Indians, Cherokee, Eastern bands of Inter-State commerce, resolutions of the State Grange of Virginia, Inventory of public property in possession of Clerk of House of Investigation of Judge Blodgett Investigation of Thomas P. Cheney Investigation of John I. Davenport . M. Marsh, O. C., acting president of the Academy of Sciences, report of the survey of the Territories. Memorial of Dakota legislature, removal of obstructions in the 3 Memorial of certain officers in relation to the homestead laws Memorial of the legislature of Montana, asking additional improvements of the Yellowstone and Missouri rivers 1 3 Missouri River, improvement of. Memorial of Robert Christy in relation to assessments in the Dis- Memorial of officers and soldiers in regard to homestead laws. Meyer, J. "The World's money Mississippi River, improvement of Missouri River, removal of obstructions in. Montana legislature, memorial of . N. National Home for Disabled Soldiers, annual report of board of Navy Department, testimony in relation to administration of Public property, inventory of, in possession of Clerk R. Reports to be made to Congress during the third session of the Subject. S. Secretary of War, letter from, transmitting memorial of certain Shelley, Harralson rs., testimony Survey of the Austin-Topolovampo Railroad. Sarvey of the Territories, report of O. C. Marsh T. Testimony as to the administration of the Navy Department. Territories, survey of, Marsh's report Testimony by Judiciary Committee-charges against Judge Topolovampo Pacific Railroad route. |