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In the Massachusetts Legislature, June 4, 1813, JOSIAH QUINCY submitted a lengthy report, as Chairman of the committee raised for that purpose, against permitting Louisiana to remain in the Union, and closed with a series of resolutions, which were adopted by the Federal majority, from which we copy the 3d,

"Resolved, That the act passed the 8th day of April, Louisiana into the Union, and to extend the Laws of the United States to said State," is a violation of the constitution of the United States; and that the Senators of this State in Congress, be instructed, and the representatives thereof requested, to use their utmost endeavors to obtain a repeal of the same."-[Niles' Register, vol. 4, p. 287.

1812, entitled "an act for the admission of the State of

On the 15th of the same month there was a
proposition before the same legislature for a
vote of thanks to JAMES LAWRENCE, com-

mander of the United States ship Hornet, and
the officers and crew of that ship, for their
gallantry and bravery in the destruction of the
British ship Peacock-that as similar resolu-
tions have been passed "on similar occasions"
for "like service" "have given great discon-
tent to many of the good people of this com-
monwealth," &c., therefore

"Resolved, As the sense of the Senate of Massachusetts, that in a war like the present, waged without justifiable cause, and prosecuted in a manner which indicates that conquest and ambition are its real motives, it is not becoming a moral and religious people to express any approbation of military or naval exploits!!" [See Niles Register, v. 4, p. 287.

The party that passed the foregoing resolu⚫ tion was called Federal then, Federal Republi

can in 1824; Whig in 1833; Republican in 1854; Union (?) in 1863! An unenviable consanguinity.



Early Clamors for a Northern Confederacy...the Pelham Publication... Crusade Against Slavery in 1796...Its Baseness and Untruthfulness exhibited by CAREY, in 1814...The Federal Argument to show that Dissolution was close at hand...Early Caricatures of the North to stimulate Sectional Hatred...Falsity of the Agitators' statements...Comparison of Northern and Southern support of Government... The odious comparisons continued...Republican papers and the President's Message ...Section arrayed against Section.


To show that the work of dissolution began, and the cry of a "Northern Confederacy? raised even under the Administration of WASHINGTON, we copy the following from Mr. CAREY'S Olive Branch, published in 1814, and the extracts he brings forward from a treasonable secession work of that day, to prove his statements, to which work we refer the reader, pages 270-1-2-3, &c.

One fact will strike the reader with peculiar unction, at first sight-to-wit: the same species of appeal to local prejudices, and against slavery that has for years stirred up the fountains of our whole society to its dregs. It will prove that the present generation of Abolition agitators come honestly by their hatred of the South-that they inherited it from the old Federals, and even now, while the result of this factious spirit has reached, and now sits on the throne of power, the leading orators, presses and pulpits in that interest, breathe out their scoffs, their jeers and their hatred of the Constitution, the only bond of our Union. All who maintain that the "Union as it was and the Constitution as it is" should be respected by the powers that be, are stigmatized as "traitors," "copperheads," &c. So far as the writer hereof is concerned, he is willing to send down to remote posterity his honest purpose to sustain the Constitution, as the only means of saving the Union, to be read in future history as we now read the following to-day:

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"A Northern Confederacy has been the object for a number of years. They (New England) have repeatedly advocated in public prints a seperation of the states, on account of a pretended discordance of views and interests of the different sections.

"This project of separation was formed shortly after the adoption of the Federal Constitution. Whether it was ventured before the public earlier than 1796, I know not. But of its promulgation in that year, there is the most indubitable evidence. A most elaborate set of A most elaborate set of papers under the signature of PELHAM, was then published in the city of Hartford, in Connecticut, the joint production of men of the first talents and influence in the state. They appear in the Connecticut Courant, published by HUDSON & GOODWIN, two eminent printers, of, I believe, considerable revolutionary standing. There were then none of the long catalogue of grievances, which since that period have been fabricated to justify the recent attempts to dissolve


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the Union. General WASHINGTON was President; JOHN ADAMS, an Eastern citizen, Vice President. There was no French influence-no Virginia dynasty-no embargo-no intercourse-no terrapin policy-no Democratic madness-no war. In fine, every feature in the affairs of the country was precisely according to their fondest wishes.

"To sow discord, jealousy and hostility between the different sections of the Union, was the first and grand step in their career, in order to accomplish the favorite object of a separation of the states.

