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Art. 34. The Capricious Lady, a Comedy (altered from Beaumont and Fletcher), as it is now performing at the New Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. 8vo. Is. 6d. Dilly. 1783.

This production is introduced to the Reader's notice by a Preface, which begins thus:

The Public will readily fee that this comedy is an alteration from the "Scornful Lady" of Beaumont and Fletcher; names that ftand too high in dramatic fame, to need any eulogium here. In tefpect to the alterations, they will be belt judged of by a comparifon of the two plays: all becoming me to fay of them, is, that I have availed myself of the remarks made on the original by Dryden, and fome of the firft critics in the beginning of the prefent century, according to the best of my abilities.

But whilft yielded to the neceffity of lopping off a number of indelicacies and coarse allufions, which the morals of no age ought to bear, I felt fome difficulty in complying with the rigidity of our madern School of politeness, as by it I found I must give up fome part of the wit and humour of the comedy; however, 'tis, perhaps, the more prudent part of a dramatic writer to follow, rather than attempt to lead, the manners of his time; and, prefcribing myself this rule, I truft I shall ftand excufable (whatever my other defects may be) from letting one expreffion ftand, which may give offence to the chafteft ear.'

The humility of the modern Author's pretenfions, and his frank avowal of his own weakness, cannot but operate as a kind of deprecation of critical feverity. We fhall, therefore, only add, that The Capricious Lady has been introduced to the Public by a pretty good Prologue, and attended by a much better Epilogue. Art. 35. Rofina, a Comic Opera, in Two Acts.


at the Theatre-Royal in Covent Garden. By Mrs. Brooke, Author of Julia Mandeville, &c. 8vo. 1 S. Cadell. 1783. We cannot give a better account of this little piece, than in the words of the Authorefs, in an Advertisement fubjoined to it:

• The fable of this piece, taken from the Book of Ruth; a fable equally fimple, moral, and interefting, has already furnished a subject for the beautiful epifode of Palemon and Lavinia in Thomson's Seafons, and a pleafing opera of Monf. Favart; of both I have availed myself as far as the difference of my plan would allow; but as we are not, however extraordinary it may appear, fo eafily fatisfied with mere fentiment as our more fprightly neighbours the French, I found it neceffary to diverfify the ftory by adding the comic characters of William and Phoebe, which I hoped might at once relieve, and heighten, the fentimental cafts of the other perfonages of the drama.'

Art: 36. Barnaby Brittle; or a Wife at her Wit's End: a Farce; in Two Acts: as it is now performing with univerfal Applaufe at the Theatre-Royal at Covent-Garden. Altered from Moliere and Betterton. With Additions. 8vo. 1 s. Kearfly. 1782.

Betterton's Amorous Widow, or Wanton Wife, cut down to a farce of two Acts! Betterton's play was a moft wretched travelty of the excellent George Dandin of Moliere; and is therefore properly re


duced from its pretenfions to comedy, and may perhaps afford fome mirth, as a poor copy of an admirable original.

Art. 37. A Review of Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Siddons, in the Character of Belvidera, in a Letter to a Gentleman at Bath. 4th Edition. 8vo. Is. 6d. Debrett. 1782.

Provoco ad Populum. An appeal from the common law of the theatre, to the equity of the Reader, foliciting a reverfal of the public decifion in favour of Mrs. Siddons, and moving for a new trial in behalf of Mrs. Crawford.

Non noftrum eft, tantas componere lites.


Art. 38. The Blockheads; or, Fortunate Contractor.
Opera, in Two Acts, as it is performed at New York. The
Mufic entirely new, compofed by feveral of the most eminent
Mafters in Europe. Small Svo. is. Kearfley. 1782.

The Author of this piece, if he is not a madman, is the dulleft of all blockheads. Blockheadorum, BLOCKHEADISSIMUS!


Art. 39. Tranflated Specimens of Welsh Poetry in English Verfe, with fome original Pieces and Notes. By John Walters, B. A. Scholar of Jefus College, Oxford. 8vo. 1 s. 6d. Dodfley.


Thefe fpecimens are tranflated in a train of eafy and harmonious verfification, not always to be met with when the mind is labouring under the restraint of expreffing another's ideas-witness the following fpirited lines from Lewellin and his Bards.

