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the convention that nominated VALLANDIG- tional and oppressive and unjust the same may HAM, in 1863: appear, he must submit thereto, until such laws are repealed, or declared null and void by the proper tribunals.

"That we will earnestly support every constitutional measure tending to preserve the Union of the States. No men have a greater interest in its preservation than we have. None desire it more. There are none who will make greater sacrifices or endure more than we will to accomplish that end. We are, as we ever have been, the devoted friends of the Constitution and the Union, and we have no sympathy with the enemies of either."

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The following is from the celebrated "RYAN Address," adopted by the Democracy, in Mass Convention at Milwaukee, September, 1862,

and reaffirmed in 1863:

"We claim the right on their behalf and our own, to censure the political acts of the Administration, when we think that they deserve it, and to do all lawfully within our power to sustain the supremacy of the Constitution in all places north or south, and over all persons in office and out of it. And to that end we devote our hearts, minds, estates, to aid the Administration in the most vigorous and speedy prosecution of the war waged against the Union by the revolted states. We believe that in so doing we fulfil the most sacred duty we owe to

the constitution.

"And to this, we solemly pledge the faith of our party and ourselves, until the war be endel and the constitution restored, as the supreme law of the land, in every state of the



The following, among others, was adopted at the Democratic nominating State Convention, in 1863:

"11. Resolved, That we are proud of the gallantry and devotion of our fellow citizens serving in the land and naval forces of the United States, and sympathize deeply with all their sacrifices of life, health and comfort. End as the war may, their place in history is one of glory-successful whenever beyond the reach of corrupt political influences surrounding the administration, failing from no fault of their own whenever within the reach of those influences, equally brave and patriotic in either fortune, they are the glorious brothers of our blood and will never make good the brutal boast that when they shall have suppressed rebellion in the south, they will turn their arms against their brethren in the north "


We select the following from the platform adopted by the Democracy in State Convention July 26, 1863:

"6. That it is the duty of every citizen to obey the laws, and that however unconstitu

. That we tender our army, and especially the members of our minnesota regiments, our heartfelt thanks for their patriotic devotion to their country, and we also tender our sympathy to the survivors of the gallant dead, who have offered up their lives as a sacrifice for their country and won for themselves the everlasting gratitude of the nation."


The following was passed by the Democracy of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, against the united votes of the opposisition, in 1863:

"That Pennsylvania will adhere to the Conmay be stitution and the Union as the best, it the last hope of popular freedom, and for all wrongs which may have been committed, or evils which may exist, will seek redress under the Constitution and within the Union, by the peaceful but powerful agency of the suffrage of a free people.

"That while the General Assembly condemns and denounces the faults of the Admintionists, it does also most thoroughly condemn istration, and the encroachments of the Aboliand denounce the heresy of Secession, as unwarranted by the Constitution, and destructive alike of the security and perpetuity of government and of peace and liberty; the people of Union; and will persistently exert their whole the State are opposed to any division of this influence and power under the Constitution to maintain and defend it."


The Democracy of the Legislature of Illinois, in 1863, among others, adopted the following:

Resolved, That while we condemn and denounce the flagrant and monstrous usurpations by the Administration, and encroachments by Abolitionism, we equally denounce and condemn the ruinous heresy of secession, as unwarranted by the Constitution, and destructive alike of the society and perpetuity of our government, and the peace and liberty of the people."


The following we take from the Democratic platform of 1863:

"2d. That while as citizens of Connecticut, we assert our devotion to the Constitution and the Union, and will hereafter, as we have heretofore, support with zeal and energy the authorities of the U. S. in the full constitutional exercise of their powers, we deliberately aver that the liberties of the people are menaced by congressional and federal usurpa

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"Resolved, That the Democracy of the city of Madison and Dane county rejoice "with exceeding great joy," at the surrender of Vicksburg, the great Sebastopol of the Mississippi Valley, and that our thanks are due and hereby tendered to Major General Grant and the brave troops under his command for this glorious achievement-that while we tender our sympathies to those who have been wounded in battle, we embrace the mournful privilege of offering our sympathy and condolence to the friends and relatives of those brave men who have fallen while defending the Constitution and Union of our fathers.

