Imágenes de páginas



Appointment of conference committee on S. C. R. 38. Page 1054.
Passage of H. Bs. 689, 519. Page 1054.

Amended, and passed as amended, S. B. 591. Page 1079.

[blocks in formation]

Granting request of Senate for recall of H. B. 231. Page 1080.
Adoption of report of committee on joint rules. Page 1080.
Adoption of conference report on S. B. 441.
Amended, and passed as amended, S. B. 680.

S. B. 223. Page 1087.

Page 1080.

Page 1087.

[blocks in formation]

Concurrence in Senate amendment to H. B. 823. Page 1087.
Passage of S. B. 667. Page 1087.

[blocks in formation]

Concurrence in Senate amendments to H. B. 114. Page 1087.
Amended, and passed as amended, S. C. R. 40. Page 1087.
Appointment of conference committee on H. B. 992. Page 1087.
Granting request of Senate for recall of S. B. 114. Page 1088.
Passage of S. Bs. 274, 530, 283. Page 1088.

[ocr errors]

Concurrence in Senate amendments to H. B. 617. Page 1085.
H. B. 277. Page 1085.

Passage of H. B. 986. Page 1088.

H. B. 987. Page 1088.

Concurrence in Senate amendments to H. B. 543. Page 1088.

H. B. 746. Page 1088.

Non-concurrence in Senate amendments to H. B. 231. Page 1088.
Passage of S. B. 374. Page 1089.

Appointment of conference committee on H. B. 231.
Adoption of conference committee report on H. B. 231.
Appointment of conference committee on H. B. 223.
Adoption of conference committee report on H. B. 992.

Page 1089.

Page 1089.

Page 1106.

Page 1107.

H. B. 30. Page 1108.

Passage of H. Bs. 882, 552, 658, 232, 715. Page 1107.

Passage of H. Bs. 932, 933, 934, 726. Page 1108.

Adoption of conference committee report on S. B. 223. Page 1107.

Amended, and passed as amended, S. B. 86. Page 1108.

Appointment of conference committee on H. B. 982. Page 1122.

Adoption of S. C. R. 39. Page 1122.

Non-concurrence in report of conference committee on H. B. 600. Page


Non-concurrence in Senate amendments to H. B. 982. Page 1122.

Adoption of conference report on H. R. 600. Page 1122.

Passage of S. Bs. 666, 668, 548. Page 1123.

Concurrence in Senate amendments to H. B. 298. Page 1123.

Adoption of S. C. R. 42. Page 1126.

H. C. R. 28. Page 1129.


No. 1, by Senator Carpenter, Authorizing the secretary to inform the
House that the Senate is now duly organized, with Lieut.-gov. D. J.
Hanna, president; W. S. Fitzpatrick, president pro tem.; Charles
M. Sheldon, secretary; J. E. Neighbor, sergeant-at-arms, and
awaits the pleasure of the House of Representatives.....

2, by Senator Morehouse, Authorizing the president of the Senate to
select a private secretary, sergeant-at-arms, and a page

3, by Senator Smith, That the Senate be governed by the rules adopted
at the last session, until further ordered....

4, by Senator Fitzpatrick, Authorizing the president to appoint a com-
mittee of five to assist him in formulating a code of rules for the
government of the Senate......

5, by Senator Leidy, That a committee of three be appointed to revise
the list of Senate employees....

6, by Senator Fulton, Expressing deepest regret that illness has de-
prived the Senate of the presence of Senator Fullington, and ex-
tending to him sincere sympathy, and hope for speedy recovery of
both himself and wife....

7, by Senator Branine, Fixing the hours of meeting of the Senate...
8, by Senator Pestana, Appointment of clerks for Senators not chair-
men of standing committees.....

9, by Senator Noftzger, Authorizing the chairman of each committee to
appoint the clerk of said committee, and that the Judiciary, Ways
and Means, Charitable Institutions, Enrolled Bills and Railroads
Committees be authorized to appoint stenographers........

10, by Senator Allen, Authorizing the sergeant-at-arms to procure from
the secretary of state one copy of the 1901 Statutes for each sena-


11, by Senator Carpenter, Relating to the selection of seats by senators..
12, by Senator Wulfekuhler, Allowing each senator twenty dollars for


13, by Senator White, Instructing the sergeant-at-arms to have telephone
located in Senate chamber.......









14, by Senator Hurrel, Instructing state printer to print 200 copies of
governor's message, for use of Senate...




15, by Senator Allen, Instructing state printer to print 500 copies instead
of 200 copies of governor's message.........

16, by Senator Noftzger, Appointing committee of three to apportion the
various subjects contained in governor's message to appropriate

17, by Senator White, Tendering vote of thanks to Hon. G. W. Veale.....
18, by Senator Smith, Instructing the sergeant-at-arms to place in the
Senate an Independent telephone and cabinet for the use of sena-

........ ..............

