Imágenes de páginas

Appropriations, &c.—Continued.

Brought forward.

Pikesville arsenal: That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to dis-
pose of the grounds, buildings, and appurtenances known as the Pikesville arsenal, in
the State of Maryland, by public sale to the highest bidder, turning into the Treasury
the net proceeds after paying cost of advertisement, sale, and so forth: Provided, That
if the State of Maryland shall, prior to the 1st of March, 1880, accept the same, it is
hereby granted and donated to said State, to be used for such militia or other purposes
as the necessities of the State may require; and the Secretary of War is hereby author.
ized and directed to transfer said property to the State of Maryland, to be held by it in
trust for the use, benefit, and execution of the purposes of this grant.
For repairs of smaller arsenals, and to meet such unforeseen expenditures at arsenals as
accident or other contingencies during the year may render necessary.
The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to remove the remains of the late William E.
English, first lieutenant Seventh United States Infantry, who died at Deer Lodge,
Mont., from wounds received at the battle of Big Hole Pass, Bitter Root Mountain,
August 7, 1877, to his former home in Jacksonville, Ill., for final burial, $300, or so much
thereof as may be necessary


Improvement and care of public grounds: For filling in and improving grounds south of
Executive Mansion....

$9,786, 938 12

30,000 00

300 00

For ordinary care of Lafayette Square..

For ordinary care of greenhouses and the nursery

For care and improvement of reservation No. 3 (Monument grounds)

For construction and repair of iron fences.

For manure, and hauling the same

For painting iron fences, vases, lamps, and lamp posts.

For purchase and repair of seats.

For purchase and repair of tools..

For trees, tree stakes, lime, whitewashing, and stock for nursery.

For removing snow and ice

For flower-pots, twine, baskets, and lycopodium..

For care and construction and repair of fountains in the public grounds.
For abating nuisances..

For improving various reservations

For filling, leveling, and improving the park in front of the Treasury and State Departments and the Executive Mansion, comprehended between Fifteenth and Seventeenth streets...

Executive Mansion: For care of and repairs, refurnishing, and fuel for the Executive Mansion, and care of and necessary repair to the greenhouses, and fuel for the same, and recovering the roof of the mansion with tin, $25,000; and so much as may be neces sary to recover the roof, not exceeding $2,000, is hereby made available immediately.. Lighting the Executive Mansion and public grounds: For gas, pay of lamplighters, gasfitters, plumbers, plumbing, lamps, lamp-posts, matches, and repairs of all kinds; lamps for Anacostia bridge; fuel for office, for the watchmen's lodges, and for the greenhouses in the nursery..

Repair of water pipes and fire-plugs: For repairing and extending water-pipes, purchase
of apparatus to clean them, and for cleaning the springs and repairing and renewing
the pipes of the same that supply the Capitol, the Executive Mansion, and the building
of State, War, and Navy Departments

Telegraph to connect the Capitol with the departments and the Government Printing
Office: For repair and care of the same...

Building for State, War, and Navy Departments: To complete the east wing and its ap-
proaches, and for continuation of construction of the north wing of the building.

5,000 00

1,500 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

500 00

4,000 00 1,500 00 500 00 500 00

3,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,500 00

500 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

25,000 00

15, 000 00

2,500 00

1, 000 00 515, 000 00


For the completion of the survey of the Northern and Northwestern Lakes, and to finish
the field work and publication of maps, and all work pertaining to said survey except
the preparation of the final report.

For furniture for the portion of the new building about to be occupied by the War De-
Expenses of military convicts: For payment of costs and charges of State penitentiaries
for the care, clothing, maintenance, and medical attendance of United States military
convicts confined in them

For continuing the preparation of the publication of the Official Records of the War of
the Rebellion, both of the Union and Confederate armies, and for the compensation of
temporary clerks and other employés engaged thereon, the collection of such Confede-
rate records as may be placed at the disposal of the government by gift or loan, the rent
of building, and the preservation of the Brady War Views

Provided, That not more than two clerks of class four, one clerk of class three, one clerk of class two, one clerk of class one, two clerks at $1,000 each, twelve copyists at $900 each, one foreman of printing, one pressman, six compositors, two assistant messengers, one watchman, and one agent for the collection of Confederate records, shall be employed; and the unexpended balance of the sum of $1,000,000, appropriated by act of March 3, 1873, to erect headstones over the graves of soldiers who served in the regular or volunteer army during the war for the Union, is hereby continued and made available....

