Imágenes de páginas

bill (S. No. 354) extending the time for the com-.
pletion of certain land-grant railroads in the
State of, and regulating the disposal of lands
heretofore granted said State to aid in the
construction of such roads.14, 34
bill (S. No. 295) making an additional grant of
lands to the State of, in alternate sections, to
aid in the construction of a railroad in said
...360, 547
Mint, joint resolution (H. R. No. 45) to enable
the Secretary of the Treasury to obtain the
title of certain property in Carson City and
State of Nevada, for the purposes of a branch,
located in said place.....71, 928, 983, 990
Miranda, Juan, bill (S. No. 238) to ascertain and
settle certain private land claims in the State
of California.....
remarks on the, by-





Missouri, bill (S. No 359) to reimburse the State
of, for moneys expended for the United States,
62, 307, 380, 513, 672





yeas and nays on the......... 1107, 1108, 1129

Lyon, Emily A., bill (H. R. No. 390) granting a
a pension to.........

Madison, James, joint resolution (S. R. No.
105) respecting the publication of the papers
...467, 1338, 1361

remarks on the, by Mr. Collamer.....467
Mail, bill (S. No. 407) to authorize the establish-
ment of ocean, steamship service between the
United States and China....765,820, 849, 888
remarks on the, by-

bill (S. No. 422) relating to the, service between
New York and the Pacific coast......510, 511
Mails, bill (S. No. 62) to remove all disqualifica-
tion of color in carrying the.....

yeas and nays on the.........
bill (H. R. No. 623) to amend an act to pro-
vide for carrying the, from the United States
to foreign ports, and for other purposes, ap-
proved March 25, 1864...79, 90,247,293,308
(See Post Office.)

Manufactures, the Committee on....................8
Maps-see Surveys.

Marine corps, bill (H. R. No. 607) to provide
for an advance of rank to officers of the Navy
and, for distinguished merit.....
Marriage-see District of Columbia.
McDougall, James A., a Senator from Califor-
...91, 92, 95,

remarks on the, by-

Mr. Doolittle

Mr. Harlan
Mr. Pomeroy.
Mr. Ramsey.

resolutions by the Legislature of, in favor of
abolishing slavery.

Mock, Catherine, widow of William H. Mock,
bill (H. R. No. 811) for the relief of....1389
Morell, George, bill (S. No. 399) amendatory of
the act of August 1, 1854, in relation to..292
Morgan, Edwin D., a Senator from New
.......5, 9, 71, 112,

127, 157, 189, 248, 256, 267, 291, 292, 307,
326,357,360, 379, 425, 488, 531, 572, 602,
669, 670, 711,741, 765,811,849, 885, 942,
980, 1045, 1050, 1124, 1272, 1286, 1363
resolutions by.
remarks on the deficiency bill...........189, 360
remarks on the bill making appropriations for
the consular and diplomatic expenses....248
remarks on the fortification bill.
remarks on the internal revenue bill........1286
remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation

[blocks in formation]

remarks on Army appropriation bill..920, 1277
remarks on the bill to establish a Bureau of
Freedmen's Affairs743, 987, 988
remarks on the bill to incorporate the Sisters
of Mercy....

remarks on fortification bill... 1049, 1054, 1055
remarks on the internal revenue bill..1180, 1194

1249, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1282, 1286, 1289, 1291
remarks on the Pacific railroad.......1222, 1223
remarks on the legislative, executive, and judi-

cial expenses of the Government...1226, 1227
remarks on the post route bill........1339, 1340
remarks on duties on imports......... 1343
remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation


.1386, 1387
Morris, Harriet and Emily W., bill (H. R. No.
314) for the relief of...
.850, 1024, 1057
Morrison, Ambrose, bill (H. R. No. 463) for
1090, 1099, 1388

the relief of........

[blocks in formation]



National Academy of Sciences, report of, pre-
Naval Affairs, the Committee on................8, 13
reports from...
307, 425, 588, 980, 1045, 1125, 1338
discharged from subjects.......
980, 1005, 1272, 1338, 1392
Naval force on the lakes, resolution (H. R. No.
91) of inquiry in relation to a...44, 292, 311
Naval observatory, bill (S. No. 478) in relation
to the..............1125, 1170, 1338, 1354, 1361
Naval service, communication from the Presi-
dent recommending a vote of thanks to Cap-
tain John A. Winslow

communication from the President recommend-
ing a vote of thanks to Lieutenant William
B. Cushing.........

