universe, we look for aid and direction, and that for the present, until the public opinion shall be known, we will not

enter our earnings, pay our continental taxes, or aid, inform, or assist any officer in their collection."

"In this alarming state of things we can no longer be silent. When our unquestionable rights are invaded, we will not sit down and coolly calculate what it may cost to defend them. We will not barter the liberties of our children for slavish repose, or surrender our birthright, but with our lives.

We remember the resistance of our fathers to oppressions which dwindle into insignificance when compared with those we are called upon to endure. The rights which we have received from God we will never yield to man. We call

us in the enjoyment of those privileges, to as-
sert which our fathers died, and to defend
which, we profess, ourselves, ready to resist
unto blood!
We pray your honorable body
to adopt measures immediately to secure to us
especially our undoubted right to trade [with
Great Britain] within our own State.

in the on our State Legislature to protect

"We are ourselves ready to aid you in securing it to us, to the utmost of our power, peaceably if we can-FORCEIBLY if we must, and we pledge to you the sacrifice of ourselves and property in support of whatever measures the dignity and liberties of this free, sover

eign and INDEPENDENT STATE, may seem to your wisdom to demand!"Extract from a Memorial of the citizens of Newburyport, (Mass.,) Jan. 31, 1814, to the Legislature of Massachusetts.

events that happen, according to the known laws and established course of nature."—Ibid, p. 15.

"If we would preserve the liberties of that struggle, (the American Revolution,) so dearly purchased, the call for RESISTANCE against the usurpations of our own Government is as urgent as it was formerly against the mother country: --Rev. Osgood's discourse before the Lieut. Governor and Legislature of Massachusetts, May 31, 1809, p. 25.

Britain is defeated by insidious artifice—if the
"If the impending negociation with Great
friendly and conciliatory proposals of the ene-
views of sectional ambition, be met through-
my should not, from French subserviency, or
out with a spirit of moderation and sincerity,
so as to terminate the infamous war, which is
scattering its terrors around us, and arrest the
calamities and distress of a disgraced country,
will be no longer borne with. The injured States
it is necessary to apprise you that such conduct
will be compelled by every motive of duty, in-
terest, and honor. by one manly exertion of
their strength, to dash into atoms the bonds
of tyranny! It will then be too late to re-
treat! The die will be cast-freedom pur-
chased."-Extract from a letter to James Mad-
ison, entitled "Northern Grievances" and
ison, entitled
extensively circulated through New York and
New England, dated May, 1814, p. 4.

"A separation of the States will be an inevitable result. Motives numerous and urgent will demand that measure. As they originate in "On or before the 4th of July, if JAMES oppression, the oppressors must be responsible MADISON is not out of office, a new form of for the momentous and contingent events arisgovernment will be in operation in the East- ing from the dissolution of the present Conern section of the Union, instantly after, the federacy, and the erection of separate Governcontest in mang of the States States will be, whether ments! It will be their work. While posterity to adhere to the old, or join the new governor join the new govern- will admire the independent spirit of the Eastment! Like everything else, which was foreern section of our country, and with sentitold years ago, and which is verified every ments of gratitude enjoy the fruits of their day, this warning will also be villified as firmness and wisdom, the descendants of the visionary. Be it so. But, Mr. MADISON can- South and West will have reason to curse the not complete his term of service if the war infatuation and folly of your councils."-Ibid, continues! It is not possible! and if he knew p. 9. human nature, he would see it.-Federal Republican, Nov. 7, 1814.

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"Is there a Federalist, a patriot, in America, who concedes it his duty to shed his blood for Bonaparte, for Madison, for Jefferson, and the host of ruffians in Congress, who have set their faces against us for years, and spirited up the brutal part of the populace to destroy us? Not one! Shall we then, any longer, be held in slavery, and driven to desperate poverty by such a graceless faction? Heaven forbid!" Boston Gazette.

"If, at the present moment, no symptoms of eivil war appear they certainly will soon unless the courage of the war party fails them." -Sermon by David Osgood, D. D., Pastor of the Church at Medford, delivered June 26th, 1812, p. 9.

"Bold and resolute, when they step forth in the sacred cause of freedom [how much this sounds like latter day Abolition talk] and independence, the Northern people will secure their object. No obstacle can impede them! No force can withstand their powerful arm. The most numerous armies will melt before their manly strength! Does not the page of history instruct you that the feeble debility of the South never could face the vigorous activity of the North? Do not the events of past ages remind you of the valuable truth, that a single lightened by congenial commerce, will explode spark of Northern liberty, especially when ena whole atmosphere of sultry Southern despot12. ism. [How like late Abolition talk.] Ibid p.

