John Reilly, late Company B, Thirty-ninth Ohio Volunteers. Henry Jones, late Company D, Nineteenth Indiana Volunteers. And the following, on condition that he assign absolutely, to the National Home, one-half of his entire pension for the period of six months: Robert F. Cones, late Company A, Second United States Artillery. READMISSIONS TO EASTERN BRANCH. The following soldiers, heretofore discharged, were, for sufficient reasons, readmitted unconditionally: George Walker, late Company F, Fifteenth Massachusetts Volunteers. Charles M. Dodge, late Company E, Third Maine Volunteers. Neal McCafferty, late Company H, Twentieth Massachusetts Volun teers. Charles L. Curtis, late Company G, Sixteenth New York Cavalry. Michael A. Grady, late Company B, Twenty-eighth Massachusetts Volunteers. Cornelius Connell, late Company H, Fifth New York Volunteers. Moses Lomber, late Company K, Fifty-seventh Massachusetts Volunteers. Michael Foley, late Company K, Fifty-seventh Massachusetts Volunteers. William Golding, late Company I, Twenty-second Massachusetts Vol unteers. Joseph N. Shailer, late Company B, Fourteenth Connecticut Volun teers. Jacob Robishe, late Company D, Seventy-sixth Illinois Volunteers. And the following, on condition that he do such work or duty as the deputy governor shall direct, for the period of two months, without pay: Charles A. Grosvenor, late Company D, Fifth New York Cavalry. And the following, on condition that they do such work or duty as the deputy governor shall direct, for the period of three months, without pay: Jeremiah Sullivan, late Company K, Nineteenth Massachusetts Vol unteers. Henry Knowles, late Company C, One hundred and third Ohio Vol unteers. And the following, on condition that he do such work or duty as the deputy governor shall direct, for the period of six months, without pay: William Rehmeir, late Company B, Twentieth Massachusetts Volun teers. And the following, on condition that they assign absolutely, to the National Home, one-third of their entire pension for the period of two months: Patrick Dwyer, late Company D, Twenty-eighth Massachusetts Vol unteers. John R. Joy, late Company G, First Massachusetts Volunteers. And the following, on condition that he assign absolutely, to the National Home, one-half of his entire pension for the period of three months: Edward McWilliams, late Company A, Tenth Massachusetts Volunteers. And the following, on condition that they assign absolutely, to the National Home, one-third of their entire pension for the period of four months: Martin C. Hetherston, late Company E, Seventh Massachusetts Volunteers. James Donohue, late Company K, Fortieth New Jersey Volunteers. Patrick Sullivan, late Company D, Eleventh Massachusetts Volunteers. The following applications for readmission were refused-the testimony showing that they are not sufficiently disabled to entitle them to the benefits of the Home: William P. Donnell, late Company I, Seventh Massachusetts Volunteers. Albert A. Woodworth, late Company H, Fourth New Hampshire Volunteers. Simon H. Whitney, late Company C, Eleventh Massachusetts Volunteers. Patrick Dolan, late Company H, Eleventh Massachusetts Volunteers. Thomas Conolly, late Company E, Fourth Rhode Island Volunteers. READMISSIONS TO NORTHWESTERN BRANCH. The following soldiers, heretofore discharged, were, for sufficient reasons, readmitted unconditionally: Sidney O. Wanzer, late Company K, Thirty-sixth Illinois Volunteers. Henry Meyers, late Company C, Twenty-seventh Michigan Volunteers. August Eberenz, late Eleventh United States Infantry. William H. Gravell, late Company C, Eighty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers. John R. Miller, late Company D, First Connecticut Volunteers. William Schneider, late Company F, Nineteenth Indiana Volunteers. Ferdinand Mittlestaedt, late Company H, Third Michigan Cavalry. Adam Weitz, late Company K, Sixteenth Michigan Volunteers. Dennis Nichol, late Company H, Seventeenth Wisconsin Volunteers. Joseph Power, late Company H, Twenty-first Ohio Volunteers. Griffith O. Evans, late Quartermaster's Department, United States Army. Herman Flock, late Company D, Forty-first Missouri Volunteers. And the following, on condition that he do such work or duty as the deputy governor shall direct, for the period of two months, without pay: Henry P. Robinson, late Company E, Baltimore Volunteers (Mexican war). And the following, on condition that they do such work or duty as the deputy governor shall direct, for the period of three month, swithout pay: Thomas Raush, late Company A, Thirty-fifth Wisconsin Volunteers. Chauncey Shearer, late Company K, Ninth Michigan Volunteers. And the following, on condition that he do such work or duty as the deputy governor shall direct, for the period of six months, without pay: Gottlieb Herrman, late Company A, Fifth Wisconsin Volunteers. And the following, on condition that they do such work or duty as the deputy governor shall direct, for the period of one year, without pay: William Raush, late Company F, Ninth Wisconsin Volunteers. Isaac Johnson, late Company G, Sixtieth New York