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immunity from disease among the class of men gathered here is due to two causes, viz: 1st, climatic; 2d, the strict enforcement of sanitary and hygienic law in the government of the Home.

The climate of this locality is unsurpassed for salubrity, and great credit is due to the honorable Board of Managers for their selection of this site as a sanitarium particularly adapted to the wants of a special class of beneficiaries of the National Home.

The Board of Health, organized and established by the orders of the deputy governor, of which board the surgeon was designated as chief, have rendered efficient service by the thorough inspection of every department of the Home, and when found necessary issued orders for the sanitary improvement of the same, have through the hearty co-operation of the commandant and the heads of departments been enabled to bring the Home into as perfect condition as its construction and grouping of buildings will permit.

The prevailing chronic diseases at this branch are rheumatism, pulmonary phthisis, bronchitis, asthma, paralysis, and ulcers, the sequence of wounds or specific disease. The diseases most benefited by this climate are rheumatism and select cases of bronchitis. Bronchitis and asthma originating in a dry climate may expect to derive benefit from this, and rice versa. Many cases of general debility without specific disease make rapid and astonishing recoveries.

Cases of consumption, where there is any disorganization of the pulmonary apparatus, receive no benefit from this climate; on the contrary, the disease is frequently hastened to a fatal issue. A few cases of incipient consumption have improved. Heart, brain, and nervous diseases should seek a colder latitude.

Considering the fact that the several branches of this Home are widely separated, and the climate of each different from the other, one being specially adapted to the successful treatment of a certain class of diseases and predjudicial to others, I think the disability and condition of the applicant for admission should be considered in assigning him to his future home.

Attention is called to the percentage of deaths to the number cared for during the year, a rate unprecedently low, and not equaled in the history of the Home.

Very respectfully,

Capt. P. T. WOODFIN,

Deputy Governor.

A. J. HARE, Surgeon.

Question 16.

How many have died during the year and of what disease?—Answer. Twenty-eight beneficiaries have died during the year, including 2 who died outside of, but were buried by, the Home; cause of death, respectively, as follows:


Chronic cystitis..


Disease of heart.

Embolism of brain..

Hepatic abscess..

Impacted biliary calculus.


Phthisis pulmonalis...

1 Strangulated hernia
6 Septicemia...



Question 17.

How many have received pensions; what is the total amount received during the year; how much of this was retained in any way, or for any purpose, by the Home; how much was sent or used for the benefit of dependent wife, child, mother, or sister; how much is still held by the Home in trust for the pensioners, and what amount of interest has been received, or is receivable, on pensions for the year?-Answer:

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[blocks in formation]

Question 18.

What mechanical trades have been carried on at your branch; how many have been so employed, and what has been the total product of their labor, and what net profit, if any, of the same for the year?

Question 18a.

Give in tabular form the gross expenditures, total receipts, and net profit or loss of each shop or trade, as numbers of shoes, cigars, stockings, &c., manufactured during the year.

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NOTE.-Shoemaker, tailor, and harness-maker employed repairing only.

Question 19.

What has been the total products of your farm and garden (each separately), and the net profits, if any, during the year? State in tabular form the product of your farm and garden, giving, as far as practicable, the quantity, value, and disposition of each product.-Answer:

[blocks in formation]
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To subsistence.

To stable.




Net gain.

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What has been the total number of inmates employed for pay at your branch during the year, and what is the total amount so paid for service or labor?-Answer. Number of inmates employed for pay at this branch during the year, 287; total amount paid them for service or labor, $16,337.20.

Question 21.

How many volumes in your library? What increase in number since last year? What number of daily newspapers? What of weeklies? What of magazines and periodicals? In what languages are the above? How many books have been taken out and read during the year? How is the reading-room attended, and how much are papers, &c., read?— Answer:

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They are in English, French, German and Scandinavian languages. Number of books taken from the library during the year, 11,088. The reading-room is crowded from the time it is opened in the morning until its close at 8.30 p. m. The newspapers are given to the sick in hospital when taken from the reading-room files.

Question 22.

How many have attended school, including those for telegraphing, music, &c., during the year? What branches have been taught, and what number fitted to earn their own living?-Answer. There has been no school at this branch during the year, of any consequence; hence none by this means have been fitted to earn their own living.



Question 23.

What means have been used for the moral and religious improvement of the men, and what success has attended these efforts? What religious services, whether Catholic or Protestant, have been held, and how are they attended? What Christian, temperance, or other societies have been in existence, and what has been their total membership during the year?-Answer. In addition to the many games and sports the men have been allowed to engage in during the year, including fishing, sea bathing, yachting, &c., they have been encouraged to form societies for their mutual improvement; these, with a system of discipline whereby disobedients are punished, and good behaviour rewarded, have very materially improved the morals of the men. Christian and temperance societies, together with the weekly visit of the clergy, have been the means used for their religious improvement.

Question 24.

What have been your means and sources of amusement? Have you a band and other musical and dramatic associations? How many lectures, concerts, and entertainments have you had during the year?Answer. Our means of amusement embrace yachting, boat-racing, fishing, sea-bathing, bowling, billiards, foot-ball, quoits, foot-races, walkingmatches, and every form of outdoor amusements in which the men choose to engage. We have a large and commodious smoking-room, suitably provided for games of checkers, backgammon, dominoes, cards, &c. We have a band playing daily; it is a fruitful source of great good to the men. We have two dramatic clubs and a variety troupe. Number of lectures, concerts, and entertainments during the year, 65.

Question 24a.

What new buildings have been constructed, and what improvements to buildings and grounds made, during the year, and what amount expended thereon?-Answer. Buildings for library, reading-room, and smoking-room, also smoke-house, have been constructed during the year at a cost of $2,000; a bath-house cost $700. Alterations to governor's and surgeon's quarters made during the year, at a cost of $3,300. Grounds have been adorned and improved by planting of trees and shrubs and laying brick and concrete walks, at a cost of $500.

Question 24b.

What number of men can you now care for at your branch, having due reference to health and comfort? What is the number actually present at the making of your report? Will the number, in your opinion, increase or diminish during the next three months? Can you properly care for all who will apply during the present winter?Answer. Having due reference to health, we can now accommodate 675. Present, date of report, 700. The opinion of the office is that the number will increase during the next three months. If we overcrowd the Home during the winter months we will be able to care for 725, but must reduce our capacity by the spring 50. Should we have applicants for admission beyond this number we will be compelled to send them away.

Question 24c.

From your experience in the Home and your knowledge of the subject, give your opinion as to whether the number of disabled soldiers who will seek admission to the Home will increase or diminish during the next ten years.-Answer. I would say to this question that from my knowledge of the subject the number of admissions to the Home during the next ten years will increase.

Question 25.

What influence, if any, have the improvement of the buildings, adornment of the grounds, and the several opportunities for labor, instruction, amusement, &c., had upon the men? Is discipline made easier? Are the men improved in character and morals? Are the men contented and happy?-Answer. Everything done to beautify the Home, either in constructing new buildings or improving the grounds, creates a feeling of pride in the men. They feel they are being liberally provided for by a grateful country; consequently, discipline is easier, the men being more contented and happy.

Question 26.

What has been the total current or running expenses of your branch during the year?-Answer. Total running expenses for the year, $85,824.63.

Question 26a.

In answering question 26, give total running expenses of each quarter in tabular form, by abstract, as done in making your account current.— Answer:

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