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The average daily number of beneficiaries present was 691.49, making the whole number of rations issued 252,394. Divide $43,777.50, the cost of subsistence, by 252,594, the number of rations issued, and we have 17.35.

The average cost of daily ration issued to hospital during each quar

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The average cost of daily ration issued to general dining-room during

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The average cost of daily ration issued to the whole Home during each quarter was

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No permanent diet-list is prescribed either in the general kitchen or hospital, but a bill of fare adapted as far as practicable to the season, is prepared daily, and the commissary employés and cooks are required to conform to it strictly. The following transcript of the bills of fare for the last weeks in the months of May, August, and September, will give a fair idea of the manner in which the general table is supplied throughout the year:


May 25.-Beef-hash, bread, butter, coffee.

May 26.-Beef-stew, potatoes, bread, coffee.

May 27.-Boiled ham, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee.

May 28.-Beef-hash, bread, butter, coffee.

May 29.-Boiled beef, gravy, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee.

May 30.-Beef-stew, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee.

May 31.-Boiled ham, stewed codfish, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee.

Aug. 25.-Beef-stew, bread, butter, coffee.

Aug. 26.-Boiled pork, bread, butter, coffee.

Aug. 27.-Beef-stew, bread, butter, coffee.

Aug. 28.-Boiled beef, gravy, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee.

Aug. 29.-Cold roast beef, bread, butter, coffee.

Aug. 30.-Boiled shoulder, stewed codfish, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee.

Aug. 31.-Beef-hash, bread, butter, coffee.

Dec. 25.-Fried sausage, fried potatoes, coffee, bread, butter.

Dec. 26.-Beef-stew, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee.

Dec. 27.-Boiled pork, stewed codfish, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee.

Dec. 28.-Beef-hash, bread, butter, coffee.

Dec. 29.-Beef-stew, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee.

Dec. 30.-Boiled pork, gravy, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee.

Dec. 31.-Beef-hash, bread, butter, coffee.


May 25.-Corned beef, sauerkraut, potatoes, bread pudding, beets, bread, tea.
May 26.-Boiled ham, baked beans, potatoes, stewed prunes, beets, bread, tea.
May 27.-Roast beef, gravy, potatoes, pickles, bread, tea.

May 28.-Barley soup, boiled beef, potatoes, bread pudding, beets, bread, tea.
May 29.-Mutton-stew, boiled beans, potatoes, beets, bread, tea.

May 30.-Roast beef, boiled ham, gravy, mashed potatoes, green peas, lettuce, radishes, strawberries and cream, bread, butter, coffee.

May 31.-Pea soup, boiled beef, baked codfish, potatoes, pickles, bread, tea.

Aug. 25.-Boiled pork, baked beans, potatoes, pickled onions, stewed prunes, bread,


Aug. 26.-Roast beef, gravy, summer squash, beets, bread, tea.

Aug. 27.-Vegetable soup, boiled beef, potatoes, green corn, beets, bread, tea.

Aug. 28.-Mutton-stew, summer squash, potatoes, beets, bread, tea.

Aug. 29.-Boiled shoulder, string beans, cucumbers, bread, tea.

Aug. 30.-Boiled beef, baked fish, gravy, potatoes, green corn, tomatoes, bread, tea.

Aug. 31.-Corned beef, stewed onions, potatoes, tomatoes, bread, tea.

Dec. 25.-Roast beef, gravy, cold ham, mashed potatoes, boiled carrots, coldslaw, beets, onions, pickles, bread, butter, apples, oranges, nuts, raisins, crackers, cheese, coffee.

Dec. 26.-Boiled pork, cabbage, potatoes, beets, bread, tea.

Dec. 27.-Pea soup, boiled beef, baked codfish, potatoes, beets, bread, tea.

Dec. 28.-Corned beef, stewed onions, potatoes, beets, bread, tea.

Dec. 29.-Boiled pork, baked beans, potatoes, stewed prunes, pickles, bread, tea.
Dec. 30.-Roast beef, gravy, potatoes, carrots, pickles, bread, tea.
Dec. 31.-Vegetable soup, boiled beef, potatoes, pickles, bread, tea.


May 25.-Cold meat, pickles, bread, butter, tea.

May 26.-Cheese, bread, butter, tea.

May 27.-Cold meat, pickles, bread, butter, tea.

May 28.-Boiled rice, sirup, bread, butter, tea.

May 29.-Apple sauce, corn bread, bread, butter, tea.

May 30.-Cold ham, pickles, stewed prunes, cheese, bread, butter, tea.
May 31.-Apple sauce, gingerbread, bread, butter, tea.

Aug. 25.-Cheese, bread, butter, tea.

