Imágenes de páginas
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Homes, H., Boston, Mass.

Hartman, P., 36 Maiden Lane
New York.

Harang, Th., Banana Grove Plantation, Parish of La Fourche, Raceland post-office, La.

Haley, W., editor of The Enter-
prise, Chico, Cal.
Hyde, Oliver, 122 Taylor street,
San Francisco, Cal.

Fite, Samuel, Philadelphia, Pa

Hollinger, E. N., 12 East Fourteenth street, New York City.

Harris, Nat. R., Philadelphia, Pa
Hunt, William, Woodbury, Md...

John, R. W. S., O'Hara Glass
House, Pittsburgh, Pa,

Irwin, Clarke, Oregon, Holt
County, Missouri.

John, C. V. Fordham, N. Y

Kleinert, J.B., 497 Broome street,
N. Y.

Causes are overproduction and credit system. No legislation can
help matters. On a credit system dealers overload themselves and
supply exceeds demand, whereupon brisk competition ensues and
prices fall ruinously. A cash system is the remedy.
Incoherent and almost illegible. Thinks there is no overproduction;
but that the scheming Republicans sold out when property was
high and now want to control the money-market.

Causes: The war; the sudden abolition of slavery; political an
tagonisms; the countenance given to fraudulent bankrupts and
other dishonest men; the clustering of people about cities. Rem-
edies: Protection (on sugar alone it would save us $81,000,000 an-
nually); love and concord.

Proposes in general terms colonization through a frontier militia, re-
ceiving government aid, and rendering service against the Indians.
Cause: Decrease in the demand for labor on account of machinery.
Remedy: Enforce the eight-hour law. Enlist for three years an
"army of industrial occupation," to settle on government lands,
and provide them with tools, stop paying off the national debt,
and prosecute public works.
Written in very general terms. He would cut down government
expenditure and restore imprisonment for debt. Thinks that if a
workingman would compare his condition with that of an Indian
or a Mexican, he would admit that labor-saving machinery was of
benefit to him.
Causes are 1st. Overtaxation; which is due to the number of offi-
cials, many of whom are unnecessary, at high salaries, and to the
great bonded indebtedness, national, state, and municipal. 2d.
Unjust laws. Women have an advantage over men before the law;
the decisions of the courts are unjust in many cases, as in the mat-
ter of the New York Elevated Railroad, where property-holders'
interests were sacrificed, &c. The Fifteenth Amendment should
be repealed. He believes that "what is good for the boss is good
for the workman"; and that whenever the employer can afford
to he will pay his men well. He is a bookkeeper.
The whole trouble is with the currency. There is but one bulwark
against revolution, a redundancy of paper currency.
Advocates the removal of duties from raw materials. If this were
done our market would widen and prosperity increase; cites the
effect of such action in silk industry.

Is a miner; thinks the chief trouble is with the workingmen them.
selves, and especially with the drift-men, who get from $2.50 to $4
a day, and cannot keep their families as well as sober, industrious
men earning from $1.25 to $1.75 a day. The drinking men average
six drinks a day, which cost them $218 a year, or enough to support
them; they incite most of the strikes; the saloon is their council-
hall, and when excited by drink they do what afterwards they repent.
The whole cause of the depression is the heavy taxation of the last
15 years. If our soil and climate had failed us, we should not have
been surprised at the condition of affairs; but the results of heavy
taxation are the same as those of “bad years," when imposed on
the necessaries of life. In 1846 England was in our condition, and
cured herself in a twelvemonth. We have only need to adopt her
policy of that time.
Thinks the trouble is with the trades-unions, and points out their
evils; they render ignorance able to compete with skill, and are
harmful alike to the sober, intelligent workman and to the employer.
We are in a transition state, due to the introduction of labor-saving
machinery, and there is a demand for employment. In order to
furnish it, take the duty off all raw material, promote ship-build-
ing, foster agriculture, granting homesteads to bona fide settlers
only; tax only manufactured tobacco, incomes, and liquor; limit
the franchise, extend education, and push civil-service reform;
tax (here he is contradictory) church property except the edifice.

