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Senator Fulton introduced resolution No. 6, which is as follows:

Resolved, That the members of the Senate assembled express deepest regret that, on account of the severe illness of Senator G. W. Fullington, of Clay county, and of his wife, this body is temporarily deprived of his presence and counsel, and that we do hereby extend our sincere and earnest hope for the speedy recovery of both to health, and for the pleasure of soon having him again with us in the Senate.

The resolution was adopted.


The sergeant-at-arms announced a message from the House, as follows:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has passed House concurrent resolution No. 1, Relating to notifying the governor of the organization of the Legislature. Committee on the part of the House is as follows: Messrs. Dougherty, Barker, and Waggener. Resolution is transmitted herewith. W. P. MASON, Chief Clerk.

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has organized, with Mr. J. T. Pringle, of Osage county, as speaker; Mr. C. D. Jones, of Norton, as speaker pro tem.; W. P. Mason, of Neosho, chief clerk; S. E. Cave, of Haskell, sergeant-at-arms. W. P. MASON, Chief Clerk.

Senator Branine introduced resolution No. 7, as follows: Resolved, That the hours of meeting be ten o'clock A. M. and two o'clock P. M. until further ordered.

The resolution was adopted.

Senator Pestana introduced resolution No. 8, as follows: Resolved, That each senator who is not chairman of any standing committee be allowed to appoint one clerk for himself.

The resolution was adopted.

Senator Noftzger introduced resolution No. 9, as follows: Resolved, That the chairman of each committee be authorized to appoint the clerk of said committee, and the Judiciary, Ways and Means, Charitable Institutions, Enrolled Bills, Education, Railroads and Public Health Committees be authorized to appoint stenographers.

The resolution was adopted.

Senator Allen introduced Senate resolution No. 10, which is as follows:

Resolved, That the sergeant-at-arms be instructed to procure from the secretary of state, for the use of senators, one copy for each senator of the 1901 Statutes, said statutes to be returned to the secretary of state after adjournment, in case they are still possessed by the senators.

The resolution was adopted.

Senator Carpenter introduced Senate resolution No. 11, as follows:

Resolved, That each senator occupy the same seat in the Senate chamber he held during the last session of the Senate.

The resolution was adopted.

Senator Wulfekuhler introduced Senate resolution No. 12, which is as follows:

Resolved, That an allowance of twenty dollars be made for each senator for postage.

The resolution was adopted.

Senator White introduced Senate resolution No. 13, as follows:

Resolved, That the sergeant-at-arms be instructed to have a telephone located in the Senate.

The resolution was adopted.

Senator Hurrel introduced Senate resolution No. 14, as follows:

Resolved, That the state printer be instructed to print 200 copies of the governor's message for the use of the Senate.

The resolution was adopted.

Senator Allen introduced Senate resolution No. 15, substitute for resolution No. 14, as follows:

Resolved, That 500 copies of the governor's message be printed by the state printer, for distribution by the members of the Senate. The resolution did not prevail.

Senate resolution No. 14 was then adopted.

Senator Noftzger introduced Senate resolution No. 16, as follows:

Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to apportion the various subjects contained in the governor's message to the appropriate committees.

The resolution was adopted.

Senator White introduced Senate resolution No. 17, as follows:

Resolved, That the thanks of the Senate are due and hereby tendered to the Hon. Geo. W. Veale on account of whose thoughtfulness and hard work the interior of this chamber has been put in such admirable condition for the reception of the senators and their presiding officer.

The resolution was adopted.

On motion of Senator Pestana, the Senate adjourned to three o'clock P. M.


January 13, 1903.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment; the president in the chair.

The roll was called.

Present: Senators Allen, Branine, Buschow, Caldwell, Carpenter, Chaney, Cubbison, Findlay, Fitzpatrick, Fulton, Gabriel, Henley, Householder, Kennedy, King, Leidy, McKnight, McMillan, Miller, Morehouse, Morrow, Noftzger, Peterson, Porter, Simons, Smith, Sponable, Stewart, Tapp, Vincent, Ward, White, Wright, Wulfekuhler.

Absent: Senators Codding, Conrad, Crum, Hurrel, Pes


Report of committee appointed under House concurrent resolution No. 1.

MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee appointed under Senate concurrent resolution No. 1 report as follows:

The committee on behalf of the House and Senate waited upon the governor and informed him of the legal organization of both branches of this Legislature.

The governor desires your committee to present his respects to the House and Senate and to say that he will communicate with them by a written message. R. T. SIMONS,


Committee on part of the Senate.




Committee on part of the House.


The sergeant-at-arms announced a message from the governor.

Mr. Harry J. Bone, private secretary to the governor, was introduced, and presented to the president of the Senate the following communication in writing from the governor, which, upon motion of Senator Allen, was ordered read.

The message is as follows:

To the Senate and House of Representatives:

No Legislature has ever convened in our state under more favorable conditions than those which surround you at this time. The business and commercial interests of Kansas have never been upon a stronger or more substantial basis than now. No state in the Union has absorbed more of the general prosperity that has come to the whole country during the past six years than has Kansas. New life, new hope and new energy have come to our people as the result of these conditions, and the increase in value of nearly all real and personal property has largely enhanced the wealth and commercial importance of the state.

Having been elected by the people of Kansas as their governor for the ensuing two years, it is the consciousness that I will have your hearty cooperation in doing those things which will build for Kansas that nerves me to meet the responsibilities confronting me. In compliance with the law, I herewith submit such suggestions and recommendations as to me seem proper.


With all due recognition of the vastness and importance of her other constantly developing resources, and her unsuspected possibilities, as revealed by each passing year, the basis of the state's material prosperity must be her agriculture-the utilization of her soil's wonderful fertility and the favoring climate. That Kansas, with her comparatively sparse population, already leads all other states in the production of such commodities as wheat, alfalfa, and the sorghums, and ranks with the foremost in the output of corn, is suggestive of her capabilities. The official statistics indicate that, in the decade just closed, the increase in value of farm products has been nearly 24 per cent., and of live stock more than 53 per cent., or, for all combined, 31.6 per cent.

The promotion and record of our farm industries were early in the state's history entrusted to the State Board of Agriculture, which fortunately from its beginning, in methods of practical helpfulness, the thoroughness and reliability of its statistical work, and the high order of its publications, has rendered an invaluable service to the

growth and development of the agricultural interests of the state. The high standard of the work done under the administration of the present secretary justifies such appropriations as are necessary to maintain the usefulness of the board.

The opportunities afforded the state for needed agricultural experimentation by the possession of the Fort Hays land make judicious such appropriations as are necessary to establish and equip the work there on a proper basis for greatest future usefulness. The past two years it has been well demonstrated that portions of our state are adapted to the production of sugar beets yielding largely in tonnage and sugar content. The last Legislature provided for the payment of a bounty of one dollar per ton on all sugar-beets grown in Kansas in the years 1901 and 1902, containing not less than twelve per cent. of sugar and actually used in the manufacture of sugar. The advisability of providing such a bounty on sugar-beets grown in the ensuing two years will be for the Legislature to determine.


I would impress upon you the importance of encouraging this important industry; an industry that elevates our rural communities, creates a love of home, and induces the boys to stay on the farm. Under the educational influence of the department of horticulture, the orchardists of the state have, in the last decade, planted 5,784,495 apple trees, bringing our state up from ranking seventh to ranking fourth, or an increase in ten years of nearly 100 per cent. The total of fruit-trees and grape vines is quite 25,000,000 in our state.

The officers of this department are chosen by the practical horticulturists for their long experience and ability. The product of the horticulturist is fast becoming one of the great commercial items of our state, and I recommend such appropriations as may be necessary to carry on the work of this society.


The work of this commission during the past year has been very satisfactory, resulting in a large saving to the live-stock interests of the state by preventing the spread of contagious diseases. During the first eleven months of the calendar year 1902, there were inspected under the supervision of this board 543,876 cattle. Certificates were issued to 267,190 of these, the legal fee collected amounting to $5285.80; 282,086 head of cattle have been passed free of charge under the statute exempting cattle which are intended for immediate slaughter. The loss to the cattle-owners of the state caused by the Texas fever is comparatively small, and this fact is due almost wholly to the efficient work of this commission. Of the whole number of cattle offered for admission to Kansas during the year, 7560 were found to be infectious cattle, and were turned back or sent to quarantine pens.

By reason of the extended territory embraced in quarantine

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