Imágenes de páginas


JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1874

Abstracts 598 - 605


598 - L June 27; ed: 4/3,4 - Half of the country is agog over anticipated camp meetings.

The progress of the years is vividly portrayed in these modern camp gatherings. Last summer, a multitude of persons gathered on the bank of a beautiful lake in western New York; great tents were scattered throughout the grove; pretty, white-painted cottages being more numerous than tents. The strange and grotesque pioneer assemblies, which were usually earnest and prayerful, have gone into history.

"The contrast is remarkable, but the meetings were none the less devout and efficacious, because God was worshipped amid all the modern conveniences."


599 L June 27:8/3 - A meeting of the executive committee having in charge the grand Sunday school jubilee met in the Y.M.C.A. rooms yesterday to make full arrangements for the jubilee. Thirty-eight schools reported their willingness to take part in the exercises. The new place selected to hold the jubilee is thought to be better, as the former choice did not find favor with the public at large. It is expected that about 5,150 scholars will participate in the jubilee. (16) 600 L June 29:8/1 - The Willson ave. Union Sunday school held a concert yesterday afternoon in which a delegation from the Y.M.C.A. participated.(1)

601 L July 1:8/1 A meeting of the marshals of the coming Sunday school jubilee was held at the Y.M.C.A. yesterday at which details of the procession were arranged. All pastors are requested to march with the respective Sunday schools of their churches. Sunday schools are urged to be at the appointed place at two p.m. sharp.

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602 L July 2:7/2 At the grand exhibit of the activities of the churches of Cleveland today, 10,000 children between the ages of five and 15 took their places in the procession. The line of march, the sights in the building, the exercises indoors and outdoors, all evidence of the happiness of the day, greeted the great Sunday school jubilee.

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603 L July 7:7/1 The open air meetings held last summer at the corner of Case and Woodland aves. were so popular that they were inaugurated July 5 for this season. Rev. F. A. Horton, pastor of the Memorial Presbyterian church, addressed the meeting Sunday. It is expected that Rev. S. W. Duncan and Horace Benton, Esq., will speak next Sunday afternoon.

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604 L Aug. 8:7/3 The Willson ave. Union Sunday school, at the corner of Union and Payne ave., opened three months ago with about 50 scholars. It has steadily increased since that time and there are now 208 scholars. (2)

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605 L Sept. 5:7/1 - Two clergymen will address an outdoor meeting at the corner of Case and Woodland aves. tomorrow.



Abstracts 606 - 615


606 L Sept. 14:8/1 Union chapel at the corner of Willson and Payne aves. was dedicated yesterday afternoon. A large audience attended the exercises. The services were conducted by the pastors of several city churches. The Union chapel supplies a long felt need in the part of the city where it is situated, and will be largely attended and well supported. (4)

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607 L Oct. 28:8/1 - Prof. E. B. Warman will give a reading at the First Methodist Episcopal church chapel tonight for the benefit of the Dorcas society.

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608 L Oct. 30:8/1 The second reading given by Prof. E. B. Warman last night at the First Methodist Episcopal church was well attended and resulted in a solid benefit to the Dorcas society.

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609 L Nov. 2:7/2 Sunday school teachers met at the chapel of the Y.M.C.A. on Oct. 31 to study the theory of the Sunday school lesson, "The Withered Fig Tree."


The lesson Nov. 7, will be illustrated on the blackboard, by a skillful and experienced teacher, in addition to the usual address by a city pastor. (4)

610 L Nov. 6:7/1 Rev. Charles W. Cushing, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church will conduct the union teacher's meeting tomorrow.

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611 L Nov. 7:7/3 The executive board of the Cleveland Union Sunday School association will hold a meeting on Nov. 9 to perfect plans of usefulness for the winter months. (1)

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612 L Nov. 9:8/3 The union Sunday school teachers meeting held at the Y.M.C.A. rooms on Nov. 7 was conducted by Rev. C. W. Cushing, pastor of the First Methodist church. Dr. Cushing spoke on the "New Commandment," Mark 12:28-34. Captain Mitchell sketched the lesson on the blackboard.


