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How many treated in quarters?—Answer. At surgeons' call in barracks a daily average of 45 men are prescribed for.

Question No. 16.

How many have died during the year?-Answer. 200, of the following diseases:

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Percentage of deaths as compared with the whole number cared for during the past three years.

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Question No. 16b.

What are your rules as to baths and bathing?-Answer. Every man in the Home, outside of the hospital, is required to bathe at least once a week, making over five hundred baths per day, in barracks. The hospital is also fully supplied with bath-tubs and hot and cold water, which are used as directed by the surgeon.


The laundry and linen-room have been in successful operation during the past year, turning out weekly 23,753 pieces washed, pressed, and mended, as per the following report of Mrs. E. L. Miller, matron:

Report of the operations of the laundry for year ending December 31, 1878.

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All underclothing and bedding when washed are thoroughly inspected in the linenroom, repaired when needed, and reissued good as new

Question No. 17.


1. How many have received pensions?-Answer. 1,675.

2. What is the total amount received during the year?—Answer. $175,732.61.

3. How much of this was retained in any way for any purpose by the Home-Answer. $28,108.83.

4. How much was sent or used for benefit of dependent wife, child, mother, or sister?-Answer. Actually sent by treasurer, $69,680.63. Estimated amount sent by beneficiaries themselves, $40,931.36.

5. How much is still held by the Home in trust for the pensioner ?Answer. $64,421.82.

6. What amount of interest has been received or is receivable on pensions for the year?-Answer. $1,855.32.

The period included in preparing these answers by the Home treasurer is from December 31, 1877, to December 31, 1878, except that relating to interest, which is from October 1, 1877, to October 1, 1878.

The amount given in answer to the fourth question has been obtained from the records of the treasurer's office, and does not include a large sum which has certainly been sent to relatives by the pensioners themselves, which I estimate at one-half the amount paid to them, or $40,931.36. Question No. 18.

What mechanical trades have been carried on at Central Branch during the year?—Answer:

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How many men have been so employed?-Answer. 327.

What has been the total product of their labor?-Answer. $125,630.59. What the net profits, if any, of same?-Answer. $17,075.22.

Summary of mechanical trades carried on at the Central Branch during the year.

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*Harness-shop shows a loss of $131.73, owing to the shop fixtures, stock, and tools having been de.stroyed by fire on the night of the 13th November, 1878.

The soap-shop shows only one man employed, for the reason that all the labor of soap-making is performed by the employés of the laundry.

Question No. 19.

What has been the total product of your farm and garden, and the net profit, if any, for the year?-Answer. $11,619.83; net profit, $2,495.37.

Below is a tabular statement of the product upon which the above profit is based.

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What has been the total number of men employed at the Central Branch during the year for pay?-Answer. 1,974.

What was the total amount paid them for services ?-Answer. $100,958.97.


December 31, 1878.

DEAR SIR: I have the honor to submit my report as chaplain and librarian for the year 1878.

Question No. 21.

Answer. The Putnam Library has 4,108 volumes; increase during the year, 351. The George H. Thomas Library has 6,260 volumes; increase during the year, 329. Total in Thomas and Putnam libraries, 10,368. Total addition, 681.

The number of newspapers, magazines, &c., now coming to reading-room is 257, classified as follows: Dailies, 56; semi-weeklies, 5; weeklies, 174; monthlies, 32. These are printed in English, German, French, Spanish, and Scandinavian. Total number of books read by the men of the Home during the year, 43,433. Average attendance at reading-room, about 900. Number in attendance from 8 a. a. to 8 p. m., about 150.

Question No. 22.

Answer. Number attending school during year, including telegraphy, 106. Branches taught: Arithmetic, algebra, bookkeeping, geography, grammar, history, Latin, penmanship, reading, spelling, and wood-carving.

Number fitted to earn their own living, 4.

Question No. 23.

Answer. Religious services are held regularly in the Home church, as follows: Sab bath-school at 9 o'clock, a. m.; preaching at 10.30 o'clock a. m. and at 7 o'clock p. m. also in the Hospital chapel, for those unable to attend church preaching, at 3 o'clock p. m. each Sunday,

Catholic services are held semi-monthly by priests from the city of Dayton. German ministers of different denominations frequently preach to the German residents of the Home.

The Home Christian Association numbers at this time nearly 300. All the services have increased attendance.

The temperance societies-"Good Templars," "Sons of Temperance," "Murphies and Red Ribbon Brigade"-in all, number over 800 members.

The ladies of the Home's Christian Temperance League, of the city of Dayton, have faithfully held their semi-monthly meetings at the Home during the year.

The Grand Army of the Republic is in better condition than at any time in the past, having a membership of about 200.

The "German Veteran Association," organized for mutual improvement, is in successful operation, numbering about 100 members.

The "Hibernian Benevolent Society" holds regular meetings and is in a prosperous condition.

The "Historical and Monumental Society" is successful in carrying out the purposes of its organization, and will add largely to the beauty and value of the monument in the future.

The "Brown Guard," as an organization, is, as ever, a most valuable and pleasant feature of the Home. In a word, it is a splendid addition to the military aspect of this great institution.

Question No. 24.

The amusement hall has been a constant means of amusement and pleasure to the men of the Home. Gambling is positively prohibited.

The outdoor amusements have been, during the pleasant months of the year, greatly beneficial to those who were able to participate. Much has been done from time to time to make the Home in every way enjoyable to those who have taken advantage of its benefits.

In conclusion, I feel doubly bound to record our sincere thanks to Mrs. Mary Lowell Putnam for her very valuable addition to the Putnam Library during the year. Thanking you, colonel, for your many kindnesses,

I am, respectfully,

Col. E. F. BROWN, Governor.


Chaplain and Librarian.

Question No. 24.

The construction and repairs of buildings and adornment and improvement of the grounds during the year ending December 31, 1878, are as follows:

Balance on three frame barracks erected in 1877

$962 13 15,791 29

Two new brick barracks.

Frame residence for farmer

Three ice-houses

Addition to kitchen and bakery.

Kitchen at governor's residence..

Addition to slaughter-house...

Hospital kitchen, balance to complete it.

Hospital porches

Increased water-supply.

Extending steam-heating apparatus to the church, memorial hall, new bar

racks, and to the governor's residence..

One thousand feet rubber hose..

1, 174 00 3,109 70

716 56

493 32

627 20

105 22

866 10

13, 077 31

3,608 55 990 00

In addition to the foregoing there was expended in the completion of memorial hall during the year..

Which sum has been paid from posthumous, store, and contingent funds.


41,521 38

12, 454 19

53,975 57

The engineer department has performed an immense amount of work during the past year in extending steam and water to the several buildings and keeping the same in perfect running order, by which means the sleeping apartments, shops, memorial hall, and hospital have been kept comfortably warm during the recent cold weather. While the outside temperature for days together ranged many degrees below zero we were enabled to keep up a summer heat in almost all the buildings. The following principal items will give an idea of the extent of the work performed in this department during the year, viz :

Three thousand feet steam-main (on the Holly system), wrapped and incased in timber pump-logs, laid in tile-drained ditches, with bricklined casings for junction boxes every 100 feet, extending from central boiler-house west 1,150 feet to the new brick barracks, east and north

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