"In fact, without this efficient instrument, all their all their efforts would heve been utterly unavailing. It would have been impossible had the honest yeomanry of the Eastern States continued to regard their Southern fellow citizens as friends and brethren, having one common interest in the promotion of the general welfare, to make them instruments in the hands of those who intended to employ them to operate the unholy work of destroying the noble, the august, the splendid fabric of our Union, and unparalleled form of government.

"For eighteen years, therefore, the most unceasing endeavors have been used to poison the minds of the people of the Eastern States towards, and to alienate them from, their fellow citizens of the Southern States. The people of the latter section have been portrayed as demons incarnate, destitute of all the good qualities that dignify or adorn human nature that acquire esteem or regardthat entitle to respect and veneration. Nothing can exceed the virulence of these caricatures, some of which would have suited the ferocious inhabitants of New Zealand, rather than a civilized or polished nation. To illustrate and remove all doubt on this subject, I subjoin an extract from Pelham's Eseays, No. 1."


"Negroes are in all respects except in regard to life and death, the cattle of the citizens of the Southern States. If they were good for food the probability is that even the power of destroying their lives would be enjoyed by their owners as fully as it is over the lives of their cattle. It cannot be that their laws prohibit their owners from killing their slaves, because those slaves are human beings, or because it is a moral evil to destroy them. If that were the case how can they justify their being treated in all other respects like brutes? for it is in this point of view alone that negroes in the Southern States are considered in fact as different from cattle. They are bought and sold. They are fed or kept hungry. They are clothed or reduced to nakedness. They are beaten, turned out to the fury of the elements, and torn from their dearest connections, with as little remorse as if they were heasts of the field."

'The Northern States can subsist as a nation—a republic, without any connection with the Southern. It cannot be contested that if the Southern States were possessed of the same political ideas, our Union would be more close than separation, but when it becomes a serious question whether we shall give up our government or part with the States south of the Potomac, no man North of that river, whose heart is not thoroughly Democratic, can hesito what decision to make.

I shall, in the future papers, consider some of the great events, which will lead to a separation of the United States-show the importance of retaining their present Constitution, even at the expense of a separation-endeavor to prove the impossibility of a Union for any long period in future, both from the moral and political habits of the citizens of the Southern States, and finally examine carefully to see whether we have not already approached to the era when they must be divided.'

And, Mr. CAREY comments:

"It is impossible for a man of intelligence and candor to read these extracts without feeling a decided conviction, that the writer and his friends were determined to use all their endeavors to dissolve the Union, and endanger civil war and its horrors, in order to promote their sectional views. This affords a complete clue to all the seditious proceedings that have occurred since that period. [Yea, and up to the present time-1863.] The increasing efforts to excite the public mind [continued ever since, in the slavery agitation] to that feverish state of discord, jealousy and exasperation, which was necessary to prepare it for consummation. The parties interested would, on a stage of a separate confederacy, perform the liveliest parts of kings and princes, Generals and Generalissimos, whereas on the grand scope of a general Union, embracing all the states, they are obliged to sustain characters of perhaps a second or third rate. Better to rule in hell than obey in heaven."

"The unholy spirit that inspired the writer of this dissolution sentiment, has been from that hour to the present, incessantly employed to excite hostility between the different sections of the Union. [And we may add, has kept it up, without abatement to this hour.] To such horrible lengths has this spirit been carried, that many paragraphs have occasionly appeared in the Boston papers, intended and well calculated to excite the negres of the Southern States to rise and massacre their masters. This will undoubtedly appear incredible to the reader. It is nevertheless sacredly true. It is a species of turpitude and baseness of which the world has produced few examples.

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Thus, some progress was made, but it was inconsiderable, while the yeomanry of the Eastern States were enriched by a beneficial commerce with the Southern, they did not feel disposed to quarrel with them, for their sup

On the above, Mr. CAREY remarked in 1814: posed want of à due degree of piety or morality.

"Never was there a more infamous or unfounded charicature than this. Never one more disgraceful to its author. It may not be amiss to state, and it greatly enhances the turpitude of the writer, that at the period when it was written, there were many slaves in Connecticut, who were subject to all the disadvantages that attended the Southern slaves."

Its vile character is further greatly aggravated by the consideration that a large portion of these very negroes and their ancestors had been purchased and sent from their homes, and families, by citizens of the Eastern States, who were actually, at that moment, and long afterwards, engaged in the slave trade. I add a few more extracts from PELHAM:



'A deeper game was requisite to be played, or all the pains taken so far would have been wholly fruitless, and this was seduously undertaken. The Press literally groaned with efforts [as it has in our day] to prove five points wholly destitute of foundation;

"1st. That the Eastern States were supereminently

"2d. That the States south of the Susquehanna were wholly agricultural.