8, 56, 64, 93

(See Thanks of Congress.)
bill (S. No. 350) to authorize the purchase or
construction of revenue cutters on the lakes,
1,9, 25, 45
bill (S. No. 358) to establish the grade of vice-
admiral in the United States Navy.........62,
72, 77, 90, 97
bill (H. R. No. 607) to provide for an advance
of rank to officers of the Navy and Marine
Corps for distinguished merit.... ..90,
203, 358, 365
bill (S. No. 382) to provide for the better organ-
ization of the pay department of the Navy,
183, 307, 362, 363

remarks on the, by-

Mr. Grimes................

Mr. Hale.....

[blocks in formation]

.362, 363





bill to establish the office of Solicitor and Naval
Judge Advocate


980, 1086, 1223, 1236, 1247
visit of Vice Admiral Farragut to the Senate


joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the
Navy to advance to Paul S. Forbes $250,000
additional out of the sum to be paid him
under his contract for building a steam screw
sloop-of-war... 256, 588, 980, 1223, 1236, 1247
bill (H. R. No. 676) making appropriations for
the, for the year ending the 30th of June,
..628, 742, 820,

850, 860, 1057, 1059, 1129, 1169, 1172
remarks on the, by-

Mr. Anthony...823, 826, 869
Mr. Collamer..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1293, 1294
1293, 1294
bill (H. R. No. 801) to amend certain acts re-
lating to the, and for other purposes... 1223,
1236, 1338

bill (H. R. No. 803) to revive in part the act
approved March 3, 1857, making appropria-
tious for the, for the year ending 30th of Jun


1223, 1235, 1338
joint resolution (S. R. No. 80) in relation to the
distribution of prize money...


joint resolution (S. R. No. 90) to authorize and
direct an inventory of articles in the quarter-
masters' depots of the United States, and in
the possession of the natal storekeepers of the
United States.......269, 293, 1338, 1355, 1361
Navy, bill (S. No. 466) to amend an act to promote
the efficiency of the, approved January 16,
1857, and an act amendatory thereof, approved
March 3, 1859.....
........942, 1338

bill (H. R. No. 535) to further regulate the
appointment of admirals and for the appoint-
ment of certain volunteer officers to the reg-
....1223, 1236, 1338

Navy Department, calls upon the, for information
97, 226, 511, 574
communications from the467, 741, 1219
resolution calling upon the, for the number of
soldiers and sailors furnished by each State,

(See Army.)
joint resolution (No. 114) authorizing the Secre-
tary of the Navy to expend a portion of the
contingent fund for enlarging the.... 13, 14, 25
Navy-yards, joint resolution (H. R. No. 128) pro-
viding for the appointment of a commission to
locate one or more, and depots on the north-
90, 1338

[blocks in formation]

Nesmith, James W., a Senator from Ore-
...33, 112, 251, 252,

253, 269, 333, 334, 336, 360, 451, 467, 489,
510, 532, 587, 603, 607, 725, 811,902, 903,
919, 980, 1225, 1226, 1227, 1229, 1235,

1236, 1275, 1295, 1302, 1309, 1310, 1393
remarks on the resolution relating to the mas-
sacre of the Cheyenne Indians, 251, 252, 253
remarks on the bill for the relief of Henry A.

[blocks in formation]

Nethaway, Jane W., bill (S. No. 470) for the

relief of.......


Nevada, bill (H. R. No. 601) supplementary to
an act to enable the people of, to form a State
.....57, 64

(See Court; Territory.)

bill (S. No. 374) supplementary to an act to
enable the people of, to form a State govern-


reception of Senators from..

remarks on the, by-

Mr. Conness.

Mr. Davis.........

Mr. Foot....

Mr. Johnson..
Mr. McDougall

Mr. Sumner..

Mr. Trumbull.