Kinzer, G. C., Madison Run Sta- Tax immigrants $100 each; prohibit the admission of coolies; apply tion, Va.

Kallenberg, H., New Rochelle,
N. Y.

Kennedy, A. N., 47 Jane street,
N. Y.

Kirchner, H, 813 R street N. W.,
Washington, D. C.

the proceeds of said tax to paving the interest on the debt; a high tariff on all we produce; admit tea, spices, coffee, &c., free; kill Mr. Wood's bill; issue plenty of greenbacks, tax bonds, create a United States savings-bank. (He earns 90 cents a day on a railroad, and supports a family.)

Cause overproduction by machinery; remedy, 8-hour law, and the regulation of wages according to the cost of living. Organize a department of colonization to control public works and provide settlements for colonists, with tools, &c.; the cost of the imple ments and stock to be repaid without interest.

Causes: repeal of bankrupt law-many went into insolvency to avail themselves of the old law; the proposed change of tariff, by unsettling prices. We are comparable to a machine in perfect order, the drafts of which are stopped by the excess of fuel. Start up public works and take off some of the superfluous labor, and with this impetus the whole machine will act once more.

In general terms advocates colonization, quoting Jackson, Webster, and Galusha Grow; considers Mr. Wright's plan a good one.

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Landon, Albert, Rutland, Vt.....

Lee, W. F., Adirondack P. O.,
N. Y.

Letson, Thomas, 20 Reade street,
N. Y.

Mumford, J. E

Miller, S. C., 110 North Third street, Reading, Pa.

Monroe, J., New York City....

The remedy we need lies in ceasing to sell interest-bearing bonds, retiring national bank currency, making greenbacks legal tender with gold and silver, and paying the debt therein by 1879; arranging a scheme of taxation to yield an excess of $50,000,000 a year over expenditure, this surplus to be destroyed until the debt is so wiped out. Articles we can manufacture should be protected; others should be admitted duty free.

Believes liquor to be a chief cause. By Commissioner Raum's report
there are over 166,000 liquor dealers in the country, and nearly
$596,000,000 were spent for liquor in 1877.

Irrelevant. Wants food-adulteration and all tricks of trade stopped.
Thinks the trouble is due to the revenue laws, which should be re-
pealed; each State should contribute directly its quota of taxation.
The national banks, too, should be done away with.

The United States should grant farms of -- acres, with agricultural
implements and a house, to families of three persons willing to form
a colony. The occupants of each farm should pay one or two hun-
dred dollars in cash; the balance of the actual cost of the house
and tools to be paid in annual installments, at 4 per cent. The gov
ernment should hold first mortgage on the property, and the colo-
nial affairs should be under a department. No liquor should be
sold in the colonies. Eight months of schooling for children in
each year should be compulsory.

The war engendered habits of luxury; catering to these, industry was diverted from its old channels, and to supply the place of hand labor, machinery was invented. Therein is the original source of our present depression. To remedy it the tariff should be reduced one-half. The tax upon liquor and tobacco should be so low as to make it unprofitable to defraud the revenue. State banks should not be taxed. Liberal navigation laws should be passed. Notes and 4 per cent. bonds should be interconvertible. The amount of legal-tenders and the government expenditure should be fixed by By reducing the dutiable list fewer revenue officers would be required. The Army and Navy should be cut down.


McKinney, H., Plymouth, Pa.... Complains that the system of company's stores in the mining region

oppresses both the laborers, who are practically forced to deal at them, and small tradesmen.

McDonough, Th., Mont Clair, N.J. The debtor class owe chiefly in short notes, bonds, and mortgages. The notes and bonds adapt themselves, more or less, to a fluctuating market; mortgages do not. Thus when the relation between gold and paper was 1:2, if A borrowed on mortgage, he has to pay his debt twice over when gold and paper are at par. To remedy this evil he believes a law should be passed making all liens on real estate payable at their gold value at the date when they were made.

May. Mrs. C. W. B., Bridgeport,

Marten, A. W., 32 Oakland ave nue, Jersey City, N. J.