Yes, warlike prince! from Heaven defcend

The numbers of thy loyal friend.
Mean is my garb, yet on my tongue
Dwells the immortal gift of fong.
Chief of the golden-border'd fhield,
Forfake not glory's martial field:
Terror of land, and fea, and skies,
Dark eagle of the North, arife!
In peace thy Cambria's guiding star,
Her anchor in the ftorm of war.
Each doubt of Ellen's faith remove,
For jealoufy's the bane of love.
Watch'd by Heaven's unfleeping eye,
Her charms the power of luft defy.
Thine be the prize, thofe peerless charms;
Oh! fnatch her from the tyrant's arms.
See, Edward, trembling on thy throne,
The march of Mona's dragon fon,
Whose dread return fhall foon destroy
Thy carols of triumphant joy.
Brave warriors wait his wide command,
And death till iffaes from his hand:

Confufion and defpair inclofe

Lewellin's fierce perfidious foes;

Before his face they fleet away

Like spectres at the glimpse of day.

Where, champions, may ye now be found?
Pierc'd deep with many a grizly wound


Bleaching ye lie, and ghafily pale,
In bleak December's frofty gale.
Adorn'd once more with warlike mail,
Lewellin, princely hero, hail!

The Saxon hoft thy fword fhall quell:
Thy power prophetic bards foretel:
All Britain thall again be ours!
And in the fair Brigantian towers
To Ellen, then no longer coy,
Thy partner of imperial joy,

And Cambria's maids, for beauty fungs
The harp of Cambria fhall be ftrung.
Bend, lion heart, thy fhining bow,
And fire the canles of the foe.
See, thy fleeds exulting prance,
Lift aloft thy lightning lance,

Pierce the fquadrons, break the bands,
And with thy red victorious hands
Tear the trappings, ftrip the car
And all the ornaments of war,
The banners won with bleeding toils,
And deck thy palace with the fpoils.
Enraptur'd bards with praifeful fongs
Shall hail thee in a hundred tongues :
And when the lord of Arvon's thore
Is hail'd with fongs and harps no more-
Know, prince of Cambria, in the grave
Golden lumbers wait the brave;
When time's great period fhall arrive.
As bards the lore of Druids give,
And yawning elements unfold

The hoary depths of ocean old,

They from the wreck of worlds shall rife

Serene, and dwell among the skies.'

The original pieces are inconfiderable.

Art. 40. lerne Rediviva: An Ode. Infcribed to the Volun teers of Ireland. By the Rev. Thomas Maurice, A. B. Chaplain of his Majefly's Ninety-Seventh regiment. 4to. Is. Dodiley. 1782.

The emancipation of Ireland, next to the establishment of American Independence, is the most fplendid event of modern times. Mr. Maurice's Mufe, though her exertions are not always uniform, has on this animating fabject produced fome very fpirited stanzas.

IERNE bail! in whom renew'd

The daring genius of old Rome we fee;
Thy fenators as wife, as good,

Thy vigorous peafantry as brave and free.

Her manly eloquence is thine,

Whofe native vigour fpurns the aid of art;

Which, while no terrors can confine,..
Lashes the flave, and bares the coward's heart.


Not Athens in her purest age,

Heard fo fublime a ftrain within her walls,

As when thy GRATTAN points its rage,
And like th' all fearching fire of heav'n it falls.
No bolder heights the Grecian foar'd,
When, Macedon's arm'd tyrant to confound,
Th'impetuous tide of speech he pour'd,
And bade th' aftonish'd audience glow around-
Than at Corruption's hydra head,
When late thy Tully all his thunder aim'd—
Scar'd at the found, the monster fled,

And a freed nation's fhouts her flight proclaim'd.'

This is not the firft opportunity we have had of bearing our teftimony to the poetical abilities of this writer. A former publication of his was noticed with particular approbation in the 62d volume of our Review, p. 391.

Art. 41. The Political Squabble; or, A Scramble for the Loaves and Fishes. A poetical Effay: partly in Hudibraftic verfe. Adapted to the Public characters of our Statesmen in general, from the Demife of his late Majefty to the prefent Date. By Nicholas Neither fide, Gent. 4:0. 19. 6d. Barker, Fielding, &c. 1783. A vague declamation against courtiers, ftatefmen, placemen, &c. Some of the verses are tolerable Hudibraltics; but intolerable are fuch rhimes as


And what ear can tolerate fuch rugged lines as

No lefs that law ftate quacks invert,

Nor lefs their right ufurp'd pervert.'

