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The National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Central Branch-Post return for the quarter ending September 30, 1878.


Present and absent.



Total present.

With leave.


Total present


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The National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Central Branch-Post return for the quarter ending December 31, 1878.


The National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Central Branch-Post-return for the year ending December 31, 1878.

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Table exhibiting the average number of beneficiaries present, absent, and sick; the total gain and loss from all causes; the number present on November 30 each year, and the whole number of beneficiaries cared for during each year since the establishment of the Central Branch to and including December 31, 1877 and 1878.

[blocks in formation]

A's the year 1878 closes and 1879 begins, it becomes us to refer to the kind care and disinterested solicitude manifested bythe honorable Board of Managers in the work of the Central Branch for the year just closing. It is a matter of congratulation that no disabled soldier has been refused the comforts of shelter, foed, and clothing who has applied at this Home, and none have been sent away except they have recovered or forfeited their right by misconduct.

Congress may properly demand that the liberal appropriations which from year to year are placed at the disposal of the honorable Board of

Managers shall be so dispensed that no injustice shall be done to the wards of the nation. There seems to be a growing interest with both people and Congress in the welfare of those who served them in the time of greatest need, and thereby lost the ability to properly support themselves and families by manual labor. The year which closes to-day ends the tenth year of my services at this branch. Some of the officers now associated with me have served longer than I, and if it might be considered a compliment, I would say far better than myself. This is the case with Col. J. B. Thomas, treasurer, Rev. William Earnshaw, chaplain, and Mrs. Emma L. Miller, matron, who have served each in their respective positions for more than eleven years. This, too, in positions of honor, trust, and responsibility, and no greater compliment could be paid them than that your honorable board desires them to continue their work. All the other officers of this branch are entitled to the commendation of "Well done, good and faithful servants." I cannot, however, admonish them to "rest from their labors," as they seem to increase from day to day. It may not be considered inappropriate to direct the attention of the honorable secretary of the board to the efficiency, industry, and exemplary deportment of the non-commissioned staff officers, clerks, and sergeants of the several barracks. Many of them have served faithfully for many years. Their universal good deportment, strict observance of all rules and regulations, and prompt attention to the duties of their respective positions entitle them to the highest commendation. This is true, also, of a large majority, indeed I might say of nearly all beneficiaries of this branch. Intentional or vicious infractions of established rules and orders are the exception. The few dishonorable discharges attest the truth of this statement, amounting to less than one-half of one per cent.

In conclusion, we invite the closest scrutiny of the Board of Managers, Congress, and the people to all our acts, believing we shall at all times merit approval, or be ready and willing, if wrong, to accept the admonition of those whose duty it is to supervise our work.

I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,




Question 1.

What is the total number of disabled soldiers and sailors cared for or aided by your branch during the year 1878 ?—Answer. 1,070.

Question 1a.

What has been the total number of disabled soldiers and sailors so cared for or aided at your branch, from its first establishment to December 31, 1878-Answer. 2,144.

Question 2.

How many have been admitted to your branch during the year?— Answer. 187.

How many readmitted?-Answer. 62.

How many transferred from other branches?-Answer. 64.

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