..533, 534






[blocks in formation]

Nichols, William, bill (S. No. 469) for the re-
lief of.........
..980, 1057
Norris, Ellis, of Barnstable, Massachusetts, bill
(H. R. No. 808) for the relief of.........1389
Northup, Sallie C., bill (H. R. No. 572) for the
Norton, Daniel S., a Senator from Minnesota,
credentials of, presented.
Nye, James W., a Senator from Nevada...... 533,
663, 664, 820, 859, 860, 861, 862,
927, 928, 990, 991, 1008, 1045, 1143,
1178, 1228, 1229, 1231, 1310, 1368
credentials of, presented
remarks on the admission of Nevada, 663,664
remarks on the naval appropriation bill...859,
860,861, 862
remarks on the Freedmen's Bureau..........990
remarks on the internal revenue bill, 1143, 1178
remarks on the Indian appropriation bill, 1228,
1229, 1231
remarks on San José mission...1310
remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation

[blocks in formation]

adverse report from.......
Paine, Brigadier General, of the United States
Army, resolution
directing the Secretary of
War, if not incompatible with the public in-
terest, to transmit to the Senate the report and
evidence taken by a military commission of
which Brigadier General Speed S. Fry was
president, appointed to investigate the con-
duct of, in and about Paducah, Kentucky,
5, 9, 14, 308, 360

remarks in relation to, by-

Mr. Powell...9, 10, 14, 308, 309, 310, 311
Mr. Trumbull, 9, 10, 14, 308, 309, 310, 311

resolution in regard to.......
remarks on the, by-
Mr. Conness..

Mr. Hendricks.......

Mr. Wilson.......


309, 310


.308, 309

[blocks in formation]


Patents, bill (S. No. 387) amendatory of an act to
promote the progress of the useful arts... 203,
450, 1047, 1338, 1354, 1361
bill (H. R. No. 793) to authorize the Commis-
sioner of, to extend the patent of Josiah Cope-
land for a new and useful improvement in
1086, 1088
Patterson, Francis, bill (H. R. No. 566) for the
relief of.
Pay, bilt (H. R. No. 583) to define the, and emol-
uments of certain officers.
56, 316, 631, 671, 860, 923
bill (S. No. 103) to define the, and emoluments
of chaplains..
.........46, 56, 297, 328
bill (S. No.382) to provide for the better organ-
ization of the, department of the Navy... 183,
307, 362, 363

bill (S. No. 419) for the better organization
of the, department of the United States
Army......489, 670, 1059, 1060, 1236, 1237
remarks on the, by-

Mr. Conness..


[blocks in formation]

bill (H. R. No. 624) to provide for the payment
of the value of certain lands and improve-
ments of private citizens appropriated by the
United States for Indian reservations in the
Territory of Washington......587, 670, 923
bill (H. R. No. 767) to increase the, of officers of
the Army, and for other purposes... 915, 927
bill (H. R. No. 605) to increase the, of mid-
shipmen and others.....

toration of.....



......8, 25


Peace, joint resolution (S. No. 81) for the res-
Pensions, the Committee on..
reports from...25, 63, 203, 850, 980, 1086, 1303
adverse reports from..
discharged from subjects...712,885, 1112, 1303
Pensions, bill (H. R. No. 597) making appropri-
ations for the payment of invalid and other,
for year ending June 30, 1866...57, 64, 90, 112
bill (S. No. 365) in relation to............72, 203
bill (H. R. No. 728) to pay to each of the sur-
viving soldiers of the Revolution, five in num-
ber, whose names are on the pension rolls,
$300 annually
In addition
as gratuity, in
the, now paid them571, 1046, 1086
bill (H. R. No. 756) supplementary to the sev-
eral acts regulating.
990, 1086, 1303, 1339, 1347
Perry, Lucretia M., joint resolution (H. R. No.
180) for the relief of, widow of Nathaniel
H. Perry, late purser in the United States
1348, 1349
Petersburg, resolution requesting the President,
if not incompatible with the public interest,
to furnish to the Senate a copy of the report
of the committee of inquiry ordered by him
in respect to the explosion of the mine in

front of......




