Imágenes de páginas

be needed from posthumous and contingent funds. After consideration, on motion of General Negley, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That authority be given the governor and treasurer of Central Branch to borrow so much as may be needed, not exceeding $6,000, from the said funds for the construction of said building, the amount to be repaid when the same can conveniently

be done.

The original applications for admission of the following soldiers are refused, the proof of disability incurred in the service being, in the opinion of the board, insufficient:

Edwin W. Harris, late Company G, One hundred and seventeenth Indiana Volunteers, and K, First United States Infantry.

Joseph McGarvey, laté Company B, First United States Rifles, Mexi

can war.

Isaac S. Rawlings, late Company F, Fortieth Missouri Volunteers. The application of the following for readmission for good and sufficient reasons appearing to the board is refused:

George W. Hope, late Company A, Sixth New York Cavalry.

The petition of Jacob Maus, late Company A, First West Virginia Volunteers, for discharge is granted, and the governor authorized to grant


The application of Patrick M. McDonald, of Central Branch, is referred to Colonel Brown for report of facts to the next meeting of the board. The application for readmission of John W. Geiger, late Company D, Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, dishonorably discharged from Central Branch, is refused.


The president, with the approval of the board, authorized the following to be placed upon the minutes:

The case of George S. Bethard, late Company II, Eighteenth United States Infantry, has been brought before the board by a communication from Governor Brown, accompanied with voluminous papers and documents, consisting largely of communications in writing and print by Bethard himself. The evidence fully satisfies the Board of Managers that Bethard is insane. That element in his case, at the time he was unconditionally readmitted to the Northwestern Branch, was not before the board so fully that competent consideration was given to it. If it had been, the board could only have admitted him as it did, unconditionally, because the very malicious, willful, and immoral acts attributed to him, being the result of insanity, ought not to be punished, as the emanations of an insane mind, when they break out into acts, are never punished by law. Therefore Bethard's case must stand in this way: He is unconditionally readmitted; he could only be honorably discharged, if he desired to leave the Home, if his insanity was not apparent to the governor of the Northwestern Branch who signed that discharge. But as the discharge may be used to give him credit with other people, the board put on record their conviction, in a matter in which they cannot have and do not have any doubt, that Bethard, although very vicious, is quite insane.

The board regrets that its action and the action of the governor of the Northwestern Branch seems to imply non-concurrence, if no more, with the action recommended and taken by Governor Brown, with which the board would have concurred undoubtedly, if the facts had been as well known at the time of its action as they are now known to the board. Except for the conviction of the board that the man is insane, he would H. Mis. 28-7

be the subject of the most severe discipline and punishment that could be inflicted by the board, or by the governor of the Central Branch.

The president read a communication from General Hincks as to special appropriations needed at said branch. After statement by Local Manager Wolcott, the following was adopted:

Resolved, That $12,000 be appropriated for new boilers and other improvements needed, and that authority, be and is hereby, given to the deputy governor to use the $1,000 heretofore appropriated for inclosing dancing pavilion for purpose of enlarging and improving the building for workshops.

The application of Dennis Conley, late Company D, Twelfth Iowa Volunteers, for remission of penalty heretofore imposed, is refused.

The application of Honora McGrath, of Boston, Mass., for effects of her brother, Peter Manning, late Company E, Nineteenth Massachusetts Volunteers, and of Northwestern Branch, is approved, and the treasurer authorized to pay over same to her.

The application for readmission of John J. Brady, late Company I, Eighth New Jersey Volunteers, and of Northwestern Branch, is refused, the disability shown being insufficient under the law to entitle him to benefits of the Home.

The application of Robert Cook, late Company I, Nineteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, is refused, no sufficient disability being shown to entitle him to benefits of home.

The application of George W. Barber, late chaplain and present postmaster at Northwestern Branch, for quarters, or commutation for quarters, fuel, lights, &c., is so far approved as to grant him an allowance of $150 per year, payable quarterly, on condition he continue to perform the duties which he has heretofore performed, and such other duties in hospital and elsewhere as the governor shall from time to time impose upon him.