"Resolved, That we award a like mede of praise and sympathy for sufferers in the Army of the Potomac, who have so bravely and so heroically defended the soil of Pennsylvania from the polution of rebel invasion.

Resolved, In the spirit of the resolution passed by the last Congress, that the war ought to be vigorously prosecuted for the establishment of the National authority, and the supremacy of the constitution and laws over every foot of our territory, and when that object is obtained the war ought to cease

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The following we select from Gov. SEYMOUR's proclamation, issued in response to the President's call for troops, October 29, 1863:

"In this emergency it is the duty of all citizens to listen to the appeal put forth by the President, and to give efficient and cheerful aid in filling up the thinned ranks of our armies. It is due to our brethren in the field, who have battled so heroically for the flag of our country, the Union of the states, and to uphold the Constitution, and prompt and voluntary assistance should be sent to them in this moment of their peril. They went forth in the full confidence that they would at all times receive from their fellow citizens at home a generous and efficient support.

"Every motive of pride and patriotism should impel us to give this by voluntary and cheerful contributions of men and money, and not by a forced conscription or coercive action on the part of the government.

Gov. Seymour's Message.

The following paragraph is taken from the message of Gov. SEYMOUR to the New York Lngislature, 'January, 1863:

"We must accept the condition of affairs as they stand. At this moment the fortunes of our country are influenced by the results of battles. Our armies in the field must be supported. All constitutional demands of our General Government must be promptly responded to! But, war alone will not save the Union. The rule of action which is used to put down an ordinary insurrection is not applicable to a widespread armed resistance of great communities. It is wildness and folly to shut our eyes to this truth. Under no circumstances can the division We will put forth of the Union be conceded. every exertion of power. We will hold out every inducement to the people of the South to return to their allegiance, consistent with honor.

"We will guarantee them every right, every consideration, demanded by the Constitution, and by that fraternal regard which must prevail in a common country. But we can never

voluntarily consent to the breaking up of the Union of these states, or the destruction of the Constitution."

Gov. Parker's Proclamation.

On the 22d of October, 1863, Governor PARKER, of New Jersey, issued a proclamation in response to the President's call for troops, in which occurs the following:

"I earnestly call upon every citizen of this state to use every effort to raise these troops. The time for work is short; but, if the people of New Jersey, who have hitherto never fal tered in the discharge of duty, will, unitedly and in the proper spirit, at once enter upon it, with a determination not to fail, they will succeed.

"Our armies should be largely reinforced. A crushing blow at the armed power of the rebellion, if followed by wise, just and conciliatory counsels, will open the door to the peace which we so much desire, and which has thus far eluded us."

Hon. H. L. Palmer's Speech.

The Hon. H. L. PALMER, late Democratic candidate for Governor of Wisconsin, presided at a patriotic meeting at Milwaukee. In addressing the vast assemblage he used the following language:

"A most gigantic and stupendously wicked rebellion has arisen to destroy, with bloody and raricidal hands, this fair fabric raised at the cost of our father's blood; and now we are called upon to put it down and save our loved land. I trust we stand here to-day as Americans only, and that we shall not fail in effective measures to answer the call of our country and to send succor to our brothers in arms and peril in the South."

Et tu Vallandigham.

of all measures and laws whatsoever, as in former times, but for forcible resistance to none. The ballot-box, and not the cartridge-box, is the instrument for reform and revolution which I would have resorted to. Let this be understood.


Mr. Vallandigham in Congress. The Abolitionists for months paraded through their columns what purported to be an extract from a speech of Mr. V. in Congress, that he would not vote a dollar for the war, &c. Here is what he did say :

"For my own part, sir, while I would not in the beginning have given a dollar or a man to commence this war, I am willing-now that we are in the midst of it without any act of


IT !!?

Democrats Rejoice at our Victories.

