judges of election, with fuch affociates as the Coun cil may from time to time appoint, SECT 3 And be it further enacted, That the firft election of members for the City Council fhall be held on the firit Monday in June next, and in every year afterwards, at fuch place, in each ward, as the Judges of the election may prefcribe. SECT. 4. And be it further enacted, That the polls fhall be kept open from 8 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and no longer, for the reception of bal lots. On the clofing of the poll, the Judges fhall clofe and feal their ballot boxes, and meet on the day following in the prefence of the marshal of the district, on the first election, and the Council afterwards, when the feals fhall be broken, and the votes counted; within three days after fuch election, they fhall give notice to the perfons having the greateft number of legal votes, that they are duly elected, and fhall make their return to the mayor of the City. SECT. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor of the City fhall be appointed, annually, by the Prefi dent of the United States: He muft be a citizen of the United States, and a refident of the City, prior to his appointment. SECT. 6. And be it further enacted, That the City Council fhall hold their feffions in the City Hall, or until fuch building is erected, in fuch place as the Mayor may provide for that purpose, on the fecond Monday in June, in every year; but the Mayor may convene them oftener, if the public good require their deliberations. Three fourths of the Members of each Council may be a quorum to do bufinefs, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day; they may compel the attendance of abfent members, in fuch manner, and under fuch penalties as they may by ordinance provide; they fhall appoint their refpective Prefidents, who fhall prefide during their feffions, and fhall vote on all questions where there is an equal divifion; they fhall fettle their rules of proceedings, appoint their own officers, regulate their respective fees, and remove them at pleafure; they fhall judge of the elections, returns and qualifica lifications of their own members; and may, with the concurrence of three-fourths of the whole, expel any member for diforderly behaviour, or mal-conduct in office, but not a fecond time for the fame offence; they fhall keep a journal of their proceedings, and enter the yeas and nays on any question, refolve or ordinance, at the requeft of any member, and their deliberations fhall be public. The Mayor fhall appoint to all offices under the Corporation. All ordinances or acts paffed by the City Council fhall be fent to the Mayor for approbation, and when approved by him, fhall then be obligatory as fuch. But if the faid Mayor fhall not approve of fuch ordinance or act, he fhall return the fame within five days, with his reafons, in writing, therefor; and if three-fourths of both the branches of the City Council, on reconfideration thereof, approve of the fame, it fhall be in force, in like manner as if he had approved it, unless the City Council, by their adjourn meat, prevent its return. SECT. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Corporation aforefaid, fhall have full power and authority to pafs all bye laws and ordinances; to prevent and remove nuifances, to prevent the introduction of contagious difeafes within the City; to establish night watches or patroles, and erect lamps; to regulate the stationing, anchoring and mooring of veffels; to provide for licenfing and regulating auctions, retailers of liquors, hackney carriages, waggons, carts and drays, and, alfo pawn brokers within the City; to reftrain or prohibit gambling,and to provide for licenfing,regulating or reflraining theatrical or other public amufements within the City; to regulate and establish markets; to erect and repair bridges; to keep in repair all neceffary ftreets, avenues, drains and fewers, and to pafs regulations neceffary for the prefervation of the fame, agreeably to the plan of the faid City; to provide for the fafe keeping of the ftandard of weights and meafures fixed by Congrefs, and for the regulation of all weights and measures used in the City to provide for the licenfing and regulating the fweeping of chimneys, and fixing the rates thereof; to eftablish and regulate fire wards and fire companies; to regulate and establish the fize of bricks that are to be made and ufed in the City; to fink wells and erect and repair pumps in the ftreets; to impofe and appropriate fines, penalties and forfeitures for breach of their ordinances; to lay and collect taxes, to enact bye laws for the prevention and extinguishment of fire; and to pafs all ordinances neceffary to give effect and operation to all the powers vested in the Corporation of the City of Washington :Provided, That the bye laws or ordinances of the said Corporation, fhall be in no wife obligatory upon the perfons of non-refidents of the faid City, unlefs in cafes of intentional violation of bye laws or ordinances previously promulgated: all fines, penalties and forfeitures impofed by the City of Washington, if not exceeding twenty dollars, fhall be recovered before a fingle Magiftrate, as finall debts are, by law, recoverable; and if fuch fines, penalties and forfeitures exceed the fum of twenty dollars, the fame fhall be recovered by action of debt in the District Courts of Columbia for the county of Washington, in the name of the Corporation and for the ufe of the City of Washington. SECT. 8. And be it further enacted, That the person or persons appointed to collect any tax impofed in virtue of the powers granted by this act, fhall have authority to collect the same by distress and fale of the goods and chattles of the perfon chargeable therewith; no fale fhall be made unless ten days previous notice thereof be given; no law fhall be paffed by the City Council, fubjecting vacant or improved City lots, or parts of lots, to be fold for taxes SECT. 9. And be it further enacted, That the City Council fhall provide for the support of the poor, infirm and difeafed of the City. SECT. 10. And be it further enacted, That no tax shall be imposed by the City Council on real property in the faid City, at any higher rate than three quarters of one per centum, on the affeffment, valuation of fuch property. And SECT. 11. And be it further enacted, That this act fhall be in force two years, from the paffing thereof, and from thence to the end of the next feffion of Congress thereafter, and no longer. AN ACT Supplementary to an Alt, entitled, "An Act to in corporate the Inhabitants of the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia " BE it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress affembled, That the Act entitled "An Act to incorporate the Inhabitants of the City of Washington, in the Diftrict of Columbia," except fo much of the fame is as inconfiftent with the provifions of this Act, be, and the fame is hereby continued in force for and during the term of fifteen years from the end of the next feffion of Congress. SECT. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Council of the City of Washington, from and after the period for which the members of the prefent Council have been elected, fhall confift of two Chambers, each of which fhall be compofed of nine members, to be chofen by diftinct ballots, according to the directions of the Act to which this is a fupplement; a majority of each chamber fhall conftitute a quorum to do bufinefs: In case vacancies fhall occur in the Council, the chamber in which the fame may happen, fhall fupply the fame by an election, by ballot from the 3 perfons next highest on the lift, to thofe elected at the preceding election ; and a majority of the whole number of the chamber in which fuch vacancy may happen, fhall be neceffary to make an election. SECT. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Council fhall have power to establish and regulate the infpection of flour, tobacco, and falted provifions, the guaging of eaks and liquors, the ftorage of gunpowder, and all naval and military ftores, not the property of the Unit, ed States, to regulate the weight and quality of bread; to tax and licence hawkers and pedlars; to reftrain or pro prohibit tipling houfes, lotteries, and all kinds of gaming; to fuperintend the health of the City, to preserve the navigation of the Potomac and Anacofta rivers, adjoining the City; to erect, repair, and regulate public. wharves, and deepen docks and bafons; to provide for the establishment and fuperintendance of public fchools; to licence and regulate, exclufively, hackney coaches, ordinary keepers, retailers and ferries to provide for the appointment of infpectors, conftables, and fuch other officers as may be neceffary to execute the laws of the Corporation, and to give fuch compenfation to the Mayor of the City as they may deem fit. SECT. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Levy Court of the county of Washington fhall not hereafter poffefs the power of impofing any tax on the inhabitants of the City of Washington. NATH MACON, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Prefident of the Senate pro tempore, February 24, 1804. TH. JEFFERSON. |