The visiting committee to Southern Branch reported a list of inmates, recommended for discharge by Board of Examining Surgeons, but retained by the deputy governor, under order of the board made at the December meeting, for inspection of the committee, which, being unable to agree, submitted the matter for the final determination of the board. The board proceeded to examine the evidence in each case, and after consideration, concluded that the following men are at present sufficiently disabled to be entitled to the benefits of the Home, and therefore directed that they be retained:

Patrick Alwell, late Company B, Sixty-ninth New York Volunteers. Philip Egan, late Company C, New York Mounted Rifles.

Christopher Floris, late Company C, Fifty-second Pennsylvania Vol


William Hart, late Company C, Forty-eighth New York Volunteers. John Kuntzman, late Company E, Fifteenth New Jersey Volunteers. John Lyons, late Company E, Sixty-second New York Volunteers. George Lovegrove, late Company A, First New York Engineers. Benedict Meserly, late Company A, One hundred and third New York Volunteers.

L. B. Murphy, late Company G, Sixty-fifth New York Volunteers. M. G. McNamara, late Company I, Ninetieth New York Volunteers. Charles Oclkers, late Company D, Forty-first New York Volunteers. David Patterson, late Company D, Seventh New York Volunteers. Mills Read, late Company H, First United States Colored Cavalry. William S. Scott, late Company A, Thirty-second Pennsylvania Colored Volunteers.

Charles Schultz, late Company G, One hundred and third New York Volunteers.

Owen Sullivan, late Second New York Cavalry.

Henry Warren, late Company I, Second Maryland Volunteers.

Resin Webster, late Company E, Second District of Columbia Volun


And that the following have sufficiently recovered to be able to support themselves, and therefore be discharged:

Michael Flannagan, late Company K, Eighteenth New York Volun


Frederick Grasso, late Company G, Forty-sixth New York Volun


Antony Molitar, late First Vermont Reserve Corps.

William Miller, late Company F, Fifth New York Heavy Artillery. John Rafferty, late Company I, Eighth United States Infantry.

The application of George Dempsey, late Company K, Eighth New Jersey Volunteers, and of Southern Branch, for remission of penalty heretofore imposed, is refused, no sufficient reason appearing for favor asked.

The application of Mrs. Elizabeth Reich, of Baltimore, Md., for effects of her late husband, John Reich, who died at Southern Branch, is approved, and treasurer authorized to pay over the same to her.

The applications of the following for transfer from Southern to Northwestern Branch are refused, they having deserted from Southern Branch. They must go back to Southern Branch at their own expense or be summarily discharged from Northwestern Branch:

William H. Hopkins, late Company D, Nineteenth Wisconsin Volun


John D. Parmeter, late Company G, Sixty-seventh Pennsylvania Vol



The application of Maria Cummings, administratrix of Benjamin Cummings, late of Eastern Branch, and dependent mother of said decedent, for effects of said decedent, is approved, and treasurer directed to turn over same to said administratrix.

The application of Joseph Walton, late Company D, First New Jersey Light Artillery, for readmission is refused, there being no disability to entitle him, under the law, to the benefits of the Home.

The application of John McGuire, late Company C, Twenty-sixth Massachusetts Volunteers, for readmission upon special terms by him named, is refused. He can only be readmitted in the manner and upon the terms heretofore prescribed by the board.


The president then presented to the board his estimates for the funds required for the purposes of the National Home for the quarter ending June 30, 1878, which, after careful consideration and revision, were fixed as follows:

Central Branch:

For current expenses and repairs.

For continuation of work on new lakes for increased water supply....

Eastern Branch:

For current expenses and repairs..

For manufactures

Northwestern Branch:

For current expenses and repairs....

For new boilers, and changes made necessary thereby.....

$100,000 00

3,000 00

31,577 00 3,745 00

25, 600 00 12, 000 00

Southern Branch:

For current expenses and repairs...

For construction, being new bath-house, $600; building for smokingrooms, &c., $1,700; portable engine, $700; and additions to governor's residence, $1,700; making a total of..