[blocks in formation]

Pierce, William, bill (S. No. 442) for the relief
Pitcher, Charles A., bill (S. No. 338) for the re-
lief of
..1347, 1354, 1361
Pomeroy, Samuel C., a Senator from Kan-
.35, 71, 91, 112,


127, 156, 157, 160, 183, 188, 189, 204, 226,
233, 247, 249, 250, 251, 254, 255, 256, 362,
380, 402, 449, 461, 488, 532, 533, 547, 555,
556, 572, 582, 584,587,593, 602, 603, 629,
631, 643, 656, 664, 712, 717, 742, 745, 784,
811, 849, 850, 914,927,941, 942, 959, 1022,
1024, 1045, 1058, 1088, 1101, 1102, 1104,
1109, 1124, 1126, 1129, 1172, 1184, 1222,
1235, 1295, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1305,
1306, 1311, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1355, 1392

[blocks in formation]

247, 293, 942, 953, 1006, 1339, 1354, 1361
bill (H. R. No. 659) making appropriations for
the service of the, during the fiscal year end-
ing June 30, 1866......358, 360, 379, 426, 450
bill (S. No. 424) to facilitate the collection of
certain debts due the United States...547,
670, 712, 942, 990, 1048

calls upon the, for information..
joint resolution (S. R. No. 121) to purchase
pouches or boxes of Marshall Smith's patent
for the postal service, and for other pur-
poses......... ..1005, 1046, 1383, 1387, 1391
Post Offices and Post Roads, the Committee on, 8
reports from...
425, 450, 572, 1005, 1006, 1086
discharged from subjects ...........572, 784, 811

[blocks in formation]

yeas and nays on the............


1339, 1340




1339, 1340

1339, 1340

1339, 1340




bill (S. No. 471) to incorporate the National
Mississippi Bridge Company.
bill (S. No. 413) to establish a bridge across
the Ohio river at Cincinnati, a post road, 450,
573, 672, 812, 820, 888

Potomac Navigation and Transportation Com-
pany-see District of Columbia.
Potomac river-see District of Columbia
Pott, Charles M., bill (H. R. No. 478) granting
a pension to.....
...........64, 90

Powell, William H.-sce Capitol.
Powell, Lazarus W., a Senator from Kentucky,
1, 5, 9, 10, 14, 63, 65, 73, 74, 75, 76,
131, 165, 166, 167, 225, 246, 255, 269, 308,
309, 310, 311, 360, 380, 381, 404, 425, 468,
488, 511, 536, 548, 557, 558, 573, 575, 580,
581, 584, 595, 605, 610, 616, 636, 643, 663,
747, 767, 768, 776, 784, 786, 788, 789, 790,
849, 903, 915, 920, 928, 981, 1008, 1011,
1047, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061, 1062,
1063, 1064, 1096, 1097, 1099, 1105, 1106,
1107, 1125, 1170, 1219, 1237, 1247, 1241,
1242, 1243, 1246, 1249, 1253, 1274, 1275,
1277, 1978, 1986, 1258, 1289, 1292, 1293,
1296, 1307, 1308, 1311, 1346, 1369, 1381,
1385, 1386, 1387, 1388, 1390, 1391, 1393
resolutions by......5, 9, 63, 269, 360, 784, 1346
remarks on the resolution relating to Brigadier
General Paine...9, 10, 14, 308, 309, 310, 311
remarks on the joint resolution (S. No. 82) to
encourage enlistments.......65, 165, 166, 167
remarks on the resolution calling upon the Pres-
ident for information bearing on the arrest of
Lieutenant Governor Richard T. Jacobs and
Colonel Frank Wolford, of Kentucky.... 73,
74, 75, 76

remarks on the bill to drop from the rolls of the
Army unemployed general officers... 131
remarks on the resolution relating to the mas-
sacre of the Cheyenne Indians


remarks on compensating loyal owners of col-
ored slaves...
.........381, 404
remarks on representation in the Electoral Col-
lege..........536, 557, 558, 575, 580, 581, 584
remarks on the enrollment acts...605, 610, 636
remarks on the legislative, executive, and judi-
cial expenses of the Government...........747
remarks on the bill to establish a Bureau of
Freedmen's Affairs 767, 1307, 1308
remarks on the bill (S. No. 392) to establish cer-
tain post roads....