Volunteers. And the following, on condition that they assign absolutely, to the National Home, one-half of their entire pension for the period of one month: Frederick Westenberg, late Company A, Second Michigan Volunteers. Florian Fountain, late Company F, First Michigan Sharpshooters. And the following, on condition that he assign absolutely, to the National Home, one-half of his entire pension for the period of two months: Henry Brady, late Company G, Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers. And the following, on condition that they assign absolutely, to the National Home, one-half of their entire pension for the period of three months: Michael Curley, late Company I, Fourteenth New York Heavy Artillery. George Boucher, late Company A, Seventy-sixth New York Volun teers. William Murnan, late Company B, Twenty-third Illinois Volunteers. And the following, on condition that he assign absolutely, to the National Home, one-half of his entire pension for the period of six months: John Reed, late Company G, Thirty-fourth New York Volunteers. And the following, on condition he go back to Central Branch, pay his own transportation, and forfeit one-half of his pension for six months: Christian Wenger, late Third Ohio Independent Battery. The following, having no disability entitling to the benefits of the Home, is refused readmission: Anton Froahlinger, late Company D, Twenty-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers. READMISSIONS TO SOUTHERN BRANCH. The following soldiers, heretofore discharged, were, for sufficient reasons, readmitted unconditionally: George Mordaunt, late Company I, Fourteenth New Jersey Volunteers. Louis Maher, late Company C, Sixty-ninth New York Volunteers. John Phillips, late Company I, Fifth United States Artillery. And the following, on condition that they do such work or duty as the deputy governor shall direct, for the period of three months, without pay: Frederick Culver, late Company A, Fourth New York Volunteers. Henry Maudsley, late Company B, Thirteenth New York Artillery. And the following, on condition that they assign absolutely, to the National Home, one-half of their entire pension for the period of one month: John A. Sharp, late Company A, Third New Jersey Volunteers. John L. White, late Company K, Thirtieth New York Volunteers. And the following, on condition that they assign absolutely, to the National Home, one-half of their entire pension for the period of three months: Henry Taylor, late Company E, One hundred and thirty-ninth New York Volunteers. Michael Gaffney, late Company A, One hundred and first New York Volunteers. And the following, on condition that he assign absolutely, to the National Home, one-half of his entire pension for the period of three months, and do such work or duty as the deputy governor shall direct for the same period: Henry Paulie, late Company D, Fifteenth New York Volunteers. The application of the following is held inadmissible, and readmission refused: Henry Harris, late Company C, Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Volunteers. On motion, the board then took a recess until to-morrow (Wednesday) morning, at ten o'clock. LEWIS B. GUNCKEL, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-GENERAL, The Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers met, pursuant to adjournment, this (Wednesday) morning, March 20, 1878, President Butler in the chair, and present same managers as on yesterday. GENERAL BUSINESS. On the suggestion of the president, the board proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year. General Negley was appointed teller, and, after the ballots were counted, the result was declared as follows: President-General Butler. First Vice-President-General Martindale. Chief Justice Waite reported that the committee to whom was referred the question of pensions growing out of the recent decision in the case of Louis Loeser's Administrators vs. National Homes, United States district court at Milwaukee, had carefully examined the record in said case and the opinion of the judge therein, and come to the conclusion that a modification in the form of the assignment of pensions to the Home was necessary, and that in future the assignment should be, not in trust, but absolutely, and subject only to the laws of Congress and the rules, regulations, and orders which had been, or might hereafter be, made by the Board of Managers. The committee therefore report for adoption certain amendments to the rules heretofore adopted by the board; but in so doing do not recommend or contemplate any change, at the present, in the other rules and regulations of the Home or the practice of the governors in the disposition of the pensions. The committee recommend that paragraph two of the order made September 5, 1867, and found on printed minutes, page 15, be, and is hereby, amended to read as follows: 2d. That in the case of any beneficiary of the Home having a wife, child, or parent dependent upon him for support, the governor of the Home, subject to the direction of the Board of Managers, may order all or a portion of his pension