$34,000 00

4,800 00

110,000 00

For clothing, underclothing, and bedding for hospitals and quarters
(see report of committee and resolution of board).
For incidental expenses, outdoor relief, &c


Thereupon the following resolution was adopted:

6,000 00

330,722 00

Resolved, That the Board of Managers estimate the sum of $330,722 as necessary to meet the current expenses of the four branches of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers for the quarter ending June 30, 1878, and for construction, repairs, clothing, bedding, outdoor relief, and incidental expenses of the National Home for the quarter, and that the acting treasurer be, and is hereby, authorized and empowered to take such measures as may be necessary to obtain said sum from the Treasury of the United States, and to receipt for the same in the name and behalf of the National Home.


General Martindale offered the following preamble and resolution, which were adopted:

Whereas it appears that the expenses of Col. John Cassells, formerly deputy governor of the Northwestern Branch, in attendance at Milwaukee, Wis., at the time of the audit of his accounts, were incurred pursuant to the direction of one of the committee requiring his personal attendance: Therefore,

Resolved, That those expenses, amounting to $195, be allowed and paid by the


There being no further business, on motion, the board adjourned to hold its next meeting at the office of General Butler, in city of Boston, on Friday, July 5, 1878, at 5 o'clock p. m., and then to visit and inspect the Eastern Branch.




BOSTON, MASS., Friday, July 5, 1878. The managers met at the office of General Butler at 5 o'clock p. m.; but there being less than a quorum present, on motion, the board adjourned, to meet at the Eastern Branch, near Augusta, Me., July 6, at 12 o'clock m.

Saturday, July 6, 1878.

The board met, pursuant to adjournment, at the Eastern Branch, at 12 o'clock m.

There were present General B. F. Butler, president; Chief Justice M. R. Waite; General J. H. Martindale; Hon. H. L. Bond; Dr. E. B. Wolcott; General Richard Coulter.

A dispatch was received from the Secretary of War, who had arranged to meet with the board, that he was unavoidably detained away.

There being less than a quorum in attendance, the members present

proceeded to an informal consideration of the affairs of the National Home, and an inspection of the Eastern Branch especially, and then, on motion, the board adjourned, to meet at the Surgeon-General's Office, in the city of Washington, on the 11th day of July, 1878, at 10 o'clock

a. m.

Washington, D. C., July 11, 1878.

The board met, pursuant to adjournment, at the office of the SurgeonGeneral, Washington, D. C., on the 11th day of July, 1878, at 10 o'clock.

a. m.

General B. F. Butler in the chair.

There were also present the President of the United States; the Chief Justice, M. R. Waite; General J. H. Martindale; Hon. H. L. Bond; Dr. E. B. Wolcott; General R. Coulter.

The president called the attention of the board to the act of Congress at its last session, by which

Col. John A. Martin, of Atchison, Kans., had been appointed a manager of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, in place of General John S. Cavender, whose term of office had expired.

Col. Leonard A. Harris, of Cincinnati, Ohio, had been appointed a manager, in place of Hon. Lewis B. Gunckel, whose term of office had expired.

On motion, it was—

Resolved, That the appointment of the Hon. Lewis B. Gunckel, of Ohio, one of the Board of Managers, having terminated under the terms of the act of incorporation, and as Mr. Gunckel has filled the office of secretary, that office has now become vacant, and a quorum being present, the board will now proceed to fill the office by ballot.

Thereupon the ballots of the several members of the board were received and counted, and appeared to have been cast for John H. Martindale, secretary; and John H. Martindale was then declared secretary of the Board of Managers.

The following declaration was made by the board, and, on motion, directed to be recorded with the proceedings:

Whereas by the expiration of his term of office as manager we have lost an efficient secretary, Hon. Lewis B. Gunckel, who has hitherto filled that office by successive elections from the beginning of our organization, and with entire satisfaction to the board and each of its members, we tender him our thanks for his energy, industry, and care in the duties of his office as secretary, and part with him with regret, and trust that his after life may be as pleasant to himself as his connection with the Board of Managers has been useful to them and the beneficiaries of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers.


The regular quarterly reports from the several branches, including returns, estimates, &c., were received, examined, and placed on file.

A report was received from Governor Smyth and General Negley, visiting committee to the Central Branch, that they had examined the accounts of the treasurer of that branch for the year ending January 1. 1878, and found the same correct, and supported by proper vouchers. The report was ordered on file.

The board proceeded to consider applications of discharged soldiers for readmission to the several branches of the National Home.

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