786, 788, 790
remarks on the Army appropriation bill...903,
920, 1277
remarks on recognizing the government of the
State of Louisiana.
1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1096,
1097, 1099, 1105, 1106, 1107

remarks on military arrests.
remarks on a picture by Powell.............1170
remarks on the pay department of the Army,
remarks on the internal revenue bill.......1241,
1242, 1213, 1246, 1249, 1253,
1278, 1286, 1288, 1289, 1292
remarks on the bill for the relief of Josiah O.
1274, 1275


Powell, Lazarus W., a Senator from Kentucky-
remarks on the consolidation of the Indian


remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation
....1369, 1381, 1385, 1386, 1387
Pratt, Alexander F., bill (H. R. No. 574) for the

relief of........
Preëmption rights, bill (H. R. No. 702) in rela-


tion to, in Colorado Territory.
bill (S. No. 416) to grant the right of preëmp-
tion to the trustees of the city of Petaluma,
Sonoma county, California..................467
bill (H. R. No. 702) in relation to preemption
rights in Colorado Territory

bill (H. R. No. 560) to amend the act to grant
the right of preemption to certain purchasers
on the Soscol Ranche, in the State of Cali-
President and Vice President elect, notice to, of
their election....
President of the United States, annual message of
the-see Appendix.

calls upon the, for information....

44, 63, 256, 270, 511, 603, 604, 785, 1046
communications from the....4, 8, 14, 157, 225,
532, 670, 711, 716, 784, 1182, 1236, 1348

Printing, the Joint Committee on.....
instructions to.....
reports from......


269, 489
.307, 510, 589,

712, 915, 942, 1005, 1080, 1125, 1172, 1298
adverse reports from........ .....589
discharged from subject...www1219
joint resolution (H. R. No. 174) to amend the
joint resolution in relation to the public, ap-
proved June 23, 18601348 1361
Prisoners, resolution that in the opinion of Con-
gress it would be wise and proper for the
Secretary of War to direct that the rations,
clothing, and supplies to be furnished to the
rebel, in our hands be limited in amount and
'kind to those furnished by the rebel author-
ities to Union troops held by them as pris-
oners of war, and that they be treated in all
respects as the Union prisoners are treated
by the rebel authorities.....


[blocks in formation]

492, 493

..388, 431, 479

yeas and nays on the....... 461, 520, 521, 522
Private Land Claims, the Committee on..........8
Private land claims, bill (S. No. 238) to ascertain
and settle, in the State of California.. 631, 1296
bill (S. No. 447) to provide for the sale of re-
...811, 942

bill (H. R. No. 751) to provide for the settle-
ment of, in the Territory of Arizona, and for
the survey thereof... 1086, 1088, 1357

Privileges of the Senate, remarks in relation to,
in connection with a communication from the
Secretary of the Navy...........1346, 1361
remarks on the, by-

Mr. Collamer......
Mr. Conness.....
Mr. Hale.....................
Mr. Howe................
Mr. Johnson...
Mr. Sumner...
Mr. Trumbull......

Mr. Wilson....

1346, 1347
1346, 1347





[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

reports from..

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Brown, 390, 404, 405, 407, 408, 409, 410
Mr. Chandler........................496, 497
Mr. Clark..365, 404, 413, 458, 459, 461, 473
Mr. Collamer..........

385, 388, 411, 412, 458, 459, 460
Mr. Cowan...383, 384, 385, 386
Mr. Davis....385, 412, 413, 426,
427, 428, 429, 455, 456, 469, 475, 477, 478
Mr. Doolittle 385, 459, 460, 498, 499, 521
Mr. Farwell.


Mr. Foster, 385,388, 410, 411, 412, 434, 492
Mr. Grimes...


Mr. Hale......431, 474, 475, 477, 521
Mr. Harlan.....


389, 413, 460, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 492
Mr. Henderson .........365, 388, 391, 404,
405, 406, 407, 408, 433, 434, 460, 473, 522
Mr. Hendricks......


