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he can do and will do to aid in its success. Since æsthetic surroundings are the constant, silent appeal to the better nature of man, that man will do better work and do it more quietly, quickly, and pleasantly in congenial surroundings than otherwise. . . . Work is many times wearisome and monotonous, and the more brightness and beauty that is thrown around the worker the better spirit he can put into his work." The President of a large manufacturing concern in Ohio writes that tasteful surroundings have made it possible for the factory which he manages to get the best men as workers; that their employees appreciate what they are trying to do in making the shops attractive, and that these employees join in any effort to take care of the place and prevent abuse of its privileges. A large manufacturer in Pennsylvania writes: "If you could induce new factories to provide for a garden or small park in connection with their plant, with a summer pavilion where workmen could eat their noon lunch and rest, it would be a fine thing for humanity." From a well-known printer in the same State comes this business creed: "I believe there is a very great business value in having æsthetic surroundings to a business plant. This value is inward and outward both, and, if properly backed up, means better and more business." A prominent manufacturer in Illinois is sure that "there is always more gain in having attractive surroundings than would be lost by the cost of repairing and maintaining proper conditions." A firm of representative manufacturers in Connecticut, who have long been notable for their care for their operatives, declare that they make their mills as clean and attractive as possible, but have very little faith in supplying decorative art to workshops. An Ohio manufacturer does "not believe in spending much time on flower gardens or surroundings," but freely recognizes the good result of "feeding and broadening the intellect, which will mold the surroundings of the workmen "-which is precisely the service that gardens and proper surroundings render.

A very pleasant picture is suggested by a Tennessee manufacturer, who writes: Our mills are covered with ampelopsis and a courtyard walls with the same vines, in the

center of which is a fountain surrounded with a twenty-foot bed of caladiums. These, together with several beds of cannas planked about the yards, make our surroundings attractive in the summer-time. It proves a pleasure to our workpeople and to ourselves. It has taken a long time to convince some business men that there is any profit to be gotten out of beauty; but, on the other hand, there are a great many business men who take a broad enough view of their interests and who have a sufficient knowledge of conditions elsewhere to know that beauty, to put it on the lowest possible basis, is an extremely marketable quality, and that as an investment it often pays a very high per cent. of profit. The consensus of opinion secured by the editor of "Home and Flowers" is encouraging as showing the broadening view of business by able men of affairs, the clearer discernment of the great truth that in order to get the best work out of a man you must first develop the best possible man.

Why Not?

If any reader of this paragraph failed. to read Miss Miner's article on " American Barbarism and Chinese Hospitality" in last week's issue, we hope he will turn back to it and read it now. Whoever is responsible for such an injustice as she describes, the American people will be responsible if they allow it to be repeated in the future. The Outlook believes in a Chinese exclusion law. It believes that we have a right to put such limitations upon immigration as may be required by a due consideration for our own National But these considerations do not welfare. require a law which excludes Chinese students from coming to America to acquire an education to fit them to return and work to promote a higher civilization in China and so secure more cordial relations between China and the United States. It would be a perfectly simple thing to prevent the law from operating to bring about such an exclusion, which it is not the intent of the law to bring about. It would only be necessary to add to the law a clause something like the following:

But the Collector of the Port (or the Secretary of the Treasury) may in his discretion, on

application indorsed by two or more American citizens, admit a Chinese immigrant, on satisfactory evidence that he is not a laborer and that the irregularity or imperfection of his certificate is due to no fault of his.

An inflexible law, allowing no discretion in the administration, is not workable. Some discretion in its application should be lodged somewhere in a Federal official. The evils of allowing such discretion would. be inconsiderable. The evils of not allow

ing it are very serious. It is quite plain

to all observers that the future commercial

prosperity of this country is very closely bound up with the development of American trade with China; and if we are to increase our trade with her, it must be by cultivating the good will of her leading citi zens. To treat representatives of her cultured class as the two young men were treated whose story Miss Miner told last week is to undo the work done by Secretary Hay's splendid diplomacy. The inhabitants on the Pacific coast are interested in

developing commercial relations between the United States and China; the commercial future of that coast depends upon their success in establishing such relations. They ought to take this matter up, and not rest until such a change is made in the exclusion law as will render impossible insult and injury to representative friends of America among Chinese leaders of public opinion.