For the purpose of payment of balance due for records, already purchased, of the late
Confederate States of America, of Col. Thomas L. Snead..

[blocks in formation]

Brought forward.

Appropriations, &c.-Continued.

For official postage stamps for the executive departments, as required under Postal Union,
to prepay postage on matter addressed to Postal Union countries
Support and improvement of the Leavenworth military prison, Fort Leavenworth, Kans. :
For purchase of subsistence stores, oil, wicking, and fuel for heating and cooking pur-
poses and running machinery.

For hay for prisoners' beds; for blank books and stationery; for stoves and stove-pipe
for use in buildings not heated by steam; for miscellaneous stores, drainage of grounds,
disinfectants, and other general purposes..

For material for clothing for each prisoner on discharge; for payment of $5 to each pris-
oner on discharge; for expenses of pursuing, and payment of rewards for apprehen-
sion and delivery of escaped prisoners.

For hose for use in case of fire and for filling cisterns, and for tools and materials in shops.
For tobacco for issue to prisoners on special and excessive hard labor

For foreman and engineers, and mechanics and watchmen, and extra duty pay..
For extra duty pay to non-commissioned officers of prison guard; for extension to prison
shops and repairs to prison buildings; for new buildings; for construction of ice-house.
United States Artillery School at Fortress Monroe, Va.: To provide for text books, draw-
ing material, models, and material necessary in the science of engineering and of artil
lery, stationery, and miscellaneous necessaries for the use of the school
For completion of the United States barrack buildings at Fortress Monroe, Va.
To enable the Secretary of War to establish a military post in the vicinity of Pagosa
Springs, on the left bank of the San Juan River, in the State of Colorado, for the pro-
tection of the San Juan country

To enable the Secretary of War to pay for rent of building at San Antonio, Tex., used as
headquarters of the Department of Texas, from November 1, 1878, until June 1, 1879
Artificial limbs: For furnishing artificial limbs and appliances, or commutation therefor,
and transportation

Appliances for disabled soldiers: For providing surgical appliances for persons disabled
in the military or naval service of the United States, not otherwise provided for
For rebuilding of eight sets of officers' quarters at Madison Barracks, Sacket's Harbor,
N. Y., destroyed by fire on November 6, 1876, according to plans and specifications in
the office of the Quartermaster-General of the United States
Support of transient paupers: For care, support, and medical treatment of seventy-five
transient paupers, medical and surgical patients, in the city of Washington, under a
contract to be made with such institution as the Surgeon-General of the Army may

For printing and binding the first and second volumes of catalogue of the library of the
Surgeon-General's Office

Support of National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers: Current expenses, including
repairs; For the Central Branch, for the Eastern Branch, for the Northwestern Branch,
for the Southern Branch, and for barracks and other necessary construction purposes,
for clothing of extra sizes and underclothing, for outdoor relief and incidental expenses,
$880,000: Provided, That all purchases of supplies exceeding the sum of $1,000 at any
one time shall be made upon public tender after due advertisement, and that the ex-
penditure for new buildings shall be expressly authorized in writing: Provided, That
the estimates hereafter submitted for the support of the National Home shall be made
in detail, specifying the several items of expenditure, and separating the cost of food
and other supplies in the form usually adopted for the Army, and that this specification
be made for each soldiers' home separately

For the purpose of keeping in repair and protection of the road between Fortress Monroe
and Mill Creek, Va

For completion of the military road from Alamosa, Colo., to Pagosa Springs
For repairing the military road from Ojo Caliente, N. Mex., to Pagosa Springs..
For the improvement and repair of the military wagon road running from Scottsburgh to
Camp Stewart in the State of Oregon; said money to be expended under the direction
of the Secretary of War.

For the purpose of constructing the necessary buildings, under direction of the Secretary
of War, for headquarters of the Department of Dakota, at the military post of Fort
Snelling, in the State of Minnesota, in accordance with the estimates of General Charles
H. Tompkins, deputy quartermaster-general of the United States Army, chief quarter-
master of the Department of Dakota.