365,388, 389, 390, 391, 412, 431, 432, 457,
458, 459, 460, 493, 499, 513, 514, 515, 521
Mr. Howard
.365, 385,
386,387, 388, 390, 410, 429, 430, 431, 453,
454, 459, 475, 477, 478, 499, 520, 521, 522
Mr. Howe...
428, 454, 455, 456, 457, 516, 517
Mr. Johnson......389, 412, 413, 434, 452,

453, 454, 460, 475, 476, 477, 495, 520, 521
Mr. Lane, of Indiana... 460, 518, 519, 520
Mr. McDougall...................430, 497, 522

Mr. Morrill....

Mr. Pomeroy........

457, 458

Mr. Richardson 493, 494, 497, 498

.71, 183,
547, 631, 670, 784, 811,942,
1005, 1012, 1017, 1045, 1172


instructions to...
adverse reports from.............670, 1005, 1006
discharged from subjects.......


811, 1006, 1086, 1172
Public lands, bill (S. No. 287) granting, to aid
in the construction of a railroad and tele-
graph line from Lake Superior to Puget
bill (S. No. 391) authorizing an adjustment of
the claims for, heretofore confirmed to any
226, 631
bill (S. No. 295) making additional grant of,
to the State of Minnesota, in alternate sec-
tions, to aid in the construction of a railroad
in said State......
......360, 547

joint resolution (H. R. No. 99) reserving min-
eral lands from the operation of all acts passed
at the first session of the Thirty-Eighth Con-
gress granting, or 'extending the time of
former grants...... ..........360, 451, 469
bill (H. R. No. 222) to extinguish the Indian
title to, in the Territory of Utah..........451,
532, 928, 990

bill (S. No. 425) to revive for a certain time the
provisions of the act of 1846 relative to sus-
pended entries of........ .......547
bill (S. No. 431) to amend an act for a grant of,
to the State of Kansas, in alternate sections,
to aid in the construction of certain railroads
and telegraphs in said State, approved March
631, 1006
bill (S. No. 432) to extend the time limited for
the completion of the railroads mentioned in
the act making a grant of, to the Territory of
Minnesota, in alternate sections, to aid in the
construction of certain railroads in said Ter-
ritory, and granting, in alternate sections to
the State of Alabama to aid in the construc-
tion of a certain railroad in said State, ap-
proved March 8, 1857.....


Public lands-Continued.

bill (H. R. No. 558) to authorize the issuing of
patents for certain, in the town of Stock-
bridge, State of Wisconsin, and for other pur-
...784, 1006, 1383, 1388

joint resolution (S. R. No. 42) to extend the
time for the reversion to the United States of
the, granted by Congress to aid in the con-
struction of a railroad from Pere Marquette
to Flint, and for the completion of said
..........784, 812, 820, 849, 888
bill (S. No. 449) makingagrant of, to the State
of Michigan to aid in the construction of a rail-
road along the mineral range in that State,


bill (S. No. 445) making a grant of alternate
sections of, to the State of Michigan to aid in
the construction of a ship-canal to connect
Lake Superior with Portage Lake in the up-
per peninsula of that State811, 1005
bill (H. R. No. 745) granting, to the State
of Michigan to aid in building a harbor and
ship-canal at Portage Lake, Kewenaw Point,
Lake Superior....1241, 1278, 1311, 1345, 1356
bill (S. No. 241) granting to the State of Wis-
consin a donation of, to aid in the construc-
tion of a ship-canal at the head of Sturgeon
bay, in the county of Door in said State, to
connect the waters of Green bay with Lake
Michigan, in said State.....
bill (H. R. No. 761) extending the time for the
completion of certain land-grant railroads in
the State of Minnesota, and for other pur-
poses.........820, 1045, 1124, 1169, 1172, 1380
bill (S. No. 483) to amend an act donating, to
the several States and Territories which may
provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture
and the mechanic arts.......

bill (S. No. 137) to exclude disloyal persons
from the, of the United States.1338
bill (S. No. 380) supplemental to the act ap-
proved July 1, 1864, for the disposal of coal
lands and of town property on the public