Aug. 26.-Cold meat, sliced tomatoes, bread, butter, tea.
Aug. 27.-Sliced tomatoes, corn bread, bread, butter, tea.
Aug. 28.-Sliced tomatoes, corn bread, bread, butter, tea.

Aug. 29.-Hominy, sirup, bread, butter, tea.

Aug. 30.-Sliced tomatoes, gingerbread, bread, butter, tea.

Aug. 31.-Cold meat, pickled onions, bread, butter, tea.

Dec. 25.-Cold ham, pickles, stewed prunes, cheese, crackers, gingerbread, bread,

butter, tea.

Dec. 26.-Hominy, sirup, bread, butter, tea.

Dec. 27.-Apple sauce, gingerbread, bread, butter, tea.
Dec. 28.-Cold corned beef, pickles, bread, butter, tea.
Dec. 29.-Cheese, bread, butter, tea.

Dec. 30.-Cold beef, beets, bread, butter, tea.

Dec. 31.-Boiled rice, sirup, bread, butter, tea.


The following tabular statement exhibits the quantity and cost of subsistence stores purchased and issued and sold during the year, and

the average price paid therefor, including cost of transportation to the Home:

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As most of the leading articles of subsistence were furnished to the Home under yearly contracts, there was but very little difference in the prices paid during the several quarters, except in the item of flour, of which the average cost per barrel was as follows:

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During the year the old wooden building occupied by the shops has been reconstructed, with a dormitory in the second story, and supplied with heating apparatus, gas, water, and sewerage, affording excellent quarters for fifty-two men. On putting in the new boilers it was found necessary to enlarge the boiler-room, and, the extension being carried up to include the second story, additional quarters for eight men were thereby secured; and over the new milk-house rooms sufficient for a small family were constructed, which are now occupied by the sergeantmajor. Construction, improvements, and repairs during the year have been limited to the following items, to wit:

Constructing, setting, and covering two new boilers.
Enlargement of boiler-room and linen-room....

$10,000 00

2,250 00

New floor, elevator, drains, &c., for boiler-room and coal-room

450 00

Laying steam, gas, water, and drain pipe for water-works from main building to steam fire-engine house

975 00

Laying steam, gas, water, and drain pipe, main building to shops

750 00

404 feet steam-pipe covering

New iron stairs at hospital..

Addition and repairs to farmer's quarters.

200 00

New stone steps main building, and on railroad bank

250 00

150 00

Enlarging and rebuilding shops, labor performed by inmates
New milk-house...

3,263 81

1.281 24

236 37

Repairs and painting barns and stables.

391 50

New wagon-shed, kitchen-stoop, and woodshed

592 38

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Frescoing commandant's quarters and reception-room.

New coffee and tea urns and steam-kettles in general kitchen, and coffeemill

400 00

100 00

865 00

700 00

2,039 86 1,036 44 77200

250 00

Eight new automatic hose-reels.....

Painting Home buildings..

Carpenter work, general repairs..

400 trees purchased and planted, and protected by tree-boxes.......

General repairs on boilers, machinery, water, steam, and gas pipes, &c.....

316 00

1,500 00

385 00

607 32

667 59

300 00

3,912 23

34,926 74

Total cost of new buildings, improvements, and repairs, charged to
Abstract B....

Drain-pipe and tile on farm, charged to Abstract K
Cost of new fountain, charged to contingent fund.

870 98 1,303 02

Total cost of new buildings and improvements during the year..... 37,100 74 The maximum number of men who can now be cared for at this branch is 860, including quarters for 100 in hospital. But, having due reference to health and comfort, no more than 800 ought ordinarily to be quartered in the existing dormitories. We can properly care for all appli

cants entitled to the benefits of the Home who may seek admission during the present winter, unless an unprecedented increase shall occur.

It is probable that the number of disabled soldiers who will desire and be entitled to the benefits of the Home twenty years from now will be quite as large as the number cared for at the present time, and that during the intervening period the number of beneficiaries will be greatly increased. Of those who served in the Union armies and survived the war, a large majority were at the threshold of manhood when they entered the service, and have not yet reached two score years, and are not so largely represented among those who have heretofore availed themselves of the benefits of the Home as are the more advanced in life; but as the younger men advance in years, existing germs of disease incident to the war will develop, wounds will bring premature dependence, business misfortunes will occur, families will be separated, and many who are now manfully supporting themselves will in their declining years be compelled to avail themselves of this beneficent provision of the republic for their sustenance and care. And while the remembrance of their services and sacrifices is fresh in the minds of the people, it will be well to secure permanent and healthful buildings of sufficient capacity to meet every anticipated demand in the near future upon the hospitality of the Home.


The receipts and expenditures on account of the stable during the year were as follows:

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The following is a detailed statement of the sale of stable products during the year:

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