For the payment of arrears of Army transportation due such land-grant railroads as have not received aid in government bonds as compensation was withheld from, under the acts of June 16 and 22, 1874, and March 3, 1875, to be adjusted by the proper accounting officers in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court in cases decided under the said acts, to be paid as other Army transportation; but in no event shall more than 50 per cent. of the full amount allowed by the Quartermaster-General be paid until the decision of the Court of Claims be had in each case

.$10, 615, 728 12

10, 000 00

44, 000 00

1, 040 00

3,500 00 1,000 00 400 00

7,500 00

10, 000 00

4,750 00 34, 000 00

40, 000 00

2,391 67

100, 000 00

1,000 00

25, 000 00

15,000 00

20, 000 00

880, 000 00

6, 500 00 10,000 00 5, 000 00

10, 000 00

100, 000 00

300,000 00



Navy-yard, Mare Island, Cal.: For continuation of work on stone dry-dock..
Repairs and preservation at navy-yards: For repairs at the different navy,yards and sta-
tions, and preservation of the same

75,000 00

300, 000 00


To enable the Secretary of the Navy to make certain expenditures in experimenting with a view to obtain a correct knowledge of the velocity of light....

Carried forward

5, 000 00

12, 626, 809 79

Appropriations, &c.- Continued.

Brought forward.

For the United States Naval Observatory, the following items, to wit: For solar and stel-
lar photography, $1,000; for illustrations for report on the eclipse of July, 1878, $1,500;
for observing the California eclipse, January, 1880, $600; and for thirty-five woodcuts of
nebula in Orion, $350; in all

To pay certain claims for bounty for the destruction of enemy's vessels, allowed under the
act of June 30, 1864, and duly certified by the proper accounting officers
For furniture and fitting up shelving, file cases, fire apparatus, and similar necessaries for
the Secretary's office and the bureaus of the Navy Department in the east wing of the
new building for the State, War, and Navy Departments, to be available as required,
under direction of the Secretary of the Navy

For repairs to the ropewalk building at the Boston navy-yard, Boston, Mass., new roof
and new floors, and other necessary repairs, to make the building in good condition.
To enable the Secretary of the Navy to pay J. F. H. Claiborne amount due him on ad-
justed account

To enable the Secretary of the Navy to alter and repair the United States ship Antietam,
so as to provide for the marines at League Island station



Capitol extension: For work on the Capitol, and for general repairs thereof, $50,000: Pro-
vided, That $1,500 of this amount may be used for the purchase of file-cases, or boxes for
the file-room of the Clerk's office of the House of Representatives. And hereafter the
disbursing clerk of the Department of the Interior is hereby required to act as disburs
ing clerk of the Architect of the Capitol, and to disburse all moneys appropriated for the
United States Capitol extension and improvement of the grounds, and to receive an an-
nual compensation of $1,000, to be paid out of said appropriation
For renewing and repairing portions of the heating apparatus in the Senate wing of the

To pay C. Brumidi for retouching and blending the picture in fresco on the canopy of the
dome of the Capitol, and for constructing a scaffolding under said picture
Improving Capitol grounds: For improving Capitol grounds

For payment of retained percentages on contracts made during the fiscal year ending June
30, 1876, for paving roadways in Capitol grounds
Lighting the Capitol and grounds: For lighting Capitol and grounds about the same, in-
cluding Botanic Garden and Senate stable; for gas, pay of superintendent of meters,
lamplighters, and gasfitters; for material for electrical battery; and for general repairs
to lamps, pipes, and meters

For the purchase of dynamo-electric machines to take the place of the batteries now used
to ignite the gas in the rotunda, dome, tholus, and House of Representatives
Patent Office building: For the fire-proof reconstruction of the Patent Office building
within the present walls, under the plans submitted to Congress by the Secretary of the
Interior, $150,000, in addition to the unexpended balance of the amount appropriated for
this purpose by the act of June 20, 1878, which is hereby made available for the purpose
orig nally intended; to be expended under the supervision of a board consisting of the
Commissioner of Patents, the Architect of the Capitol, and the Engineer in Charge of
Public Buildings and Grounds

To pay the American Photolithographic Company, the sum of $2,000 is hereby appropria.
ted, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to enable the Commissioner of Patents to
reimburse said company for the actual expenses it incurred in reproducing ten copies
of drawings in 1869 and 1870

$12, 626, 809 79

3,450 00

1,210 16

50,000 00

20,000 00

748 10

7,525 00

50,000 00

4,000 00

700 00

60,000 00

2,217 94

30,000 00

2,400 00

150,000 00

2,000 00

Repairs to court-house, Washington, D. C.: For annual repairs to court-house in the city
of Washington, and for new furnaces
Improvement of grounds, Department of Agriculture: For labor, new implements, pur-
chase of trees for arboretum, and repairs of tools

1,000 00

For stable and building for the better preservation of stock, tools, implements, grain, and so forth

6,500 00

1,500 00



For salaries and commissions of registers of land-offices and receivers of public moneys, at ninety-four local land offices.