613 L Nov. 10:8/3 - The executive board of the Cleveland Union Sunday School association yesterday planned a series of monthly meetings which will be of interest to the city. Late this month, the place and date of these meetings will be given. (3)

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614 L Nov. 11:7/2 The Cleveland Star lodge No. 29 of the American Protestant association recentley elected and installed the following officers: W. M., B. Swaffield; D. M., T. Ingram; recording secretary, N. M. Campbell; associate secretary, D. Lynch; financial secretary, W. Rammage; treasurer D. Miller; C. C., Lashbrook; A. C., A. Hawkins; J. F., J. Swaffield; 0. T., J. Davis. (2)

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615 L Nov. 12:7/1 A concert will be given this evening at the Harbor st. mission chapel for the benefit of the Sunday school library. H. H. Darby will act as director and will be assisted by Professors Wamelink and Krossen.



Abstracts 616 - 622


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616 L Nov. 14:7/1

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Rev. J. E. Twitchel will address the Sunday school teachers of the city today at the Y.M.C.A. rooms.


L Nov. 28:7/2-6; 8/2-5 See Holidays


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L Dec. 17:8/2 In spite of the unpleasant weather yesterday, the Dorcas society entertained a large crowd at their centennial Boston Tea Party. The hall was appropriately decorated with relics of that time, and the tables were so heavily laden with delicacies that the term "Tea Party" was almost a misnomer. The centennial anniversary will be pleasantly remembered not only to those who assisted in its celebration, but also to the worthy poor of the city for whose assistance the entertainment was given. (6)

618 L Dec. 21:7/2 - The Dorcas society wish to thank, through the columns of the LEADER, the individuals and firms for their kind and generous assistance rendered in connection with the Boston Tea Party given by the society on Dec. 16 at Garrett's hall.


619 L Dec. 25:7/1- In a letter to the editor, "J. D. Jones," Bethel missionary says: Will you please return thanks through your paper to the business houses who have, for the past six years, contributed so generously towards the Bethel Sunday school festival given to the children of this school every Christmas.

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620 L Dec. 28:8/2 One thousand children of the Bethel Sunday school assembled Dec. 26 in the Bethel chapel to enjoy their annual Christmas festival, under the supervision of Loren Prentiss, Esq. They passed an hour and a half in singing, reciting appropriate texts and verses, and in other exercises.

621 L Dec. 31:7/1 A watch meeting to be held this evening in the chapel of the Euclid ave. Congregational church commences at seven p.m. A similar meeting is to be held in the chapel of the First Methodist Episcopal church on the corner of Erie st. and Euclid ave. commencing at eight p.m.

A union of uptown churches will also be held at Memorial Presbyterian church, on the corner of Case and Cedar aves., beginning at eight p.m. The Franklin st. Methodist Episcopal church will hold watch night service commencing at eight p.m.

African Methodist Episcopal




622 L Nov. 26:8/1 A very pleasant entertainment is in store for those who will attend the concert and festival to be given for the benefit of the Sunday school of the African Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow night at Turner's hall on Ohio st.



Abstracts 623 - 628



623 - L Jan. 5; ed: 7/3 - The erection of a mission chapel on the corner of Kennard and Prospect sts. by Stillman Witt, Esq., to the memory of his little granddaughter, Idaka Eells, was mentioned as a gift which the Cleveland Baptist union accepted. Rev. Charles S. Pomeroy of the Second Presbyterian church said he was glad that this house had been erected for the advancement of the cause of Christ, and that he hoped it would prove a shining light to all. Rev. A. J. F. Behrends of the First Baptist church said in his address, "The work that is to be done by the officers and teachers of this chapel is a union work and a work in the cause of a common Saviour." The gift is a fitting tribute to one whose loving spirit suggested such a noble monument.