[blocks in formation]

bill (H. H.R R. No. 710) to
completion of certain railroads to which land
grants have been made in the States of Mich-
igan and Wisconsin...
860, 1006, 1172, 1347, 1387
bill (S. No. 463) to amend an act to amend an act
making a grant of alternate sections of, to the
State of Michigan to aid in the construction
of certain railroads in said State, and for
other purposes...... 915, 942, 1338, 1354, 1361
bill (S. No. 263) to grant one million acres of,
for the benefit of public schools in the Dis-
trict of Columbia...

bill (S. No. 433) to extend the homestead act
of May 20, 1862, to settlers on, reserved for
railroad purposes...............670, 1006
bill (S. No. 436) making a grant of, to the Ter-
ritories of Dakota, Montana, and Idaho, in
alternate sections, to aid in the construction
of certain railroads in said Territories, to con-
nect with the railroad system of Minnesota
and Iowa......
670, 1006

bill (H. R. No. 775) for the relief of the occu-
pants of the lands of the ex-mission of San
José, in California..........1008, 1012, 1310
remarks on the, by-..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Raids from the British provinces.......33, 34
Railroad, joint resolution (S. R. No. 42) to ex-
tend the time for the reversion to the United
States of the lands granted by Congress to
aid in the construction of a, from Pere Mar-
quette to Flint, and for the completion of said
784, 820, 849, 888

bill (S. No. 449) making a grant of public lands
to the State of Michigan to aid in the con-
struction of a, along the mineral range in that
remonstrance of the Legislature of Maryland
against Congress granting a charter to make
a, in that State...


joint resolution (S. R. No. 123) to extend the
time for constructing the Burlington and Mis-
souri River, in lowa, and filing a map of re-
..1018, 1338, 1355, 1361
joint resolution (S. R. No. 124) authorizing the
Northern Pacific, Company to investits funds
in Government securities, for certain pur-
..1045, 1219
bill (H. R. No. 691) to authorize and aid in
the construction of a, connecting the Pacific,
in California, with the Columbia river, in Ore-
gon, and Puget sound................1169, 1219
bill (S. No. 287) granting lands to aid in the
construction of a, and telegraph line from
Lake Superior to Puget sound..............183
bill (S. No. 295) making additional grant of
lands to the State of Minnesota, in alternate
sections, to aid in the construction of a, in
said State......
360, 1046

bill (S. No. 414) to authorize the construction
of the Northern Pacific, eastward to Ontona-
gon, in the State of Michigan, and to provide
for its connection eastward with the Ohio,
Indiana, Michigan, and Canadian system of,
at Port Huron, Detroit, Toledo, Fort Wayne,
and Dayton......... .....450, 670, 928, 1006

Railroad and telegraph line, bill (H. R. No. 763)
to amend an act to aid in the construction of
a, from the Missouri river to the Pacific
ocean, and to secure to the Government the
use of the same for postal, military, and other
purposes, approved July 1, 1862, and to
amend an acı amendatory thereof, approved
July 2, 1864..

953, 981, 1045, 1220, 1293

[blocks in formation]


860, 1006, 1047, 1172, 1347, 1387
bill (S. No. 463) to amend an act to amend an
act making a grant of alfernate sections of
public lands to the State of Michigan, to aid in
the construction of certain, in said State, and
for other purposes......915, 1338, 1354, 1361
bill (S. No. 239) to grant aid for the construc-
tion of certain, in the State of Minnesota, 1006
joint resolution (S. R. No. 120) to authorize the
Union Pacific Railroad Company, eastern
division, to acquire cer certain right of way and
land from the incompetent Wyandotte In-
980, 1059, 1060


remarks on the, by-
Mr. Cowan................
Mr. Doolittle.................
Mr. Foster.......
Mr. Grimes..........
Mr. Harian