For incidental expenses of the several land-offices

For expenses of depositing money received from the sale of public lands.
To meet expenses of protecting timber on the public lands

For surveying the public lands

For surveying confirmed private land-claims in California at the rates per mile prescribed by law, and office expenses

For compensation to William A. McKinney for compiling the reports of the Committees
of Private Land Claims of the Senate and House of Representatives, from the Nine-
teenth Congress to the present time, and for making indexes and correcting proofs, the
sum of $750 in addition to his pay as clerk to the Committee on Private Land-Claims,
which compilation is hereby ordered to be printed

For the preliminary survey of unconfirmed and survey of confirmed private land-claims
in New Mexico, at a rate not exceeding $16 per linear mile, and office expenses
For the preliminary survey of unconfirmed and survey of confirmed private land-claims
in Arizona, at a rate not exceeding $16 per linear mile, and office expenses

Carried forward

386,000 00 100,000 00 10, 000 00 40,000 00 300, 000 00

7,500 00

750 00

10,000 00

15,000 00

13,889, 310 99

Brought forward

Appropriations, &c.-Continued.

Occasional examinations of public surveys in the several surveying districts, in order to test the accuracy of the work in the field, inspect mineral deposits, coal fields, timber districts, &c

Survey of the northern boundary of Wyoming Territory, being that part of the forty-
fifth parallel of north latitude included between the twenty-seventh and thirty-fourth
meridians of west longitude from Washington Observatory

For appraisement of lands and the buildings erected by the United States, and the sale of
the same to the highest bidder, in accordance with the act of June 19, 1874
To enable the Commissioner of the General Land Office to continue to reproduce worn
and defaced official plats of surveys now on file and constituting a part of the records
of said office

For obtaining iron monument from the Colorado River

For translating, copying, and indexing original Spanish archives, and preserving from destruction originals greatly defaced, in the office of the surveyor-general of Califor nia, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior.

For purchase of an iron safe for the said original Spanish archives

To enable the Secretary of the Interior to protect, preserve, and improve the Yellowstone National Park, in compliance with section 2475 of the Revised Statutes of the United States

$13, 889, 310 99

8, 000 00

20, 000 00

5, 000 00

12, 000 00 205 23

9, 000 00 1,000 00

10. 000 00


Contingent expenses, office of surveyor general of Idaho: For rent of office for surveyor general. fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses

Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Louisiana: For fuel, books, station. ery, messenger hire, and other incidental expenses

Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Florida: For rent of office for surveyor general, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses

Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Minnesota: For fuel, books, station-
ery, pay of messenger, and other incidental expenses

Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Dakota: For rent of office of surveyor-
general, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses
Contingent experses, office of surveyor general of Colorado: For rent of office for sur-
veyor-general, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses
Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of New Mexico: For rent of office for sur-
veyor-general, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses.
Contingent expenses, office of surveyor general of California: For fuel, books, stationery,
pay of messenger, and other incidental expenses

1, 000 00

1,000 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

3, 000 00

Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Utah: For rent of office for surveyorgeneral, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses

Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Montana: For rent of office for surveyor-general, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses

Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Oregon: For fuel, books, stationery,
pay of messenger, and other incidental expenses
Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Washington: For rent of office for
surveyor general, fuel, books stationery, and other incidental expenses
Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Nebraska and Iowa: For rent of office
for surveyor-general, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses

Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Nevada: For rent of office for surveyor-general, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1, 500 00

1,500 00

Contingent expenses, office of surveyor general of Arizona: For rent of office for surveyorgeneral, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses

Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Wyoming: For rent of office for surveyor-general, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00


For the salary of the Director of the Geological Survey, which office is hereby estab lished, under the Interior Department, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate

Provided, That this officer shall have th direction of the Geological Survey, and the classification of the public lands and examination of the geological structure, mineral resources, and products of the national domain. And that the Director and members of the Geological Survey shall have no personal or private interests in the lands or mineral wealth of the region under survey, and shall execute no surveys or examinations for private parties or corporations; and the Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, and the Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region, under the Department of the Interior, and the Geographical Surveys West of the One hundredth Meridian, under the War Department, are hereby discontinued, to take effect on the 30th day of June, 1879. And all collections of rocks, minerals, soils, fossils, and objects of natural history, archæology, and ethnology, made by the Coast and Interior Survey, the Geological Survey, or by any other parties for the Government of the United States, when no longer needed for investigations in progress, shall be depos ited in the National Museum.