All crises are due to the credit system. Our currency rests not on coin but on debt, and capital fears to invest. The remedy is to "have coin-certificates as money and not to strain credit beyond readily convertible limits." The common welfare also demands the removal of class privileges, e. g., that one to banks of issuing notes not based on coin; the limitation on the powers of railroad corporations; free trade; direct protection to weak industries; direct taxes.

Depression is caused by credit system and machinery. Both tend to the same result, the accumulation of capital in a few hands; enriching the rich, impoverishing the poor. The remedy lies in basing currency on gold and silver as nearly as possible, equal n amount per capita as the currency of nations with which we trade; in abolishing monopolies; in diverting capital to production; in paying well and employing all from the proceeds of taxes imposed on machinery and incomes above $1,000.

Millen, Ed., 139 Macdougal street, Patents, being in their nature monopolies, should be jealously issued, New York City.

and the profits from them should be limited by law. Corporations should not be allowed to inflate their capital; their surplus earnings, now so used, should go toward reducing the prices paid by the public for their articles or services. There should be no protection, and duties should be imposed on as few articles as possible. McLaughlin, M. J., Dubuque, Is an employer. Would have a low rate of interest prescribed by Iowa.

Mahn, Jos., Syracuse, N. Y

national law, and a graduated tax on incomes over $1,000, to form a fund out of which to employ labor on public works. Prices are now as low as in 1861; but wages, owing to the fact that men are only employed a few days in a week, will not average over fifty cents a day.

Contraction is the cause of the depression. At the close of the war we had a good currency. It had no intrinsic value, and therefore was not hoarded but circulated. We need a per capita currency at least equal in amount to that in which the debt was contracted. All laws looking to resumption should be repealed. Labor-saving machinery will in the end be a blessing, but it is bad doctrine to preach retrenchment in consumption. To consume is life's chief pleasure; not to do so is to be a savage, &c.

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Moore, Stephen, 1243 Third avenue, New York City.

Manning, S. N., Kankakee, Ill

Merriken, F. M., Baltimore, Md..
Niewland, E. J., Brooklyn, N. Y

The cause is a glut in the labor market. The remedy is to loan every
industrious citizen $1,000, and place him on the public land; let the
rate of interest be low, and collect none the first year; provide
them with implements, appoint farmers as inspectors, and if any
so benefited squander their money withdraw their privileges.
The chief causes are over-production, and great immigration. The
remedy against the latter evil is some such rule as that no person
shall be allowed to come to this country who is not possessed of a
capital of $1,000, if the head of a family; or, if a single man, $500,
or the right of settlement in some agricultural colony.
Contraction and high rates of interest are the causes. Resumption
is the remedy.
Sends several pamphlets embodying his views; believes the chief
cause of all financial trouble to be the corruption of financial edi
tors by the great capitalists. This he would remedy by establish-
ing a paper under government control, to inform the public truth-
fully of the state of the markets.

Newton, Chas. O., Homer, N. Y... Times are only hard if compared to the "flush" days of the war.

Nicholson, W. J., 45, Tribune
Building, New York.

Pollock, J. A., 471 Newark avenue, Jersey City.

For farming communities they are better than before the war. But the present generation having grown up among fictitious values, does not know the true value of a dollar. We need more labor in the fields and a smaller consumptiou of rum and tobacco. The cause is small consumption. The remedy, (1) to make the na tional currency legal tender in payment of customs and debts to the United States; (2) to establish government savings banks; (3) protection; (4) to foster ship-building; (5) to cut the Darien Canal; (6) complete the Northern and Southern Pacific roads; (7) revoke all railroad grants except sufficient roadway; (8) revise patent and postal laws; (9) make the Interior an industrial bureau, and settle Indians and other poor families on the public lands; (10) consolidate the War and Navy Departments; (11) substitute a ward sys tem of nominations for that of the caucus. In the "flush times" individual credit was overstrained, whence resulted an abnormal development of trade; on account of the shrinkage in values the debis so freely contracted then have now to be paid in a currency worth twice that in which they were con tracted, and thus the capital which should be pushing forward is busy bringing up the rear. Other causes are, high rates of interest; the absorption of capital by the national debt in bonds; laborsaving machinery; the concentration of trade into large firms, killing out small enterprises (for the profits on iron, wool, cotton, &c., are too small to support trade except on a great scale); the present too great economy of all people; and finally, intemperance. By way of remedy are suggested, a railroad built by the government ont of its lands across the continent, and carrying freights at actual cost; another one from New York to the Mississippi River; and the fostering of agriculture by a national loan to counties, and by them to all who desire to go into farming, the rate of interest being 2 per cent.