The following short extract from an editorial in the Chicago Post of July 11, 1863, speaks volumes of praise for the Democracy:

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"The best answer to Gen. Singleton's un conditional peace speeches is to be found in the universal rejoicing by the democratic papers of the country, over the victories of Meade and Grant. In these rejoicings we have an impression of the true democratic sentiment. They are unconditional rejoicings.They are not qualified by regrets that the war is not a constitutional one, or that it is a barbarous one, or that it is a war to overturn and destroy the liberties of the people; but the reun-joicings are earnest and universal that the armed rebels against the Constitution and the Union have been beaten, defeated and cut to pieces by the troops of the United States. It is claimed that these victories are as honorable and as brilliant as though they were gained over any other enemy seeking to destroy the American Union. In these victories the demmasses everywhere see a hope that the Administration will learn and profit by the lesson that armed rebellion cannot be crushed except by force of arms; that paper proclamations and cruel laws only serve to exasperate the enemy, who is to be put down by blows and offers of pardon upon proper submission."

Even VALLANDIGHAM, who has been so mercifully and fouly villified as a traitor, uttered the following patriotic sentiments in reply to a charge of the New York Times that he counselled resistance to law:

"NEW YORK, March 8, 1863.

ocratic papers, and the democrat

"To the Editor of the New York Times:
"Allow me to say that the statement of your
reporter that I denied that we owed any obedi-
ence to the Conscription act, and your own
that I counselled resistance to it by the people
of the North, are both incorrect. On the con-
trary, I expressly counselled the trial of all
questions of law before our judicial courts, and
all questions of politics before the tribunal of
the ballot-box. I AM FOR OBEDIENCE TO ALL
LAWS-obedience by the people and by men in
power also. I am for a free discussion of all
questions of law before our judicial courts,
and all questions of politics before the tribunal
of the ballot-box. I am for a free discussion |lowing admission:

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The New York Times, after months of idle and slanderous denunciations of the Demo. cratic party, was compelled to make the fol·

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"We have never doubted that the great body of the Democratic party are for preserving the Union and crushing the rebellion, which alone threatens its existence. We do not doubt that they look upon a vigorous prosecution of the war as the only means by which that result can be brought about. And, in spite of all the efforts that may be made to drive or seduce the Democratic party from that position, we believe it will hold it with fidelity and firmness, and will insist upon the adoption of that policy by this administration and by any other that may succeed it. We are well aware that the Democratic party does not indorse very many of the acts of the administration. We have no right to ask such an indorsement at its hands. Upon any of the details of administration, upon any of the measures which the President and Congress may see fit to adopt, that party has a perfect right to its own opinions. It may with perfect propriety protest against the proclamation of emancipation, the policy of arbitrary arrests, the enlistment of negro soldiers and any other measure of the administration." The Philadelphia Press, the court organ of the administration, thus slurs at a Democratic resolution:

"The Lancaster county copperheads had a convention, a few days ago, and adopted a number of platitudes, which they called resolutions. The following is one of the most precious of the number:

“Resolved, That the soldiers fighting in our armies merit the warmest thanks of the nation. Living, they shall know a nation's gratitude; wounded, a nation's care; and dying, they shall live in our memories, to touch posterity to honor patriots and acriiced their lives upon their country's We copy this especially as a compliment.

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We find in a cotemporary the following resolution, said to have been adopted by a political Convention in the state of Maryland:

"Resolved, That there is no such thing in in times of rebellion as supporting the National Government without supporting the Administration of the National Government; that the administration of the National Government is confided by the Constitution to the President, assisted in his several spheres of duty by the administrative departments, and therefore the measures of the President and the general policy of the Administration should, under the present trying circumstances of the country, be sustained by all true patriots in a spirit of generous confidence, and not thwarted by captious criticism or factious opposition."

As a full reply to this we present the following from the official dispatch of Secretary SeWard to our Minister at London, of November 10, 1862:

"From whatever cause it has happened, political debates during the present year have

resumed, in a considerable degree, the normal character, and while loyal republicans have adhered to the new banner of the Union party, the democratic party has rallied and made a vigorous canvass with a view to the recovery of its former political ascendency. Loyal democrats in considerable numbers, retaining the name of democracy from habit, and not because they oppose the Union, are classified by he other party as 'Opposition.' It is not nece sary for the information of our representatives abroad that I should descend into any examination of the relative principles or policies of the two parties. It will suffice to say that while there may be men of doubtful political wisdom and virtue in each party, and while there may be differences of opinion between the two parties as to the measures best calculated to preserve the Union and restore its authority, yet it is not to be inferred that either party, or any considerable portion of the people of the loyal States, is disposed to accept disunion under any circumstances, or upon any terms. It is rather to be understood that the people have become so confident of the stability of the Union that partizan combinations are resuming their sway here, as they do in such cases in all free countries. In this country, especially, it is a habit not only entirely consistent with the Constitution, but even essential to its stability, to regard the adminisarable from the government itself, and to cantration at any time existing as distinct and sepvass the proceedings of the one without the thought of disloyalty to the other. We might possibly have had quicker success in suppressing the insurrection if this habit could have rested a little longer in abeyance; but, on the other hand, we are under obligations to save not only the integrity or unity of the country, but also its inestimable and precious Constitution. No one can safely say that the resumption of the previous popular habit does not tend to this last and most important consummation, if, at the same time, as we confidently expect, the Union itself shall be saved." JUDGE PAINE AGREES WITH THE DEMOCRACY

Judge PAINE, a most intensely radical abolitionist, and one of the judges of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, addressed a "Union" meeting at Madison, Wisconsin, May 14, 1863, and we take the following from his remarks, as reported in the State Journal (Radical) of the following day:

"The speaker thought the President possessed all necessary sowers under the constitution, and that he should be governed by that instrument in war as well as in peace. He agreed with the Democrats in this respect."

GOVERNOR SEYMOUR COMPLIMENTED. Gov. SEYMOUR has been the best abused man in all the nation. No term could be heaped upon him too vile for the tastes and appetites of the radical press. But the following will show

that Ke stands in a much more patriotic light before the world for his prompt responses, than does Gov. ANDREW, who hesitated-held back, and was long months in doing what Gov. S. accomplished in a few hours. The following correspondence will explain itself:

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"DEAR SIR:-I cannot forbear expressing to you the deep obligation I feel for the prompt and candid support you have given to the Goyernment in the present emergency. The energy, activity, and patriotism you have exhibited I may be admitted personally and officially to

On the 15th of June, 1863, Mr. STANTON acknowledge, without arrogating any personal telegraphed to Gov. S. as follows:

"To his Excellency, Gov. Seymour:

"The movements of the rebel forces in Virginia are now sufficiently developed to show that General Lee, with his whole army, is moving forward to invade the states of Maryland and Pennsylvania, and other states.

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"The President, to repel the invasion promptly, has called upon Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Western Virginia, for one hundred thousand militia for six months, unless sooner discharged. It is important to have the largest possible force in the least possible time, and if other states would furnish militia for a short time, to be credited in the draft, it would greatly advance the object. Will you please inform me immediately, if, in answer to a special call of the President, you can raise and forward say twenty thousand militia as volunteers, without bounty, to be credited in the draft of your state, or what number you can possibly raise?

E. M. STANTON, Sec'y of War.

Governor S. promptly sent an affirmative answer, and in a few hours several regiments were under marching orders. The "roads" did swarm." On the same day he received the following "thanks:"

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claims on my part to such service, or to any service whatever.

"I shall be happy always to be esteemed your friend,

"EDWIN M. STANTON. "His Excellency, HORATIO SEYMOUR." What, a friend to the "friend" of the New York rioters? Incredible!

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The following remarkable declaration introduced by a Mr. STARKS in the Wisconsin Assembly, Jan. 21, '64, and adopted by all the Republican votes of that body, shows to what extremes we are drifting:

"Resolved by the Assembly, the Senate concurring That as our country, and the very existence of the best Government ever instituted by man, are imperiled by the most causeless and wicked rebellion the world has ever seen believing, as we do, that the only hope of sayis in the power of the sword-we are for the ing the country and preserving the government most vigorous prosecution of the war, until the constitution and laws shall be enforced and obeyed in all parts of the United States, and to that end we oppose any armistice, intervention, mediation or proposition for peace, from any source whatever, so long as the rebels are found in arms against the government, and we ignore all party lines, names and issues, and recognize but two parties, patriots and tritors.

To show how they "ignored all party lines,” we copy the fourth and last of the series:

"Resolved, That we recognize in Abraham

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