"3d. That there is a natural and inevitable hostility between commercial and agricultural States.

"4th. That this hostility has uniformly pervaded the whole Southern section of the Union; and

"That all the measures of Congress were dictated by this hostility, and were actually intended to ruin the commercial, meaning the Eastern States.

"I do not assert that these miserable-these contemptible--these deceptious positions--were ever laid down in regular form as theses to argue upon; but 1 do aver that they formed the basis of three-fourths of all the essays, paragraphs, squibs and croakers that have appeared in the Boston papers against the administration for many years "The Road to Ruin," ascribed to JOHN LOWELL, now before me, is remarkable for its virulence, its accrimony, its intemperence, and for the talent of the writer. He undoubtedly places his subject in the strongest point of light possible for such a subject. But if you extract from his essays the assumption of these positions, all the rest is a mere caput mortuum-all "sad and funny."-On these topics, the charges are many in endless succes

"We have reached a critical period in our political existence. The question must soon be decided whether we will continue a nation at the expense even of our Union,past. or sink with the present wars of difficulty with confusion and slavery. Many advantages were supposed to be secured, and many evils avoided, by an union of the States. I shall not deny that the supposition was well founded, but at the time these advantages, and these evils were magnified to a far greater size than either would be if the question was at this moment to be settled.

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To show that the charicatures by our Northern politicians, calculated to belittle and inflame the South, were not without their ancestral examples, we copy from the above named work, p. 274:

"The Rev. JEDEDIAH MORSE has in some degree devoted his geography to, and disgraced it by, the perpetuation of this vile prejudice. Almost every page that represents his own section of the Union is highly encomiastic. He colors with the flattering tints of a partial and enamored friend, but when once he passes the Susquehannah, what a hideous reverse. Almost everything is there a frightful charicature. Society is at a low and meloncholy ebb, and all the sombre tints are employed in the description in order to elevate by the contrast, his favorite elysium, the Eastern States. He dips his pen in gall, when he has to portray the manners, or habits, or religion of Virginia or Maryland, either of the Carolinas or Georgia, or the Western country."

To the student of forty years ago the above might be pronounced a frightful and just criticism on the old Morse Geography. How perfectly in consonance with the maps of the Union that were circulated in 1856, one half printed black, to caricature the people of that section, and to breed hostile rejoinders. How consistent, also, much that we have quoted in the foregoing voluminous extracts, stand forth as the same species of beligerant menace, and typical of desire for disunion, were the carry ing of flags and banners in 1856, with only fifteen stars thereon. Further comment on this point is unnecessary.

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Since that time, as we have shown elsewhere in this work, the Southern States have paid immensely more duties than all the Northern or free States combined. We only allude to these facts to show that the complaints of the Northern Abolitionists were unfounded and frivalous, and only put forth as one of the "irritations" mentioned by WASHINGTON in his Farewell Address, to "widen the breach," and consummate dissolution. Indeed, this system of unjust comparisons has been continued by that class of politicians from the earliest days. to the present. Even the President's late Message to Congress, though not ostensibly of It will be seen by the foregoing, that as of this order of complaints, nevertheless, so prelate, the Eastern states (the Federal, Republi- sented the figures relative to the postal affairs, can, Abolition portions thereof) sought early as to enable his partizans to renew the old "irto create prejudice and disunion-not on aç-ritation," which they have generally improved. count of any adequate existing fact, but merely to array section against section, in order to stimulate hatred and discord, and accelerate their darling object-dissolution. As we have seen, the disunionists of the Eastern states were continually harping on their exclusive commercial interests-that they paid more than the Southern states for the support of Government, &c. As the Government was supported by revenue derived from customs, and to show how ill founded these early complaints were, and that disunion was the only motive that put them forth, we exhibit the following. Mr. Carey, in 1814, said:

We have one instance before us. It is from
the Milwaukee Sentinel of December 12, 1863:


"There is one statement contained in the President's

Message so significant that it is worthy of brief comment.
Speaking of the condition of the Post Office Department,

he says:

"During the past fiscal year the financial condition of the Post Office Department has been of increasing prosperity, and I am gratified in being able to state the receipts at the postal revenue have nearly equalled the entire expenditures, the latter amounting to $11,314,000,84 and the former to $11,160,169,08, leaving a deficiency of $150,417,25. In the year immediately preceeding the rebellion the deficiency amounted to $5,656,705,49, the posta receipts of that year being $2,645,722.19 less than those of 1863. The decrease since 1860 in the annual amount of transportation has been only about 25 per cent.; bút the annual expenditure on account of the same has been reduced 35 per cent. It is manifest, that the Post Office Department may become self-sustaining in a few years, even with the restoration of the whole service."", "This quite clearly demonstrates what it has cost the free North to carry the mails for the slaveholding South. The writer then goes on to show that at that Before the rebellion, when mail arrangements were unin

"The Southern section of the Union, which has been so cruelly, so wickedly, so unjustly villified and calumniated for its hostility to commerce, is actually more interested in its preservation than the Eastern states, in the proportion of five to three!"



terrupted throughout the South, the deficiency in the Department's finances was $5,656,705,49, whereas now, when the mail facilities of the Slave States have been withdrawn, the Department pays its expenses into $150,

417,25; or, in other words, it has cost the North annually five and a half million dollars to carry the mails for the negroe-breeding lords of the South. There may be many reasons and incentives that will induce men to sigh for the "Union as it was," "but the above exhibit is not one of them."

Now, compare this with its "twin sisters' of fifty years ago, and see if you cannot discover a marked family resemblance-particularly the sneer at the "Union as it was!!??_ We have nothing to do with the merits of the arithmetical statements, which have no doubt been influenced greatly by the fact that the army has vastly accelerated correspondence, and military operations require vast mail facilities, and consequently enhanced receipts, but it is the animus of such articles- their invidious comparisons, that "tend to alienate one section from the other," and, as Jefferson said, "to make Union impossible."


THE GREAT NEW ENGLAND CONSPIRACY. New England Money Kings endeavor to Bankrupt the Government...Testimony of a Cotemporary...The Clergy in the Conspiracy...Consequence of the Conspiracy...Depreciation of Bank and Government Stocks...Mr. CAREY'S Statement...The Secret Federal Leagues... Monied men banded against the Government... Reign of Terror...Citizens, dare not subscribe for Government Loan openly... Threats and Intimidations by the Federals...Treason of the Federals in buying and selling English Bills...The Sedition Law...Its object to crush out Free Discussion... Difference between MADISON and LINCOLN... Leading Federals Gazetted...Object of the Sedition Law...We, the | Government, in 1798... Damn the Government in 1814... The Pious Rev. Federals curse the Government... Views of JEFFERSON and WEBSTER, &C.

feat the obtaining money by the Government, but we will produce a few facts in this connection, as more clearly establishing the truth of that wicked conspiracy in New England, to break down the Government, in the darkest hour of its peril, and to show what peculiar claim that section has now to cry traitor to all those who believe in the "Union as it was and the Constitution as it is." We quote from the Olive Branch, p. 303:

"In consequence, every possible exertion was made, particularly in Boston, to deter the citizens from subscribing to the loans, in order to disable the Government from carrying on the war, and of course to compel it to make peace. Associations were entered into, in the most solemn and public manner for this purpose, and those who could not be induced by mild means, were deterred by denunciations. A folio volume might be filled with the lucubrations that appeared on this subject.

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"The pulpit, as usual, in Boston, afforded its utmost aid to the press, to insure success. Those who subscribed were in direct terms declared participators, in and accessories to, all the murders, as they were termed, that might. take place in the nnholy, unrighteous, wicked, abomniable, and accursed war. [See Sermon by Rev. Osgood and others, elsewhere.]

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The New England money kings knowing that money furnished the "sinews of war," and having control of a great share of the monetary interests of the country, during the last war with England, entered into a conspiracy to break down the credit of the Government, and to discredit Government bills. They were

"The success of the Eastern States was considerable. lusion, when it sets in very strong. There were some, Few men have the courage to stem the tide of popular dehowever, who subscribed (to the Government loan) openly, in defiance of denunciations and threats. Others, of less fine texture, loaned their money (to the Government) by stealth, and as clandestinely as if it were treasonable. What, alas! must be the awful state of society when a free citizen is afraid of lending his money publicly to support the government that protects him."

In support of this damaging accusation, we continually crying peace, yet doing all they by JOHN LOWELL, a most inveterate Federal, extract the following paragraph from a work

could to prevent peace, well knowing that a prolongation of hostilities would only secure to them dissolution.