Pingree, L. F., 8 High street, Port- The cause of the depression is the abundance of all kinds of securiland, Me.

Peck, A. T., Danbury, Conn

Parker, T., Baltimore, Md

Packard, A., 155 South street,
New York City.

ties in the market which bear a high rate of interest; these divert capital from industrial investments. The remedy lies in a redis tribution of labor. The national bank system should be abolished. The reason labor does not earn enough to buy the products of farms and factories, is that capital finds in funds and banking the best investment. The history of national banks shows that it does not injure the government or increase the debt for the Treasury to loan money without interest. Establish, therefore, all over the country branch banks at which any voter can borrow $5,000 to secure a home, pledging himself to pay principal and 4 per cent interest, and to maintain national and legal-tender notes at par. As every dollar would be secured by a dollar's worth of property, there would be no loss.

Proposes this scheme of colonization. Let the government survey bodies of land, good for farming, containing 1,000 lots of 160 acres each, to be numbered, the even-numbered lots to belong to the United States, and to be sold by them. Let the odd-numbered lots be taken up by inhabitants of cities containing over 25,000 souls; the grantees to be over 25 years old and residents of the country for five years and of the city for one. Advance to the colonists A tents and ammunition, together with a non-interest bearing loan of $500 payable in fifteen years. From this loan let them buy at cost from the government depot necessary stock and implements. Give them free transportation to the colonies, and require an oath to support its welfare. Let the land only be granted to the destitute and confirm the title at the end of fifteen years on payment of the loan by the settler or his heirs. Let the colonies be under su pervision by agents, and do not allow one to be started until the entire 1,000 lots of every other one are occupied. This plan would relieve the prevailing distress, restore prosperity, and solve the Indian problem.

The various religious organizations should be allowed to pre-empt townships and to settle on each one colonies of 100 families.

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Palmer, E. F., 560 Third avenue,
New York City.

Purdy, James W., 33 Lawrence street, Newark, N. J.

Ract, B

Rich, Josiah, 75 Broad street, New
Ramage, Adam, Holyoke, Mass..

William Ruchrwein, with Fay &
Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.

On behalf of the "Society of Industry and Labor," writes in very gen

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could be remedied prosecuting public works, promoting colonization, fostering commerce, and destructively taxing corporations. The cause is over-production through machinery. There is plenty for sale but no money to buy with. The remedies are (1), to curtail the hours of labor; (2), to prevent the employment of children under fifteen in factories: (3), a protective tariff; (4), to issue greenbacks to pay the debt; (5), to establish government depositories in which the people might bank.

The government should establish savings banks paying 4 per cent. on
deposits up to $1,000, deposits to that amount to be invested in a
bond. There should also be government pawn-shops, the interest
on pledges not to exceed 8 per cent. There should also be a gov-
ernment tobacco factory. These three measures would afford great
The cause is a protective tariff. He argues this at length.
Protests as a workingman against being represented by the average
labor-reformer. The cause of the depression was the war expendi
ture of borrowed money. At the close of the war the army of con-
sumers became producers, and every one found himself in debt.
The remedy is to go to work and pay our obligations. If Congress
will only let matters alone it will be worth more to each citizen
than $80 and two mules.

