Total amount of current or running expenses, including clothing during the year, $85,824.63. Total cost of keeping each inmate, not including clothing, $137.31. Total amount of current or running expenses, not including clothing during the year, $78,332.74. Total cost of keeping each inmate, not including clothing, $125.31. Question 26b. Give in tabular form, as far as practicable, the articles of subsistence purchased and used, with quantity and price delivered at the Home of the leading articles, as number of barrels of flour, pounds of coffee, tea, sugar, &c., with average prices paid therefor, each quarter, including transportation of same to the Home.-Answer: Give cost of ration for each quarter, and average cost of same for year.-Answer. First quarter, 20.40 cents; second quarter, 20.27 cents; third quarter, 18.50 cents; fourth quarter, 20 cents; whole year, 19.81 cents. Cost of subsistence issued during first quarter. $11,486.29. Question 26d. Have you a regular prescribed bill of fare and hospital list? If so, give copies, and state what are your regulations as to their observance.— Answer. We have a regular BILL OF FARE. Sunday. Breakfast.-Baked beans, pork, bread, butter, coffee. Dinner.-Roast pork, gravy, potatoes, bread, rice pudding, coffee. Monday. Breakfast.-Boiled mackerel, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee. Dinner.-Corned beef, turnips, potatoes, bread, tea. Supper.-Stewed prunes, bread, butter, tea. Tuesday. Breakfast -Meat hash, bread, butter, coffee. Dinner.-Roast beef, gravy, beets, potatoes, bread, coffee. Wednesday. Breakfast.-Irish stew, bread, butter, coffee. Supper.-Peach sauce, bread, butter, tea. Thursday. Breakfast.-Corned beef, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee. Friday. Breakfast.-Boiled mackerel, potatoes, bread, butter, coffee. Saturday, Breakfast.-Codfish hash, bread, butter, coffee. Dinner.-Boiled beef, vegetable soup (or pot-pie), boiled beets, bread. The surgeon orders daily for the sick and convalescent from specialdiet-list-comprising beefsteak, beef tea, chickens, cocoa, crackers, custard, eggs, farina, milk, rice, tongue, sago, gruel, arrowroot, ale, wine, spirits, &c. Question 26f. Have you a store at your branch? Why was it started? How is it managed, and what have been its gross sales and net profits during the year, and what generally have been the uses and purposes to which its profits have been devoted? What have been the moral influences, if any, resulting from its establishment?-Answer. We have a store at this branch. It was started when the Home opened, by authority of the honorable Board of Managers. It is managed by the deputy governor, who employs a sales-clerk. The steward does the purchasing, and issues checks receivable for goods. Gross sales during the year, $19,512.67; net profit, $6,938.38. Profits are expended for the advantage of the inmates, and for the purchase of material not warranted by the regular Home appropriation, such as billiard tables and balls, expenses of theatrical and other entertainments, extra pay for musicians, musical instruments, newspapers, janitor of bowling alley and billiard hall, printing, books, fireworks, and every expenditure for the amusement of the men. The influence of the store is very great, as it provides the men a place to purchase to advantage, and takes from them the plea they would make to go on pass to purchase articles for their requirement. Question 27. State any other facts or matter that will tend to show the working of the Home or the results accomplished during the year.-Answer: There were 148,131 pieces washed in the laundry by six employés during the year. We have eight bath tubs, besides three in the hos H. Mis. 28- -4 pital. All are required to bathe weekly, and in winter one day in every week is assigned to each company. In summer the bathing, except for hospital patients, is all outside, and requires no particular supervision. We have a commodious bath-house, and every one is desirous of availing himself of the sea-water. For decorating flower-beds and borders, we have three green-houses and one brick frame, covering 4,140 square feet, and containing a stock of hot, greenhouse, and bedding plants, numbering 11,450, in 340 varieties; the principal kinds being Amount of sales of greenhouse plants during the year, $145.18. During the year our post-office has sent out 25,349 letters and received 19,365. Newspapers sent out and received, 16,200. On July 1, 1878, the office was made a money-order office, and from July 1 to December 31, 1878, 297 money-orders were sent out, covering $6,865.58. This money was saved from pensions or earned by labor, and with few exceptions sent to dependent families. Number of visitors during the year, 3,500. I certify on honor that the foregoing annual report of the Southern Branch, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, for the year 1878, is correct and just. P. T. WOODFIN, ANNUAL REPORT OF THE EASTERN BRANCH. 1. Question. What is the total number of disabled soldiers and sailors cared for or aided by your branch during the year commencing January 1, 1878, and ending December 31, 1878-Answer. 1,351. 2. Question. How many have been admitted to your branch during the year?-Answer. 267. Question. How many have been readmitted?-Answer. 121. Question. How many dishonorably-Answer. 6. Question. How many have been transferred to other branches?Answer. 45. Question. How many deserted?-Answer. 47. 3. Question. What was the average number present during the year!— Answer. 836. Question. What was the average number present and absent during the year?-Answer. 1,044. 4. Question. Of the whole number supported or aided during the year, how many belonged to the regular Army-Answer. 17. Question. How many to the volunteer service?—Answer. 1,330. 5. Question. How many were disabled during the war of the rebellion?— Answer. 1,340. Question. How many during the Mexican war?-Answer. 2. 6. Question. Of the whole number, how many were colored men ?—An swer. 1. 7. Question. From what State did they come, or in what States did they Question. How many under 40 years of age?-Answer. 2. 9. Question. How many married, with wives and minor children, or either, still living-Answer. 573. 10. Question. How many native-born?—Answer. 568. Question. What the nativity of the latter?-Answer: |