The Government under Mr. MADISON, needed money to prosecute the war, and isused eight per cent. bonds for that purpose. No sooner were those bonds in Market than New England money sharks set up a howl that they were worthless, never could be redeemed, &c. Elsewhere in this work, will be found numerous extracts, showing the vile purposes to de

who charged the "Federal secret Leagues" (have we not their progeny in "Union secret Leagues"?) with violating their secret pledges, not to loan money to the Government. In denouncing the violation of the "professions and promises" of his secret League associates, he exposes their vile conspiracy. He says:

the former prosperity and present insecurity of "Money is such a drug (the surest sign of trade) that men, against their consciences, their honor, their duty, their professions and

PROMISES, are willing to lend it secretly, to support the very measures [that is, 'the war,) which are both intended and calculated for their ruin."

Thus, the men, who to get rid of their "drug" would lend it secretly (they dared not openly) to the Government, had violated the secret pledges and promises they had made in the secret club rooms of their secret Leagues.

Puritanital superstition was appealed to, to prevent loans to the Government. Just previous to the Fast day in Boston, while the Government was advertising for loans, the following paragraph appeared in the Boston Federal papers:

"Let no man who wishes to continue the war by aetive measures, by voting or lending money, dare to prostrate himself at the altar on the Fast day, for they are actually as much partakers in the war, as the soldier who thrusts his bayonet, and the judgment of God will await them!!"'

"Will Federalists subscribe to the loan? Will they lend money to our national rulers? It is impossible! First, because of the principal, and secondly, of principal and interest. If they lend money now, they make themselves parties to the violations of the Constitution, the cruelly oppressive measures in relation to commerce, and to all the crimes which have occurred in the field and in the Cabinet. To what purpose have Federalists exerted themselves to show the wickedness of this war-to rouse the public sentiment against it, and to show the authors of it not only to be unworthy of public confidence, but highly criminal, if now they contribute the sums of money with out which these rulers must be compelled to stop."

men who lend money to help out measures what they have loudly and constantly condemned, ought to be paid? On the whole, then, there are two very strong reasons, why Federalists will not lend money; first, because it would be an abandonment of political and personal principles, and secondly, because it is pretty certain they will never be paid again.-Boston Gazette, April 14, 1814.

"Our merchants constitute an honorable,

high-minded, independent and intelligent class of citizens. [That faction always boasted of their intelligence.] They feel the oppression, injury and mockery, with which they are treated by the government. They will lend them. money to retrace their steps, but none to persevere in their present course. Let every highwayman find his own pistols."-Boston Gaxette.

"We have only room this evening to say that we trust no true friend to his country will be found among the subscribers to the Gallatin loan."-New York Evening Post.

"No peace will ever be made till the people say there shall be no war. If the rich men till the mountains are melted with blood; till continue to furnish money, war will continue every field in America is white with the bones of the people."—Discourse at Byfield, (Mass.) April 7, 1814, by Rev. Dr. Parish.

"So unjust is this offensive war, in which our rulers have plunged us, in the sober consideration of millions, that they cannot conscientiously approach the God of Armies for His blessing upon it."-Boston Centinel, Jan. 13, 1813.

versal sentiment is, that any man who lends "It is very grateful to find that the unihis money to the Government, at the present time, will forfeit all claim to common honesty and common courtesy, among all true friends to "By the very ruinous cause pointed out by the country. God forbid that any Federalist Gov. STRONG, that is by witholding all vol- should ever hold up his head and pay Federaluntary aid, in prosecuting the war, and man- ists for money lent to the present rulers, and fully expressing our opinion as to its injustice Federalists can judge whether Democrats will and ruinous tendency, we have arrested its tax their constituents to pay interest to Federprogress, and driven back its authors to aban-alists."-Boston Gazette, April 14, 1814. don their nefarious schemes, and to look anxiously for peace. * * But some say will you let the country become bankrupt? No, the country will never become bankrupt, but pray do not prevent their trustees becoming bankrupt! Do not prevent them from becoming odious to the public, and replaced by better men. Any Federalist who lends his money to government, must go and shake hands with JAMES MADISON and claim fellowship with FELIX GRUNDY. Let him no more call himself a Federalist, and friend to his country.— He will be called by others, infamous. But, secondly, Federalists will not lend money, because they will never get it again. Now, where and when are the Government to get money to pay interest, and who can tell whether future members of Congress may think the debt contracted under such circumstances, and by

The following announcement by Boston brokers show that the terror inspired by New England Federalists, through their secret Leagues, made it dangerous for any one to subscribe to the Government loan openly. It is a sad commentary on the extreme terrorism raised by the monied and "intelligent” aristocracy of New England.


Advertisement which appeared in the Boston Chronicle, April 14, 1814:


"From the advice of several respected friends, we are induced to announce to the

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