Incloses his letter to Cincinnati Gazette. Proposes the setting
apart of 25 sections of government land as a commencement.
The United States to furnish a steam plow, a house for each
family that will take a farm on its terms, provided they are moral
citizens and out of work; each house to be built on four acres of
the middle section, fifty acres additional being provided each
family for farming; crops to be brought to government storehouse
for sale: the government to hold part of the land; night schools to
be established, &c. The estimated cost of so locating 240 families
is $331,680; the estimated rate of payment to the government

George Rhey, Millwood, Pa...... Commenced farming on his present location in 1860, when the prices

Joslin, J. H., Second Auditor's
Office, Washington, D. C.
Schulein, S., Fort Scott, Kans

Sharp, Th. W., 1018 Berks street,
Philadelphia, Pa.

Samelson, W., 7 Rutgers Place,
New York.

Smith, Q. L., Buffalo, N. Y
Sperry, D. R., Batavia, Ill..

Selleck, M., New York City

of agricultural produce were about the same as those of the previous decade. Laborers were comfortable, and owners reaped about six per centum on money invested in land. During the war prices reached their maximum and remained thereat until the crisis of 1873. Since then they have gradually fallen, and now are for most articles at the minimum of the last thirty years. The price of farms has risen and fallen in like ratio. During the war and until 1873 farmers realized at least six per cent. on capital invested. Now they do not realize 2 per cent. Farm products are more abundant now than in 1860. Prior to 1873 operatives were fully employed. Now the demand for their services is greatly curtailed, and those who are at work are on short time. Wages are as low as at any time during forty years. Manufacturers and mining operators are losing money. The end will be that all gov ernment and corporate securities will lose their value unless their holders diminish their demand.

Incloses a printed slip, wherein he attributes the cause of the de-
pression to labor-saving machinery.

The prevailing depression and three-fourths of the failures, drunk-
enness, and idleness are due to secret mercantile agencies.
The remedy lies in fixing wages at from $2 to $2.50 per diem, and
curtailing the hours of work.

Argues in a very long communication to the general effect that the
introduction of labor-saving machinery is the great cause of the
depression. But for it there would be an increased employment of
labor, and consequently of consumption. It should be taxed out
of existence. So far as the effect of this upon our foreign relations
is concerned, it may be said that we can dispense with their luxu-
ries better than they can forego our necessaries.
The cause of the prevailing distress is not so much lack of work as
starvation wages. There is production in excess of demand.
The remedy lies in shortening the day's work.

Argues against leasing convict labor to contractors, as its competi-
tion is ruinous. No State should be allowed to adopt such a
system; but convicts might properly be employed in chain-gangs
on public works. States prisons should be abolished. Each
county should manage its own criminals.
Proposes many general measures by way of remedy, chief among
which are the abolition of the United States Senate, the issue of
currency at the fixed rate of $58 per capita, and a gradual diminu-
tion of the hours of labor, beginning with a six-hour law.

Singleton, W. B., Lockport, N. Y. The government should plant colonies. Every colonist should bind

himself to remain five years on the land granted him, at the end of which time he should have the fee. The government should reserve alternate farms in the colonies, from the sale of which the expenses of the undertaking might be defrayed. A compromise should be effected with the railroads, under which cheap transpor


List of communications, &c.—Continued.

Singleton, W. B.-Continued.....

Steuber, A., 61 Bowers street,
Jersey City Heights, N. J.

Thompson, J. S., Chicago, Ill....


tation could be had for the settlers. Capitalists would find a re-
munerative field for investment in colonization.

The chief cause of the depression is the control of legislation by cap-
ital, and especially by corporations. The payment of large divi-
dends on watered stock depresses the rate of wages. We need
tenure of office during good behavior for all officials, including
thereunder members of Congress; an eight-hour law; direct taxa-
tion; courts of arbitration, instead of the present courts, wherein
the expense of litigation would be borne by theState, &c.
Is a workingman, who saves more than he did in war times, and
thinks there is no real depression. Has always found work. Be
lieves liquor and labor agitators are the great causes of discontent.

Ullman, H. C., 137 Broadway, Chiefly a quotation from Webster's speech of May 25, 1832, on the
New York.