But there are not many fuch difcordant rhimes and couplets in this performance, which, on the whole, may be marked with the stamp of mediocrity.

Art. 42. A Poem on the approaching Peace. By David Pugh. 4to. 6d. Fielding.


The poem is in praife of peace; but who will praise the poem ?


Art. 43. The Philofophical Quixotte; or, Memoirs of Mr. David Wilkins. In a Series of Letters. 2 Vols. Small Svo. 6s. Johnfon. 1782.

Intended for a fatire on certain whimsical adventurers in philofophy and phyfic. The ridicule of it is only calculated to strike profeffional men. There is little in it to intereft general readers, and fill lefs to amuse them. The Author appears to be a man of science. In other respects his invention is languid; his reflections are trite and fuperficial; and the incidents interfperfed in his work are low and vulgar, weakly imagined, and poorly defcribed. Art. 44. Siberian Anecdotes; Containing real Hiftories, and living Characters. 12mo. 3 Vols. 9s. bound. Lowndes. 1783. The veftiges of Siberian cuftoms, and the analogy, though remote, which they bear to real history, render thefe little volumes, in a confiderable degree, amufing and interefting. The defign is merito· Rev. March, 1783.



rious, and the tendency fuch as to warrant our cordial recommend. ation. They produce the most powerful incentives to virtue, and display the beauties of religion in the most engaging light. They place all honour in upright conduct, and all happiness in intellectual enjoyment.

The hero of the principal story is Yarmak, a Coffack, poffeffed of an elevated fpirit, equally intrepid and virtuous; and whofe noble endowments had raised him to the highest rank in his native country. By the bafeft arts he is deprived of his mistress, and is forced to take fhelter among certain banditti. When their retreats are difcovered, he is obliged to make his escape, with his remaining followers; and in their flight he discovers Siberia, enters into an unequal contest with the inhabitants, and retires with great lofs. He then informs the Czar of his discovery of a new tract of country of vaft extent, obtains his pardon, and is created General over the forces appointed for the conqueft. The army is fuccefsful; but, by an unfortunate accident, Yarmak is drowned.

Such is nearly the outline of the ftory of this adventurer; which is founded in fome of the hiftories we have perufed relating to this acquifition to the Ruffian empire. It is here embellished by the relation of fome pleafing anecdotes, and by the intermixture of incidents and dialogues, which are wholly the offspring of fancy.

It is, however, neceffary to add, that this relation is not confonant with the beft authorities; for Siberia was difcovered by Anaga Strogonof, about the end of the reign of the Czar Ivan, very early in the 16th century. The country was partly conquered about the middle of that century; for we find the inhabitants paying tribute to the Ruffian monarch in 1556. But its final fubjection was not completed by Yarmak till the year 1593.

But we must not try the merits of this novel by a too rigorous ftandard. The ftory is naturally conducted; and the anecdotes will afford both entertainment and inftruction to a candid reader. Art. 45. Memoirs of Maitre Jacques, of Savoy. Vol. II. Small 8vo. 2s. 6d. fewed. Owen. 1783.

In our Review, Vol. LIV. we noticed the firft volume of these entertaining Memoirs.-Where has this pleasant fellow been ever fince? --He has, at length, however, taken his leave of the Public-unless he chooses to appear again in fome other fhape,-which is very poffible, as he feems to poffefs fomewhat of a Harlequin genius.


Art. 46. The Genuine Copy of a Letter found lately near Strawberry-Hill, Twickenham. Addreffed to the Honourable H-r-ce W-lp-le. 8vo. I S. Bladon. 1783.

Infinuates collufion between Mr. Walpole, Mr. Steevens, Mr. T. Warton, the Reviewers, &c. &c. in order to place Chatterton in the chair of Rowley :-hints at unfair and disingenuous methods to fupprefs evidence:- could a tale unfold!!!'-gives an expreffive, but filent fhrug: one moment nods with an emphatic air; at another, winks with a fly ambiguity :-Sets fpeculation at work; curiofity on the ftretch; and at lait leaves us-where an Ignis Fatuus generally leaves the bewildered traveller!

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