19, by Senator Buschow, Requesting the sergeant-at-arms to prepare an
alphabetical roster of the Senate, giving city addresses of the sen-
ators in full, and have 500 copies thereof printed........

20, by Senator Simons, Relating to closing the Senate-chamber entrance
under the arch...


21, by Senator Porter, Instructing the sergeant-at-arms to rigidly enforce
rule No. 51, with reference to lobby..

22, by Senator Gabriel, Regarding placing United States flags in the Sen-
ate chamber....


23, by Senator Allen, Instructing sergeant-at-arms to furnish room for
Senate stenographers and for the use of senators..

24, by Senator Allen, Instructing sergeant-at-arms to place desks in the
Senate chamber for the use of stenographers.......

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25, by Senator Morehouse, Extending vote of thanks to United States
Senator Burton for copies of United States Manual and Rules......
26, by Senator Wulfekuhler, Increasing the members of the Ways and
Means Committee from nine to eleven members



27, by Senator Morrow, Relating to apportionment and Committee on
Banks and Banking...


28, by Senator Noftzger, Authorizing the sergeant-at-arms to procure uni-
form caps for the pages


29, by Senator Allen, Suspending the rules on House bill No. 2.....
30, by Senator Kennedy, Authorizing the secretary of the Senate to em-
ploy an additional Journal clerk who is a stenographer.
31, by Senator Codding, Relating to uniformity of text-books.
32, by Senator Simons, Instructing sergeant-at-arms to have 200 copies of
the standing committees printed for the use of senators





33, by Senator Findlay, Instructing sergeant-at-arms to procure suitable
chair for lieutenant-governor's office....


34, by Senator Noftzger, Allowing the minority members to choose one
page and stenographer for their use................

35, by Senator Smith, Requesting the committee on stenographers to
hold an examination for the purpose of recommending a stenog-
rapher for the committee to investigate the coal famine........
36, by Senator Pestana, Relating to the contest of John R. Hamilton
against A. C. T. Geiger, fixing a date for Senate to hear contest,
and authorizing sergeant-at-arms to serve copy of resolution on
said A. C. T. Geiger.....

37, by Senator Pestana, Relating to the contest of John R. Hamilton
against A. C. T. Geiger, and to the trial of the case...

38, by Senator Noftzger, Relating to the purchase of the Kansas City, Fort
Scott & Memphis railroad by the St. Louis & San Francisco Rail-
road Company, and providing for the appointment of a committee
to investigate the legality of such purchase.......
39, by Senator Allen, Instructing the sergeant-at-arms to procure a ther-

[blocks in formation]


41, by Senator Allen, Instructing stenographers not to make copies of
bills without an order from some senator..

40, by Senator Miller, Relating to payment of vouchers by secretary of




42, by Senator Householder, Relating to printing copy of Journal each


43, by Senator Simons, Relating to furnishing senators copies of bills
under "General Orders"


44, by Senator Carpenter, Relating to list of employees of the Senate.. 148,
45, by Senator Smith, Relating to contest of John R. Hamilton and A. C.
T. Geiger......



46, by Senator Stewart, Relating to certain flag owned by company G of
the Tenth Kansas.....


47, by Senator Carpenter, Appointing two additional members of the
Committee on Congressional Apportionment
48, by Senator Allen, Relating to file-books for the use of senators........
49, by Senator Simons, Relating to having all concurrent and joint reso-
lutions proposing an amendment to the constitution printed and
placed on desk of each senator at least one day before being consid-

[blocks in formation]

50, by Senator White, Requiring committee clerks to securely fasten re-
port of committee inside of bills.......


51, by Senator Allen, Relating to site for Kansas building at St. Louis

291, 292


54, by Senator Stewart, Relating to Senate bill No. 354 .


54, by Senator Smith, Relating to the appointment of a committee on re-
vision of Senate Calendar..


55, by Senator Branine, Relating to bills under the head of "General


56, by Senator Noftzger, Relating to the purchase of certain lands for
the State Penitentiary, known as the Green land............... 491, 853
57, by Senator Cubbison, Relating to the appointment of a clerk for the
committee to investigate the Frisco merger.....

58, by Senator Allen, That the tax bill, No. 114, under consideration, be
made a special order for every day the Senate is in session, at two
o'clock P. M., and every evening at 7:30 P. M., until finished......

59, by Senator Leidy, Relating to the appointment of a committee to in-
vestigate the State Hospitals for the Insane at Topeka and Osa-



507, 529

60, by Senator Miller, Relating to the hours of opening the Senate ses-
61, by Senator Pestana, Relating to contest case of John R. Hamilton
and A. C. T. Geiger, adjudging him duly elected judge of the
seventeenth judicial district.......