Van Wagenan, J., 38 Bayeaux st.,
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Vose, N., Whittier, Lake County,

Van Benschotten, S., 76 Broad
street, New York.

Warmoth, M. M., Brandenburg,

Winston, W. H., New York......
Wood, S. S., 27 West Twenty-
fourth street, New York.

Woodruff, E. P., Chicago, Ill....

Wolz, Wm., San Francisco.......

bill to renew the charter of the United States bank, pointing out the evils of a paper currency. Paper money, corporate misman agement, heavy taxes, and the bankrupt law just repealed he believes to be the causes of the distress.

Writes at great length, maintaining that nearly all the distress of the country is due to the use of intoxicating liquor; if this is checked the country will soon recover.

Underconsumption, due to contraction, and not overproduction is the cause. The remedy is to return to the old amount of currency. Is a merchant of thirty years' standing, and believes that labor-saving machinery, railroads, and telegraphs, which have revolutionized the methods of business, are the causes of the depression. The rem edy is to colonize the idle on public lands, advancing to each family of five $250. For the present push on public works and let all who can employ labor.

Contraction is the cause; inflation is the remedy.

Sends an exposition of the causes assigned for the depression by the
Greenback party, and indorsed by Mr. Peter Cooper.
Is an iron-worker, and believes the duty on raw materials and the
great number of olicials are one among the chief causes of the de-
pression. Capital, he thinks, is aggressive in its influence on legis
lation and will seek, before long, to establish a large standing army
for its protection.

Gives a great many statistics to show that the manufacturing inter-
est is developed out of proportion to agricultural interests. And
gives the details of a colonization scheme in which the only remedy
lies. The government should stop the sale of public lands and set-
the people upon them, retaining itself the fee, and defraying the ex-
pense by an issue of greenbacks, to be repaid by the colonists.
Secretary of the Cigar-Makers' Union, San Francisco. In 1860 cigar-
makers received from $18 to $30 a thousand; in 1866 they received
from $15 to $20 a thousand; now they receive from $7 to $12, so that
wages do not average $7 a week. The causes are the tenement-
house system of the East and Chinese immigration.

Whitehouse, F. C., Newport...... Calls attention to the manner in which capitalized expectation of profit is made to do duty as capital. (His letter is among those accepted.)

Workingman's Society, 115 Chris Submit the case of a tailor who came to this country twenty-five years tie street, New York.

Whiteford, J., 1188 Union avenue,
Kansas City, Mo.

Winslow, Ed., Boston, Mass..

Wolf, G. F., 277 East Fayette st.,
Baltimore, Md.

ago with household goods and $225. This, with $600 more inherited, is gone. The family of three, working sixteen hours a day, only earn $10 a week. The causes of the depression are long hours and labor-saving machinery.

Does not agree with Mr. Horace White that people won't go on the land. Of 1,000 men with whom he talked in Saint Louis soup houses 360 "took the pledge," and said that it was their great desire to take up government land. A great cause of depression is the amount of capital consumed in vice.

Thinks the trouble is due to mental causes, which cannot be eradia cated in this generation, but may be in the next; i. e., people sre not content to live modestly on small earnings. The remedy is in education, partly by offering prizes to well-educated families, by giving rewards as well as inflicting punishments, and by abolishing time-contracts.

Every one should spend freely. The government should prosecute public works; by the consequent circulation of money prosperity would return.

Williams, S. M., 128 Leroy street, The number of office-holders should be reduced to 60,000; this would New York. save $90,000,000. The national banks should be abolished, and greenbacks issued with which to buy $300,000,000 of bonds. The saving of interest so etected, together with that due to the reduction of officials, would enable us to pay annually $100,000,000 of our debt.

Young, F. S., 110 E. Seventeenth The panic was due to contracting the currency from $50 to $15 per street. New York.

Zuarf, John H.

capita. The remedy is indation.

Lay an export duty on raw material except coal and iron: lay no import on prime materials. Enable citizens to buy vessels abroad. Give no subsidies to private lines, but give premiums to ship-builders for vessels made during a specified time.

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