624 L Jan. 17:7/1 - Rev. 0. D. Patch of Illinois will preach tomorrow at the mission church of the Free Will Baptist church, at the corner of Scovill ave. and Putman st.

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625 L May 18:8/2-4 The third meeting of the Judson Missionary society was held last evening at the Second Baptist church. After the opening exercises the president, A. T. Osborne, said that with men of talent and generous hearts as its managers, the society is doing a work of spreading the gospel, the importance of which but few realize.


The treasurer, S. H. Chisholm, reported the total amount received during the year was $311.65, total amount of expenditures $311.65. George A. Rudd presented his report of 198 visits upon the sick, 49 calls made on unconverted persons, 121 personal appeals made, relief offered to needy persons 91 times. At the close of reports and remarks, the annual collection was taken up.

The following are the officers for the ensuing year: President, A. T. Osborne; vice president, C. E. Church; recording secretary, J. B. Esty; corresponding secretary, Ella Judd; treasurer, Mary Rudd.

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626 L July 8:8/4 The Negro members of the Wayland seminary troupe from Washington, D. C., will give a literary and musical entertainment tomorrow at the First Baptist church, at the corner of Superior and Erie sts. It is well worth attending, judging from the praise received from the press of other cities.

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627 L July 16:8/1 The members of the Young People's association of the Euclid ave. Baptist church desire to express their thanks to Capt. Joseph Waltman and A. S. Clerk, clerk of the steamer GAZELLE for their kind and gentlemanly attention to please and accommodate the group on their excursion to Put-in-Bay.

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628 L Aug. 17:8/2 The second anniversary celebration of the Garden st. Baptist mission Sunday school was held in the chapel on the corner of



Abstracts 629 - 635

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Baptists (Cont'd)

CHURCHES & SECTS Garden st. and Baden ave. The exercises were presided over by superintendent I. P. Chandler. The officers of the Sunday school are: Superintendent, I. P. Chandler; assistant superintendent, L. W. Tatum; secretary and treasurer, William Arqauhart; librarian, William Dodd.

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629 L Oct. 6:7/1 Rev. B. F. Ashley of Youngstown, O., began his duties as pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist church, at corner of Scovill and Sterling aves. on Oct. 4. Rev. Frank Remington was retired because of ill health.


630 L Oct. 20:7/2 - Rev. A. J. F. Behrends delivered an able and interesting discourse on Oct. 18 at the First Baptist church, reviewing the recent address of Professor Tyndall at Belfast.


631 L Nov. 30:8/3 - Services were held at the First Baptist church last. night in the interests of the Cleveland Baptist union's annual meeting. The audience listened with interest to the addresses of Rev. S. W. Duncan, Rev. G. H. Fredericks, and Rev. A. J. F. Behrends. They made strong appeals for the increase of missionary work. The fifth annual report was read.


632 L Dec. 7:7/3 Rev. A. J. F. Behrends preached an interesting sermon last evening at the First Baptist church. He took his text from Matthew 20:6. "Why stand ye here all the day idle?"

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633 L Apr. 13:8/4 Yesterday afternoon a meeting of delegates from all the Irish Catholic societies of the city, was held in the cathedral. The object was to decide upon a plan for uniting the societies, and calling them out on occasions of public celebrations. About 30 men were present. Resolutions were offered and adopted which severely criticized and condemned the Irish Literary society.

634 L May 11:8/1 At a meeting of representatives of the Irish Roman Catholic societies of this city held at Father Mathew's Temperance hall, a new organization was effected which is to be known as the Catholic Central association of Cleveland.

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635 L May 16; ed: 4/2,3 About a year ago all of Roman Catholic Europe was seized with a desire to visit the Shrine of the Sacred Heart at

Chamolais, in France. This caused thousands upon thousands to travel day




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