The Archbishop of Can


It is a good many decades since the dingy palace which Wolsey built across the Thames has housed a man of more typical English temper, of greater courage, and of more force than Dr. Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, who died at Lambeth Palace last week. Among the many forceful and interesting personalities who have crowded English public life during the last half of the last century, Dr. Temple held a foremost position. He was not a great scholar in the sense in which Dr. Creighton, late Bishop of London, was a scholar; he was not a great theological writer; he was not a great preacher, either of the popular type like Canon Gore, or of what has been called the Cathedral type, like Canon Liddon;

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Born on one of the Ionian Islands in 1821, the son of a Governor of Sierra

Leone, Dr. Temple, unlike most Englishmen of his position, was compelled to make his own way in the world. At seventeen he was thrown upon his own resources. "I have known," he said, "what it was to go without a fire because I could not afford one; and I have worn patched clothes and boots." As a boy and youth

he knew at first hand the hard work of the

farm; but he was fortunate in securing what was absolutely essential for his later career, a thorough education. He went to the Grammar School at Tiverton, and subsequently to Oxford, where he made his mark and became scholar of Balliol, the Oxford college which in recent times has been notably associated with scholarship. His election as Fellow and Mathematical Tutor of Balliol gave him six additional years of study in the seclusion and the stimulating atmosphere of Oxford. He was ordained to the ministry in 1846; two years later he became Principal of the training college for teachers at Kneller Hall. In 1855 he became Instructor of Schools, and three years later was chosen the Head Master of the Rugby School, a position which he held for eleven years. His masterful hand was felt in every department of the school; and the two sides of his nature-his keen sense of justice and his bluntness of manner-were both expressed in the well-known phrase of the Rugby boy who wrote to his father: Temple is a beast, but he is a just beast.”


When the famous volume of "Essays and Reviews" appeared in 1860, Dr. Temple's initial essay on "The Education of the World" drew a fire of criticism; and the book was the center of a hotly contested battle of opinions. Two of the essayists were tried and finally acquitted. Dr. Temple's essay, which was regarded as extraordinarily radical at the time of its publication, was a very


cautious acceptance of the general idea of progression in the revelation of truth, and its positions are to-day almost universally accepted.

The opposition aroused by the publication of "Essays and Reviews" came to a focus when Mr. Gladstone in 1868 nominated Dr. Temple as Bishop of Exeter. Dr. Pusey, who was a saint, but a very partisan saint, declared that the selection of Dr. Temple was "the most frightful enormity that had ever been perpetrated by a Prime Minister." Dr. Pusey did not understand that such extreme movements as that in which he himself was a leader always produce extreme reactions. The excesses of the Tractarians gave occasion for the broad theology of "Essays and Reviews." After a hot and prolonged discussion, Dr. Temple's election was confirmed, and for seventeen years he put his whole strength into the many-sided work of an English Bishop, doing everything with energy and decision. In 1885 he became Bishop of London; and, in spite of failing eyesight, he iminediately made his mark on that vast diocese by the vigor and directness of his administration. Many stories were told of his bluntness. It used to be said that an interview with the Bishop of London consisted of three sentences on his part"Who are you? What do you want? No." On the death of Archbishop Benson, six years ago, Dr. Temple was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, being the twenty-seventh who has held a position second in dignity in the English order only to that of the sovereign. Time had ripened without weakening the independence and vigor of Dr. Temple's mind. He had ceased to be a radical in the partisan sense, but he had not parted with his breadth of view or his independence of action. In an address delivered in 1898 he struck the keynote of his administration when he said: "The ceremonial is the order of the Church; the teaching must be to a large extent the voice of the individual." No Bishop in recent years had more perplexing and difficult questions to deal with. The Church has been shaken almost to its foundations during the last three years by the practices of the extreme ritualistic party, the claims of the pronounced Anglo-Catholics, and the