"When such are the effects of oppression upon men resolved not to submit, as displayed "A civil war becomes as certain as the in the north and south of Europe, and in all

ages of the world, do you flatter yourself with its producing a different operation in this country? Do you think the energies of Northern freemen [very like late abolition boasts] are to be tamely smothered? Do you imagine they will allow themselves to be trampled upon with impunity, and by whom? The Southern and Western states? By men whose united efforts are not sufficient to keep in order their own enslaved population, and defend their own frontiers? [How familiar this sounds with latter day boastings!] By warriors, whose repeated attempts at invasion of a neighboring province have been disgracefully foiled by a handful of disciplined troops? By generals, monuments of arrogance and folly? By counsels, the essence of corruption, imbecility and madness?

"The aggregate strength of the South and West, if brought against the North, would be driven into the ocean, or back to their own Southern wilds. [How valiant Massachusetts was, then!] And they might think themselves fortunate if they escaped other punishment than a defeat which their temerity would merit. While the one would strive to enslave, the other would fight for freedom. [How familiar that phrase.] While the counsels of the one would be distracted with discordant interests, the decisions of the other would be directed by one soul! Beware! Pause!! before you take the fatal plunge."-Ibid, p. 13.

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"You have carried your oppressions to the utmost stretch! We will no longer submit! Restore the Constitution to its purity. Give us security for the future-indemnity for the past! Abolish every tyrannical law! Make an immediate and honorable peace! Revive our commerce! Increase our navy! Protect our seamen! [That was what Mr. MADISON was fighting for.] Unless you comply with these just demands, without delay, WE WILL WITHDRAW FROM THE UNION-scatter to the winds the bonds of tyranny, and trasmit to posterity that liberty purchased by the Revolution."-Ibid p. 15.

"Americans, prepare your arms! You will soon be called to use them. We must use them for the Emperor of France or for ourselves. It is but an individual who now points to this ambiguous alternative; but, Mr. MADISON and his cabal may rest assured there is in the hearts of many thousands in this abused and almost ruined country, a sentiment and energy to illustrate the distinction when his madness shall call it into action."-Boston Repertory.

"Old Massachusetts is as terrible to the American now as she was to the British Cabinet in 1775. For America, too, has her BUTE's and her NORTH's. Let them, the commercial states breast themselves to the shock, and know, that to themselves they must look for safety. All party bickerings must be sacrificed [That sounds like the cant of Union Leaguers] on the altar of patriotism. Then,

and not till then, shall they humble the pride and ambition of Virginia, whose strength lives in their weakness, and chastise the insolence of those mad men of Kentucky and Tennessee who aspire to the government of these states, and threaten to involve the country in all the horrors of war "--N. Y. Commercial Advertiser.

This sheet has kept regular pace with its party in all its phases. It was a Federal sheet in 1812-14, &c.; Federal Republican in 1824; Whig in 1833; Republican in 1854; Union in 1863. Has any one a doubt of the geneology of its principles or name?

Mr. CAREY, in his Olive Branch, p. 132, says:

"It is a most singular fact, that the cause of England [during the war] has been far more. ably supported in our debates and in our political speculations and essays, than in London itself."



Treasonable opposition to the Mexican War... Mr. LINCOLN charges the Government" with being in the "wrong" ...CALEB B. SMITH glories in voting to condemn the war ...GIDDINGS would "not vote a man or a dollar"...The Press of 1848, on the War...From the Warren Chronicle ...Xenia Torch Light...Lebanon Star... Cincinnati Gazette ...Kennebeck Journal...New Hampshire Statesman... Haverhill Gazette...Boston Sentinel...Boston Atlas... Boston Chronotype... New York Tribune... North American... Baltimore Patriot...Louisville Journal...Nashville Gazette...Mt. Carmel Register, &c.,...Also CORWIN'S bloody hands" diatribe, &c.


To the same end, and showing a like animus, we collate sundry extracts from speeches and editorials relative to the Mexican war, uttered by those who were then, as now, hostile to the Democratic party, and as is believed, for the reasons already given.

Mr. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, in a speech in opposition to the Mexican war, said:

"That he, the President, (Mr. POLK) is deeply conscious of being in the wrong; that he feels the blood of this war, like the blood of ABEL, is crying to heaven against him," &c.

He then goos into a summing up of the cost of the war, &c. See p. p. 93, 94, Ap. Cong. Globe, 1st Sess. 30th Cong.

Mr. CALEB B. SMITH, at the same session,

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