Imágenes de páginas

to memorial hall and church 850 feet, and south to the governor's residence 1,000 feet, with 1,800 feet of return pipes, all in successful operation.

Six hundred feet steam-pipe, extending from hospital boiler-house to epileptic wards.

Three hundred feet each 2 and 4 inch pipe, put into the hospital to replace steam and water pipes put in there several years ago and which had become too small.

Three hundred feet 4-inch water-pipe from western main to hospital supplied with fire-hydrants; 2,000 feet 4-inch water-main from new water-works through the Campus Martus to the center of the camp supplied with fire-hydrants; 2,050 feet 2-inch pipe from new well to the center of the camp for the purpose of conveying spring-water for drinking and cooking purposes; 300 feet 4-inch main put into memorial hall with fire apparatus complete; 200 feet 3-inch pipe connecting eastern water-main with the conservatories; 11,000 feet additional iron pipe, assorted sizes, for steam, gas, and water and repairs have been used during the year; and 1,000 feet of stone drain-tile laid, requiring in all 18,875 feet of ditching at an average depth of four feet.

In the improvements of the grounds 16,824 linear feet of paved gutters have been constructed, 3,675 feet of gravel walks 7 feet wide, 1,500 forest-trees planted, 5,000 shrubs planted, 50,000 catalpa seedlings one year old transplanted, and 35 flower-beds laid out.

The new buildings erected and improvements of the old have increased the capacity of the Central Branch 300 beds.

What number can you care for at your branch having due reference to health and comfort?-Answer. Three thousand five hundred.

What is the number actually present December 31, 1878?—A. Three thousand four hundred and one.

Will the number in your opinion increase or diminish during the next three months?-Answer. It will certainly increase; the net increase to numbers present has averaged three per day for some time past, and this is likely to continue for the next three months. I should not be surprised if we had 3,600 men present by April 1, next.

Can you properly care for all who will apply during the present winter-Answer. The two new brick barracks when completed will give us comfortable quarters for 3,500 men, and by occupying the amusement hall, Brown Guard armory, and continuing the use of the old hospital ward, which we have not yet been able to dispense with, we can care for 3,600.

Question No. 24e.

From your experience and knowledge of the subject, give your opinion as to the number of disabled soldiers who will seek admission during the next ten years. Will they increase or diminish?-Answer. In answer to this question I would give the same opinion expressed in my report for 1877, page 71, viz:

The numbers will increase for some time to come, but under the law now governing admissions, requiring as a condition wounds received or disease contracted in the service, the numbers must decrease during the next decade, for most of those now living and suffering from wounds received and disease contracted in the service will have passed away.

Question No. 25.

What influence, if any, have the improvements of the buildings, adornment of the grounds, and the several opportunities for labor, instruction, H. Mis. 28- -2

and amusements, &c., had upon the men? Is discipline made easier? Are the men improved in character and morals? Are the men contented and happy?-Answer. The continued improvements of the buildings and grounds, together with the facilities for employment afforded by the several shops and other departments of the Home, added to our excellent library, school, memorial hall, and various amusements, have a marked influence on the character and morals of the men, and undoubtedly tend to their contentment and happiness.

Our new music hall, which was completed and formally opened by the honorable Board of Managers and the President of the United States September 12, 1878, has all the appointments of a first-class theater, with a seating capacity of 1,500. We have already had twenty-six entertainments, and many of them of a high order of meri. The National Dramatic Company, the National Minstrels, and German Veteran Association, composed of beneficiaries and a few kind ladies from the city, contributed largely to the entertainment of their comrades during the present winter, for which each and every member of these organizations deserve special mention if space would admit. The Shakspeare and Davenport Clubs, of Cincinnati, and the Dayton Reading Club merit our warmest thanks for favoring us with three excellent plays. Hon. E. T. Carson, of Cincinnati, for exhibition of dissolving views of Europe; Mrs. R. W. Richey and friends, of Cincinnati, who gave us the opera Admiral's Daughter. In addition to which we have had twelve entertainments from outside professional and amateur companies, all of which were well attended.

Our Home is still the center of attraction for the neighboring States and the objective point for many excursions from various localities.

During the past season 62 regular excursions arrived here by rail; 10 reunions of regiments and military organizations from Ohio, Kentucky, and New York; 5 Masonic reunions; 1 Independent Order of Odd Fellows; 1 Knights of Pythias. 115,160 visitors admitted to the Home grounds during the year, and 26,354 vehicles containing visitors entered at the several gates of the Home during the year.

Question No. 26.

What has been the total current or running expenses of your branch during the year? What the average cost of ration? What the average cost of keeping each man in the Home per annum?—Answer. Total current or running expenses during the year ending December 31, 1878, including cost of all uniform-clothing and underclothing issued to the men, and excluding construction and repairs, $375,881.83. Average cost per capita, including clothing, $118.50. Total current or running expenses, deducting cost of clothing, $305,123.10. Average cost per capita, deducting cost of clothing, $96.19. Average cost of clothing per capita, $22.31. Average cost of ration for the year, 17.08 cents.

Below I submit statement showing how the figures were obtained in determining the cost of keeping each man. This statement is taken from the ledger accounts of the varions abstract letters, and exhibits all the charges to each, including internal vouchers between the several departments of the Home.

Statement showing how the figures were obtained in determining the cost of keeping each man

at Central Branch, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, for the year ending December 31, 1878.

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NOTE. The above accounts are taken from ledger accounts in my office, with the exception of Abstracts A and II, which are from reports of steward and treasurer.

R. E. FLEMING, Secret ary.

Average cost of keeping each man per annum, including value of clothing issued for year ending December 31, 1878.

Total expenditure for the four quarters ending December 31, 1878. $686202.48
Less credits shown on accompanying table

Less construction and repairs....













Average cost of keeping each man per annum, deducting value of clothing issued for year ending December 31, 1878.

Total expenditure for the four quarters ending December 31, 1878.. $6×6202.48
Less credits.....


[blocks in formation]

Summary of charges on account of transportation received at Central Branch, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, during the year ending December 31, 1878.

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Report showing quantity and value of clothing issued and sold for year ending December

31, 1878.

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NOTE-Cash received by treasurer on account of clothing amounted to $1,248.41, or $71.44 more than the sales during the year.

Summary of the principal articles of subsistence purchased during the year.

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