.... 519

62, by Senator Smith, That 300 copies of the Senate amendments made
in the committee of the whole to Senate bill No. 114 be printed at
once, and thereafter each day as the same are adopted....
63, by Senator Carpenter, Recalling Senate bills Nos. 239 and 50 from
the House

.... 527


64, by Senator McKnight, Tendering the Senate chamber to the newspa-
per men for a public free entertainment....


65, by Senator Householder, Requesting the House to return Senate bill
No. 522 and House bill No. 513 to the Senate for further considera-


66, by Senator Pestana, Discontinuing further printing of local bills..... 665
67, by Senator Peterson, Recalling House bill No. 263..........


68, by Senator Branine, Relating to Senate rules Nos. 4 and 26....
69, by Senator Cubbison, Relating to placing local bills on third reading,
70, by Senator Smith, Relating to recall from the House of Senate con-
current resolution No. 31....

[blocks in formation]

71, by Senator Cubbison, Relating to House bill No. 714..
72, by Senator Allen, Extending invitation to Captain Hobson to address
the Senate......



73, by Senator Pestana, Relating to appointment of committee to wait
on General Stewart and request him to address the Senate...........
74, by Senator White, Relating to dismissal of Senate employees
75, by Senator Morehouse, Relating to printing of reports of investiga-

[blocks in formation]

76, by Senator Noftzger, Relating to committee appointed to investigate
Frisco merger......


77, by Senator Carpenter, Relating to allowing employees to return

[ocr errors][merged small]

78, by Senator Carpenter, Relating to Thos. W. Dare, assistant sergeant-



79, by Senator Householder, Tendering vote of thanks to T. J. Jackson,
document clerk..


80, by Senator Buschow, Donating desks and chairs to lieutenant-gov.
ernor and his private secretary...


81, by Senator Noftzger, Presenting each of the pages with a knife.
82, by Senator Caldwell, Relating to Frank Grimes and his shirts.
83, by Senator Morehouse, Relating to presentation of flag to Senator

[blocks in formation]


84, by Senator Morehouse, Relating to presentation of flag to Senator

86, by Senator Householder, Tendering vote of thanks to reading clerks
J. A. Ramsey and W. E. Pitts.

87, by Senator Branine, Tendering vote of thanks to H. B. Glenn, docket
clerk, and C. A. Henrie, assistant docket clerk.......
88, by Senator Tapp, Tendering vote of thanks to J. E. Neighbor, ser-

89, by Senator Tapp, Relating to vote of thanks to E. Baxter, book-
keeper of the Senate.....

90, by Senator Branine, Expressing appreciation for courtesy shown by
newspaper men..






...... 1101

91, by Senator Wulfekuhler, Extending vote of thanks to Miss Nellie

92, by Senator Ward, Expressing appreciation for services of T. A. Wise-
man, assistant secretary of the Senate

93, by Senator Miller, Tendering best wishes of the Senate to Senators
Householder and King .....


94, by Senator Morrow, Extending vote of thanks to Missouri & Kansas
Telephone Company for courtesies extended during the Senate ses-





95, by Senator Branine, Expressing appreciation of disposition shown
by the minority members..


96, by Senator Caldwell, Relating to donating furniture to State Horti-
cultural Society


96, by Senator Noftzger, Tendering vote of thanks to chairman of Com-
mittee on Ways and Means....


97, by Senator Morehouse, Extending vote of thanks to newspaper men
for courtesy shown members of the Senate.....
98, by Senator Allen, Relating to sickness of Senator Fullington.......... 1123
99, by Senator Vincent, Relating to number of Senate Journals to be




No. 1, by Senator Stewart, Relating to protection of trade-marks......


2, by Senator Stewart, Relating to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition..
3, by Senator Stewart, Relating to grand larceny.



4, by Senator Simons, Relating to grand larceny


5, by Senator Porter, Relating to amending Revised Statutes concern-
ing grand larceny...


6, by Senator Buschow, Relating to the prohibitory law
7, by Senator Porter, Relating to grand larceny



8, by Senator Stewart, Relating to appropriation for exhibit at St.
Louis exposition


9, by Senator McKnight, Relating to manufacture and sale of intoxi-
cating liquors...


10, by Senator Householder, Relating to grand larceny..


11, by Senator Householder, Relating to grand larceny........


12, by Senator Carpenter, Relating to the manufacture and sale of intoxi-
cating liquors.


13, by Senator Conrad, Relating to grand larceny.


14, by Senator Householder, Relating to grand larceny.


15, by Senator Cubbison, Relating to the St. Louis exposition..

155, 230

16, by Senator Carpenter, Relating to grand larceny...


17, by Senator Householder, Relating to grand larceny.


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