vigorous opposition of the Protestant party in the Church; the disposition of great ecclesiastics to seek the safe rather than the bold course, to speak smooth rather than true things, which has so often brought reproach upon the Church, cannot be charged to Dr. Temple. In a series of addresses on various ecclesiastical occasions he stated the position of the Church on all the points at issue with absolute candor and clearness. His general policy was to permit such a latitude of opinion as the discipline of the Church and the authority of the Bible, as he understood them, permitted. He regarded himself as at the head of a national Church, not the Archbishop of a party; and he stood for tolerance within what he regarded as the legitimate limits of freedom under the Church order and teaching.

Although an old man when he became Archbishop, Dr. Temple has left the mark of his energy and independence on the English Church. Up to the very end, in spite of increasing evidence of failing strength, he performed his duties with extraordinary vitality. The faintness which nearly overcame him during the long and complicated ceremonial of the coronation first directed public attention to his condition, and was the occasion of one of those acts of quick-witted courtesy which are so characteristic of the King. A second similar attack, to which Dr. Temple almost succumbed in a recent speech on the Education Bill in the House of Lords, made it evident that the end was not far off. To the last of his life he lived up to the popular characterization as "The Grand Old Man of the English Church.” With a strong and rugged face, large of stature, a brisk manner, speaking with great energy without notes in the most straightforward English, Dr. Temple was a debater of great skill. Indifferent to the applause of friends or the condemnation of opponents, more anxious to speak what he felt to be the truth than to please or placate, a man of force rather than of charm, of mental vigor rather than of intellectual greatness, but one whose very limitations had a certain tonic influence in a position the traditions of which all lead towards complaisant conservatism, Dr. Temple was a leader of the English Church in a great crisis in its history.



ELHI, the chief city in the Punjab, in India, flashes prominently into the public eye this January on account of the great Durbar-the proclamation of King Edward as Emperor of India. Many English and Americans are already starting to see this pageant, which will be the most picturesque and magnificent since the days of native rulers.

The four most impressive drives in the world are, to my mind, the one from Rome out into the Campagna on the Via Appia, the one under the acacia-trees from Cairo to the Pyramids, the one from the Damascus Gate, Jerusalem, to the Mount of Olives, and the eleven miles between the ruined and desolate tombs stretching from New to Old Delhi. And this history-laden 1oad, the main artery of "all the Delhis," is singularly like the Roman Via Appia. Desolate and mourning over past glories, unmindful of the present, with moss and weeds clinging to its dismantled monuments, it passes between tree-dotted plains, mysterious with untold stories, and oppressively silent. Only an occasional wheel creaks along its ruts, and the modern world seems far away. Here and there, as the morning sun rises, the shadows from the tombs of long-dead heroes shrink away from it and nestle close to the ruins.

And Delhi, the capital of the great Mogul emperors, whose splendors lasted

through five reigns, Delhi, the ancient city, the largest and commercially the most important in the country, filled with the richest historical and legendary associations, is the Rome of India. The old and the new cities that bear the name covered an area of forty-five square miles, and the ancient palaces of marble and sculptured stone occupied parallelograms measuring sometimes fifteen hundred by three thousand feet. Delhi's origin is lost in obscurity; in the tenth century its fame had spread far and wide, and during the great Mutiny it was the chief strategic point of all India. Unless it could be taken, the empire never again would be held by the English; and when, after the desperate attack that demolished the Kashmir Gate, it at last fell, the moral effect brought about the end of the rebellion.

And this winter, in January, when Edward VII. of the United Kingdom of Great Britain will be proclaimed Emperor of India-of that vast continent comprising the realms of Madras and Bengal, of Hyderabad and Rajputana and the Punjab, of Mysore and Bombay-Delhi is the spot chosen for the ceremony. Emperor of India! Think what it means! Lord of a continent stretching from tropical Ceylon to the untrodden and icy peaks of the Kinchinjunga range of the Himalayas, rising twice as high as the highest Alps;

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