1060, 1061

Mr. Lane, of Kansas.1060, 1061
bill (S. No. 431) to amend an act for a grant
of lands to the State of Kansas, in alternate
sections, to aid in the construction of certain,
and telegraphs in said State..........631, 1006
bill (S. No.354) extending the time for the com-
pletion of certain land-grant, in the State of
Minnesota, and regulating the disposal of
lands heretofore granted said State to aid in
the construction of such roads 14, 34
bill (S. No. 377) granting lands to the State of
Missouri to aid in the construction of cer-
tain, in said State.....
157, 1045
joint resolution (H. R. No. 161) in relation to
.....603, 1045, 1389


bill (S. No. 392) supplementary to an act ap-
proved July 14, 1862, to establish certain post
226, 425, 511, 573,
663, 672, 718, 776, 786, 812, 820, 888, 942
(See Post Office Department.)
bill (S. No. 436) making a grant of lands to the
Territories of Dakota, Montana, and Idaho,
in alternate sections, to aid in the construc-
tion of certain, in said Territories, to connect
with the railroad system of Minnesota and
.......670, 1006


bill (S. No. 413) to establish a bridge across
the Ohio river at Cincinnati, Ohio, a post
.......450, 573, 672, 812, 820, 888
Ramsey, Alexander, a Senator from Minne-
sola...........14, 56, 71, 112, 202, 207, 208,
209, 213, 226, 379, 531, 572, 604, 742, 784,
850, 885, 926, 927, 954, 1023, 1045, 1085,
1124, 1195, 1238, 1288, 1293, 1342, 1389
remarks on the joint resolution to terminate the
reciprocity treaty 207, 208, 209, 213
remarks on Indian lands in Minnesota......226
remarks on pay to Indians residing in Michi-
926, 927
remarks on the consolidation of the Indian


[blocks in formation]

remarks on the, by-

Mr. Brown........

1220, 1222, 1223

Mr. Conness..1220 1221, 1222, 1223

remarks on railroads in Minnesota..........1124
remarks on the internal revenue bill.......1195,

Mr. Cowan.......

Mr. Grimes...........

1220, 1222

Mr. Harlan.....

Mr. Hendricks.......

1220, 1221, 1222

Mr. Howard.

1220, 1221, 1222

Mr. McDougall....


Mr. Morrill....

[blocks in formation]

1222, 1223
1220, 1223

Railroads, bill (S. No. 438) relative to the railroad
bridge across the Mississippi river, from
Rock Island, in the State of Illinois, to Daven-
port, in the State of Iowa, and to establish
and declare the same a post route..........742

Rebel debt, concurrent resolution declaring that
the, or loan is simply an agency of the rebel-
lion which the United States can never under
any circumstances recognize in any part or in
any way.............
....850,860, 1387
Rebel Jefferson Davis, resolution calling upon the
President for information in regard to recent
communications with
remarks on the, by-

Mr. Conness............................511, 657

[blocks in formation]

bill (H. R. No. 603) to extend the time allowed
for the withdrawal of certain goods therein
named from public stores..........57, 64, 71,90
joint resolution (H. R. No. 124) explanatory
of the act to provide internal, to support the
Government, to pay interest on the public
debt, and for other purposes, approved June
30, 1864......
.........57, 64

joint resolution (H. R. No. 123) to correct cer-
tain clerical errors in the internal .........45

bill (H. R. No. 618) to amend the act to provide
internal, to support the Government, pay
interest on the public debt, and for other
purposes, approved June 30, 1864.......71,
77, 90, 93, 97

remarks on the, by-

Mr. Conness.........


Mr. Davis


Mr. Farwell.................


Mr. Grimes...


Mr. Hendricks.......


Mr. Johnson..................91, 93, 94, 95
Mr. McDougall.


Mr. Pomeroy................


Mr. Richardson........


Mr. Sherman

90, 91, 93, 94

Mr. Trumbull...


[blocks in formation]

bill (S. No. 388) further to provide for the ver-
ification of invoices...
.........203, 225
joint resolution (S. R. No. 100) to extend the
time for the payment of the special income
tax by persons in receipt of salaries from
the United States Government...............326
bill (H. R. No. 677) to amend an act to pro-
vide waysand means for the support of the
Government, and for other purposes, ap-
proved June 30, 1864....358, 360, 425, 426
remarks on the, by, Mr. Sherman... 425, 426
joint resolution (H. R. No. 140) authorizing
the Secretary of the Treasury to give the
necessary notice stipulated, pending the in-
tention of the United States to purchase the
building known as the Merchants' Exchange,
New York city, now used for custom-house
28, 360,379

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