sent to such relative by the treasurer. And that paragraph three of said order be, and is hereby, amended to read as follows: Each beneficiary, not having such dependent relative, shall pay for his clothing, except the one suit donated him by Congress, from such pension, so far as the same may be adequate, at the cost thereof, to the Home, and the remainder of such pension shall be held by treasurer subject to such rules, regulations, and orders of the Board of Managers as may from time to time be made. And that paragraph four of said order be amended to read as follows: That in case of desertion or dishonorable discharge the unappropriated pension shall become the property of the Home, except in the case of a pensioner having a dependent wife, child, or parent, in which case it may be sent by the governor of the Home, subject to the direction of the Board of Managers, to such dependent relative. And that the order as to admissions and readmissions, found in printed minutes, page 77, be, and is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: As a condition of admission, or a condition of my continuing to enjoy [as the case may be the benefits of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, I stipulate and agree that I will abide by and obey all the rules and regulations made by the Board of Managers, or by their order; that I will perform all the duties required of me and obey all the lawful orders of the officers of the Home; and [in case he receives a pen sion] the following, to wit: And that I do hereby transfer to the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers my pension-certificate and the moneys secured thereby, and empower the treasurer of the Home to draw the said moneys, and hold and dispose of the same subject to the laws of Congress and the rules, regulations, and orders which have been made, or which may from time to time be made, by the Board of Managers. After careful consideration, the report of the committee was adopted, and the amendments passed as reported. On motion of Governor Smyth, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the Secretary be, and is hereby, instructed to conform the printed blanks for application for admission and readmission to the amended rules and regulations this day adopted, and that hereafter all men admitted or readmitted to the Home shall be required to sign said new form of application. The board then resumed the consideration of the report of the committee on clothing. Returns from the several branches as to stock on hand, requisitions for clothing required at each branch, and price-lists of clothing, &c., were read, and after consideration, the following resolution, offered by Dr. Wolcott, was adopted: Resolved, That the action of the committee is approved and ratified, and the president requested to include the purchase in his estimates for the appropriation for the ensuing quarter. CENTRAL BRANCH. Mr. Gunckel reported as to action of Governor Brown and himself as to increase of water supply at Central Branch: first, in deepening and increasing capacity of the three lakes 1,800,000 gallons; second, digging a large well fifty feet deep, giving 24,000 gallons of pure spring water daily; and, third, purchasing about ten acres of land of James Applegate and W. F. Howell, immediately east of the present lakes of the Home, surrounded by hills and forming a natural basin for an additional lake or reservoir, which, with a comparatively small expense, can be made to hold at least 20,000,000 gallons more, the same being according to plan suggested by Mr. B. Holly and approved by the board at the last meeting. The land is heavily timbered, and was purchased at $230 per acre. Mr. Gunckel also presented detailed statement from Colonel Brown, showing amounts expended and estimate of amount required to complete the work. After consideration, on motion of General Martindale, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the action of Manager Gunckel and Governor Brown be approved and confirmed, and $3,000 appropriated for the continuance of the work in constructing the reservoir or lake on the land so by them purchased for the National Home. The secretary read a communication from Governor Brown, stating that an unexpended balance of $900 remained in hands of treasurer of Central Branch from appropriation made September 20, 1877, for hospital porches, and being in excess of the sum actually needed for construction of the same, and asking authority to use the same in construction of porches to dining-hall, which are greatly needed, and were intended in original plan, but for which no appropriation was ever made. On motion, the request was granted, and authority given to Governor Brown to use the money for the purpose designated. The secretary also read a special report as to progress made in construction of memorial hall at Central Branch, that $10,000 had been expended from posthumous fund, but that the condition of the store fund did not permit the withdrawal of the other $10,000 at the present time, and asking the privilege of borrowing so much of the sum as might |