For the expenses of the Geological Survey and the classification of the public lands and
examination of the geological structure, mineral resources and prolucts of the na-
tional domain, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior
For the expense of a commission on the codification of existing laws relating to the sur-
vey and disposition of the public domain, and for other purposes....

Carried forward

6,000 00

100, 000 00

20,000 00

14, 105, 016 27

Brought forward.

Appropriations, &c.-Continued.

Provided, That the commission shall consist of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, the Director of the United States Geological Survey, and three civilians, to be appointed by the President, who shall receive a per diem compensation of $10 for each day while actually engaged, and their traveling expenses; and neither the Commissioner of the General Land Office nor the Director of the United States Geological Survey shall receive other compensation for their services upon said commission than their salaries, respectively, except their traveling expenses, while engaged on said duties; and it shall be the duty of this commission to report to Congress within one year from the time of its organization, first, a codification of the present laws relating to the survey and disposition of the public domain; second, a system and standard of classification of public lands, as arable, irrigible, timber, pasturage, swamp, coal, mineral lands, and such other classes as may be deemed proper, having due regard to humidity of climate, supply of water for irrigation, and other physical characteristics; third, a system of land-parceling surveys adapted to the economic uses of the several classes of lands; and, fourth, such recommendations as they may deem wise in relation to the best methods of disposing of the public lands of the western portion of the United States to actual settlers.

The publications of the Geological Survey shall consist of the annual report of operations, geological and economic maps illustrating the resources and classification of the lands, and reports upon general and economic geology and paleontology. The annual report of operations of the Geological Survey shall accompany the annual report of the Secretary of the Interior. All special memoirs and reports of said survey shall be issued in uniform quarto series, if deemed necessary by the Director, but otherwise in ordinary octavos. Three thousand copies of each shall be published for scientific exchanges and for sale at the price of publication; and all literary and cartographic materials received in exchange shall be the property of the United States and form a part of the library of the organization; and the money resulting from the sale of such publications shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States [under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, $100,000]. Repealed, portion in brackets, June 20, 1879.

For the preparation of reports, maps, and such other illustrations as may be necessary
for completing the office-work of the Geological and Geographical Survey of the Terri.

For the completion of the reports of the Geographical and Geological Survey of the
Rocky Mountain Region, with the necessary maps and illustrations

For the preparation of reports, maps, and such other illustrations as may be necessary
for completing the office work of the Geographical Surveys West of the One hundredth
Meridian, under the direction of the Secretary of War



Current expenses, Government Hospital for the Insane: For support, clothing, and treatment of the insane of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Revenue Cutter Service, and of all persons who have become insane since their entry into the military or naval service of the United States, and who are indigent, and of the indigent insane of the District of Columbia, in the Government Hospital for the Insane

And of this sum not exceeding $1,000 may be used for transporting patients to their friends: Provided, That one-half of the expense of the indigent patients from the District of Columbia shall be reported to the Treasury Department and charged against the appropriations to be paid toward the expenses of the District by the general government, without regard to the date of their admission.

For airing-courts for the recreation of the inmates, $500; for the completion of the rooms
in the upper story of the bakery, $1,500; for changing a portion of the roof and provid-
ing additional accommodations for employés in the attic story of the hospital building,
$5,000; in all

For fire-pump and additional pipe and hose to complete the provision against fire
For the erection of suitable structures for the present accommodation of patients of the
chronic class

For general repairs and improvements..

$14, 105, 016 27

20,000 00

20,000 00

20, 000 00

160, 000 00

7,000 00 3,000 00

30, 000 00 5,000 00


Current expenses, Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb: For support of the
institution, including salaries and incidental expenses, and $500 for books and illustra
tive apparatus
For expenses in wrapping, tying, directing, and packing the publications of the Bureau
of Education for distribution

50,000 00

1,000 00


Support of Freedmen's Hospital and Asylum, Washington, District of Columbia: For subsistence, $18,000; for salaries and compensation, $9,336; fuel and light, $3,000; clothing and bedding, forage and transportation, miscellaneous expenses and repairs, $5,900; rent of hospital building and grounds, $4,000; medicines and medical supplies, $1,500..

41,736 00


That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to pay, or cause to be paid, in equal portions, to Susanna Marble, Millie Frances Lee, and John Abel Lee,

Carried forward

14,462, 752 27

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